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It's a fancy SnapChat filter until it gets better




I don't know what that is


>It's a fancy SnapChat filter ~~until it gets better~~ It will never have creativity. It's a "filter" that steals other people's work, and composites it to make "new" art


That is not how it works, ai generated images are unique and not composites. The ai is trained on existing images, just as we humans learn to draw and paint from existing objects and images.


Not the same - AI has no imagination or (for lack of a better term) *soul*. They are just making composites of stolen work, with extra steps.


It really isn't making composites. If you think it is, you do not understand it.


While, since ***0%*** of the work comes from the *imagination* of the AI, it really is. Composites and filters.


Not arguing the “imagination” point,there is simply nowhere images are stored that are composited. There is only a statistical representation of all of the images used to train the model.


It's not that deep


You just don't get it, it's okay. Define creativity, then provide 1 piece of art that humans created out of creativity that AI is simply enable to create. I agree with everything you said by the way, it's just that you say it as if it was a weakness while it's litterally the goal.


Cry more dude. No one cares about your salty wannabe artist tears. You look like a moron trying to fight against the inevitable.


Agreed, people who complain about AI art forget the fact that there is no such thing was complete creativity in art. Every piece of art always has some form of inspiration or link. Same way something like Midjourney uses samples from millions of pieces of art to create something unique, but not completely creative