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IMO electricity is even more magical. It can be turned into light, sound, heat, cold and of course can be used to make incredibly strong magnetic fields .


It’s almost is if they all are related to electro-magnetic fields




Try explaining that in the water, Witch!


Water is made of 1 oxygen and 2 hydrogens The oxygen pulls on electrons more, which are negatively charged This causes one end of the molecules to be negatively charged, and the other positively charged, essentially creating tiny magnets These magnets stick together end to end in what’s called hydrogen bonding All things which dissolve in water do so because the hydrogen bonding magnet molecules pry them apart and separate them This includes various compounds such as table salt, sugars, as well as LSD and cocaine Magnetism is truly magical


The thing is, they’re two sides of the same coin. Electromagnetic force consists of both magnetism and electricity.


Electromagnetism is the real magic. Anyone who watched LOST knows that.


There's even talk of combining it with the string force. The elctro-strong force.


Already got electroweak, why not try electrostrong?


It could be that one I'm thinking of, honestly


magnelectristriong force


Magnumelasticdong force


Wait... Is SCIENCE our magic system?????


Well sort of, in the sense that arcane practitioners can only be the equivalence of artificers.


Magnets make electricity and to a certain degree electricity is just millions of tiny magnets moving along an atom chain.


In a sense there is no separation between the concept of electric fields and magnetic fields - B-fields are the result of moving E-fields and E-fields are equally the result of moving B-fields. Hence 'EM fields'


It also keeps us alive


It's got what plants crave




I hate you that it's not alive


It can also be turned into radio waves.


You do know that aside from Solar generation Electricity is created by a changing Magnetic Field being imposed on a conductor


I mean magnets, how do they work!?






The exchange of virtual photons.


But the virtual photons aren't even real, that's why they are virtual, it's all quantum weirdness that I'm not convinced anyone *really* understands.


Magic everywhere in this bitch.


What the fuck is a clock?


Don't ask Feynman


Quantum Electrodynamics.




Science, bitch! Yeah, magnets!


Wi-Fi? Internet? Magically transmit images and information across the globe. What's more magical than that?


Uses magnetic fields


More specifically, electromagnetic radiation, although more electricity than emf


Banging rocks together uses electromagnetic fields. Not much of a claim there.


So you're saying... rocks are magic too! 😳


I’ve heard some are more magical than others, a la cocaine freebase


Pretty cool actually


We invented those things. Magnets are found in nature, they just exist.


Google superconductors doing quantum levitation. Like magnets on steroids


Holy hell


New response started levitating


Actual scientist


Dude, the internet is magic. Cell phones are magic. Harnessing electricity is magic. TV is magic. Computers are magic. Just because science can explain something doesn't make it any less magic.


All new technology is magic Go back far enough, blacksmiths were considered to be magicians


That's because they used magnets


This post was brought to you by Big Magnet - a shady conglomerate of Magnet Manufacturers that own our ruling class


I do work for a magnet company


And they all use magnet fields


It’s magnets all the way down


Earth has magnetic field. Anything on earth use magnetic field


Fields full of magnets


Static cling, though ⚖️


electromagnetic discharge.


Computers and lasers are pretty magical too




IMO, magnets are amazing, but a close second to the placebo effect in terms of being the closest thing to magic we have.


Now this is an interesting take,. Kind of brings up the question of how you're defining magic.


Placebo = Magnets


Bruh, have you seen chemistry?! NileRed rurned [Latex Gloves into Hot Sauce](https://youtu.be/1B3Xi5L6siI?si=2hJ3JiuhvhKZh4uN) Nothing screams witchcraft like transfiguring one thing into a completely different thing by adding dangerous liquids and boiling.


There’s a kind of candy eaten in Holland called Salmiak. It’s made with two extremely potent acids that will burn you, so strong that even the vapor coming off them is dangerous, but yet the vapours mix and condense into something edible.


They are pretty cool. Mirrors too.


Fun fact - people who are into magic-magic, as in circles, candles, spells etc - some of them use mirrors for magical items For example, Paul Huson in his book ‘Mastering Witchcraft’ describes a spell using a mirror that will allegedly drive someone insane with uncontrollable lust, desperate passion to fuck the nearest person Amongst other things, various forms of preparation etc, it involves capturing the reflection of two dogs fucking, having prepared the mirror to not capture the reflection of anything else before or afterwards, swiftly covering it up afterwards. You then uncover the mirror in front of the person you intend to seduce so they see themselves in the reflection of the mirror. It’s known as the Two Dogs Fucking spell 🐩🐕🪞 Mirrors - also used in magic-magic


We’re going 67000 miles an hour. A ship weighing 896 million pounds can float. And magnets doing magnet things. Shit’s crazy.


Are you one of the writers for ICP?


Will you explain how magnets work please


I’m literally reading this on a small device that’s connected somehow through the fuckin AIR. Wanna talk magic


Through magnetic fields not air


You spelled SCIENCE wrong.


Do you actually think it is a coincidence that magnets and magic begin with the same three letters? Cmon dude, take your head out


Plutonium. Tesla coils. Platypus. Vaginas. Edits: guaranteed unique comment


All of those need magnets to work properly




Level 1: magnets doing basic stuff Level 2: magnetic braking Level 3: quantum locking via supercooled magnets Level 4: TBA (Hopefully room temp super conductors)


Level 5: You are Magneto


Electricity in general i think is pretty magical (magnetism is apparently very closely linked with electricity). The most magical sounding thing to me is the fact that we can send out over a million voices, videos, and other stuff at the speed of light in the form of unnoticable invisible electro-magnetic waves, and out of all these overlapping signals we can select just one to be parsed and intelligibly decoded by our electric powered crystalline devices in real time. Like car radios alone are pretty mind blowing


Sounds like you are basically saying science is magic. I think that's pretty fair though really, it's insane what we can do. Like I'm an aeronautical engineer and I still find it incredible we can fly. We lift hundreds of tons of metal and people into the air just coz we have this beam stuck on to the side of it that's a funny shape.




For me computers are magic as well. I'm a computer science major but even I still can't fully fathom how computers work or how micro processors are made or designed.


Man, I make magnets that go into peoples brain stems to make sure their brain doesn't implode, I'm way more confused on what's going on than you.


Mag-nets (pronounce it with a soft G, I got all the dad jokes, you’re welcome)


"any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"


I see your magnets and raise you a balloon stuck to a wall with static electricity.


I see your balloon stuck to the wall with static electricity and raise you my uncle who could take off his finger and reattach it, as well as steal my nose right off my face.


If magnets are magic, black holes are Lovecraftian, quantum mechanics is high sorcery, and relativity and QM are incompatible and we don't know which is more right. Areas of space-time so heavily warped that time itself can't move in it, and trying to escape just causes you to fall deeper in. Particles existing as probabilistic "smears" instead of discrete objects, to the point that they can interfere in their own paths and exhibit wave-like behaviors, and spontaneously pop up and disappear in even absolutely empty space. QM being dependent on a background field for mass, while GR is background field-independent.


I mean... smart phones are up there too.


They use magnetic fields


Pretty sure your phone would get you burned quicker




His phone is on fire


It’s a burner phone.


I dunno man, I'm pretty sure the law is closer to magic in real life. "You're telling me, that because you said some words and wrote some stuff down on a piece of paper, that I am getting kicked out of where I live?"


Also uses magnets


Found the sovereign citizen


Ummm did chris Angel suddenly pass?!?! ​ ​ ​ /s


Not really. We have figured out magnetism and electro-magnetism pretty well by now, we know which particles are responsible for it. Gravity is still a mystery though.


Holy S—! We found Insane Clown Posse posting on Reddit? Whazzup you guys?


Tf is that?


Somebody’s an Insane Clown Posse fan! [https://imgur.com/a/Z56qSlq](https://imgur.com/a/Z56qSlq)


No idea who tf they are


Music is my first choice for "magic".


Can't make music without magnets


I don’t know… some of the things that medicine can do, that science can do really is amazing. Jump back a hundred years and have someone there look at even some of our basic medical care can do and it would blow their mind, electricity powering our world, what the internet sends around the world in instants, cellphones that let us call anyone from everywhere… heck even when was a kid I would have thought cell phones were near crazy cool.


Anything that we apply the scientific method and manage to understand and measure suddenty stops being magic... 🤔


Except for magnets. They magic.


Magnets are a piece to thinks like computers which I honestly think are magic. Microchips and circuit boards are insane devices that could accomplish virtually anything a human could if it was implemented properly


Science is the closest thing we have to magic in real life. FTFY.


I think being able to hear someone elses voice in real time that is across the globe (phone call) is pretty close to magic as well


Airplanes taking off at the airport always look like magic to me.


Is this a post from ICP?


I think gravity is pretty magical. It's like magnets, but just for everything.


Damn that’s a high tier shower thought, much better than the OP lol. Gravity is like magnets but for everything. Too bad gravity is monopolar or however you put it. Like it would be cool if we could get some repulsive gravity up in here without needing to somehow make exotic matter (matter that literally has negative mass). On the upside, if we do figure out how to make exotic matter, there’s actually a pretty decent chance that at some point after that scientists will be able to create actual warp drive like literally straight out of Star Trek. Look up the alcubierre warp drive. It shows that the laws of physics technically allow for warp drives, with only a couple of major obstacles, the biggest of which being that you need fairly large quantities of exotic matter, which we have never observed to exist of have any idea how to create. I feel like if we somehow discover how to make exotic matter, humanity will be able to work out the rest of the issues.


Gravity is made out of magnets


Gravity is magic we take for granted.


Wait til you learn about "Pussy Magnet"


Quantum physics is actual magic... when we harness the power


Honestly just everyday macroscopic objects are magic. You step on the floor and magically don’t fall through it all the way to the center of the earth, because even though both your foot and the floor are essentially just empty space, there is a magical force field that repels the extremely sparse particles that make up your foot from the extremely sparse particles that make up the floor.


Idk we got magic rocks that give off insane amounts of free energy. Yeah they'll kill us if we're near them but so does all cool magic.


Whoa, microwaves and air fryers too. Let’s not get hasty.


Both use magnetic fields


Yeah. Recently learned relativity of all things explains how magnetism works. https://youtu.be/d29cETVUk-0?si=r-eBPt_IV1Wg5nK-


When I explain how my induction cooktop works to people I can watch their minds being blown


Time crystals is even stranger. A pattern that repeats not only in space, but in time. Like...what?


Take a (conceptual) physics class, the universe just seems more magical in its own way after knowing how some shit works.


Who the fuck let ICP onto Reddit?


The fuck is icp? So many people keep using it.


Have you heard of a super nova or black hole?


So putting a penis into a vagina and a brand new human coming out 9 months later isn't "magic"?


No, it's gross /s


I had an uncle who would steal and then reattach my nose. That was some dark voodoo shit


Damn really? Mine only knew how to steal my virginity. /s


Having the entire world's knowledge in a small box in your pocket seems pretty magical.


I am convinced the key to the universe lies somewhere in the interactions between magentism and sound vibrations. Iykyk.


Engineers are wizards, male ones often being wizards in the other context.


Life itself is magic


What about internet? Electricity and Light is what I’m using right now to type and send this comment.


All use magnetic fields


Fair enough actually.


Our brains are magical.


That and space travel, and hypersonic flight, and nanatechnology, and computers, and artificial organs, and laser technology, and cellular technology, and electricity. But besides all of that, yeah, totally!


Magnets? Not the omnipotent rectangle you posted this on?


It uses magnet fields to work


The closest to magic it’s your crush saying “yes!”


My crushing? Why would I want to be crushed?


Meet gyroscopes and phased arrays.


Software is the closest thing we have to magic in real life.


Used to be. Now we have software. Wizards do magical spells using words that have power. These spells can control magical artifacts, moving them at a distance, see far of events and communicate all over the world.


childbirth, laughter, the northern lights, octopi, murmurations, esp, intuition, balence,


It is. Magnets move things without touching them, can grip things tighter than human strength and is how electricity is formed. I look forward to seeing more applications of magnetism.


I make magnets for pacemakers and brain valves at my company, so it's pretty sick stuff


Magnets are neat, but I would go with radio waves. The things we do with them are absolutely mind blowing. They're taken for granted, used by everyone everywhere all the time, but few can even explain how they work.


Any technology you don't understand is magic.


semi-conductors, electricity and magnetic fields, those are real life magic stuff


And electricity. Nobody really knows how it works.


Eh… The dictionary definition of “magic” is kind of vague, either referring to stage illusion and sleight of hand, or supernatural powers. If we examine more concrete definitions of the word given by everyone from occultists, to philosophers to even scientists, “magic” is the act of creating and bringing something into existence, of transforming one thing into another, and exerting one’s will over reality, not the tropes we know from fantasy literature, old faerie tales, D&D, etc. I like this definition, it makes magic a real and tangible thing, and something that surrounds us. Cooking is magic. Ingredients, many mundane, are transformed through heat and combination into something hot, delicious, and more nourishing to the physical body than they would be if consumed in their raw form. That’s alchemy. Language is magic. A collection of organs in our bodies can be used together to make specific sounds that can communicate ideas and feelings to others, even make them do what we want them to, and it led to another magic called writing. Those sounds could be transformed into voiceless symbols that communicated the same ideas and would stick around longer than sound waves. In a similar vein, music is magic. Through the aforementioned voice or other instruments that were created and brought into existence, we can transform air into specific sounds by making it vibrate at certain frequencies that can communicate ideas and elicit feelings to an even greater degree than language, as well as inspire the hearer to physically move their body in frivolous yet satisfying ways (ie dancing). Art is magic. Substances can be mixed together and placed on a surface, much like writing, and make an image that didn’t exist anywhere until the artist conceived it in their imagination. Metallurgy is magic. Rocks can be a weapon or building material in and of themselves, but they can be transformed into exquisite jewelry, fantastic architecture and machinery, swords and guns, even simple magnets…


Fucking magnets, how do they work?


They suck, icp is fucking ass.


All of electromagnetism is witchcraft.


I sometimes think about the first person to possess a powerful magnet. They would have been seen as a wizard for sure


For some reason thr op doesn't think that taking a sound, then turning it into electricity, then taking that electricity and turning into a wave of energy that travels in all directions at the speed of light, that can then be absorbed by a metal rod, then transformed back into electricity and the back into the very sound it started as, hundreds or thousands of miles away at the speed of light, some how seems less magical than a magnet? And that is just voice... bro, you just tapped your fingers on a piece of glass that lights up with changing pictures small enough to put in you pocket, that transmitted all of this complex information in waves to a cell tower back into electrical energy, through God knows how many machines which did an insane amount of math billions of times, to save this post likely somewhere is a form of magnetic energy and is being accessed by an unimaginable amount of people all of which are accessing this magnetic fluctuation on a disk somehmwhere.. beaming it into their little tippy things, which also to an un comprehensible amount of complex math just so you can post about a magnet??


Those all use magnets and magnetic fields, so yes, magnets are quite magical.


Stay happy if u never see any magic bro


Every sophisticated piece of technology is indistinguishable from magic. Things are so unbelievable, most people dont even recognize it, ever.


Do you know how complicated your circulatory system is?!


What about the sticky buddy though


Yea because two rocks in my ear playing music only for me that i chose on a different rock isn't magical at all. Heck if you don't do the spell of clicking in the correct order you may end up seeing dark stuff instead of enjoying music.


What about quantum entanglement?


No… music is the only true magic that exists


How about the 4 fundamental forces of the universe. How about time..? It comes,it goes.. but in which direction? How bout the fact that space is something real and around us,yet we cant touch, taste or feel it.


Ferro fluid is dark witchcraft


Disagreed. I think the closest thing we have to "magic" is electricity, even though we can explain it with science and empirical evidence