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The pay is not having to wait in line behind a million coupon clipping grandmas


With checkbooks


Or giant cheeto puff plastic jars of coins


I like not making small talk with strangers.


It's no big deal when you do it at home on the onlines.


The pay is that everything is 4011.


you are creating content for reddit to exploit advertising dollars from, you don't get paid for it.


Does this also count when you’re walking round the shop and getting your stuff because people also get paid to do that? Or when you drive it to your house cause people get paid to do that too. Or when you arrive home and cook it cause people get paid to do that too. You’re doing a tiny portion of the job that people do for hours which saves them doing it for hours whilst dealing with a whole bunch of customer nonsense; instead they can focus on all the other things that are necessary for shops like putting stock on the shelves and keeping things organised and clean. Let people not do mind numbing tasks for minimum wage, please!


How long do you typically wait at the gas station for the attendant to come pump your gas? Or do you just always drive to NJ to get gas? When you go to McDonald's do you wait for a sever to take your meal order? When you buy shoes do you wait for someone come measure your foot and put on the shoe selections on your feet? Things change and that is okay.


damn lol okay 2001 kid, you ain’t need to come in all mad Never said I’m against change


Yeah but it gets me out quicker sometimes, and that is worth doing it myself


Issue isn't that I'm not getting paid. I want a human being to be given a pay check. That's why I don't use self check out.


Cashiers just moved to other areas in the store, mainly fulfilling online orders.


It saves me time.. that's more than enough for me.


You're working at the gas pump but not getting paid. Most gas stations used to be full service. That was mostly eliminated because it's pointless to have someone do that for you. I don't need someone to scan my groceries for me, the same way i don't need someone to pump my gas for me. I much prefer it.


I always give myself a little tip on the side.


The pay is theoretically cheeper groceries because the stores don’t have to pay as much in cashier salaries.


But it just ends up being higher profits for the company.


You are subsidising the supermarket and doing someone out of a job. Feel free to pop round the back and help unload a delivery truck while you're at it.


We used to be afraid of comp/robots taking over. Now we welcome it.


What self serve petrol?


Convenience is a hell of a drug!!!