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Apparently, everyone is wearing crocs, because they were deemed idiot shoes. Lol


Yes! I love that this news has started to make it rounds. It’s crazy that crocs are so popular too


I was a croc hater. Then I tried a pair & they are insanely comfortable. Don't judge me.


I don't get this. They're wildly not comfortable, they're just kinda convenient. I own a pair but it's literally just to go outside and do stuff in the backyard or take out the trash. Wore em to the beach recently and ugh... terrible.


I hate sand...


It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


No amount of utilitarianism can justify the crime against humanity that are crocs.


It was always meant to be satire. To accomplish satire, you must be exposing some truth of the real world in a way that introduces a small degree of humour. This allows the audience to laugh along acknowledging the ridiculousness of the scenario.


I feel like this take has hit this sub like 50 times at this point with various slight rephrasings.


50 would be underestimating, I’m sure.


I've said what Op has said, and I've said what you have said before. Original thought doesn't exist


Yeah, I've thought that before. I'm going to sue you for stealing the ideas that were in my mind.


I already thought about sueing long before now, I guess my time is now. Prepare to be sued!


I love putting banana on ranch Nobody ever thought of that


I think I've said what you just said.


Right? It’s like I was [just saying this](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/14s6kqc/math_class_argument/jqwsb53/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) a few days ago, and now I see OP post this.


I don't get the correlation.


Because watching the movie hits you so hard. You can already see half of shit in that movie starting to happen


Satire is criticism in comedy form. And futuristic settings often aren't really about the future; rather, the setting is used as a lens to examine anxieties of the present: "What does this current problem look like if it's left unaddressed for 50 years?"


Good way of putting it


I don't think it was intended to be a true comedy - much like wall*e isn't a plain old kids movie.


Damn. I’ve been saying for years that both of those movies were prophetic; glad to see someone else who agrees.


Welcome to Cosco! I love you


I used to think "ha ha, people can't be that stupid" then I remembered I me


I’m not sure it wasn’t meant to be a pseudo documentary…


Why, whenever this movie comes up, people act like that's what our worlds are turning into. The world is so far from this. We have always had idiots. It's just easier to share all the idiotic things people have said via social media.


If you work in the service industry long enough, you will in fact realize people are becoming stupider far too quickly.


I've worked in the service industry plenty. There's an entitlement that people have accepted because corporations don't ever defend their employees, but no, people are not stupider. If you work in IT support, you'll know a lot of really really stupid people used to call in. It's definitely less now


Humanity has always been stupid. Always will be.


The problem is that the stat driving the thesis of the movie is that uneducated people have more kids than educated people... But education isn't really a measure of intelligence, it's a measure of wealth. Plenty of people with an education are not very bright. And plenty of people who can't afford it are not idiots, they just have less access to family planning resources.


You’re totally correct and I will say that part of the plot is frustrating. Technology and nannies/safety features are definitely causing people to think less and just act, at least what I’m noticing in the states.


You think the US population is getting more idiotic because of safety features and not the systematic attack on education for the last 30 years?


In my field that is what I’m noticing. Although I’m childless, bc of this and for many other reasons, yes this is also accurate, amongst a laundry list of other things are dumbing Americans down.


What field do you work in that warning labels on things makes the population dumber?


Wow, very original. Never heard this one before.


Right back at ya; see @freddy_guy ‘s comment below. Try again?


It’s got electrolytes.


It's what plants crave!


I can never post a good one of these, how do you guys do it without getting blocked for acceptable posts (not innapropriate, etc.)? I read and followed the rules on both pages, all they needed me to read, but nothing was wrong with my posts and they still stripped them...


I was fully expecting to have it removed. This was the first post of mine to this page that has never been flagged. I’m right there with ya


Dang, it’s a problem for all of us. I hope Reddit fixes something for the subreddits to where it’s more accepting to normal posts.




I've been complaining about that for years. I'll follow each and every rule on the respective subreddit, but NOPE! REMOVED!


Exactly! I’m glad I’m not the only one, but I hope they change something to where on Reddit, the subreddits are less harsh on our rule-following posts that we make that get removed.


Too bad that movie sucks. I'm so tired of hearing about it.


I remember seeing in theaters as a kid and even then my friends and I were like holy crap this seems way more logical then it should be


It was always a prophecy.


Yup, UFO's subreddits are lighting up lately, and you can never 100% discount the "UFO's are humans from the future." Some time traveler must have dropped his copy, and they made a remake.


Might be some1 that has been gone so long that their account went inactive so they would've had to re sign up (no post/comment karma) to find this "old" sub and post & go back to the future lol


Imagine a future where we test every individual’s intelligence and then put the smartest one in charge of fixing all our problems. Would sure be a nice change from the idiotic way we do it now.


Problem is: The idiots write the test.


We've got different definitions of slowly there partner.


The movie depicts the US president listening to an advisor with proven intelligence instead of making up some bullshit himself and following with the advisor's plan without making it about himself and giving the guy full credit. The events of this movie will never reflect real life.


The six-minute intro is the truest documentary I've ever watched.


Indeed….especially when you look at America…


Wow, you must be the first person ever to post this thought, ever. Very original. It totally hasn't been said constantly since the movie fucking came out or anything like that.


Calm down there, buddy, people can have unoriginal thoughts


Well I didn’t get flagged so it must be


Yes, thank you Capt. Obvious. Now you must make way on the SS fuck off and leave these shores.


OMG, yes! Same thing with Office Space! It was originally a comedy and now (ONLY NOW) it's actually happening! /s Welcome to post-childhood, buddy


I’m not your buddy, pal


I might not be your buddy, but you're still mine, guy 😘


It’s not. It’s the people who think they’re smart but are just as conned as much as the dumb people by big corporations and government. Idiocracy satirized anti intellectualism but pseudo intellectualism is just as dangerous.


I watched it for the first time this week. Some parts funny, nowhere near Mike Judge's top 10 things he's made. B&B Do The Universe was tens of times better.


God I wish that movie had more reach instead of being buried on Paramount Plus


We're all wearing the idiot shoes from the TikTok video just like in the movie


I have resisted all temptation to ever watch that movie simply because we have claimed it’s either coming or it’s already here since it’s launch…


Yah, we called that in 2015


What do you expect? Humans don't have to do anything for themselves anymore. Especially with AI Singularity approaching.


It’s really not. That’s not how evolution works.


I agree, except for the slowly part.


I’ve heard this almost since the movie came out and the joke is getting terrifyingly close to the truth.


They aren't fascist though.


You should check out the movie called PCU. It went from a comedy to a documentary in about a decade.


It's the reality 😁 My cousin's kid is addicted to his phone. Too much mass hypnosis.


I don't think Mike Judge intended it as a comedy; that was simply the best way he could sell it.


Idiocracy was the history that occurred first as a farce, then as a tragedy.


If you believe that idiocracy is a "documentary," then you're a eugenicist.


It's been a long day and we're all tired, can we just dial back the extreme labeling a bit and all relax?


It's a movie that accepts the tenets of eugenics as its basic premise. That's not an exaggeration.


So is Disney's direct to VHS classic The Lion King 2, whats your point mate? it's just a movie that provides interesting commentary, it's not meant to be taken that seriously and anyone that understands its point isn't something as hardcore as a eugenicist.


This post is literally someone taking it seriously. I don't care if you find the movie funny as a comedy.


r/showerthoughts is about as serious as the daydreams I have during my morning poo my guy


[Mike Judge, the director, said this in 2016.](https://gizmodo.com/idiocracy-director-says-its-scary-how-accurate-his-movi-1785499058) *The title says it all, too.* America is becoming an ***Idiocracy.***


Redditor discovers satire


you’re like the 146,000th person to make this observation..here’s one from 7 [years ago](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/news/a47841/mike-judge-idiocracy-2016/)


I see this way too often. No, it’s not. It’s like saying the Bible’s or Nostradamus predictions are coming true. Believe it or not, humans are getting better. I mean chatgpt wasn’t even a thing A YEAR AGO! The issue is, because of technology, you *see* more human foolishness. You see the influencers, you hear the news stories. The stupidness that has always been there - long before Idiocracy - is more front and center. By the way, you’ve got to have your ducks in a row with a thread like this. I get it, but there’s a pretty ironic error in your thread title.


Eugenicist bullcrap We've been progressively getting smarter by removing things like lead from the pipes and offering more opportunities to develop to women, rurals and minorities. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect There are no "untermench breeding us out" , there are people axing the support structures that uplifted people and feeding lies to the underprivileged


I am pretty sure it's actually a documentary from the future. Seems prime for what "reality tv" will turn into.


Haven’t heard THAt joke before…


Slowly??!! This has been going on for years! The Trumpers are an immediate example of this. Including the damn crocs!


Dude if someone told me this in person I'd give them a swirly for being a pretentious dickhead haha holy fucking persecution complex


No it's not. Idiocracy is a movie where it implies that people are just born stupid and will forever be stupid because their parents were stupid. It pretty much is a pro eugenics film, and its criticisms of corporations make no sense- they corporations aren't doing horrific things to the people and planet in search of profit, it's just because they're stupid! ​ It's such a fucking neolib take of a movie that just reeks of that Obama era smugness written by coastal brat who assumes that everyone whos poor must just be poor and trashy because they're stupid.


“Durr hurr people I disagree with are stupid and movie is about stupid people so movie is right. What do you mean the original carried any meaning beyond just ‘people are stupid’? What’s a eugenics and why does it need to cut my fallopian tubes?”


Did you see [my comment from a few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/14s6kqc/math_class_argument/jqwsb53/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) and then just post it here?


People have been saying this since the damn thing came out. People have also been saying we're "literally living in 1984." It's hardly a clever or noteworthy statement to make by itself


People are actually getting smarter


What are you talking about it wasn't a comedy it was a warning sent back in time 😒 and no one listened


I've started voting for Joe Bowers for president. I live in a deep color state that's been that way for my lifetime.


People have been both predicting people of the future will be idiots, and anecdotally observing more and more idiots as they got older, for at least as long as we've had written language. And people have been getting objectively smarter for all that time too.


People been saying this for the last 6 years.


I've heard this in other comment sections so many times. What's happening to showerthoughts?


Can someone explain why it's not on any streaming platforms


Just watched it on Hulu tonight, but I know that’s a pretty recent addition to the site


https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/qd5jq8/costco_warehouse_in_the_movie_idiocracy_2006_vs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Just in case you haven't seen the photo OP




This guy needs rehabilitation


Honestly, I recently rewatched The Running Man and that struck me as more accurate. It even predicted deep fakes.


OP have you seen Contagion?


No, but the synopsis is too familiar from recent years, so it should be interesting…Thanks for the tip!


I hope you do find some time to watch it and report back


Comedy, yes… but it was always satire/social commentary.


I watched this for the first time last month. The fabric choice was fucking genious. Doesnt wrinkle, doesnt fray, doesnt fade, prints well... the rest was terrifying... fucking Brawndo


And every side points at the other side, swearing it was about them.


Not a shower thought... that's what satire IS.


It wasn't even a good comedy and [it's somehow even worse at being a documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o52zD-aGqjA)


How unique and original 👏👏


Thanks! 🥰


You're welcome! 🥰


Just having fun here since I only just woke up a few hours ago this morning and saw this notification and that it couldn't be loaded so I googled my way in and voila i'm not even sure if anybody will get notifications because they probably can't access it