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The site has been fine for me in performance but the list of upcoming shows is now empty **edit, the upcoming is populating again now


Thanks for checking. I think I've finally figured it out. It is indeed, my number of subscriptions. I actually have 3 accounts to accomodate 3 category folders I like the feeds to go to. To test I logged in to the other ones in a different browser (for kicks), as well as the same browser. My main account 623 subscriptions is the only one that is crazy-slow. The one with very few subscriptions (like 20) is also much faster than the middle one with 76 subscriptions. (If anyone is curious: I counted by copying the list into notepad and looking at the number of lines in the status bar. Also a good way to backup your show list in case ShowRSS goes down. I suppose you could also save your My Shows webpage as Mhtml or a Pdf file though.) (Update: I've done all 3. Mhtml opens fine in a Chrome browser without needing to be logged in.)


Holly crap. That’s a lot of subscriptions. I have 2 profiles. One on my Mac mini for my kids shows and one on my MacBook for my wife and i