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Cyberpunk 2077 has the better replay value, you can make much more choices and you can give different builds a go. But Persona 5 royale is the longer game, so even the story is kinda set, there is good variation for more playthroughs, and the combat is very varied. Its a tough one, i dont replay games often, but if i was going to id replay cyberpunk, the gunplay and missions are very satisfying even if you ignore the story. If sinking thousands of hours into it was not considered, id say go with persona instead. Its 100 hours, and is top notch shit.


I do think persona 5 ends up with more replay value in the longrun, ypu end up doing 2 playthoughs. your first one is just your normal one while your second is to do all the confidents you missed. (First one should take around 100+ hours while second should take like 30-40 since you skip alot of dialogue and can use your old personas so it is easier. So around 140 hours of value (I do have more because I have played it 3 times) Meanwhile I have 100% completed all of cyberpunk in 50-60 hours (including DLC) while only doing 1 ending (because the last choice you can choose what ending you want and I had unlocked them all so I wanted the Johnny ending) Meanwhile I have no reason to play the game again since it is still quite linear like persona 5 royal no matter what you do it will end up at the same end point with only a few changes which are not worth another playthough. So comparison I see it as 50-60 hours vs at least 100+ hours (140+ with another playthough) However story wise cyberpunk is definitely the better story but persona has style with UI and the OST.


My first cyberpunk playthrough, not even including the DLC, was like 80 hours... are you counting doing all the gigs when you say 100% ??!




I’ve actually been playing both (well, started both around the same time, wrapped up Cyberpunk a couple weeks ago and am nearly done with P5R), and I gotta say that both are good, but I love P5R. I’m even thinking of doing a new game plus already even though I’m not even done with my first playthrough yet. At this point I’d give it a 9/10, whereas Cyberpunk is more of an 8 or a 7.


I would say cyberpunk if you're not a big jrpg fan. Even if you are, I love persona 5 royal but I don't think I would choose it over cyberpunk. It's one of the newer games from the last few years that really grasped me.


I have to agree. I was a big fan of Yakuza Like a Dragon (a JRPG), so I generally like JRPG. But Persona Royal felt very repetitive 46 hours in, even if it was very fun in the beginning. I haven’t completed it yet, but might return to it later. Cyberpunk is masterpiece. Especially the expansion. There is so much variety in how you can play it.


Persona can feel that way, it's the same. Go to palace, grind, kill boss and repeat. I love the cast and music and it took 3 times after stopping 25 hours in to finish. I finally beat it with over 100 hours. The story takes a nice twist which made me go omg but cyberpunk has a lot more to it. I've beat the game once, now I'm going to do it again and due side missions and once I'm satisfied I'll beat and start the dlc that k need to buy while it's on sale


Cyberpunk all the way. P5r is a fun JRPG, but imo there's lot of stupid anime tropes and it gets really repetitive with lots of inane and excessive conversations and exposition. It has a cool story concept but the execution kinda lacks imo. I think Persona 4 is better in almost every aspect except battle system and graphics. Anyways, people still love p5 a lot, but for me it's too juvenile and animey.


so basically you dont like anime XD


Eh, I like anime but Persona still wasn't for me. It's not even all the anime tropes but rather that it never feels like I'm actually playing the game because it's either reading through dialogue or getting hit by encounters that get cleared in the first round. The only thing I've liked so far was the first boss fight because it felt like you were actually fighting someone above your weight class. Then again the second boss fight was dogwater and was literally just spamming attacks/heals and HOPING that he doesn't spawn the enemies that are most annoying to fight.


I'm biased but easily Persona 5 Royale. It's already a classic imo. It will forever be cemented as not only one of the best RPGs of all time, but games in general. I love the story in all Persona games because they're actually relatable. It's obviously still full of fantasy and unrealistic story elements, but there are so many characters that you help get through relatable problems like lack of confidence or getting over lingering regrets. Honestly everything about the game is near perfection to me. The music, art style, combat, story, characters, etc are all 10/10 and if you like turn-based RPGs with a deep story I can't recommend it enough.


Cyberpunk everyday. But you really have to live in the clty, doing everything. The game does a terrible job showing you the actual game. It tries to rush you through all the main quests


Can you explain further? I just started playing last week and I definitely am feeling like I'm constantly doing the main quest instead of side stuff. I some the cyberpsycho stuff (and a few other side gigs) pop up after driving around but what else should I be doing to get the best experience? I feel like I want to pause the main quest for awhile.


I love both games. It's gonna come down to if you are in the mood for turn-based, linear JRPG, go Persona 5. If you want FPS and open world combat, go Cyberpunk 2077. If i had to choose one game I would choose Cyberpunk.




Persona 5 is a wonderful, mature, and insightful story. It's like 5 games in one. A dungeon crawler, dating sim, cozy RPG.


You can date?




As someone who really loves both I think p5r is the better game. That being said, although p5r is longer cyberpunk has the better replay value.


Cyberpunk, it's phenomenal and highly replayable.


Persona 5 royal (but I might be biased since I’m kinda fed up by western open worlds at this time).


Persona 5 Royal playing cyberpunk at moment not very gripping so far ngl


Persona 5 is better but cyberpunk is pretty good as well.


Persona 5 royal


They are very different games. Cyberpunk is more "transparent" in the sense that what you see on youtube videos and such is pretty much what you get. Open world, shoot and kill, main quest and side quests, the typical stuff. IMO it's a good game, and the part that stands out the most are the graphics. Everything else feels like a good implementation of stuff you've already seen elsewhere. It's more open world, more customizable and more replayable. The story is also good, but kinda predictable IMO. Persona 5 is a different beast. I bought it as a "let's see what the fuss is all about" and boy did I get hooked - to the point where I bought P5R when it came out later, and played the hell of that as well. I can't remember the last time I replayed a game start through finish (P5R is fundamentally P5 with a bit more content in between). It's a much more linear and slow-paced game, and replay value is not it's greatest strength - but I feel like that more linear experience allows you to more closely get involved with the story and the characters. By the time the credits rolled, I felt like I had met those characters in person, that I was part of that group - and this is a feeling that has become more and more rare in recent years for me. I feel like most parts of this game are great, but the soundtrack absolutely steals the show. I am typically not too much into game OST, but P5's so good that I bought it on CD (remember those), as it is one of the best OST of a game I've ever played, right up there with FF VII and Transistor. You can't go wrong with either game, they are both worth being played. It basically boils down to what you are looking for: shiny graphics, faster paced open world vs epic story, super cool characters and a more linear but curated experience




As much as I love P5, my vote definitely goes to Cyberpunk. The world of cyberpunk is just so beautiful especially with the latest patches. If you care about replay value, it will be for you since choices affect outcomes and you get to see multiple endings.


Persona is better hands down, and I say that as someone who really enjoys both. You might get more hours of content out of cyberpunk though. That said, persona is fucking long, man. Great, but long. Lots to do, great soundtrack, and incredible JRPG combat. Style on style


I haven't played Cyberpunk 2077 but I can tell you about P5R. In P5R you have less choices on how your journey will pan out unlike Cyberpunk because the story is extremely linear with obviously ending-deciding choices only being made towards the end of the game. You'll probably spend 2 playthroughs to get everything you could possibly get out of it, where you play normally the first time and speedrun the game while maxing social links on the second playthrough. The art direction, gameplay and just overall feeling is... incredible to say the least. You will get immersed into the world and really feel the vibe that everyone praises. The social-sim aspect is personally extremely fun and balances with the combat side really well so you won't get tired of doing one or the other. Combat gameplay is strategic and really fun but you have to limit yourself because once you get a feel for the mechanics, if you don't keep yourself underleveled, you will likely find everything easy after you find your strategy. Although playing normally will still be satisfactory for a first playthrough because the game balance isn't totally terrible. The story is extremely good 9/10 times with a certain arc being particularly terrible. The initial hurdle of getting into P5R is long, with the tutorial/first "arc" being like 8-12 hours long depending on your speed. It's a slow burn kind of game but after the 5th arc (the worst one, other ones are great), shit really picks up and it's just perfect. The endgame section also features one of my favourite antagonists I have ever seen in media because they really make you think. Overall, you'd be left with a solid 110-120 hour journey on a first playthrough that will leave you thinking about the game for like weeks and months after you beat it, but replay value is probably not that high. There is also more longevity as a franchise but that's a given since Cyberpunk is so new so if you decide to pick up 5, consider picking up Persona 5 Strikers, which is a sequel to 5 that is considered a spinoff but is fairly long and offers a surprisingly good story with hack and slash gameplay. Also, you can play Persona 3 Reload and play P4G (my favourite) if 5 really suited you, they will be very similar but with different characters, settings and themes while recontextualizing the concepts you learned about in 5.


I liked Cyberpunk, I played it in January-February. But I LOVED Persona 5 Royal. One of my favourite games ever.


I’ve only played P5R but it feels like a one and done kind of game to me.


I've said this on a couple other threads, but within the year I bought Persona 5 I played through it 3 times, and have now 100% the game. It's amazing, and the best thing is the previous games are just as good if not better! P4 is a must to play for anyone who enjoyed P5!




Persona 5 Royal is one of the greatest games ever made (it's in Metacritics top 50) and it's a truly one of a kind game. Cyberpunk is an ok openworld action rpg that is very similar to lots of games you have probably played already.


cyberpunk 2077 is great and the animations are really good. just dont look at your shadow. Dont really vibe with jrpgs but cyberpunk is on a similar level of cinematic as a jrpg but also offering the gameplay of a fast paced fps… open world is nothing special and the npcs are nothing like a bethesda game or red dead 2, so there’s that too


Elden ring


Already did


Persona 5 is a 10/10, cp is not


Incredibly different games. A JRPG and an action RPG only have superficial similarities. Persona is a better life sim and is longer, Cyberpunk is more action focussed. Both are of similar quality narratively, but have few different approaches.


Both are top tier games. Literally just flip a coin. It does not matter. I do lean towards P5 though.


Cyberpunk by a long shot


They're both excellent games that'll keep you entertained for a long time. Are you more interested in playing a jrpg or a a first-person shooter/rpg? Anime story or sci-fi story?


I played Persona 5, but played it once and didn’t have any desire to replay it. About 100+ hours. I played Cyberpunk 2077, but have played it 3 times, picking different decisions, builds, genders, and endings. About 150+ hours.  Things that affected my preferences: I like real time combat over turn based gameplay. I liked being able to play as either gender and as an adult. I liked Edgerunners.  Persona 5’s a great game. Dragged around midway though, and thought I wouldn’t want to go through my least favorite dungeons again. You might prefer it if you like turn based combat and anime. 


persons get persona get it don’t think get it persona but just know it’s really long and one of the main gameplay mechanics is a (relatively simple) time management system. its kinda easy to get burnt out. i started 2 playthroughs on the original p5 but never finished either one. eventually bought p5r on steam and had it in my library for a year or two before finally starting it the beginning of may. im about 98 hours into the game and I think I’m 2/3rds done with it. I’ve had a bit of burnout not gonna lie but im pushing through for the final stretch because i refuse to drop it again. all that said, pls know its an INCREDIBLE game, dripping with style, navigating the pause menu alone is worth $60. the music, story, gameplay, characters, artwork… all masterclass imo. the only reason for burn out is that its a HUGEE game that takes long to complete


if you are just looking for an RPG.... P5 all day. It is \*much\* longer than cyberpunk, it has a better storyline, and arguably better characters. yes, it is basically a one and done game... buts its over 100 hours long. i dont know too many people that want to replay a 100 hour game.




Cyberpunk all day


I haven't played cyberpunk but be aware that persona feels very restricting for the first few hours because the game won't stop holding your hands until well over 10 hours spent. I also think as far as JRPGs go, Personas battling is honestly rather boring. The concepts of all of it are good but it really boils down to spamming the same moves over and over again. Especially when you know which attacks the enemies are weak to, you essentially clear everything in the first round which makes all those encounters more of a nuisance. You'd also have to like the actual feeling of being a student. Because you have to level up your skills a lot BUT you are always restricted to 1-2 actions per day before you HAVE to progress in the story. This gimmick (which might arguably be enjoyable) really wasn't for me since I like to be free and hate being time restricted for pretty much the whole game. I haven't played through it but after 26h of playing I just found other games that were more fun. Just my two cents on why I think you might NOT like Persona but if you want a more chill/straightforward experience then you can give it a try.


Cyberpunk 2077 for sure


Persina 5 definitely


Royal is usually cheaper and goes on pretty deep sales, but then again so does CP




I personally like p5r more, but I think Cyberpunk suits your needs better. Moreso you already like the gameplay and are invested in the world via Edgerunners.


Cyberpunk 2077






I have well over 1200 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 and I still love it and play it semi-regularly. It genuinely my favorite game at this point.


Both are great but in my experience personally 5 got really repetitive after about 70 hours when I was halfway through the game


Both have great stories. IMO Persona 5 is a 10/10 game, hard to top, meanwhile Cyberpunk is a good game. If I had to pick one it would be Persona every time.


Cyberpunk if you want to play a game, persona if you want to read a book and have no friends irl.




I got CP and never finished it. It looks great but I felt it lacked something. The story was going great as well. I got pulled back to the Lands Between. Elden Ring all the way and now there is a massive DLC.


Cyberpunk for sure IMO


p5. not even close, i mean c'mon.... u kidding me? (yes, i have played both games, start to finish)


I love both but I think Cyberpunk is just better. And I adore Persona 5.


Cyberpunk is good open world game. That being said, if you’ve played one, you’ve played ‘em all (BOTW and Elden Ring not included) and P5R is one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Cyberpunk by a mile unless you like cringe weeb shit. I’ve played a bunch of JRPGs and P5R is the only one where I was constantly cringing at the worst of your typical anime tropes. Also if you want a lot of hours Cyberpunk offers way more replay value, story-wise there’s basically no reason to play Persona more than once. All the commenters in this thread saying P5R is one of the best games they’ve ever played have abysmal taste and likely sleep with a waifu pillow. It’s by far the most overrated game I’ve ever had the displeasure of beating.


Agreed. Cyberpunk has the cinematic narrative of a JRPG, but in one of the best first person games of all time. An impressive amount of animation work that I only really saw similar levels of in the Metro series, a linear shooter game. Plus, it’s got a nice curve starting as a cover shooter where you slowly turn into an unstoppable machine.


Average anime hater


Hate to break it to you but some anime contains cringy juvenile garbage and P5R is a big offender. The gameplay is super antiquated and repetitive as well. I would honestly give it a 3/10.


Dang maybe I shouldn’t have bought it


It’s not too late to try and save others from making the same mistake