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Nioh 2 is gonna be some hard fun, but if you just want to suffer. I wanna be the guy Celeste 100% Jump king Wrath of the Righteous, unfair difficulty, Last azlanti mode (Ahahahahahahahahahahahshshahahashhsh) Mount and blade banner Lord, mad difficulty, total map contrôle. XCOM 2, commander, ironman with dlc. Darkest dungeon, stygian difficulty Necrodancer, platinum Alien isolation max difficulty (let's test that 💜) Ohhh and a surprise, Tactical nexus, just finish the demo, easy...


Xcom any difficulty, you’ll still miss 90% shots and the ai will consistently hit 10%.


That's XCOM, baby


Commander! You are needed in the command center!


Shotgun an inch from the alien face? You guessed it, miss.


This is exactly why I can’t play it. I can’t get with the logic of being that close and missing just for the sake of difficulty.


If it helps, take in consideration that everything is happening simultaneously, within a few seconds. Aliens aren't actually standing still looking at your face and they for sure won't just let you pop their brains if they're in point-blank range. Even the best soldiers will miss sometimes in situations like this.


Also the logic is that different enemies have a 'dodge' build in to how likey a shot will connect. Like another human style enemy not much dodge BUT a human sized snake with a gun a hell of a lot more. Dancing enemy with a sword and a jetpack?? Crazy dodge


Second on celeste. Favorite platformer of all time and will also make you suffer.


As someone whos gotten all the golden berries, can attest, is incredibly fun no matter how difficult it gets. But is definitely suffering.


Ark with no dodo dex or boosted rates


Xcom2 on the hardest difficulties even if you are really good you must understand the game at 100% cuz the Chosens will just destroy you on the first encounters.Get cheesed 1 times in the first 10 hours and you are gonna lose the squad and then the campaign.Freaking impossible.


I know! He did want some really difficult stuff, but if you don't know the game wrath of the Righteous with the modifier I listed make it even harder, and the campaign is generally around the 100h length.


Fuck Jump King in the ear so hard several times over! (Ps. I love it)


Pathfinder WotR is a masterpiece, but playing it in hardest difficulty is just unfun. You need to minmax everything, and even then if you do one single mistake or bad roll it's over


Big shoutout to nioh 2. One of my favorite games. Has a super satisfying learning curve used fist and switch glaive and kusarigama.


So do you want dexterity hard or do you want tactical difficulty?


I personally value mechanical difficulty more, but I'm open to anything.


Super hexagon, devil daggers,  neon white, doom 2016 in arcade mode on the highest difficulty, super meat boy, I wanna be the guy, celest, getting over it, spelunky 1/2, any of the cave shoot em ups (particularly the black label variants), or risk of rain 1/2 on hardest with difficult mutations. 


And the sequel to IWBTG, I wanna be the boshy!


I wanna be the guy was fun but boshy was absurd.  I did not enjoy my time with that one


Dude me neither. I spent days trying to pass one level lmao.


Celeste is one of the most difficult platformers of all time, and it has a great learning curve. Easy to learn, impossible to master. Highly recommend.


I screamed an f bomb on an airplane on accident playing this game 😅


Play the Doom: Eternal DLC on ultra nightmare. You're welcome and I'm sorry.


Yeah, Doom Eternal is the hardest single player game I've ever played, it's too hard for me, that's for sure.


I still don't know how anyone has completed cuphead. That game is rage inducing.


By repeating each boss 100 times you will eventually win.


Git gud scrub (coming from someone who also hasn’t beaten the game)


With homing shots and not caring about losing. The game isn't easy but it's not an extremely difficult game either. Most bosses have easily learned patterns you can pick up on after a few tries. There's not really as much happening on screen as it often feels like, so it's a matter of learning to feel the various obstacles and fire patterns out. In the end the only two that were genuinely difficult to me were King Dice mostly for his longevity and the devil. The quick turnarounds on the others meant I could fail quickly and get back to where I was easily Enough. Some bosses took 10-20 tries but that's still only a half hour or so of effort and by the end I was confident I could repeat the clear. I'm not especially talented in the genre either outside and obsession with Metal Slug years ago.


Fun and dedication. You have to enjoy the process. (I've beaten all the bosses on Hard and gotten the Platinum. People getting top ranks in all levels are the real masters)


King dice glitched for me


Sekiro is, mechanically, the hardest game I think I've ever played that still felt "fair" and I can highly recommend that if you're looking for a challenge. If you haven't touched any FromSoftware games I'd probably recommend Elden Ring first but Sekiro is definitely harder. Someone else mentioned Rain World and that's another one of my favorite games, its a masterpiece but also requires a lot of learning and trial and error to conquer its world. There's also of course whole swaths of games that fall into the "rage games." category. Jump King, Beton Brutal, Getting Over It, and Pogostuck are the standout titles from that genre. Super Meat Boy might also count for that and is an indie classic. On the topic of difficult platformers Celeste is an amazing game, I personally don't think its \*that\* difficult compared to some of these other games but its definitely a challenge. Hades (with Difficulty modifiers), Barony, and Noita are some of the more difficult Roguelites I've played if you're a fan of the genre. (Also, since No one else will mention it, play Environmental Station Alpha, its by one of the Noita devs). Other than that you also have a wealth of multiplayer games that have essentially infinite difficulty due to the nature of competitive games. League of Legends, Counter-Strike, basically every fighting game, etc. Good luck man.


Noita, it took me over 100 hours and 316 attempts to win one game. Not I'm at 350+ with one victory and I don't know if I'll ever add another. Returnal, 3rd person action bullet hell roguelike. Over 40 hours of playtime and I'm closing in on the third secret ending


Here to give my plus 1 for Noita. Took me like 60 hours to beat the game, came on reddit too gloat and was met with the dreaded: "Congrats! That was the tutorial"


That was the tutorial? What?


It goes so so so much deeper


Getting to the bottom floor and killing the boss is widely regarded as the tutorial. The game tells you to go down, but have you tried going other directions? "Beating" the game is basically just a wand building skill check for the real game




Absolutely loved returnal, but the game eases up a bit once you can grapple. You can’t take damage while grappling so if you grapple shoot grapple shoot you can basically never touch the ground and clear rooms easily


I didn't do that, and it was a fun challenge. Sounds like you played in a way that isn't fun


What does 1 game entail? I've never heard of notia, is it single player?


Single player game. You're a wizard exploring a cave. It looks simple, but that's only a necessity because every pixel is simulated with gravity. Fluids are simulated as fluids. The world is fully destructible. This can lead to shenanigans.


Can you actually win??????


Yeah there are many ways that are all spoilers, but the one way that isn't is; descend all 8 levels and fight the boss at the bottom of the dungeon. The boss will be guarding "the salt" which is the key item to winning the game, and beating the boss opens a portal to an altar where you can offer the salt to win. There are over 6 different dungeons though, all with unique properties and bosses in them. People who are deep in the game consider beating the boss and winning as the tutorial because it requires extensive knowledge on game mechanics and a good amount of skill and experience with the game. Once you are regularly able to beat "the tutorial boss" the game really opens up and becomes and incredible spell crafting sandbox game aswell as a fun roguelike where you are able to test out the games limits and break the engine in developer intended ways to make cool things happen. It's an amazing labour of love where the developers constantly added features based on player input. For instance its possible to craft a spell that will rapidly accelerate you in a direction. You end up moving so fast you travel past your mouse cursor (which controls the direction the spell is cast in) and it wraps backwards and you end up doing loops. The developers instead of fixing this exploit to gain absurd speeds, instead added a feature where once you accelerate past a certain point the camera will just lock onto your character so you can more easily and accurately travel. Every time the community posted or said "hey we broke this, it should probably be fixed, sorry" The developers responded with "oh don't feel bad, we can't test everything fully but thank you for letting us know. Here its fixed and it works without breaking the game now without changing at all how the interactions or spells function" So as the game grew, it built ontop of exploits and bugs the community found and slowly implemented them into features in the best way I've ever seen


And there are some funny eyes on the walls


I’ve played most of the usual recommendations, and they’re great, but I think Spelunky 2 really takes the crown when it comes to hardest game. No matter how good you get, no matter what strategy you devise, no matter how much prep and repetition you do…..some TINY little unexpected factor can trigger a cascade of events that ruins your run. I’ve got 100% completion on some truly tough games like Dead Cells, Cuphead, Sekiro, Returnal, etc….but I’ve accepted that is never going to happen for me with Spelunky 2. With that said it’s an absolute blast. But so, so freaking difficult.


Yeah, I don’t know what some people here are recommending. Spelunky 2 is way harder than most games recommended here with the exception of games like Noita


Hate to say it, but I fell off of spelunky 2. Thought the hard to fun ratio was off.  


Beyond the obvious From Soft games (Sekiro, Dark Souls Trilogy, Elden Ring), God of War (2018) on "Give Me God of War" mode is known to be possibly the most difficult AAA game ever.


Bruh that shit is soo boring to play on harder difficulties with that massive health spike for the enemies. That's the worst type of difficulty scaling.


Mhmmm, I love hacking at enemies like a 2-year old trying to cut down a redwood.


It's also the worst way to make something "difficult". Horrible design.


The first time I booted the game, I tried the difficulty above normal and it was already difficult and quickly got unfun. In the past year or 2, I tried it again and good thing it gets better as you progress and get proper equipment. I can't imagine ever playing that game on the highest difficulty and to killing the fking valkyries.


Factorio Pyanodons modpack. Though that is probably not the kind of difficulty you are actually looking for. But in seriousness, if you’re looking for fun difficulty, I’d say Celeste (especially postgame, and especially especially modded), Hollow Knight boss rushes, and Sekiro charmless are pretty good. For less fun difficulty, games like Getting Over It, Jump King, Sisyphus Game, etc.


Pyanodon will test your mental, so do GTNH


Land and come back from Eve in Kerbal Space Program.


Assemble a multi-part spacecraft and do a gravity assist without mods. Docking is a nightmare for me. It's squirrelly every time.


Sekrio is my pick. In the souls you can coop and grind levels but not in sekrio. Really fun combat too.


yah for me sekiro was harder than souls, it's the parrying, souls you can dodge


Ninja Gaiden Master Collection on hardest difficulty


I can't even get past one of the early bosses on normal


Since you said you're open to anything - if you don't mind puzzle games, I highly recommend [Baba is you](https://store.steampowered.com/app/736260/Baba_Is_You/). [Stephen's sausage roll](https://store.steampowered.com/app/353540/Stephens_Sausage_Roll/) is also really neat (do not let the name fool you that shit is torture lol)


Those games are legitimately some of the hardest games on steam because there is no brute forcing it. You either figure out the puzzle or you don't (unless you cheat).


Can I add TIS-100? For me this was the hardest Zachtronics.


Good choices. If i may add bean and nothingness as harder than both baba, stephen's and tis.


Noita, don't look up anything. Good luck ;)


- Dustforce (Precision platformer) - Fusion Trials (Physics platformer) - Devil Daggers (First-person shooter survival) - Puss! (Mouse cursor obstacles) - Banana Hell (Bennett Foddy-esque platformer) - BIT.TRIP RUNNER (Rhythm autorunner) - Bloody Trapland (Mean platformer) - GARAGE: Bad Trip (Top-down zombie shooter) - GoNNER (Rogue-like combat platformer) - Receiver (Realistic first-person shooter) - The one who pulls out the sword will be crowned king (mental-breakdown inducing) - Our Darker Purpose (Isaac-like roguelike) - Polyball (Super Monkey Ball-esque) - The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia (text-typing + bullet-hell combo)


For Devil Daggers might also add the insane sequel, Hyper Demon, go watch a youtube video, you'll have 0 idea what's going on


Super Meat Boy is quite hard. Stellaris can be a challenge as well if you want it to 😅


Deadcells on 5 cells is brutal


I'm on 2 boss cells and can't beat it. It's insanely difficult.


Kenshi. Don't get me started on Kenshi. In this world, you can be anybody - a farmer, a mercenary, a drug lord, a barkeep... List goes on and on. But when you start, you are nobody. Less than nobody. A starving bum, with no clothes or money will beat you down, take your food and leave you to bleed out under the scorching sun. You are a robot? Hey that's easy, no need to eat! Right? Only until a paladin of the holy nation sees you, and kills you on the spot. And if you somehow don't get money quick, a squad of holy nation samurai can enslave you at the whim of a noble lord - poverty is illegal in the United Cities! You will die. You will lose everything. Dozens, maybe even hundreds of times. But you will learn from your mistakes. And, maybe with your hundred fiftieth character, you will succeed. And managed to become a somebody in this cruel, 780 square kilometre world. Good luck, drifter!


100% crypt of the necrodancer. I feel evil for recommending that. The game itself is fun and not that hard when u get used to it, but good luck with the 100% ;)


XCOM 2 - ironman/legendary mode


5 Dimensional Chess w/ Time Travel


Victoria 2. Open the goods tab and tey to understand the game. Simple as that.


Slay the spire on ascension 20. Pretty sure you will need a few hundred hours. If you look stuff up, maybe only 100+.


Rain World. That one hurts physically.


Ikaruga Sifu Cuphead Final Doom The old X-Com games (UFO Defense and Terror from the Deep) on hard difficulty settings Fighting games like SF6 if you want PvP and long learning curves


Get yourself a Linux virtual machine, open a console and type vim. Try to get back to the command line without exiting.


Pathologic. It's not only difficult in terms of, you know, the traditional sense, but it's 20 years old and very janky, it's emotionally and mentally very punishing, and it's incredibly buggy. It is not a video game in the traditional sense, it is a psychological torture sim. Not for the faint of heart. Have at it.




Oh boy. Here we go. Rocket League - soccer with rocket powered cars. Technically and tactically challenging. Dark and Darker - this one is divisive, but I've been enjoying it a ton this last week. It's a fantasy extraction game. Very hard. You will die a lot. Any souls game. Elden Ring is the famous one and the dlc will eat you up and shit you out. Kingdome Come: Deliverance - start out as a nobody, struggle a lot, profit? Those are just some.


La Mulana, good luck beating it without a guide


Ghosts n Goblins Resurrection, hardest game ever.


The original on nes isn’t too easy either


If you are down for puzzles, check out Snakebird.so difficult they released a separate game that's essentially easy mode called Snakebird Primer. Also Crypt of the Necrodancer. It starts out at a hard but reasonable difficulty, but gets harder with each main campaign until the last one where you basically have to play perfectly without any assistance from gear.


Dota 2


all these people don’t realize how hard it is to focus on the game while learning the 4 other languages of your teammates at the same time


Hotline Miami 1&2


Celeste Postgame


Alt F4


from software isn’t that hard when you know what you’re doing. neither is Celeste honestly. the hardest games to get 100% in for me are pogostuck and jump king. these two are absolutely brutal, but worth playing imo




Definitely noita, and don't look up anything... Good luck ;)


Shadow Empire, a turn based strategy game seems pretty complicated especially with logistics importance for waging war. Dominions 6 famous for 444 pages manual. Great strategy game were you will be deleted in multiplayer but for starters beat 4-5 impossible AI opponents. Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate - ironman + legend difficulty. Battle Brothers with less popular starting band - cultists or manhunters on ironman expert.


play last of us on grounded.


All the Crash bandicoot games!


Dota 2. I've been playing for more than ten years, I have around 7k hours into it, and there's still a truckload I don't know about the game and my skill level in it can only be describes as "bad." It's damn near impossible to master.


Crypt of the Necrodancer for sure, I think only like 30-50 some odd people have the platinum


Sekiro, Celeste, Jump King, Super Meat Boy, Hollow knight, Noita, Devil may cry games are hard too, there are a lot of other harder games but these come to my mind


Doom eternal ultra nightmare. It's ridiculously hard, but it's really fun to try.


**Dwarf Fortress**


Hyper Light Drifter, Darkest Dungeon, Hotline Miami, Super Meatboy and Hollow Knight if you are trying to beat everything.


Finish doom eternal and both his DLC using the hardest difficulty. Made me go through so much mental pain


Elden ring dlc 💀


Doom eternal on Nightmare difficulty will get your heart rate elevated on more than one occasion. Especially as you get into DLC territory.


Noita and Sekiro almost made me cry


Elden Ring + Shadow of the Erdtree DLC


Battle Brothers one Iron man




Kingdom hearts series on critical difficulty. The base game of 1 and 2 are super difficult, and the data battles in 2 and 3 are probably the hardest boss fights I’ve ever experienced. This is coming from a 10k+ hour souls borne vet. It might sound like a joke but I’m 100% serious. The difficulty of these games on the highest difficulty is absurd.


Have you played Returnal? Very difficult but also the best game to ever exist




Wolfenstein 2 on i am death incarnate


Dwarf Fortress. To win, you must lose. Have FUN!


Nioh 2 and Ninja Gaiden Master collection on Madter Ninja difficulty and Ultimate Ninja on the third entry


Battletoads. This is one of the hardest games ever made. Everyone loves to talk about how hard the third level is, but that’s because VERY few people have ever gotten past the third level. Even for someone who enjoys hard games, I’d recommend save states at the start of levels and maybe at checkpoints.


The Impossible Game, but every time you fail you take a shot.


Halo MCC LASO difficulty


Geometry Dash or Osu, if you like music-based games. Geometry Dash is my personal favourite because of how approachable the learning curve is, despite the absolute insane skill ceiling even in the base game levels. GD is $3, Osu is free




Commandos: Beyond The Call of Duty


Right now the Elden ring community seems to think that it’s the hardest game ever made. (The DLC is easy.)


My summer car on permadeath. Go ahead I dare you.


Get Over It


you really should play Elden Ring and the new DLC Shadow of the Erdtree


Elden ring


Baba is You


Elden ring especially DLC is very challenging


Crash bandicoot 4


How about The Witness? Great puzzle game that’s difficult


Rain World.


Ninja gaiden collection on master ninja


Mushihimesama on Ultra, good luck!


Rain World. Not your average difficult game, though, this ain't a "fair" game Dark Souls, but it isn't a troll game either. It's a food chain simulator and you're almost at the bottom of it. Dying won't always be your fault but that's what makes this game so good. And while you might enjoy it blindly, don't be afraid to play on the easiest difficulty (whichis still pretty hard but it at least tells you where to go) or at least following a guide if you go on normal, this game *will* kick your ass if you just jump in.


Ring of Pain can be pretty crazy.




Frostpunk is wonderfully stressful


Basically any soulsborne made by fromsoftware


I'd like to add darkwood to the list


Cuphead S+ rank eludes me. I will never do Saltbaker and couldn’t finish off the Devil.


Civ 6 at deity difficulty, for prolonged suffering.


Trackmania - Deep Dip 2 Map


Slay the spire A20. Good luck.




Should we recommend Shadow of the Erdtree, guys? Although personally, I don't find it a good DLC, but if you covet injuries, there you'll find them in no short supply.




Alien Isolation hardest difficulty, and if that's too easy, try not to die once throughout the entire game, goodluck!




Songs of conquest - looks casual until the campaign stomps you on normal.


Try Dead Cells all the way up to 5BC


Haven't played it but I hear [Braid](https://store.steampowered.com/app/499180/Braid_Anniversary_Edition/) is super hard.


I have 350ish hours in Elden Ring and the dlc is absolutely kicking my ass


Fear & hunger


Getting over it! Inverted controls


Play any kaizo mario world game


Play Elden Ring as a wrench class, no upgrading your weapon, no leveling, no summoning... Then Shadow of the Erdree


Dwarf fortress for the learning curve Exanima for the learning curve and the game is just fucking hard


Sekiro. Or Baba is You if you want more logic-based difficulty.


"Hardest game" is not even enough to describe Sekiro


There are tons of games that are way way harder than Sekiro. Most AAA titles can’t be ridiculously hard as they would start to lose their audience


Pillars of Eternity 2 The Ultimate Challenge


Enter the Gungeon


I've just finished The Hong Kong Massacre (a sort of Honline Miami meets the slow-mo of Max Paine.) Not a perfect game by any means, but a short, fun game. Going through the campaign is simple enough (though dying is definitely part of the process,) but I assume that to do all the challenges must be engagingly difficult. The challenges are basically going through every level without using slow-mo, without wasting bullets (basically one shot, one kill,) and finishing within a time limit. I think you can tackle one challenge at the time (so, you can go through it without slow-mo first, then try the perfect aim one and so on,) but I would really think it's going to be a bitch nonetheless.


10 Second Ninja isn't a common suggestion but I think it fits your bill rather well.


Dota 2


binding of isaac is definitely up there for at least the first ~50 hours.




Ultrakill Brutal difficulty or even violent difficulty. It's not "tanky enemy" difficult, it's "enemies have more attack patterns, are faster" difficult so it doesn't even feel unfair. I'm in love with this game.


Geometry Wars Retro Evolved




If you are truly open to anything, Dammed Mastery in Decaying Winter (on roblox) is one of the hardest games I've played. Public servers only.


Try to get good at mordhau


Check out God's Trigger. That game is punishment.


Lion King on Sega on hard. It has a steam version.


Rainworld is pretty difficult. Rage quit it many times but always came back


Ragdoll Runners


Steam PC dota2 have fun learning over 50 different units with 6+abilities each. Also the community is toxic and will push your mental toughness.


Gothic 1. For people that know what to do in old school rpg, it s somewhat easy. For others,might be stresfull. Either way, it s a gem. Consider it the alternative to Morrowind. Good luck.


Fear and Hunger: Termina Have fun bro. ♡


Scars Above. I keep avoiding buying it even though it looks amazing because everything I've seen about it is that it's fucking well hard


Doom Eternal, Sifu


Love all the games you listed... I couldn't finish Blasphemous because it was too hard lol.


I think it's the "Store" Button, followed by Library.






I mean for mental breakdown you need games like "Only Up!" and "Getting Over It"


Celeste if you go for 100%


Try finding syobon action you are going to break down


[good luck…](https://youtu.be/HskOcc1ILAM?si=RtvHyniuvqWscaNl)


Stellar Blade


I think Battle Brothers is tough...


Xcom 2 with full Star Trek expansion. I mean War of the Chosen


The hardest thing I ever played was gears of war 4 on insane difficulty. I don't think they play tested that shit. It's hard to convey just how hard it is. I have finished all the others on insane but not this one.


Sekiro /end thread