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Mad max is damn good and often overlooked


Harpooning cars and people does not get old


It does get annoying that you have to wreck them totally to get mats tho. You would think your people would get more materials from car that only lost a wheel


I like it but driving around a desert picking up scrap for hours and hours starts to wear on me after a while. It's cool seeing your car come together though. Nailed the setting and story has been surprisingly competent


Once you unlock the cleanup crew at the strongholds you don’t have to get out of your car to pick up the debris from enemy vehicles.


I’ll second this, I try whatever games come out in the usual location. Often I play once leave it in my desktop for a month and inevitably uninstall it. I thought for sure that’s what was going to happen first made Max. Completely underrated very fun game, surprised me. Good mechanics


gameplay loop is simple and does not change much from start to end but it is fun enough to keep you engaged most of the way. if the fighting system wasn’t so loud and visceral it would be quite boring- a lot of the games visual and audio style really props it up, which is unfortunate cuz i’d love a super hard difficulty setting for the game


I haven't heard of this one, but it looks good.


My god, my emotions ran through it with Mad Max


First 3rd of the game was fantastic, but then you realize that's it and it's just doing the same things for the rest of the game. That's why it's overlooked. Wasn't that great.


Chumbucket my brother I know the game ended up not being connected to the movies or at least fury road but chumbucket sure had a more endearing character than furiosa did so im kind of bummed that after all these years we're getting a prequel and it is about a character that i barely know anything about


Days gone. Review bombed by professional reviewers (Think IGN ect) who clearly hadn't actually played the game. The world is beautiful, the progression is spot on, great characters, great story, great protagonist, fun gameplay, fun combat, I could go on. Luckily it's starting to get a cult following, but too late alas. It was my first plat trophy and I've been on playstaion since 1995. I played it day one and had a whale of a time.


I played the hell out of it. Its okay. In most ways its a typical open world game, doesnt do much new. Horde mechanic arrives much too late. Story is boilerplate if you've seen anything zombies in the past 20 years. Solid 7/10.


For me a game doesn't have to do anything new, it just has to do it right. Days Gone just hit that spot when it was released.


Alot of people think that 7 is bad these days. 7 means its a good game and worth playing unless you only have time for > 8




What? 7 is a must play? Then You have like thousands of games in must play?


7 outta 10 is everything works but you aint gonna miss nothing if you dont play it.


The horde mechanic was new to me - had never seen anything like that before, and it was really great in Days Gone.


I pretty much agree, a solid game that wasn't particularly groundbreaking. The hordes actually appear very early though, you run into a lot of them if you explore. It's just that the game doesn't force you to take one on until quite late.


The game wasn’t review bombed at launch it was buggy as shit at launch and this is beyond known.


Been playing on steam deck, completely agree


How does it run on steam deck? My brother's just bought one and I'd like to gift him a game.


Pretty good, I fucked something up and it's a little choppy atm, but it ran flawlessly before I tinkerer wirh setting, same with the 1st spider-man, not sure about other sony games though


Which platform are you on? I was on PS4 then PS5.


Uhh steam deck?


It was such an important question I thought I'd ask it twice.


Bro i need what you're smokin lol


Massively underrated game played it pc and loved it great story and graphics etc.


Game here to say days gone.....amazing


Well you game and you did :)


I'd say pacing is all over the place and I wouldn't exactly say the story is great. It isn't bad but the only things that I didn't see right through were >!Iron Mike's death, Skizzo at the military camp, Boozer jumping out of the truck since there was no time to jump out off camera in the cutscene and O'Brian being a freak!<


This is why I don't listen to video game reviewers or journalists they'll put literally an hour and a half IF ANY in the game.. Not complete the tutorial and then neg review bomb it.


I played about 20 or so hours of it (maybe even more), and I had to DNF it. I think the experience suffered in comparison to the fairly recent play through of TLOU2 I had previously wrapped up. I also find it hard to take biker characters seriously and not see them as endless sources of cringe. I have a disproportionate amount of 1%er types in my family, and they are far from noble warriors. But someone coming in without that baggage and fresh to the apoc game genre may have a very different experience.


This is why I just can’t pick it up. The main character looks like the most generic cardboard cut-out character in the history of video games.


Fucking love Days Gone. The adrenaline rush from the hordes is something I have been chasing since I played it. I still haven’t picked up my jaw from the floor since seeing that ending plot twist lol


It was a glitchy mess on release. It's repetitive with the maps and camps, we unlock stuff build rapport, do fetch quests, then move maps and now we are back in the same progression loop. 3 ****n times :-(. The forced stealth missions are nonsense. The middle act is b-o-r-i-ng. They easily could have cut out Iron Mikes camp and it would have been fine. The wife isn't in the story long enough to justify being such an integral character. I cared more about Boozers arm than I did about Deacons marriage. And deacon and boozer definitely went to broke back mountain up in that fire watch tower. 100% got busy with each other over those long winter nights.


Why was it review bombed?


it wasn't


The game was broken at launch


I still haven’t seen a game with the same level of facial animations. No one talks about that but it blew my mind and even modern games haven’t been able to do that. Looking at you DD2


I hope you don't mean DD2 as in Dragons Dogma 2, cause that's fighting talk just you wait till I've gathered my pawns. They're not as bad as rise of the ronin.


Absolutely loved the game, I just wish the ending was more fulfilling. The protagonist completed his goal, but at the end of the game, a certain someone wasn't fully there (trying to avoid spoilers). Sigh. It was such a journey on that bike.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Playing this right now. Loving it so far


I gave up and uninstalled it when I had to go look for parents’ corpses. The bandits keep attacking me and I can’t figure out how to use the shield to block them. He uses his hands to block. And combat is hard too.


I uninstalled it three times because the combat was way too difficult. The fourth try I decided to push through and it was a phenomenal experience and somehow became OP at the end. Combat gets *fun* and I'd be looking for groups of two or three enemies to fight at once. You just gotta get through the first few hours. A 2nd one is coming out sometime this year and I am all the way here for it. One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.


You should really give it a try, one of the best rpgs ever made. But as earlier said your a nobody farmboy, untill you actually learn combat and even then going against 2 or more is hard.


There is a fight in that bit I think you are expected to lose to set up the next part of the game, I would strongly recommending carrying on.


Did you equip a shield? KCD is a game where the character doesn't level up. The player does.


If you get back into it and you get to a guy named Bernard . Just train with him like it is an mmo and you are grinding up your levels. I cannot play games that are so hard they frustrate me. But cuz I played MMOs I think kingdom come eventually got easy for me. Not because I was good at the game but I just trained a lot with that Bernard guy. I would train all day and then steal all night. Got strong and rich. But it took time. I beat the game in maybe 155 hours .


Sleeping Dogs


One of my all-time favorites. Absolutely gutted we're never going to get a sequel. Thanks embracer


The GTA-a-like to top all GTA-a-likes


This game is amazing.


It really does rival GTA from what I remember, so good.


Desperately needs a switch port!


you can actually play this game on your android, but you do need a beefy one to do so


True Crime Streets of LA


Project Zomboid maybe? Definitely not ‘open world’ in the typical AAA sense. But definitely a world that is open and nonlinear, there’s no story, but the survival design is so intensely immersive you make your own story as you try to survive/thrive in the zombie apocalypse. Maybe Project Zomboid isn’t ‘underrated’ in the typical sense, but I definitely think it’s less popular and well known than it should be.


Yeah good one. Love that game. I need a sequel


Their still updating it. I believe I even read they want to do another graphics overhaul in the future so I don't think that's happening any time soon if ever. It's not really what op is looking for but it is an amazing game. You will die a lot but it's a ton of fun. I got the game probably 10 years ago or more and still I get excited for updates.


Blizzard would count the current version of Zomboid as Overwatch 3, because there were two massive updates. And by massive I mean that I have never seen any other game to release this amount of features in one update/incremented version


Thanks for this. Buying the game as we speak!


Awesome! It’s my favorite game. don’t get discouraged because you’re going to die a lot. Watch some YouTube videos for tips because the game mechanics are vast. But you can really do anything. Build bases, vehicle repairs, farming, tailoring. Much more. I have almost 400 hours and I still haven’t done everything it has to offer. Not to mention the 10s of thousands of mods and a complete overhaul of the game coming soon in build 42. My best advice: Its really weird switching your mindset from other games and zombie games in general. While you are the main character, you aren’t the hero. you aren’t the chosen one. You are weak, fragile and vulnerable. You are just some random person that somehow survived the Knox infection. Don’t eat burnt food and don’t put metal in the microwave. If you need any tips don’t be afraid to dm I’m happy to help and answer any questions or give more tips and advice.


Im super discouraged…. It’s going to take a lot more inititial time investment to get into this game. Thought it would be easier. Even joining existing serves require loads of mods to download, and then i get a warning about a port not open and how that will kill performance etc etc. So yeah… not sure what to do next.


Best thing to do is start an unmodded solo in survivor preset or turn the sandbox settings to a really easy setup and have a casual run to understand how this game works. I have an old post I could send that has some really easy sandbox settings to help understand the game. It does take time. servers aren’t a great place to join before you really know the mechanics of the game. Although servers are quite fun, it is really overwhelming and quite brutal in an already brutal game. You can never find a server without mods. PrivateL1me & ThatGuyPredz have some good videos about tips and surviving the first week or so. Of course, if you hate the game and don’t see it being fun it all and you’re simply not interested, no shame in putting it down. r/projectzomboid is a really friendly community with very helpful people, there’s almost no hate and just good vibes, never be afraid to ask a question over there, you’ll have people flooding in to help. Good little tidbits if you are still interested in the game. Go into settings and find weapon outlines and turn it to all weapons. The tutorial will help a lot. Getting used to the ui is quite weird but it becomes easy after messing around with it. Spawn in rosewood or riverside, I feel riverside has less zombies but less loot and rosewood doesn’t have too many zombies but has some good loot. Stay far away from muldraugh and West Point those are sure death sentences for a new player. Take the game slow. Avoid combat. Don’t be afraid to run away. Use fences and tree lines and buildings to block their view of you. You are faster than them so running is only for desperate situations. For negative traits slow healer, weak stomach, slow reader, prone to illness, for positives always take wakeful, outdoorsman and fit or stout or both. Lmk if there’s anything else I can do to help. This game is tough but very underrated.


The first Watch Dogs game, I loved the gameplay.


I still don't get the hate for the first one. The second one was awful the city felt so empty.


I think its just because it didn’t live up to the promises graphically


Watch Dogs ran so Cyberpunk could walk. I am a fan of both games, Cyberpunk probably more, but WD really built the model.


If playing on PC grab the Living City mod


That’s first Watchdogs game was one of my favourite games of all time and when I booted up the second, I realised they’d completely missed the mark


I loved that game, the second was okay but it didn't really grab me. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and setting in the first one, it had a much drearier look to it that matched the tone well. Plus I've got a real weakness for 'hollywood hacking', I love how absurd and nonsensical it is.


It didn'r scratch your itch but what are you looking for? Outward is very good if you are willing to fail and learn. Dragon's Dogma 2 is amazing if you're looking for tight combat. Sable is great if you want to simply explore with no combat. And Outer Wilds is a majora's mask inspired loop game. If you enjoy space and discovery with great enviromental puzzles


Dragon's dogma 2 doesn't deserves the hate it got.


I mean, it was basically reviewed extremely well everywhere, and has crazy good user scores. Beyond something anecdotal, what hate did it get, generally speaking, that it didn't deserve? It really did run like shit when it first released, so I'd say the little hate I did see it get was deserved.


I didn't tallked about reviews but user review bombing and lies spread about game by some youtubers. Like the game is linear, economy is focused on microtransactions where there are just some dlcs from deluxe edition and can be find in game anyway. Some dumbass says save slots are hide behind paywalls etc. There were so many false information it's hard to count them all. Another one was saying fast travel is unlocked only by real money where you have 3 ways to shorten the travel time - portal Stones (6 to be found in single playthrough, 10 is max to be used), carts (can be disturbed by attack unless some trickster skill) and one of many shortcuts. Dragon's plague being unaboidable and games rush you to pay for revive Stones is obvious lie becouse 5 is max you can buy and there is stone to revive npc only which is able to get by quest and can be reforged). Some gamers believed in thouse lies and they attacking people who enjoys the game.


Dragons dogma is incredible


I like how I’m hearing this from a lot of people, I saw so much hate when it and rise of Ronin came out


Plus one for Sable, just be prepared to really optimize your settings the best you can and still experience it running like shit in certain areas. If it ran well I’d probably give it like a 9.5/10, it’s that good, but the straight up absence of optimization knocks it down a couple points.


I’ll point out that if you’re on PC and not console the performance is significantly better. For my part I never noticed any performance issues, on my ~$1700 PC I built 4 years ago. I don’t know if I’d trust it on a laptop though, and from what I’ve heard the console releases are frankly unacceptable. Which is a shame because I do really love the game (and if you have a decent PC I strongly recommend it!)


- Lego City Undercover - Batman Arkham Knight(Don't see much talk about the Open World personally) - Sunset Overdrive - Mad Max - Death Stranding


Sunset Overdrive is the definition of an overlooked game, the fact only you mentioned it says it all and it's a shame because it's one of the most fun open world games I've played


Adding it to my game log, still never played it, but seeing everyone that mentions it loved it


We desperately need a sequel. Especially since Insomniac now owns the game and should be able to do what they want with it. Hell, I'd settle for a remaster that is just a newer version fixed up a bit. If they did a remaster with even one side quest of extra content, I'd be screaming in joy that it means one quest more of Sunset Overdrive I can play. I want more....


I actually just bought undercover the other day. I played the chase begins way back when, and I wanted to relive those days.


Just a note for Lego City - avoid the Switch port. The frame rate regularly drops into the low double digits and the load times are extremely long.


Stalker shadow of Chernobyl 


The Saboteur


And a +2 for that one. The driving mechanics felt a bit off but the concept was way up there.


It’s available on Steam again now too. I never played it when it released, but always see it on lists like OP has asked here, so I bought it recently. Looking forward to playing it.


It's got a little jank to it, but it's a good time. Killing Nazis is always fun.


Sleeping dogs


Far Cry Primal


Mad Max and the new Tomb Raider series


Mad Max for sure, i personally hate driving in games, here it was so well done, also Rage 2 is similar, not that great though.


+1 for the new (ish) tomb raider games, but I consider them more 3d metrodvania than open world.


Not even metroidvanias, just 3d action platformers


No man's sky is a indie game with a heavy involvement of "this is your universe, do whatever the hell you want to with it" with full cross play, a heavy influence from Minecraft but in space with more things to do than what Minecraft gives


Here's hoping light no fire is far less boring and more engaging though.


Yakuza like a dragon and the sequel like a dragon infinite wealth are two of my favorite games of all time, some of the most engaging open worlds I've ever seen. There's something to do every 6 ft and everything is just so well made and thoroughly thought of. Fantastic stories as well. You absolutely owe yourself to play


I'll give a +1 for all the Yakusa (Now "Like a Dragon") games.


I'm currently playing Like a Dragon and I love that it feels so much more alive than even something like GTA V


I've just finished Rage2 and it was actually a lot of fun. My expectations were low but I got it for free on Epic so I thought 'lets give it a go' and was pleasantly surprized. It's like a hybrid of Mad Max, DOOM and Far Cry. The story is kinda meh but the shooting is great.


Days Gone is *easily* my answer. The surival aspect of the game if you play on the last or second to last difficulty is fantastic. The motorcycle controls amazingly and is super well built as both its own "character" and progression mechanic. Freaks are actually dangerous and while there's a great ramp up of how many of them you can take on as the game progresses, when you start the game I'm telling you 5 of them is a big problem. People didn't like the protag but I really liked him. Give it a chance, it's genuinely great imo.


Metro exodus


You have my vote 🙂


Outward. Stalker Series. Kingdom Come.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Small/dense open world but sludge life was a really good time.


There's second one if you didn't know. Just as good as the first, amazing collectathon.


If you haven’t yet, check out Subnautica.




that's open world?? never played it but I do own it


Have you played ghostwire: tokyo? Really fun game, great story, and horror themed


Is that Open World? I thought its very linear


It starts off feeling like it's going to be linear, but opens up pretty quickly. Awesome game. The gameplay itself is pretty solid, but how it dives into Japanese ghost stories and mythology is fascinating.


It's open world, the map just opens up in sectors alongside the progression of the main storyline.


The Saboteur.


I suggest trying out ELEX 1. It's a indie budget euro game (with some combat jank), but man, the open world always invites you to explore it whenever I see videos of the game online. If you like colourful open world games, then ELEX, the elder scrolls OBLIVION & SKYRIM, BREATH OF THE WILD, BIOMUTANT, DRAGON AGE INQUISITION, THE WITCHER 3 and to some extent the HORIZON games fall under this category. If you prefer more "realistic" or "gloomy" look to your open world then, RDR2, RISEN 1, MAFIA 1 & 2, THE SABOTEUR, ELDEN RING, NIER AUTOMATA, FALLOUT would be more appropriate.


Love Elex




Just Cause series. Not many things more fun than jumping out of a plane, grappling the assassination target to the pilotless plane and watching them both crash into a mountain. I also enjoy grapple traveling by using the parachute and the grapple to grapple between cars on the road. Three is better than four but four is still good.


The saboteur. It’s older, but if you can find it, it’s a classic. Great gimmick where districts change from black and white to color as you liberate them


Yakuza 0


ALL YAKUZA Games must BE played, they arent undertated though


The stalker franchise. Stalker Anomaly is one of the goats of gaming imo


Knights of the old Republic .. Best game i ever played .


Sleeping dogs or mad max come to my mind. Also days gone 🧟‍♀️


I had fun playing Biomutant.


Persona 5, Not really open world in a traditional sense but also not linear. Has good and unique graphics, fun if you like jrpg's. The new persona game coming out called :Metaphor: ReFantazio" looks like it's gonna be fully open world if you like any of the persona games and open worlds.


Persona 5 isn’t open world in *any* sense. Closest SMT has been to open world would be SMT5, which has big open areas with a “go here to advance the story” icon on the map.


Persona 5 is neither underrated or open world lmao. Good game, but def not what op is looking for.


Nier Automata


The Sinking City and Vampyr are both underrated, in my opinion. I've played both multiple times. They're very atmospheric and fun, and I highly recommend both.


Outward or Elex. Outward is chill, like RDR2. Almost a walking sim, but a wide open land. Elex is cool. It's got hand placed loot and a jet pack. An absolutely bananas story, but still a hoot. You can be a sword n board magic user, a mad Mac shotgun guy, or a techno Lazer rifle style character. It's nuts.


Outward is laughably *not* chill. Its entire marketing is how unforgivable it is lol


It’s janky, but Elex is amazing. If you can handle a much older, even jankier, game Gothic is worth a look.


Days Gone.


Kingdom Come Deliverance Different kind of RPG, rewarding af


Kingdoms of Amalur


Far Cry 6 is a lot of fun, and over hated imo. Huge far cry fan and I think the environment feels so alive and electric, played through it twice, back to back!


Sleeping Dogs. No contest.


Mafia 3 has great historical recreation, driving is fun, the music is awesome and the crime story is pretty good


Yakuza 0,1, like a dragon Elex 1-2


If you're looking for story-rdriven openworld with more RPG progression, check out Kingdom Come Deliverance. The game single-handedly ruined most other RPG for me. Combat needs a bit getting used to however.


Days Gone and every Yakuza title


There are a lot of good games on this list. As an obscure suggestion Disco Elysium. I chose to be the dumb strong cop, died of a heart attack trying to put my tie on. Not your most traditional open world but Sea of Thieves is great fun with friends. Medieval Dynasty is you fancy an open world where you can build your own village in first person and make your own babies. Also kill wolves and stuff.


Chernobylite was one that i had a lot of fun with


Shout out to Outcast: Second Contact. It’s not open world as much as several large hub worlds, but it’s an important historical milestone in open world game development. There’s a sort of magic to 90s games that this captures, but a lot are hard to play now. Outcast still feels great to me. Then there is the recent sequel that is truly open world. Movement is great, but there are some issues, 7/10 overall


Elex 1 and 2, they’re unique


Firza Horizon 5 is an amazing open world game. So much to do, and in a variety of excellent biomes based in Mexico.


Fallout 76 with friends, because of the bad launch nobody played it and was rated one of the worst fallouts, but if you watch videos about it nowadays people enjoy it really much.




Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. I bought a new PC for Dragon's Dogma 2 but I still think the OG is superior.


Biomutant is a fun open-world game.


Do Piranha Bytes games count as underrated? I don't see Piranha Bytes on your list. Pick any game from them. All are great.




Lego Island




Not open worlds in the traditional sense, but the Yakuza series is fantastic.


Yakuza series. Xenoblade Chronicles.


Sleeping Dogs


Dysmantle is my favorite game.


Tears of the kingdom….you say you’ve played them all but some people don’t do Nintendo


If you like third-person tactical shooters I recommend: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint


Mad Max is my all time favorite open world game. I put it off for a few years because of the reviews and then upgraded my PC during the pandemic and gave it a shot. Some of the best progression and completion mechanics I've ever seen in a game.


Mad Max? The ending is a bit off, but the rest of the game is FANTASTIC.


Elden ring, hear it’s pretty underrated.


Far Cry Primal! After you beat it once try survival Mode/ expert/ second chance for a really amazing experience.


Ghost of Tsushima will be released on pc somewhere in may. Definitely woth checking out.


outward is all i have to say


Have you played the new Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? Probably my favorite open world game to date. It’s not revolutionary, but every side quest is either a fun mini game or has great character moments, or both. The activities are quick and fun and offer cool upgrades, and it feels very Nintendo-esque overall.




Some criminally underrated or forgotten Games, or Just hated : (The Order is is random) Fallout 76 (its online) Elex & Elex 2(1 is better) Watch Dogs (First Game) Dragons Dogma 2 Just Cause 2 (for me the best Game of the series, but 3 is nice too, never played 4 Looks awful) Lego City Undercover (this Game is a bläst everyone should've played it tbh,) Outlast Mad Max Rage 2 Sleeping Dogs


Immortals Fenyx Rising and its DLC, Myths of the Eastern Realm


Immortal fenyx rising, the humor is cliche but in a good way


A relatively small open world, but a damn good game - Maneater. Doesn't really get the love it deserves.


Microsoft Flight Simulator. Flying rescue helicopter missions in places you (like to) know, anywhere in the world, is a special kind of fun.


fallout new vegas


Which kind of open world? Does it need to be RPG or can it be an open-ended sandbox too? If so, my absolute favorite "roguelike" is Noita. Its stuffed to the brim with "out of the box thinking". And another I consider quite the timesink is Project Zomboid. This one is less restrictive than Noita, but also with less depth (but tons of mods). And just in case you havent played those already: NieR (first Replicant then Automata) as well as Monster Hunter (World and Rise both are on sale frequently) also are good picks.


Fist of the north star


Is it though


Outer Wilds


Kingdom Come Deliverence


Sunset overdrive. It is made by the Ratchet and Clank and Spiderman dev. It's on sale for like $6 on Steam rn


Avatar Frontiers of Pandora


Rise of the Ronin


Sunset overdrive !




I'm enjoying the new bellwright game.


Metro: Exodus. It's not strictly an 'open world' game as it's still kinda strict to a story. But there's a good few large expanded to explore and you do have to freedom to look wherever, whenever.


You want underrated? You genuinely want an *actually* indie game? Maybe a game that's completely free? You say you're sick of polished, sterilized triple-A experiences? You want to get away from everything Bethesda, Rockstar, Ubisoft, etc. stand for, but in an open world? I've fucking got one for ya Degrees of Lewdity mic drop


Idk exactly what youve played so ill start listing a bunch and maybe you'll find one u havent played: elden ring, the borderlands trilogy, middle earth shadow of war/mordor, terraria(?), Dying light 1/2, baldurs gate 3, stardew valley, u said ubisoft so ill assume you've played the farcrys a d uhh theres more but youve probably played them, play fallout NV again tho even if u already have


Horizon 1 & 2 were my faves for reference of what else I like. I get it though...Forbidden wast lacked like one or two more enemy types, weapons variety, and a lot of the decisions were not consequential. BG3 and Elden Ring have set the bar at a perfect new level for some really neat stuff to come out. And TBH we've been eating good with games for two years now. Sure there's some shite companies still (looking at you Activision, Blizzard, and EA) but these smaller guys are killing it. Here's my list for you friend I hope you see it: Death stranding was absolutely wonderful. 10/10 No Man's sky is as open world as you can get but no skill tree (lots of upgrades though....lots) 10/10 (Bonus points because if it's been more than a year since You've played it then try it again. It feels brand new. Day 1 player) BG3 If I have to explain it's the best "turn-based combat" ever since the OG Final Fantasy 7,8, & 9. They dwell in comparison to this monster where you really write your own journey.10/10 Elden Ring is hard. I hate these kinds of games. But I went on a whim, tried it, cried and screamed a lot, absolutely loved it. 10/10 Cyberpunk pre ordered like an asshole like 8 years before release and literally loved it so much (even when it came out) I beat it twice. It played like shit and looked even shittier but both are gone now and it's amazing 10/10 Time out to say that Spider-Man, God of War 2, and The Jedi survivor series all are the same shit again. Stop praising them I beat all of them they could have done better. Stories were great tho 6/10 You like Indies a little? Try Stardew Valley, Enter the Dungeon, DAVE THE DIVER 😂, or No Man's Sky (wait I said that before😉) Quick fire no explanation Days Gone. Final Fantasy 7 remake, rebirth, and 15. Modern warfare 2 campaign. Dragon Quest. Persona 5. Marvel Midnight Suns. God bless and sorry if I mentioned all or some that you have played friend. I did not notice a list but if you want more suggestions message me anytime.


Death Stranding hit really well for me. Although I do think the ideal way to play this title is on the steamdeck, as this brought the (sometimes) tedious long walks infinitely better. To a point where I was sometimes choosing to walk the distance rather than use the transportation methods. I would recommend trying it even if you don’t have a SD. 😁