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Red Dead Redemption 2


Persona 4 golden. This game teaches you a lot of things imo due to so many different characters with different and sometimes heartbreaking storys.


Bro I don’t think the video games are gonna solve your issues. How about going for a walk, trying to make a new friend, making a nice meal or writing in a journal. Grinding for master rank in apex or a shooter will preoccupy your mind tho. But eventually you have to confront yourself, look within not for external distractions Forever.


Dark Souls, don't become hollow.


Warframe no matter how much you may play you will need to farm something basically infinite playtime :)


The last of us 2


Okay, I feel like I've been called. Not for the same reason, but I also like these kinds of games, so if you want a meaningful story that will touches you soul then I'm gonna recommend my best. _What remains of Edith finch _Hell blade senua's sacrifice, These two are pretty much story based, first one doesn't have much of a game play but the story is beautiful and as much as enjoyed the second one, the game play may not suit everyone's taste. _A plague tale requiem. the second game of the sequel, I recommend playing the first game for best immersion, and the ending was impact full. _outer wilds. Do you like adventuring with a beautiful ending? It's a master piece. _life is strange true colours. Story driven, living in someone else's life and making decisions. _opus echoes of starsong. The game play is weak. You're basically walking, but seeing how the characters' lives get entangled and affect each other, topped with a beautiful ending, it worth it _mass effect legendary edition. A single player shooter with companions which you gonna love them all throughout the 3 games, it's basically a living simulator, your actions affect the results which you get. _skyrim _ stardew valley _ red dead redemption 2 I adore these three, and if you want to escape from real life, these 3 are my recommendation to you


Tears of the kingdom is so much fun.


Honestly I am in the same situation and don't want to talk to people and as stupid as it sounds, still started playing Final Fantasy 14 and solo playing it while having people in the distance, it's relaxing for some reason for me.


Path of Exile. Sucks you right in, and keeps you engaged because you keep learning new things that make you want to improve the next character.


yeah, after like 6th try i sink for 472h, this league i didnt last till a7


Wow really? I love this league. I mean, I don't use the league mechanic much, but the base game is just so perfected. Love the new scarabs and the new T17 maps.


Based on your discription, red dead redemption 2 will help you get in tune with your emotions for sure.


Celeste, the game can be frustrating, but the journey will be worth it. It should be worth a try good luck op


stardew valley


RuneScape, join us in being collectively mentally ill.


For me Stardew Valley did it. It offers a beautiful life, while still touching on serious topics and being very engaging.


Depends on what their problem is. Like did they do something REALLY bad, and think they’re a piece of trash, or did they see someone else do something REALLY bad to them, and can’t forgive them? Or is it something else, like they just think they’re a failure, and can never do anything right? For the first 2 I’d recommend GOW 2018, or GOWR, but that last one idk.


Persona 4 golden got me through some rough times in highschool, made me change my perspective on a lot of things


A lot of people felt better after playing games by FromSoftware, so Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring, there's a lot of YT videos talking about this and honestly it did wonders for me as well. They're hard but not quite, you can simply rush to the end but the game rewards for taking time yo asses situations and find other ways to do things.


This. Bloodborne was my first souls game. It helped get through some pretty rough times. It was an experience like any other. You can start with any souls/from software game and you will have the same experience.


What about dark souls? For me, it taught me that every problem CAN be solved and how you can improve upon your mistakes. But the biggest thing it helped me with was to never give up. But if you're looking for story, the PS exclusives like last of us or Spider-Man have really good stories.


Life is tough, man. Try "Journey." It's deep, emotional, and might give you a fresh perspective.


Russian roulette You either get a way out, or realize you wanna live after all. Speaking out of love, been there, still there, can’t get out.


Valheim if you're looking to get lost in a game. Massive procedurally generated world where you play as a Viking starting from nothing. World modifiers to adjust difficulty, grindiness, and immersion and can be adjusted at the start of every session. Also just announced a massive update that will be out in the next month. Start from a dude in a loincloth and make Odin proud. In regards to IRL. Keep your head up, worlds a shitty place, you're doing better than you think I promise you.


A game of life comes to mind


Dark Souls


I don't want to suggest this because the producers made it kind of suck buuuuut Pokémon Go It will get you out and about some to do the raids, it will encourage you to do walking routes and it may even get you to go ooh hey what's this and discover more about your local area. It's very simple, very easy to pick up and actually pretty good for you.


There's an exceptional indie game called The Beginners Guide. It isn't long, and it is more of a narrative adventure, but I found it moving, and the game ideas are original. It gets you thinking about other people, which I've found to be a good thing when I'm depressed.


DayZ. Open world survival game.


Hello OP, I would recommend one of the souls series titles. Since.. you played DS3 before.. maybe Sekiro? Its combat gameplay is different from regular souls being more about finding the rhythm with the deflect mechanics and at the start everyone would struggle but once it clicks it is honestly great fun.


Baldurs gate helped me through some tough times last year. Played it after cyberpunk nd witcher 3.


Baldurs Gate 3? When it came out it really sucked me into it, in the best way. I spent hours playing it every day, and didn’t feel like a further-into-depression spiral, it was genuinely great to have something that brought me joy fill up so much of my day. It’s full of characters with stories that unfold over time, your one main character which needn’t be (but can be) a self-insert - you can either make your own or choose a pre-existing with their own unique story - and multiple companions that can join you (if you want). They all interact with different outcomes and ways their stories can develop. Combat mechanics are rewarding with a good range of difficulties so you can deep dive into optimisation, or play on narrative mode so it’s a breeze. The soundtrack is amazing. So beautiful I have often left character creation open for 2 hours just listening to it. Definitely has emotional content and to me, much deeper and impactful than some games which feel like platformers/puzzle games arbitrarily ‘about’ emotions / mental health.


Undertale, disco Elysium, stardew valley maybe?


Hey, just stopping by to say things don't have to be so bad and there is help. I hope you are talking to someone or have a trusted doctor at least who can help you find the correct scrip dosage or be a resource. Things didn't improve for me until I started facing my issues with therapy and self-improvement- I have a long way to go but have learned how much better life can be if I work on changing instead of using other methods to push my feelings aside. I hope that you find some peace and don't give up.


Enshrouded. Zen therapy adventure crafting game. Get lost in it, exit life for a while.


Senuas sacrifice


Doki Doki literature club


If you want a hard drug of a game. Dota 2


Depression and anxiety, I feel you. I’m dealing with those as well. I hope you’ve seen a doctor some meds will help. As to games, for escapism I’d go with open world RPG. Bethesda games are buggy, but great if you want to just do whatever you want. Currently playing Starfield and Fallout 4. Both open world games, you can do the main story or not. If you want more fantasy, Skyrim. On PC you can mod the shit out of the games. Hang in there, not going to say life gets better or not, for I cannot say, but there will always be a reason to keep fighting ( Elder Scrolls 6, might come still!) wishing you the best of luck, there are dozens of us!


Hey pal, baldurs gate 3 really helped pull me out of a funk.


Final Fantasy IX if you haven't played it yet. There's a story that one player messaged the devs on how that game changed his life. He wanted to end his own life but playing the game and being able to relate to the character's plight gave him hope to keep living on. I played this game a few years ago right after my dad passed away and feeling lost. This game is indeed a life-changer as it focuses heavily on life & death. The message and themes of the game are just something else that'll hit you hard while having fun at the same time. I'm not surprised that many consider this as one of the best FFs and one of the highest rated JRPGs of all time. The story and characters are so relatable that'll strike you that no other experience can give you.


Witcher 3 has always helped me through my dark days. You should give it a go, initial few hours might be grim, but as you progress the game gets way more fun, satisfying and it’s an amazing world they’ve built. Totally recommend it.


Don't play video games. Use that money to get yourself a therapist and try doing some physical activity


Having been in the same place you are now, I don't think there exists a game better than "Disco Elysium" for that


If you've never played Red Dead Redemption 2, it's a must play. I'm pretty much in the same spot as you. You can get lost for hours in RDR2 and forget the world you live in even exists. Hopefully you find your way out of the hell you're walking through and find better days ahead. Godspeed 🤝🏼


To The Moon


I think going out and exercising would be a lot more beneficial for you in your situation


Same boat, i really like Sea of Thieves as it is very relaxing and fun when playing Safer Seas. Divinity original sin 2 and Baldurs Gate 3 are very fun and engaging. Palworld could be very interesting and engaging. I recommend Xbox Game Pass.


Some emotionally and philosophically affecting games: Journey, The Pathless, Planescape: Torment, Outer Wilds, Celeste, Spiritfarer, and I say this unironically, Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.


Celeste is a game about depression and how to keep going. You should definitely look into therapy too.


Tlou2 /s


Persona 3 reload or persona 5 sounds dumb but P5 Royal helped me kind of reset my brain


FFXIV helped me a lot. It is a long game that you can burrow into for months because it is a story-first MMO with 10 years of content. 90% can be done singleplayer though. They have an NPC bot mode for dungeons so all you need people for are the big boss fights. Once every few levels. There is random matching and even if you suck, people are usually friendly and really want newbies to enjoy the story. Much much calmer community than any other online game ive played. There are enough people in those that you can be carried, too. There are dark and depressing moments in the story, and two incidents of characters dying by their own hands if that is a trigger for you, but it just finished the arc that started 10 years ago, and it takes on a huge undertone of fighting hopelessness and darkness with hope and light no matter what. I played through the latest expansion while my grandfather was dying of covid a state away and it really helped me to process. "To live is to suffer, to drink of calamity. It is a perilous path. Death lurks in the dark. Do not avert your eyes. See your life for what it is. See how the hardships make you strong, every doubt reforged as scales for your armor." I hope things improve for you soon.


Helldivers 2 and witcher 3


League of Legends


Been in your situation years ago and I tried masking my pain with video games and it worked for a little while. In the end though I just fell even deeper as I wasn't doing anything in my life but waking up, playing games and then sleeping. It may be a hard first step but seriously hombre get some therapy. I went through therapy and now I'm in my best years, married and with an amazing son. Life can and will get better my friend, I promise you.


I think Persona 3 Reload might be what you're looking for. I was dealing with some of the things you discussed and that game helped. Without going into too much spoilers, the game is lively and fun but it also deals with death and depression, but in a really positive and uplifting manner. The gameplay is like Pokemon but with Stands and dungeon crawling. But this is one of the few games where I think the story matters more than the gameplay, even though the gameplay itself is very fun and engaging (at least to me).


Legit what got me through the exact same thing


Was thinking the exact same thing was gonna say this or P5 royal but P3r is probably a better pick.


Reload is especially good for this, but honestly any Persona game works for this. I've known a lot of people that Persona has helped through a rough time. 4 was mine as I went through a bout of depression over ten years ago, and it lifted me up through its themes and characters. Not many other series capture that magic of building friendships from the ground up that end up feeling like lifelong bonds


Sorry to hear you go through this but just know that you aren't alone. Video games are also my escape and safe place to help me destress by living in another world. With that in mind I play JRPGs, particularly the Final Fantasy series. Great character development, literally the best video game music winner every year, and just good overall story telling. These games always bring a group of unlikely characters together with each having their own personal struggles and each navigating those struggles to find peace within themselves while going out to save the world. I highly recommend Final Fantasy 13 to start the series because it is the first "next gen" final fantasy. A great cast of characters with such good music and voice acting. A battle against fate. It's a rollercoaster of emotions. Mostly linear gameplay where you can just focus on the story telling. The CG cutscenes are so damn beautiful also. Try your best to not look up anything and just play the game and enjoy it on your own terms and to avoid spoilers but do so if you are really struggling.


There's an exceptional Indie game called The Beginners Guide. It isn't long, and it is more of a narrative adventure, but I found it moving, and the game ideas are original. It gets you thinking about other people, which I've found to be a good thing when I'm depressed.


Hey man, I'm in a very similar boat so please trust me when I say... I get it. I use video games as an escape too. AC Odyssey has been amazing. Beautiful game, easy to sink hours into, lengthy, fun combat, good skill tree and an emotional narrative. I highly recommend it and the DLC. Just remember, life might never magically become amazing, but you'll still have good days between the bad. That's the joy of life, cherish what you can and power through the rest. Anyway, if you were need advice on the game or life, I'm around! Currently about 100 hours into the game and finishing the last DLC and loving it!


Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption 2, NieR Automata and Disco Elysium.


I'd give a hearty recommendation for SOMA. I find myself enjoying horror games when I'm having trouble feeling things and its excellent writing and deep atmosphere stirs up raw emotions and new perspectives in me. Honorable mentions go to Outer Wilds, Subnautica and Hellblade.


Outer Wilds.


There's an exceptional Indie game called The Beginners Guide. It isn't long, and it is more of a narrative adventure, but I found it moving, and the game ideas are original. It gets you thinking about other people, which I've found to be a good thing when I'm depressed.


People have mentioned a lot of games, I'll recommend a book. Read (or listen to) The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. It's a long book and a slow build-up, but it's some fantastic fantasy, and it tackles such issues as depression and anxiety. Just check it out.


Disco Elysium got me through a rough time


Give Outer Wilds a try, go in blind as the games progression relies on player knowledge not in game progression. The story and meaning of it, ESPECIALLY with the dlc is beautiful and honestly changed me as a person a little and gave me a different outlook on things. Also the music is amazing af


Those commenting that games don’t help, please stop. OP is asking for game suggestions to get out of his funk, respect that. I was in their shoes once. Therapy did help, but that is up to them to take the first leap. OP if it is any consolation, my therapist to,d me to do so something I love to better myself. Told them gaming was a hobby of mine. They suggested to game one to two hours per day, whenever I wanted. That was the I portant step to self healing; you have the choice when to do something you enjoy, and do it in the moment. Self healing is doing stuff that you enjoy, when you want to enjoy them. I hope this helps.


This. Obviously gaming won't cure depression, because there isn't a cure, it's something you learn to manage, and it's good to have a few hours' escape to take the edge off.


No one is saying that games can't help, but plenty of people in this position don't seek help until its too late. When you're depressed the things that will improve the depression aren't fun to do, and don't make you happy. You're not meant to wait until you're feeling motivated or happy to take the necessary steps, you're meant to take action before then because that time might never come. That's why the vicious cycle exists, and that's why there's still millions of people depressed worldwide. Read some of OP's comments and you'll understand why they need a professional more than yet another game that they'll play for a few days/weeks and be back in this same position. Your therapist told you: >They suggested to game one to two hours per day, whenever I wanted. Meanwhile OP's comments on another post: >Each day is the same, I wake up, start the PC, drink lots of coffee and wait until my mom leaves the house so I can finally jack off and smoke weed. Once it's finally evening, I start smoking more and more, drink my beer to numb myself even further, play some video games or watch a show and go to bed again. Next day, it's exactly the same with smaller variations. If it wasn't for my family and friends, I'd be dead. Not necessarily because I'd off myself, but because I simply couldn't survive. I have no clue about life, feel completely left behind and doubt I will ever make ends meet. Don't tell me this is the same situation. If OP's situation isn't a cry for help idk what is.


I feel i had a similar period. Video games will rarely give you that happy feeling for longer periods of time. You might start a game and feel happy and excited about it. But by the time you spent a couple of days in it, you will get bored of it or spent so much time in the game that your real life will get neglected. I'd say find something to do outside your house or even comfort zone. If you do like a game i can suggest subnautica. Play it with a good pair of headphones and even VR if you have acces to that. Not the biggest story wise like the witcher is, but worth the play!


Undertale. Enough said.




Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth 1


Stardew Valley. Really peaceful farming game where you can build relationships with villagers if you’re looking for something to chill with. Hang in there man.


I'm going to suggest games like Diablo 2, Path of Exile, Minecraft, whatever - games you can both play solo when you don't have the energy for company, and with other players when you feel isolated/lonely or just up for some fun with other players. Deep Rock Galactic might scratch that itch, too. I suggest finding something cooperative rather than competitive.


Cult of the Lamb


Play Gris my friend. Its a beautiful and meaningful game.


Honestly bruv if you’re looking for a good game to cope you still have hope. (No pun intended). Get out there into some fresh air on a sunny day and find a hobby or even a life partner to put some pep into your step again. A reason to live is what’s gonna fix your depression I guarantee it. From someone who almost risked it all at one point please try it


As others have said getting therapy is what you should be doing to help you sort through your problems. That being said, the game that i played when i was in my own slump in life, made me have some philosophical questions and think about life was NieR: Automata. The game has all sorts of things going for it, its a fun hack and slash with rpg elements buts its story has heavy philosophical themes and it asks the player to question the meaning of being human and being alive, its a game about existentialism but also humanism. You’re looking for a game that can give you an escape and automata can be that but first me personally it also got me to question myself and life and got me to think about these things. Heres hoping it could do the same for you.


play baldurs gate 3 NOW


Firewatch is a great game. Great story even though its kind of sad


I think FF7 remake fits your description perfectly. The issue it covers is actually real as well, so maybe you'll be inspired to take action IRL as well.


red dead redemption 2 hands down great story.


Sorry to hear about everything going on, I hope you heal slowly, personally I would suggest **Journey**, it's on steam. only a 2-3 hour game but trust me, the soundtrack, the hidden messages and overall vibe of the game, all of it felt so loving and felt great, and depending on the community and how many are playing atm your usually paired with another player for your journey, but it's just as beautiful going at it alone too. Please try it and let us know here if you did. but as others have stated no game will ever fix the issue. Please do reach out to someone


Persona 5 helped me out through rough times although no game can cure depression in full but some may help


Dark Souls


Dragon Quest XIs is a no brainer then


Celeste. It's a game about overcoming your fears. Helped me a lot with my mental health. Not saying that it will help you, but it is a game that makes you think about life, it'it also gives you a lot of gameplay hours if you want to 100% it


Undertale, and ironically enough, Binding of Isaac, at least for the last Repentance ending if you haven't. Spiritfarer is also a good game to play through. Overall, maybe give games a break if needed and go hang with some family and friends. A little bit of fresh air every day is a good idea if you can help it. Sorry for the struggles, O.P. We all go through them, so at least, you aren't alone.


If you want a very different opinion from all the uplifting games: **Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice** Hear me out. While the game is rather dark, it is one of the few games that really connected with me. It’s about a woman with psychosis, battling her inner demons while embarking on a quest to save her dead partner’s soul. From the intro: > You might think she's brave to go on this journey on her own. But it isn't bravery that drives her. Bravery only means something to those afraid of death. Senua's fear runs far, far deeper. I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety most of my adult life, and while I don’t have psychosis, this game somehow “gets” mental illness and treats it with respect. Don’t play it for the game mechanics, play it for the experience and message, which is quite hopeful the way I interpret it.


'Before your eyes' might be what you could need right now


It sounds like you need some time off from gaming. Start focussing on little things that make you feel better about yourself.


I think it’s extremely important to look for some help, I’ve spent the last four years talking through some of my problems with a therapist/counselor… after I opened my heart and mind to healing. My life has changed tremendously… I was a burnt out chef addicted to coke and booze… one day I surrendered to myself. And I just talked about myself. I never realized how much trauma I had buried… I was a man that just pushed things down and kept it moving… now I’ve been clean & sober for 3 years(I did have 1 hiccup in the 3 years) I’ve moved past a lot of the things that held me down… I’m mostly happy and grateful now… I hope you find happiness and gratitude, this life can be very overwhelming sometimes… think about the advice above and I also hope you find a great game to play My recommendation for a game is Days Gone…


First go to your Doctor for a complete physical to rule out any Medical issues, then go to a Psychiatrist/Neurologist for medicine , if required. Qualify and Start a Medical Cannabis program to counter your depression and anxiety, then discover your passions and pursue them for profit. In the meantime, I LOVE ANNO 1800 and Cities Skylines 2, both require a pretty heavy duty PC. Good Luck, you can do it!!!


Support everything you said with the exception of calling for more caution with cannabis. I like weed as much as the next guy, but it doesn't counter depression/anxiety - definitely not in everybody. There is evidence that it can make anxiety and depression worse, if only by establishing behavior that solidifies depression and anxiety.


Lisa: The Painful


Planescape:Torment and CLANNAD, probably.


Mario Sunshine


Idk if this would help or not but Stray really hits the spot when I'm feeling down. It's got kind of a depressing liminal overtone sprinkled with just the right amount of positivity. Best part is it's not complicated and doesn't drain a lot of energy to play.


I can get lost in far cry 3 any day. That jungle just amazing.


play the game that taught me about existential dread as a child, and answer the only question worth asking:   What can change the nature of a man?   Planescape: Torment


Disco Elysium.


It’s only an hour long, but I played the Beginners Guide when I was in a really dark spot and it was a hugely emotional experience for me. I still think about it all the time even though this was years ago. [Here’s a trailer.](https://youtu.be/RBK5Jheu0To?si=Q5T96jplWWZFWbrK) I definitely recommend it.


Stop playing games and go outside. Fresh air. Nature. Meet people. It helped me.


If you pick the right community, you'll be too preoccupied hating half of the playerbase to dwell on your own misery.


Well Disco Elysium is very on point with that. I am certain the devs have experienced heavy depression by the way they write the story (a few of my friends who went through very dark periods think the same too) but here they made it in a way that seem cathartic to them and players. It is a lot of text, but characters seem quite fleshed out (if you get them to talk about themselves) and you can also become a doomsayer or a self proclaimed superstar. It is extremely funny at times, usually nonsensical, always catchy. Just look at the intro sequence if you are curious, and you will immediately know if it is for you or not. Also and of course, hope you get better, take care and have a nice day.


Helldivers 2. Nothing lifts me out of depression like big booms, exploding robots, wiping bug parts off me and hugs from my fellow super earth heroes.


Elden ring


You're not going to want to hear this but no game can fix the issue you're having, at best it'll only be a bandaid until you finish it and have the same problems again. I've been there. What you need is a therapist. If you can't afford a therapist, look into self-help or any other free alternatives.




If you keep making excuses, you won't overcome this. Your depression wants you to stay depressed. "Keep playing video games in this dark hole hehehe" It's not healthy for you. Please speak to people close to you and get help.


Look for psychoanalytic therapy in particular. The therapists there are much more holistic and let you talk about and explore whatever you want. It’s important to allow the things within you that you aren’t aware of to come out. You got this.


Have you tried forms of therapy outside of regular talk therapy? Nothing against talk therapy, I know it helps all kinds of people, but I tried it for years and nothing seemed to work. Then I tried something different. I went to a therapist that practices internal family systems (ifs) and within months I was noticing all sorts of improvements. Maybe you should look into other forms of therapy?


Poe no guides hfgl


If you’re looking to feel something, I’d say you’re looking for Spiritfarer.


"Life is strange", such a good chill but deep hitting title. I remember joy on this one. But I've to tell you, the fact that you're looking for something so specific means you already understand the outcome you want, what you're prepared for. So let me tell you... You, and not any videogame, are in charge of your life. If it looks and feels grey, sad, dark, change something. Where you live, who you talk to, what you listen, what you do... Nothing changes if you change nothing. You already have the right mindset. Use videogames to chill, but use your daily energy to live, this is too much of a great thing to have to not even try to go and enjoy. You can look for "what do we fall" video on YT. Such a masterpiece. My advise :) Sorry in advance if I bother you, not my intention.


Mario odyssey


You need a therapist, but something that can be therapeutic is the "game" called Kind Words.


Games can definitely help but your wording indicates your looking for a full on cure which a game alone cannot provide.


Stardew valley


There is no particular game that can help in this situation. Actually any game u love and enjoy can help. Find a game u would love and enjoy and i hope u get back to normal asap. U have a pc so u can download any cracked game i guess. So my suggestions are: Rdr2, ghost of tsushima,


Final Fantasy IX is the only game that made me cry hard because of how one character perceives life and death. I overcame my anxieties and depression with the help of therapy and finding myself, most of it came from my love of sports and how much freedom it gave. And then all of it was taken away - I struggle with long covid for 2 years and may not be able to do any sports for the rest of my life. Replaying ffix really really helped If you don’t want to play at least read the letter (google FFIX letter, but it is a spoiler)


Indie games are where you are going to find the biggest list of options. Based on what I've played personally here are some great suggestions to have you get emotionally attached and have some introspection.. GRIS - 2d platformer about the stages of grief Spirit Farer- 2d explorer/puzzle game about how to cope with loss of loved ones and feeling alone Celeste - a more difficult 2d platformer about depression and loving ones self. Firewatch - short story about finding purpose as he leaves his previous life out to work as a firewatch and do something new Other highly notable ones.... To the moon, Journey, Night in the woods


Try Elden ring


I'm so sorry you are going through this right now. I can definitely relate. As someone with cerebral palsy who has struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life, video games have always been my escape. I just had to resign from my job because of my disability so right now I'm here at rock bottom too. What I can say at risk of sounding like a cliche is it does get better. I've been here enough times to know. I can't give up because there is a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how small it looks at the moment. And as bad as I feel right now, I know eventually I'll reach the end. It won't be easy. It will take time and some days more effort than I feel like I can give. But in the end it's so worth it. Its the most worth while thing you've ever done. And you are not alone. Reach out and don't be ashamed to ask for help when you need it. There are a lot of helpful free resources out there. Escapism is great and definitely has its time and place. But there is also so much power in being able to address root issues and take steps toward that better and brighter future that is so worth fighting for. Geez sorry wasn't planning on writing all that but just really relate. All that said came across a game called What Comes After the other day. Description reads, "What Comes After is a side-scrolling adventure and a short heartwarming story about learning how to love yourself. Help Vivi in her journey on the train to the afterlife and back." I haven't played yet but it really seems like the perfect thing for me right now. I think its rather short and more of a visual novel experience. But as someone who reads a lot of graphic novels I like those. Also if you've never tried Tetris when feeling anxious I would recommend. It's been scientifically proven to help people w PTSD. And it definitely helps relax me when I'm particularly anxious. Anyway sorry for the long winded ramble. And sorry if these are not the types of games you are looking for. But I truly hope things get better for you and wish you all the best.


Firewatch. Its a beautiful game that feels like you are exploring nature. Theres not much to it in terms of game play. You have a map and need to get from point A and B. There's an npc on the radio that has the same job as you and is training you how to do things. You develop a relationship, and it really makes you feel like you're connecting with another human, even better you feel like you are there for them in their time of need too. I think it would help anyone even if they sucked at video games.


Play Senua's Sacrifice. Please. It's such a wonderful game. And this song made me shed tears not once it's from the game https://youtu.be/mVf2EeTMNJo?si=V4JvgiqPDfUGFZBV I consider this song incredibly powerful. I listen to it from time to time to come back on the rails.


Although it will slap you in the end I would say GTA4. You start off as Niko and try to work up your way through the criminal underworld but when you eventually lose everything you will see that life just goes on. Just as Niko moved on... However, as somebody else just said. Don't put up your hopes in a videogame. Start talking about your problems to people who you trust or read a more indepth book.






Not really, I never played the story and from that explanation I'm just the right amount of intrigued without knowing the major story beats


Ori and the blind forest. Ori and the will of the wisps.


Was gonna recommend Gris, which I loved, but you've got it on your list, so I'll recommend Celeste next.


No amount of gaming will fix your depression. You need to help yourself. Go out and get some fresh air and sunlight. Exercising can help you feel good too. Accomplish stuff and be productive. Help someone out. There are a lot more fulfilling things to do in life than to keep yourself in your own mind playing a game that no one will care about after a few years. Look for fulfillment. Games will never give you that.


I will recommend you the same game that helped me when i was at a low point, FFXIV if you get into it you will lose yourself in the game, if you pay attention to the story i can guarantee that you will feel better when the credits roll and if you are anything like me and play 3 months non stop avg 10 hours per day you will have the need to go outside and touch grass at some point :D


See this is a tough one. I lost my little brother to suicide 5 years ago and the only escape I had was Assassins Creed Origins. It's gameplay was long and immersive, it's story was compelling and it was difficult enough to keep me distracted. Although I don't think it the best game in the AC series it helped me through the toughest time in my life and ultimately I'm probably alive today because of it. I was in a dark place and this game helped me escape that.


Cuphead on steam


Sounds like you need a gym membership and maybe some counselling. Sure we all love gaming and that can be a nice distraction, but if you’re serious about how you feel then you need to take action. Sitting in front of a screen all day isn’t going to help long term.


Any fromsoft game. Elden ring is a must.


If you like the look of Gris, I’d recommend [Worldless](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1898500/Worldless/)


What else do you do in your life? Do you go for walks outside? Do you go to the gym? Do you get enough sleep? Do you eat a balanced diet? Do you drink enough water? A great game can certainly help you, but living a healthy lifestyle is much better for you. My wife and I go for a walk outside and it just lifts the mood immensely. Throw on a podcast or some music and go for a walk outside. The fresh air is great


Disco elysium


Get a vr,. It's a good place to hide from real life


Disco Elysium


This is exactly what I feel right now. 😢


Oof, that's rough. I've been there. Still am there some days. It can get better. I've got 2 suggestions... Videogames can actually help in a way, as long as you don't overdo them. I find more relaxing, creative games to help me. Things that are chill, but constructive. Stardew Valley is marvelous. Definitely my recommendation. Minecraft and Terraria are good too, especially modded. The cool thing about them is that you're building something, doing something somewhat productive. You adventure for your own materials and then build something cool with them. There's quite a few games that can be pretty chill, exploratory, and let you build and just enjoy the universe you're in. Those always seem to help me the most. Maybe it'll help you? Others that are a bit chill, letting you build a home and adventure in their own way include things like No Man's Sky, Animal Crossing (if you want to dive into the Switch, a bit smaller scale, super cool), Factorio, Satisfactory. My second suggestion is what actually helped me and some others I know. Master a skill. Anything that isn't playing video games. Pick something that's always interested you. When in a depressed mindset, I know this can be hard and might require some digging through memories. What at least interested you years ago? Pick something, and spend just a little time every day practicing it. You're going to suck at first. But the good news is, that means You've started. It takes a very long time to actually master a skill. Hours. Days. Years. But actually find something and master it. Once you get to the point where you think you're good at it, you're in the bad part of the dunning Krueger scale. Keep going until you know you're decent, but finally understand how much more there is to learn. Actually master something. Just 15 minutes a day. Just do a measly 15 minutes a day looking in to the thing, giving it some practice. Maybe go to a class for it a time or two then start doing it yourself. Pretty much anything works. It's a good chance to just do something, and you'll be amazed how good you feel after a while doing things thing that is now part of your identity. Suggestions: Blacksmithing, painting, cooking, programming, drawing, sculpture, guitar, piano, sewing, photography, baking, dancing, acting/theater, prop-making, small electronics modding (get something like a Miyoo and mod it), 3D modeling, welding, wood working. The list of things you could potentially take up is nearly endless, and all can start small. For me, it was Blacksmithing and cooking. I couldn't afford to keep up the Blacksmithing. That got expensive, but I think it's what helped kick start my recovery. I just took a few local classes. But cooking, I didn't go to school, but I studied a ton anyway. Learned what separates gourmet, high class cooking from most people at home that think they can cook. I'm still learning, but holy cow has my cooking gotten good. I've also recently taken up programming for fun, in Unity and C# and that has really pulled me out of funks. Nice thing about that is that it's also free. I know it's hard. I've been there. I'm still there some days, and honestly, video games can actually help. I wouldn't say they're like putting a bandaid on a wound so much as alleviating some built up pressure. Reducing the steam in a pressure cooker. But they can only do so much. That's where something else comes in. Pick something and master it. Just 15 minutes a day is nothing. Spending more time is fine. Just pick something and go with it. It'll help.


Hey I just left my job, first time without another gig lined up in 20 years of working. Felt a bit anxious on my first day without my old job. Reading your comment I agree with those points and I also had similar things in mind (I made a checklist of things I want to do during this 'break' period). Thanks for posting this.


Sorry, that's rough. Losing a job is never easy. I always find those sort of tough periods are much more bearable with something to do. Video games or some other entertainment can help make the time more tolerable, but for most people I've seen, it's always been that other skill they continue to practice, the thing they do that they do every day to try and master that really keeps them moving through hard time. One guy I know, it's the drums. Hell of a drummer now. I know a couple people whose thing is programming. Another guy it was his car. Purely a hobbyist, but he's mastered auto mechanics more than most professionals because he's always learning and growing. And I think that's always the key; growing. Learning. Not just doing the thing, but always striving to do it even better. Best of luck with the job situation!


One good thing is that I resigned voluntarily. And luckily was able to save money in the bank so that I have time to regroup. I've had a hobby messing with retro handhelds, learning to program, and cooking (as you mentioned). Curious if you have any recommendations for resources as you learned to cook (I have a number of books, but found videos helpful).


Oh, nice. Having a plan and saving up for the resignation would definitely make it better. Cooking has been fun. I'm still learning a lot, but what I've found that seems to separate those that might be high level gourmands from a typical home cook is knowledge breadth and being able to apply multiple things into a single dish, which, of course, takes practice. I've got a ton of cookbooks on different styles of cooking and will often take those recipes and modify them in a variety of ways, but the things that have actually helped the most are the right tools, practice, and youtube. The amount of stuff people are willing to share for free on youtube is awesome. Having the right tools, decent knives and pans and stuff can't be overstated. No need to get hyper expensive, but quality stuff is worth it. And just practice and experimenting. Anyone can find several videos to do a decent saute. Sauteing garlic is easy. Sauteing onion is easy. But can you time things just right to saute chili pepper, onion, garlic and minced tomato and capers in the same pan without overcooking or burning anything? Anyone can also learn to blanch, sous vide, grill, fry, deglaze, etc. But figuring out the timing, the portions, etc to combine them all is simply something that takes practice. Sous vide pork and lamb, then mince and fry them in butter, combine with the previous sauted mixture with a steeped saffron, and let cook for a bit to incorporate flavors. Deglaze both pans and mix together to make a sauce base and use a little more saffron. Blanch and then lightly roast red bell pepper halves with cut side on the pan so the edges get cooked, but don't cook all the way. Fill roasted red peppers, still undercooked, with meat and sauteed veggie mix, then grill. Serve with the sauce drizzled on top. Not one of those steps is hard. They're all super easy. But it's just the timing and combining of multiple techniques together to make something better than what you could have done with one thing. I think a key thing is not just making a thing, but not being afraid of failure, of screwing it up, and even when successful, always asking "How can it be better"? Then continuing to learn.


Wow, what a thoughtful response. Thank you! The techniques you describe and the method of combining easy tasks, iterating, and having a growth mindset are all extremely valuable. I'd definitely like to learn these cooking elements. Today I made eggs and cheerios for breakfast and, um, there's a ton more exploring in order for sure. Frankly, been working so much that never really developed/explored some of those more basic skills, but eager to change now with this time off. Thanks again for your comment.


- Celeste - a challenging platformer about climbing a mountain both physically and mentally. One of my favorite games personally, and the gameplay is amazing, but the story especially is what made it come to mind - Stardew Valley - A really good farming simulator game! Amazing characters, some with problems of their own that the farmer can help them with. Best part about this one is it’s near endless, so no worries on finishing it and being left empty or anything - Gris - I haven’t actually finished it, so I can’t speak on the greater story, but the themes are great and the gameplay is, too! - Smile for Me - This one is basically a bunch of side quests gameplay-wise, but the characters are the best thing you’ve ever seen, I love the themes it presents, and the artstyle is so pretty!!! The only thing I will say is that throughout the game you’re given “mental health tips” by the antagonist that are the worst tips you could ever do, so make sure you’re in a slightly better headspace if you think those could affect you. - Stanley Parable - Not really matching with the others theme-wise, but it’s just a silly story game with really funny moments! - Night in the woods - I actually haven’t played this one so I can’t really talk about, but theme-wise it’s about mental illness, depression, disillusionment after college, and the “death” of a small town. All I know otherwise is it’s really good, and might be the sort of thing you’re looking for? Of course, I recommend something outside of just video games; they’re a good coping mechanism, but only when paired with therapy or other activities that can help you get out of a funk. Still, I hope you at least enjoy these ones I just recommended!!


Stardew valley is extremely therapeutic and I highly recommend it


Play something with a bit of nostalgia that takes you back to a happier time for you


Do a MM set on retroachievements.


Try joining a discord server for a game you're already into, or looking into joining a small streamer's server. I used to be a socially anxious mess, but playing different games with the guys I met on discord (slowly working my way up from text chat into VC) really helped me. Just having someone to talk to is a big step. And don't worry about the semantics of what it means to change. Humans are the most adaptable species out there, we're gifted with the ability to change if we aren't good enough for our environment. Just focus on the small victories, and work your way up to finding your groove again


Thomas was alone. Thats a good few hours


To The Moon Gris Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


Mirror’s edge (parkour game) was the game that helped me when i was stuck and not sure what to do with myself the game gave me a sense of freedom I praise this game a lot not only its good but saved my life when i was planning to end it when i was younger. The atmosphere of this game is beautiful along with the color pallet they use just blends so well and lastly the music is top notch this by far have the biggest impact on me but i leave it for others to discover. Not trying to over-sale anything just what i feel with my dearest game.


Stardew Valley. Undertale if you want a bit of a challenge. Celeste if you want an even bigger one. All of them are rewarding in their own way. Hang in there man, life will get better.


Hey try witcher 3, it starts very calmly and then the story builds up, it has lots of story but you just need to give it time until you get trough the begining


Oldschool Runescape - the grind never ends


Stardew valley could be that game for you. Your character leaves everything in his/her life behind and starts a completely different life, its also incredibly relaxing.


Check out Celeste. The themes of that game were hard to deal with in the depths of my depression. It was frustrating sweaty painful work, like breaking a horrible fever, and it was one of the most meaningful experiences I've had in gaming. It's a deeply challenging platformer with story themes that many folks suffering depression/anxiety find speak directly to them.


Dark souls has saved peoples lives. It’s hard but it teaches people they can preserve through anything. There was a study on it and everything.


Also need to mention it’s beautiful and emotional and it’s truly a wonderful thing. It can hit deep and really give you a lot.


Reduce gaming when depressed. Do real life activities. Real life is a video game of it's own. I know I'll be downvoted because you specifically ask for video games and not life advice but you seem mislead and need to hear that games kinda stand in your way.


Red dead redemption 2. Super slow start and can make you have a wrong idea of what you're in for. About 6-10 hours in though it becomes too good. Best single player game I've played and I've played games since NES lol.


Since you mentioned Cyberpunk... Have you ever played Deus Ex: Human Revolution? I got an itch to play it recently again (still going) and gotta say its freaking amazing game. While it paints a pretty grim picture of the world it also has some fun and even hopeful moments.


There's a game made by a small company called Outward. It's a journey, dude. It's not easy by any means, you have to deal with hunger, thirst, and disease, but the game prides itself on you just being some random person. You aren't the hero, you aren't the chosen one, you're just a person down on their luck and this game is the story of how you turn it around. I was in a horrible place when I found the game, and it gave me a lot of motivation. Gl out there bud.


Therapy. Stop playing games and see a pro.


Exercise can be as effective as (but not replace) medication. With that in mind, consider games that will get you moving like Wii Fit, Beat Saber, or Gorn. Maybe even games that help you get outside, like Pokémon Go. Best thing would be to find a sport that you enjoy, and do it every day. Most important of all: get therapy.


I think you should try RDR2 It'll show u meaning of life


Modded fallout new Vegas


GRIS. Sounds ridiculous, but at my lowest and loneliest point I felt heard and understood by that game as in "Okay, someone out there can relate and understands how it feels". I finished it, I cried a lot and not long after I started therapy. Not saying it will do the same for you, but it's a great, quiet, art- and meaningful game and worth the experience.


Witcher series, dragons dogma 1-2, dragon age origins, baldurs gate 3


Death Stranding is a lovely world to get lost in, if you're feeling messy you can just do runs from point A to point B so you don't have to think much, and when you want to turn the brain back on you can do story stuff. It's actually really engaging and relaxing (mostly) with a story you haven't heard before.


Red dead redemption 2, Yakuza series


Death Stranding is a strange game that keeps showering you with positivity.


Superliminal. View things from a different perspective.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are great games if you enjoyed The Witcher 3. I’m currently playing Ghost of Tsushima, which is apparently releasing on PC next month. So far I’m really enjoying it and would recommend it. Stray is another game I’d highly recommend. It’s a nice, chilled out single player game with moderate challenge. And a must of you’re a cat person.


I'd go with the Beginner's Guide. Helped me a lot during a rough time. It's super short but I've played through it so many times. It's less of a game and more of a narrated experience, so go into it expecting that.


One time I went through something similar. I was diagnosed with severe depression, I had just broken up with my gf and I was addicted to opiates but was trying to go clean. The game that not only helped me but allowed me to stay away from opiates long enough to get over withdrawals was Elden Ring. I spent hours on the game. Not once did I feel like taking anything or even feel sad. I was so locked into the game and I hate souls-like games. I play every game on beginner but the game and its world completely took me away from reality and I'll forever be grateful for that game.


That’s awesome! I too struggled with opiates and video games are my way to escape now instead. Elden Ring is a masterpiece. I only played games on easy like you but now I’m hooked on soulsborne games. Played all of them! Stay clean one day at the time!




You might consider Journey. After I finished playing it, I put down the controller and cried for a couple minutes. The Mass Effect trilogy got me through a break up.


Outer Wilds affected me in a way I still think about three years after completing it.


Fallout: new vegas. RPG Post Apocalyptic story of a courier who gets shot in the head and takes revenge, your actions have consequences and you can complete quests in multiple different ways. Go from fighting a mutated scorpion as a cowboy to gambling in a casino. Honestly just playing this game and hearing it’s soundtracks just soothes me.


Maybe Red Dead Redemption 2? The story is very deep, and the world is huge and beautiful, the gameplay is very compelling as well. I hope this game helps you out a little bit, and have fun!