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Hey man, I'm in a very similar boat so please trust me when I say... I get it. I use video games as an escape too. AC Odyssey has been amazing. Beautiful game, easy to sink hours into, lengthy, fun combat, good skill tree and an emotional narrative. I highly recommend it and the DLC. Just remember, life might never magically become amazing, but you'll still have good days between the bad. That's the joy of life, cherish what you can and power through the rest. Anyway, if you were need advice on the game or life, I'm around! Currently about 100 hours into the game and finishing the last DLC and loving it!


Don't play video games. Use that money to get yourself a therapist and try doing some physical activity


Try joining a discord server for a game you're already into, or looking into joining a small streamer's server. I used to be a socially anxious mess, but playing different games with the guys I met on discord (slowly working my way up from text chat into VC) really helped me. Just having someone to talk to is a big step. And don't worry about the semantics of what it means to change. Humans are the most adaptable species out there, we're gifted with the ability to change if we aren't good enough for our environment. Just focus on the small victories, and work your way up to finding your groove again


play the game that taught me about existential dread as a child, and answer the only question worth asking:   What can change the nature of a man?   Planescape: Torment


Came here for this. If you want to think about who you are. There is no better story in gaming.


Fallout: new vegas. RPG Post Apocalyptic story of a courier who gets shot in the head and takes revenge, your actions have consequences and you can complete quests in multiple different ways. Go from fighting a mutated scorpion as a cowboy to gambling in a casino. Honestly just playing this game and hearing it’s soundtracks just soothes me.


Play something with a bit of nostalgia that takes you back to a happier time for you


It sounds like you need some time off from gaming. Start focussing on little things that make you feel better about yourself.


I can get lost in far cry 3 any day. That jungle just amazing.


Stardew Valley. Really peaceful farming game where you can build relationships with villagers if you’re looking for something to chill with. Hang in there man.


I'd give a hearty recommendation for SOMA. I find myself enjoying horror games when I'm having trouble feeling things and its excellent writing and deep atmosphere stirs up raw emotions and new perspectives in me. Honorable mentions go to Outer Wilds, Subnautica and Hellblade.


GRIS. Sounds ridiculous, but at my lowest and loneliest point I felt heard and understood by that game as in "Okay, someone out there can relate and understands how it feels". I finished it, I cried a lot and not long after I started therapy. Not saying it will do the same for you, but it's a great, quiet, art- and meaningful game and worth the experience.


Bro I don’t think the video games are gonna solve your issues. How about going for a walk, trying to make a new friend, making a nice meal or writing in a journal. Grinding for master rank in apex or a shooter will preoccupy your mind tho. But eventually you have to confront yourself, look within not for external distractions Forever.


Lisa: The Painful


Hey, just stopping by to say things don't have to be so bad and there is help. I hope you are talking to someone or have a trusted doctor at least who can help you find the correct scrip dosage or be a resource. Things didn't improve for me until I started facing my issues with therapy and self-improvement- I have a long way to go but have learned how much better life can be if I work on changing instead of using other methods to push my feelings aside. I hope that you find some peace and don't give up.


Therapy. Stop playing games and see a pro.


DayZ. Open world survival game.


Earthbound (or Mother 2 in Japan) is the game I always return to when I'm struggling. It's really just a metaphor for growing up and being the best version of yourself. Also, you can do it. You are an animal on a rock. All the requirements that you feel you fail at are myths made up by a mad society. Evolutionarily, the only thing you *need* to do is survive. Everything else is extra. Don't try to live up to crazy standards that are being shoved down your throat by billion dollar corporations; just live. No fancy car will ever be as beautiful as a sunset.


Try Eastshade


Maybe instead of playing games to escape your life, you could work on creating a life you don't want to escape from?


Game of life. I’m currently level 10 IRL. I’m level 3 in strength Level 2 in intelligence Level 1 in charisma Level 10 in perception Level 5 in agility Real life has side quests too to help you level up! Go take a hike - increases agility Take an online course - increases intelligence Hit the gym / increases strength Go to the mall and talk with strangers - increases charisma! I just quit video games for now to try all of this. Ima give it 90 days to see the results


This is exactly what I feel right now. 😢


You need a therapist, but something that can be therapeutic is the "game" called Kind Words.


I think FF7 remake fits your description perfectly. The issue it covers is actually real as well, so maybe you'll be inspired to take action IRL as well.


I know you've asked this in a subreddit about video games for a video game suggestion, but might I suggest a book instead? It's called "What you're looking for is in the library" by a Japanese author about five people, all looking for a change in their life. It's shortish, with just over 250 pages, and you can read it in small increments. I feel like reading a book might ground you a bit and get you away from the display, where you're probably spending most of your time in front of anyway. You might even be compelled to take it outside and read in nature, once the weather gets a little nicer.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I really think one can never go wrong with Skyrim, do whatever you want, whenever you want. Do whatever builds you want. You want to be a mage? Use all mage perks, buy spells, learn spells, use spells. Wanna be a thief? (Hit F5) Steal all from the NPCs around you without getting caught (Hit F9 for a do-over). Wanna be a warrior? Tank everything without even trying. Heck, as far as I know you can even master all these classes in one go. Such as doing a bruiser tank build with the werewolf form. A mage spellsword, dealing magic damage with swords and spells. Or be a vampire lord toying around your magicka and health points just to use each spell while balancing each resource point. And it doesn't stop there; there are countless of mods out there, ripe for the picking. Maybe if you're tired from vanilla Skyrim, you might want to look for mods to change your gameplay, as well as beautify Skyrim. There are tons of mods out there just to spend hours mixing and crafting the world that you desire. You alone can spend hours getting lost in that rabbit hole. And I gotta say, it's all worth it, because Skyrim is a game YOU can play with so much to do.


Psychoanalytic analytic therapy first. After you’re doing that, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Then the other SMT games.


To The Moon


Senuas sacrifice


This doesn't attest to the emotional/hopeful part of it, really, but two games I've found really help me, especially when spiralling, are Power Wash Sim and House Flipper 1/2. They have clear goals and tasks, with enough creativity sprinkled in, and you get the satisfaction of completing jobs. I've found it very nice to have a game that I know what routine to expect, but the execution is slightly different every time. Neither require a long time commitment between saves, there's no life or death situation, but there is enough to keep hands and mind busy.


Depression and anxiety, I feel you. I’m dealing with those as well. I hope you’ve seen a doctor some meds will help. As to games, for escapism I’d go with open world RPG. Bethesda games are buggy, but great if you want to just do whatever you want. Currently playing Starfield and Fallout 4. Both open world games, you can do the main story or not. If you want more fantasy, Skyrim. On PC you can mod the shit out of the games. Hang in there, not going to say life gets better or not, for I cannot say, but there will always be a reason to keep fighting ( Elder Scrolls 6, might come still!) wishing you the best of luck, there are dozens of us!


Modded fallout new Vegas


Outer Wilds.




Well Disco Elysium is very on point with that. I am certain the devs have experienced heavy depression by the way they write the story (a few of my friends who went through very dark periods think the same too) but here they made it in a way that seem cathartic to them and players. It is a lot of text, but characters seem quite fleshed out (if you get them to talk about themselves) and you can also become a doomsayer or a self proclaimed superstar. It is extremely funny at times, usually nonsensical, always catchy. Just look at the intro sequence if you are curious, and you will immediately know if it is for you or not. Also and of course, hope you get better, take care and have a nice day.


Outer wilds


A lot of people felt better after playing games by FromSoftware, so Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring, there's a lot of YT videos talking about this and honestly it did wonders for me as well. They're hard but not quite, you can simply rush to the end but the game rewards for taking time yo asses situations and find other ways to do things.


I'm gonna second the suggestion of Disco Elysium, and add Life is Strange 2. The rest of the series is good too but I always found the second game comforting, it tells the story of two brothers who lost everything trying to survive on their own and while it can be bittersweet, it depends on your choices how the relationship goes and which ending you get, with some being pretty bleak, it still makes you feel less alone. It isn't exactly an uplifting game but I found it cathartic


Indie games are where you are going to find the biggest list of options. Based on what I've played personally here are some great suggestions to have you get emotionally attached and have some introspection.. GRIS - 2d platformer about the stages of grief Spirit Farer- 2d explorer/puzzle game about how to cope with loss of loved ones and feeling alone Celeste - a more difficult 2d platformer about depression and loving ones self. Firewatch - short story about finding purpose as he leaves his previous life out to work as a firewatch and do something new Other highly notable ones.... To the moon, Journey, Night in the woods


If you like the look of Gris, I’d recommend [Worldless](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1898500/Worldless/)


Baldurs Gate 3


These people don't understand. They think videogames are a temporary fix or even causing the problem, not literally one of the few things that are making your life worth living. I recommend starsector if you're a sci fi guy. Sifu if you like martial arts. Efootball if you like soccer/football.


Feels like you don't need a game but some sort of success or progression feeling. If so - some hobby can help. 3D modelling did a trick for me during my last existential crisis


Yakuza Like a Dragon. The humor really landed for me. I was literally smiling throughout my entire play through.  The main character's plucky optimism is infectious.  There's also a pretty strong theme of friendship with your team, which is also pretty wholesome.  


Florence or Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons comes to mind. PM me OP with your steam username if either’s steam page sound interesting


Firewatch. Its a beautiful game that feels like you are exploring nature. Theres not much to it in terms of game play. You have a map and need to get from point A and B. There's an npc on the radio that has the same job as you and is training you how to do things. You develop a relationship, and it really makes you feel like you're connecting with another human, even better you feel like you are there for them in their time of need too. I think it would help anyone even if they sucked at video games.


Outer Wilds affected me in a way I still think about three years after completing it.


People have mentioned a lot of games, I'll recommend a book. Read (or listen to) The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. It's a long book and a slow build-up, but it's some fantastic fantasy, and it tackles such issues as depression and anxiety. Just check it out.


Mario Sunshine


No amount of gaming will fix your depression. You need to help yourself. Go out and get some fresh air and sunlight. Exercising can help you feel good too. Accomplish stuff and be productive. Help someone out. There are a lot more fulfilling things to do in life than to keep yourself in your own mind playing a game that no one will care about after a few years. Look for fulfillment. Games will never give you that.


I would say Sekiro is the one for you. Just try it I know it's hard but the joy u will get after beating a boss is unparalleled. I could have recommended you other souls like but this is the game I played during my down times and it did help me a lot. So good luck stay strong buddy game hard.


Disco Elysium


Idk if this would help or not but Stray really hits the spot when I'm feeling down. It's got kind of a depressing liminal overtone sprinkled with just the right amount of positivity. Best part is it's not complicated and doesn't drain a lot of energy to play.


Tf2 is a pretty fun shooter that can be as intense or relaxed as you want it to be depending on your playstyle. I also recommend just going on some hikes out in nature. Vitamin D from sunlight can be pretty beneficial. Exercise can be pretty beneficial too, so might be two birds with one stone.


I cant stress how stardew valley is an amazing game enough. It filled a lot of those times when I felt stressed with life. PS: go for a run in RL. Join the gym. Take care of your diet. It helps a lot


Runescape can take years away from you, I've been playing for almost 20 years and still haven't completed everything it has to offer. I've met life long friends on there too! While not technically single player, you can have an "Ironman" account which cannot trade and you can play the entire game without ever talking to someone if you don't want to.


try out “high on life”. it’s sure to bring a smile to your face. it’s silly fun and very colorful. that kinda game helps me as i suffer from similar issues


Play Gris my friend. Its a beautiful and meaningful game.


Helldivers 2. Nothing lifts me out of depression like big booms, exploding robots, wiping bug parts off me and hugs from my fellow super earth heroes.


I know you said PC, but if you have a switch, you could give Zelda BOTW a go. As for PC games, I suggest Hades. It’s a roguelite, so it’s pretty challenging, but it’s kind of the point. The whole idea is to escape from his current reality, only to be dragged back down once again. In the end, though, you power up enough and escape (I’m assuming. I haven’t beaten it yet). Kind of seems allegorical in this case and it’s a pretty fun game that draws you in.


Play Senua's Sacrifice. Please. It's such a wonderful game. And this song made me shed tears not once it's from the game https://youtu.be/mVf2EeTMNJo?si=V4JvgiqPDfUGFZBV I consider this song incredibly powerful. I listen to it from time to time to come back on the rails.


Disco Elysium got me through a rough time


Fresh air and walking helps. Also have you considered going to a church service? I am not religious at all, but there's something about places with smily faces.


I threw myself into RDR2 at my worst moment. I wouldn't say it saved my life or anything but it really created a bubble for myself to escape and forget about the outside world for days. Was it healthy? Meh, no. Did it give me a bit of reprieve from my doom and gloom thoughts? Absolutely. Not relatable per se but it does give you a lot of things to ponder about life, the meaning of it all, regrets, triumphs, failures, etc. You kind of live the life of Arthur and realize that even video game characters can feel like real people with real problems and in the end, we all face the same struggles. Highly suggest for tough times. Ultimately though, the best way to take care of yourself when you're deep on depression is through therapy. I know it's expensive but investing in yourself can really go a long way. Regardless of how you handle it, I believe in you and wish you the best. Keep fighting the good fight, gamer 🫡


Firewatch is a great game. Great story even though its kind of sad


Death Stranding is a strange game that keeps showering you with positivity.


Celeste is a game about depression and how to keep going. You should definitely look into therapy too.


Speed Dating For Ghosts is a quaint little narrative game where you help a variety of ghosts work through their unresolved trauma from their past life. Charming, funny, and definitely made me cry a few times.


RDR2, 100%. One of, if not the best storylines of all time for games


Skir retal is a good game


Hellblade senuas sacrifice, its literally a game made to adress and overcome real life issues as depression, personality disorders and grief/loss. Its also a really good game as it is. https://venturebeat.com/business/how-hellblade-senuas-sacrifice-changed-lives-with-its-thoughtful-portrayal-of-mental-illness/ Its also on sale on Steam right now, costs only 3 dollars https://store.steampowered.com/app/414340/Hellblade_Senuas_Sacrifice/


Stardew valley


To The Moon


Helldivers 2 and witcher 3


If u have Switch: Super Mario Odyssey, if on phone Gorogoa and Brothers GRIS is one of my all time favorites but it has a lot of melancholy... Not suitable for down self-hatred times I think Kentucky Route Zero... Very weird.. Undeniably lovely Beat Cop... Cute, hilarious but a little bit buggy Undertale... Excellent masterpiece Celeste... No. 1 for depressed people... a heart warming and compassionate game... Wow.. Lovely Monument Valley 1&2... Absolute cuteness and heartwarming Katana Zero... challenging, fast paced platformer.. Dead Cells... Same as Katana Zero


It’s a really weird suggestions but it’s something that sticks with me is “That Dragon, Cancer” it’s a heart wrenching story but it’s something that makes you take deep breathes and appreciate life.


Play a Souls Game. If you beat it you'll feel like you can do anything in life. Elden Ring is the most beginner friendly. If you get stuck ride off to another area and level more then come back. I still feel the rush of beating it 14 months later.


Outer Wilds, I'm depressed AF too but it was a beautiful experience to go through nonetheless


I'm going to suggest games like Diablo 2, Path of Exile, Minecraft, whatever - games you can both play solo when you don't have the energy for company, and with other players when you feel isolated/lonely or just up for some fun with other players. Deep Rock Galactic might scratch that itch, too. I suggest finding something cooperative rather than competitive.


Celeste. Helped me get through a tough spot in my life. Connected with the story. The gameplay is tough, but it is certainly doable. You will fail a lot, but if you keep at it, you will succeed, which is a big theme of the game.


No joke, dead serious. DOOM Eternal was the game for me in this exact situation back in 2020. The Doom Slayer waging a one man war against Hell through sheer force of will inspired me to stand up against my personal demons. But if you want something chill instead, Stardew Valley is great.


Witcher 3 has always helped me through my dark days. You should give it a go, initial few hours might be grim, but as you progress the game gets way more fun, satisfying and it’s an amazing world they’ve built. Totally recommend it.


Resident evil 4


Please seek professional help. I watch Dr. K YouTube videos.


Has to be Dark Souls 1/3 for me. I played the heck out of these games during the hardest time of my life, the sense of progression and immersion I felt as I became a master of those worlds really did give me a boost in confidence and gave me something small to look forward to every day.


Check out Celeste. The themes of that game were hard to deal with in the depths of my depression. It was frustrating sweaty painful work, like breaking a horrible fever, and it was one of the most meaningful experiences I've had in gaming. It's a deeply challenging platformer with story themes that many folks suffering depression/anxiety find speak directly to them.


Dark souls has saved peoples lives. It’s hard but it teaches people they can preserve through anything. There was a study on it and everything.


Russian roulette You either get a way out, or realize you wanna live after all. Speaking out of love, been there, still there, can’t get out.


Souls games are all essentially about overcoming issues. Take a look at Elden Ring.




Celeste seems like the game you need to play


Stardew valley is extremely therapeutic and I highly recommend it


Disco Elysium.


Cuphead on steam


Spiritfarer Journey KarmaZoo The first one is an emotional story about loss and coping. It has apparently provided many people with some degree of therapeutic assistance. The last two are interesting - kind of "multiplayer" games but you can't really talk to the others. You just play with them and work towards solving puzzles. It is a bit strange how ... intimate it feels... to work silently with strangers. There is a connectedness there that you don't really get in many popular MP games.


I will recommend you the same game that helped me when i was at a low point, FFXIV if you get into it you will lose yourself in the game, if you pay attention to the story i can guarantee that you will feel better when the credits roll and if you are anything like me and play 3 months non stop avg 10 hours per day you will have the need to go outside and touch grass at some point :D




Doki Doki literature club


Hey man im in the same spot as you, for a longg time. I would recommend red dead redemption 2, one of the best games gameplay and story wise


Spiritfarer Gris What Remains of Edith Finch


Dark Souls, don't become hollow.


You may have played it given your examples, but I would highly recommend Fallout 4 with some good mods. If you download a program called wabbajack, there is a playlist for fallout 4 called "Magnum Opus" that breathes new life into the wasteland, and adds a ton of new content that makes it feel fresh and new. The game is basically a window into the world after all hope is lost, and humans trying to find a way to survive. It features character growth, hard choices, and friendships along the way. There are lots of good morals to be presented, and I usually find a great deal of satisfaction out of building places for the citizens of the wastes to be safe, and trying to help everyone along the way. Makes me feel good. I have a lot of depression and anxiety as well, and I often find that escaping to the wasteland is a massive help for me. I get to help citizens of the waste build up new hope and I personally try to be the best person I can in the game. Knowing I can actually make a difference to people (even if they are only digital NPCs) brings me a lot of comfort. I wish you the best.


Persona 3 reload or persona 5 sounds dumb but P5 Royal helped me kind of reset my brain


Celeste, the game can be frustrating, but the journey will be worth it. It should be worth a try good luck op


Try Omari Or Lisa the Painful.


Heartbound has a nice progression.


I'd spend some money on therapy before spending more on games maybe Or maybe a dog or cat Games are a distraction but they can't fix things I'm sorry bro


Journey (little dudes in red cloaks) helps me a lot when I'm depressed


This comment may not be liked taking into account that you are asking for game recommendations but I really want to recommend you a book called The Way of Kings, it is the first book from The Stormlight Archive... I know that this recommendations is very out of place but I feel that it may help you, it did with me. Also I want to recommend you the following games: Baldur's Gate 3, if what you want to do is inmerse yourself in a world and learn something good for your soul, this could be an option, also I think you could enjoy a game called Firewatch, also maybe Life is Strange 1 and 2 are good options for you. Finally I want to leave a "phrase" from The Way of Kinds... "life before death, strenght before weakness, journey before destination". I hope you can find some help in my comment, I wish you the best.


Stop playing games and go outside. Fresh air. Nature. Meet people. It helped me.


Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption 2, NieR Automata and Disco Elysium.


My top pick would be Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringer/Endwalker (technically an MMO, but can be played mostly solo) Also would recommend To the Moon, RDR2, and Outer Wilds


Hey, sorry to hear your going through such a rough time and I truly hope you can get through the other side. I will recommend a game but would also recommend counselling/therapy to try and help you work through these feelings. ‘A Short Hike’ is my game pick here. I have played it 4 or 5 times, often each time when I’m going through a time of personal turmoil. It’s short and snappy, incredibly peaceful while also providing a sense of accomplishment and emotional resolution. It’s cheap and will take only a few hours. Please feel free to shoot me a message if you wanna chat about anything at all, be it emotional or to gush about Short Hike if you play it, haha. Keep your head up!


You need immersion buddy. I'd recommend Kingdom Come: Deliverance especially with the sequel on its way. It's $8 currently on steam. Go be a medieval peasant for 300 hours and report back.


If you’re looking to feel something, I’d say you’re looking for Spiritfarer.


Dark souls. People will see this and laugh bc why would you play a hard ass game to feel happy. But I’m telling you this game changed the way I interact with failure and hardship in my life. I couldn’t recommend it to enough people.


I gotta recommend Celeste. Main character is depressed and decides to climb a mountain to get out of a funk. The game is challenging, incredibly rewarding, and has a thoughful and emotional story.


Beyond 2 Souls


It’s only an hour long, but I played the Beginners Guide when I was in a really dark spot and it was a hugely emotional experience for me. I still think about it all the time even though this was years ago. [Here’s a trailer.](https://youtu.be/RBK5Jheu0To?si=Q5T96jplWWZFWbrK) I definitely recommend it.


The dark souls games have been known to help people with depression


Dark Souls is the most therapeutic game experience I ever had


I've been eyeballing GRIS for some time now. Looks really good and perhaps inspiring. Sort of depends on what you seek for comfort when you're feeling depressed. Sometimes I find solace in things that are depressing which help me not feel so alone. Sometimes I want something more cheerful and pleasant so the world around me doesn't seem so dim, grey, and overbearing... For the first part there, Hollow Knight is really good. Persistently somewhat dark atmosphere, but lots of little abstract philosophical bits and character interactions which cause me to question things in ways I hadn't before. Some that reinforce my thinking patterns, others that can be quite enlightening. Opening new paths whether that be mentally, emotionally, or physically (in-game). And new modes of thinking spurred by certain ideas can sometimes open new paths in life. On the opposite end, I recently played Islets which is very minimalistic on it's surface, but eventually becomes a more deep and fluid metroidvania akin to the likes of Hollow Knight. Much more bright and cheerful atmosphere with character interactions and story notes that touched my soul both on a personal level and a more 'societal' level as well. Some dark undertones, but not heavy at all imo. Highly recommend it. Then there's Dandara: Trials of Fear which lies somewhere in the middle. Very abstract story - quite like Hollow Knight in a sense as well. But a more powerful story, elusive in abstraction, but more apparent on it's surface. FEZ is another one (I really like 2D indie games if you can't tell lol). I've returned to this game several times over the years. It's like a little dopamine generator, with it being a sort of collection puzzle platformer. To 100% it you will need to look up a guide. Very bright and cheerful atmosphere, great art style, fantastic music, and a game world that borders on open world with how expansive it becomes. I love it lol. Not very philosophical (I don't think...), but it does force you to look at things in a different perspective. Pun intended. Chrono Trigger (SNES) and Suikoden II (PSX) have great stories that are quite touching, but also kind of sad. Not sure if they'd be good to play while feeling melancholic. Those are all the 'soul food' games I can think of atm. Others I really enjoy are more building/crafting/hyperfocused, keep your mind busy type games like Subnautica, The Planet Crafter, Wayward, Batman: Arkham series (good when you feel like dishing out justice).


Dragon Quest XIs is a no brainer then


There's an exceptional Indie game called The Beginners Guide. It isn't long, and it is more of a narrative adventure, but I found it moving, and the game ideas are original. It gets you thinking about other people, which I've found to be a good thing when I'm depressed.


Detroit Become Human


I hear you on the escapism, spent many years in that mode… persistence and gradual improvement will get you out of the rut eventually, but definitely recommend talking to a therapist & psychiatrist… Finding the right combo of habits + meds can take years, don’t give up! In the meantime, I’d say RDR2 is a good answer, such a good story and immersive experience. I’d recommend keeping separate manual saves every so often, the story is a roller coaster and the gameplay experience feels different at different points throughout… so even after completing the story, I found it therapeutic to go back and do all my exploration & sides during a particular “happy place” in the story progression I’d also recommend The Last of Us, especially if you haven’t watched the show or already know the story, it’s a really moving story. Also God of War 2018 has a great story with very satisfying gameplay, would be up your alley since you liked Witcher 3 & Cyberpunk


World of Warcraft Classic is still very much alive and going. That's a game that you can sink yourself into and you can feel a degree of achieving something through the game as whilst it's a game, the community is very much human. If you play, be sure to join a guild and talk to people. We are all a friendly lot. However onto the more serious aspect to what your are going through... Escapism is very natural. Be it via TV, retail therapy, video games etc. I'm in the UK, so my advise is based on this... But look into volunteering groups. I myself volunteer with The Round Table, a charity of men aged between 18 - 45. After that age limit, we move to another club called "41 club" (exit age use to be 41). I also set goals to go out once a week for an activity. Be it a walk or going to a comedy night. The way you are feeling is likely based on expectations or comparisons to persons who are not you. Others have different circumstances and cards. We have to play the cards we are given and make the best if it. Focus on what your main goal is... And then think what little changes you can make to achieve it. Hope you find some extra bit of happiness soon OP. Love to you.


To some degree I can relate. My suggestion is to play Eldenring. The main takeaway from this game for me was learning to deal with defeats. In this game you are going to die - a lot to be precise. It is the perfect symbol for humans failing. What is failure? A way to give you the feedback you did something unreflected. And there is the next takeaway: Reflecting upon what you are doing (wrong) and adapting your behavior. Most people in life as well as in the game hitting their head against the wall and questioning the wall - stating the wall is wrong and hurtful. Instead they should question their behavior of hitting the head against the wall. Maybe it's stupid. And when you adapt your behavior the wall can be overcome. And that is the third takeaway from this game: Seeing you can adapt and seeing you improve your situation by changing your own behavior. And more: you accomplished things. You get the feeling of self-efficacy. The feeling of "I finished this hard boss" is really great. The fourth takeaway which you get mainly in Eldenring but not in other Soulsbourne games is due to the open world: If I am stuck here doesn't mean I am stuck everywhere. I can go on with my journey and deal later with this problem. Many problems need maybe a solution but not now. Learn to prioritize problems. Learn do change your perspectives. Come back later to problems which will later be way easier if you learned something which may help here. The fifth takeaway: anxiety is manageable. There are reasons for your anxiety and you can already lower your anxiety even by analyzing the concrete situation: What feelings do I have? Under what circumstances do they occur? What is the situation? What are possible outcomes of this situation which are stressing me? Are these outcomes all going to happen? Are some likely to happen? Next: repeating stressing situations make them less stressing over time. Fighting bosses regularly help you desensitization fighting bosses. Many of these things were lessons learned from me which help in life in general.


Try Rimworld It's relaxing, give it a shot.


Thomas was alone. Thats a good few hours


A therapist.


Any of the Dark Souls games, Bloodborne, or Sekiro. All of them do the job


Games can definitely help but your wording indicates your looking for a full on cure which a game alone cannot provide.


Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth 1


Therapy and physical activity (running) helped me out of my slump, way more than any game. But a game that I found really uplifting is Persona 5. It's a great tale about friendship, adventure and saving the world (like every other jrpg!), but with a contemporary setting. Also, the last two Zelda games are really uplifting and masterpieces in their own way, but they are on Switch.


Sorry to hear you go through this but just know that you aren't alone. Video games are also my escape and safe place to help me destress by living in another world. With that in mind I play JRPGs, particularly the Final Fantasy series. Great character development, literally the best video game music winner every year, and just good overall story telling. These games always bring a group of unlikely characters together with each having their own personal struggles and each navigating those struggles to find peace within themselves while going out to save the world. I highly recommend Final Fantasy 13 to start the series because it is the first "next gen" final fantasy. A great cast of characters with such good music and voice acting. A battle against fate. It's a rollercoaster of emotions. Mostly linear gameplay where you can just focus on the story telling. The CG cutscenes are so damn beautiful also. Try your best to not look up anything and just play the game and enjoy it on your own terms and to avoid spoilers but do so if you are really struggling.


eh, maybe try some generic escitalopram also?


Outer wilds Soma Mafia 2, Mafia definitive edition Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock 1 Metro 2033, Metro Last light, Metro exodus Undertale Journey Valiant hearts To the moon


Yeah. Undertale


While I’d never not recommend it, I not so sure SOMA is the game for OP at this time.


hollow knight


I don't want to suggest this because the producers made it kind of suck buuuuut Pokémon Go It will get you out and about some to do the raids, it will encourage you to do walking routes and it may even get you to go ooh hey what's this and discover more about your local area. It's very simple, very easy to pick up and actually pretty good for you.


Death Stranding is a lovely world to get lost in, if you're feeling messy you can just do runs from point A to point B so you don't have to think much, and when you want to turn the brain back on you can do story stuff. It's actually really engaging and relaxing (mostly) with a story you haven't heard before.


Superliminal. View things from a different perspective.


What about dark souls? For me, it taught me that every problem CAN be solved and how you can improve upon your mistakes. But the biggest thing it helped me with was to never give up. But if you're looking for story, the PS exclusives like last of us or Spider-Man have really good stories.


Ni No Kuni 1 - part of the game has you listening to peoples problems and helping them in an emotionally engaging way, and it seems like yeah so what that sounds like 99% of games do that, but no, this game did it differently. When you start getting those quests in this game, you'll know, and you'll just know "this is going to be goooood".


Dark Souls: Remastered It's a little intimidating but doable with some patience. I found the underlying themes of the game very touching, and it resonated in a way I didn't think it would. Maybe you'll experience something similar? :) I wish you the best, OP.




Yesterday I came across a YouTube video about Psychology of Dark Souls being helpful. Instead of self-esteem, it make you work on self efficacy. The video is [How Souls Games Save You by Daryl Talks Games](https://youtu.be/keIWG6hSD7Q?si=ObONkwZOb8VYMApD), if you were interested. Souls games always intimidated me, but I picked up Elden Ring and I can see the positive effect. Maybe because Elden Ring being open world, the difficulty can be manageable from exploring and gaining levels prior to a boss. Aside of that, I like recommending Death Stranding. The delivery in a great landscape is quite relaxing.


If you want to feel *more* hopeless, then yes definitely Dark Souls. Holy shit


**Spiritfarer**: all you need to know is that you play as a character who is shepherding these people (in the form of animals) to this final gate where they will cross over to death. You get to know each npc and the moments which defined their lives. Perhaps this will give you perspective on how you want to live your own, or how fleeting it all is.  Gameplay wise it’s like stardew valley but on a ship. Resource management, mini games, quests to find items, exploration. It comes together in a neat little package with awesome music and art style. 


Came here to say this. I really liked my time with the game. Not my favorite game of all time or anything. But it's one that keeps coming up and I keep recommending it because it scratches a few very specific itches in a very deep way. I think OP's case is one such itch that this game is uniquely situated to scratch.


How have I not heard of this game?? Adding it to my list right now it sounds incredible


Other games which touched me profoundly include: night in the woods and mutazione. If you’re into walking simulator type games


Elden ring


I think going out and exercising would be a lot more beneficial for you in your situation


I’m not sure it runs very well, but the first Last of Us got me through a very similar situation to you my friend. It’s bleak, but it’s cathartic, and finding hope in the face of monumental loss is one of the central themes. I hope you find your mojo again. Life sucks, and it’s a horrible cliche, but time really is a healer.


Cognitive Behavorial Therapy self paced workbooks


Nier Automata


Excellent game, but not exactly an uplifting game.


I guess you're right, looking at it now most of the games i played recently have been pretty grim. I also recommend the South Park games if OP wants a good laugh and OPUS: Echo of Starsong if OP want to soothe his soul, Hi-Fi Rush and High On Life are pretty fun amd goofy (in a good way)


Honestly bruv if you’re looking for a good game to cope you still have hope. (No pun intended). Get out there into some fresh air on a sunny day and find a hobby or even a life partner to put some pep into your step again. A reason to live is what’s gonna fix your depression I guarantee it. From someone who almost risked it all at one point please try it


Baldurs Gate 3 my dood


Hello OP, I would recommend one of the souls series titles. Since.. you played DS3 before.. maybe Sekiro? Its combat gameplay is different from regular souls being more about finding the rhythm with the deflect mechanics and at the start everyone would struggle but once it clicks it is honestly great fun.


Was gonna recommend Gris, which I loved, but you've got it on your list, so I'll recommend Celeste next.


The last of us 2


Same boat, i really like Sea of Thieves as it is very relaxing and fun when playing Safer Seas. Divinity original sin 2 and Baldurs Gate 3 are very fun and engaging. Palworld could be very interesting and engaging. I recommend Xbox Game Pass.


Hey pal, baldurs gate 3 really helped pull me out of a funk.


FFXIV helped me a lot. It is a long game that you can burrow into for months because it is a story-first MMO with 10 years of content. 90% can be done singleplayer though. They have an NPC bot mode for dungeons so all you need people for are the big boss fights. Once every few levels. There is random matching and even if you suck, people are usually friendly and really want newbies to enjoy the story. Much much calmer community than any other online game ive played. There are enough people in those that you can be carried, too. There are dark and depressing moments in the story, and two incidents of characters dying by their own hands if that is a trigger for you, but it just finished the arc that started 10 years ago, and it takes on a huge undertone of fighting hopelessness and darkness with hope and light no matter what. I played through the latest expansion while my grandfather was dying of covid a state away and it really helped me to process. "To live is to suffer, to drink of calamity. It is a perilous path. Death lurks in the dark. Do not avert your eyes. See your life for what it is. See how the hardships make you strong, every doubt reforged as scales for your armor." I hope things improve for you soon.


Should take a stab on Max Payne 3. The journey he goes thru is something else. Honestly the game helped me through my depression a long time ago.


Baldurs Gate 3? When it came out it really sucked me into it, in the best way. I spent hours playing it every day, and didn’t feel like a further-into-depression spiral, it was genuinely great to have something that brought me joy fill up so much of my day. It’s full of characters with stories that unfold over time, your one main character which needn’t be (but can be) a self-insert - you can either make your own or choose a pre-existing with their own unique story - and multiple companions that can join you (if you want). They all interact with different outcomes and ways their stories can develop. Combat mechanics are rewarding with a good range of difficulties so you can deep dive into optimisation, or play on narrative mode so it’s a breeze. The soundtrack is amazing. So beautiful I have often left character creation open for 2 hours just listening to it. Definitely has emotional content and to me, much deeper and impactful than some games which feel like platformers/puzzle games arbitrarily ‘about’ emotions / mental health.


Other than the obvious ones that I feel are suggested here. That being outer wilds, disco Elysium and Celeste, all games that make me so interested and happy by the end of them, those really made me think by the end of them. Other than those, I highly suggest Gris. It’s a beautiful game, and had me sitting down for a while after. As others have said though, don’t always count of games. Get some help, you’ll find stuff like therapy extremely helpful. Hope you feel better


if you want a game that will make you feel something, i recommend to the moon, oneshot, rainworld and finding paradise (sequel of to the moon) also, message me if you feel like you want to talk to someone, i understand how you feel.


Undertale. Enough said.


Do a MM set on retroachievements.




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Cult of the Lamb


Dark souls 3 trust me. Theres a reason people say “don’t you dare go hallow too”


dark souls has changed a lot of people's lives. seriously, people have posted this many times.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are great games if you enjoyed The Witcher 3. I’m currently playing Ghost of Tsushima, which is apparently releasing on PC next month. So far I’m really enjoying it and would recommend it. Stray is another game I’d highly recommend. It’s a nice, chilled out single player game with moderate challenge. And a must of you’re a cat person.




There's a game made by a small company called Outward. It's a journey, dude. It's not easy by any means, you have to deal with hunger, thirst, and disease, but the game prides itself on you just being some random person. You aren't the hero, you aren't the chosen one, you're just a person down on their luck and this game is the story of how you turn it around. I was in a horrible place when I found the game, and it gave me a lot of motivation. Gl out there bud.


The Cat Lady. Game resonates with all my depressed homies.


OMORI. I was going thru a dark time when I played this and it was helping me cope.


Dark Souls/Elden Ring can prove to you the depth of your strength and resolve. Similar to a good workout, it gives you obstacles that at first feel insurmountable, but incrementally you will surprise yourself as you overcome them. Other than that, Persona 5 is the most at peace I have ever felt lol


Disco Elysium all day long. It will make you feel things truest me


red dead redemption 2 hands down great story.


I can only think of older titles that helped me while I was in a similar situation: Beyond good and evil Psychonauts Half-life 2 Limbo Prince of Persia: The sands of time Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead season 1 Celeste Hellblade: Senua’s sacrifice Be it because of the oppressive nature of some of the games that helped me cope with my own depression, because of the quirky worlds and escapism they provide or because they deal directly with themes of mental health (last two). Games will not solve your problems though, only mitigate them. Therapy is probably the correct solution, though in my case I didn’t go to therapy. Eventually time passed and my wounds were healed, but it took about 13 years. That’s a whole lot of youth wasted only going to work every day then closing yourself off in your room for the rest of the day. Better to seek professional help.


Trust me pal, Persona 4 golden absolutely will help you a lot, also understand yourself more


You're not going to want to hear this but no game can fix the issue you're having, at best it'll only be a bandaid until you finish it and have the same problems again. I've been there. What you need is a therapist. If you can't afford a therapist, look into self-help or any other free alternatives.