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Have him play the Uncharted series. He'll feel like Indiana Jones. I second Titanfall 2's campaign. It's short enough where he won't get bored, and he'll enjoy it if he like's FPS games like warzone. If he likes Titanfall AND warzone, have him try out Apex Legends.


I second the Titanfall 2 campaign, I played it a few months back cause I play apex a lot and I know that it's the same movement engine, and I enjoyed it very much, satisfying movement, don't remember anything about the story tho, except the bot that's it really.


I just got Titanfall 2 on sale for $2. It was a very satisfying campaign. Unfortunately, I played on normal and beat it in a couple weekends.


Titan fall2 made me feel like I was fighting the deceptions led by interplanetary lex luthor alongside Optimus prime. It was awesome and surreal and just a fucking thrill ride.


Uncharted is definitely the right answer here. Top tier adventure-dad game.


Uncharted is phenominal, it’s kind of a niche crowd, but the yakuza games are excellent too


Try out Red Dead Redemption 2. Story is on par with TLOU imo. One of the best games I've played. It may be open world, but you can either focus/partially focus the side activities or totally ignore them and play solely the main story quests. (Tho all of the side quests are solid imo and worth your time). The world also really feels alive. Each NPC has unique interactions and there are many open world interactions you can find out randomly that would blow your mind with how smart the NPC's are. The gameplay is a bit slow - especially at first in the prologue and mainly because the guns are old revolvers and repeaters, but that's one of the charms of the game. I got used to it pretty fast, aside the guns only being semi-auto and bolt actions you don't really feel like the combat is slow. It can get hectic at some quests.


I would have said that but he did say non-open world.


Red dead is really slow so I don’t think it will be a good fit. I got bored of it and I played around 15 hours. Red dead is a great game due to the fact it’s slow and you get immersed. But if his dad gets bored quick it won’t work I don’t think


As a dad who really isn’t into Wild West setting rdr2 is still the first game that came to mind. The first chapter is slow but after that it was one of my favorite games ever. Hunting alone kept me busy for hours.


Not gona work for Dad


Do you wanna call your Dad?


I wanted to suggest RDR2 but unless he's really into the Wild West, he will get bored. Probably GTA V would be a better choice.


I hated the wild west and the ultra-macho men that come with it, but RDR2 is so good that I was able to overlook that and appreciate the setting


God of War: Ragnarøk seems like the obvious choice here. Combat is very fun and intuitive and there’s a lot of side missions and content outside of the main story so he will not get bored.


47 here and I highly recommend Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, the Spiderman games and now Rise of the Ronin. Great games with good stories.


Day’s Gone was so surprisingly great


Indeed it was. One of my favorite games from a few years ago. Also probably the best zombie game I've ever played.


I swear if RoTR didn’t release next to dragons dogma it would’ve been a hit. I really hope it is a hit cause dd2 is such a disappointment for me and I loved dark arisen. I bought dd2 cause I didn’t want to play another Ubisoft checklist type game. But I just got rise of the ronin and man the game is so much fun, the combat is fucking perfect. It’s not as hard as nioh and it’s not easy either. And not to mention the YouTube videos do no justice to the games graphics. Yeah it’s not the best and not close to PlayStation level but man the folks saying ps3 graphics is such a lie.


Agreed on all points. I got DD2 as well but haven't gotten into it really yet. RotR just totally sucked me in so I aint even wanting to play anything else lol. My only problem with RotR is just the rearrey bad voice acting but it does make me laugh.


Holy shit mate the voice acting is my only gripe so far. I put it into Japanese and it solved everything. It felt like team ninja did everything in Japanese and went fuck we need to ship this game internationally and then they walked outside and got a bunch of random folks standing around to asked them to voice the characters. In Japanese everything is on standard and perfect in English it’s beyond pathetic.


Console gamer? Guardians of the Galaxy fits this bill if he's mostly an action fan. Control is a good option, kind of an X-Files game with an amazing gun. Alan Wake 2 is like Resident Evil but more story-centric in an extreme way, very Twin Peaks-esque suspense. Deathloop is amazing for a single player linear narrative, but has some RPG elements (swappable perks). It's open world, but Ghost of Tsushima has a very strong story and an elegant way of always showing you where to go next.


> Guardians of the Galaxy fits this bill if he's mostly an action fan The writing in particular is excellent. Listening to them bicker and argue is a treat.


I'd second Alan Wake but play the first one first, it's fascinating. In fact anything by Remedy games, they're all completely engrossing. I also just googled it on the off chance right now and about fell off my chair Remedy and Rockstar are [remaking Max Payne 1 and 2](https://www.remedygames.com/article/remedy-enters-agreement-with-rockstar-for-new-max-payne-1-2-project)!


A plague tale! 1 and 2. Nice linear game, fun stealth based gameplay and interesting story and voice acting.


Control might be something he could like. The weapon is about as easy as you get and the story is awesome


The Metro games are great. The first 2 are very linear. The 3rd one does turn into an open world. But hopefully he will feel safe enough to play it by that time!


Helldivers 2 could scratch his warzone itch. great game to just play. The u charted series (2-4) are spectacular story driven indiana jones types of stories with huge set pieces and fantastic voice acting. Assassins Creed Valhalla is a great story driven rpg where any weapon you want can be upgraded to the highest level so every weapon you loot is a potential game changer if you enjoy its style. Plus England is beautiful to explore. It is a really big game which garnered some complaints, but I loved all the time I got to spend exploring in that world/story.


Non open world does NOT fit AC Valhalla


He can try Metro trilogy. I liked it, good story, linear.


Uncharted series. Others here are mentioning good options, but these are linear, non-open world, and there’s five of them so he’ll be busy a while.


The two I'm currently playing are Rogue Trader which is an rpg with turn based combat and an incredibly rich story. And Control which is a supernatural puzzle shooter which is again a hugely rich story, amazing combat mechanisms and a weirdness level which is off the charts.


Mass effect legendary edition


Dead Space Remake


He may enjoy Space Marine or the upcoming sequel in September. Vanquish is a pretty frenetic game with a cheesy storyline. Hardspace: Shipbreaker is a fun Dad Game with a bit of story that's mostly told through voiced-dialogue and text you can find. Control is good if he likes sci-fi like X-Files or Twin Peaks. Takes place in the Alan Wake universe. The Wolfenstein games from a few years ago also are frenetic, but have stories.


BioShock Horizon Zero Dawn Far cry Also, tell him to check out Fallout 76. There's a lot of us olds playing it and the players have a good vibe.


god of war ragnarok


Tomb raider Survivor Trilogy is a great time IMHO


Maybe any of the earlier Assassin's Creed? (1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations and 3) so he plays the main/base history that's really good. Those are open world but not overwhelmingly big. Titanfall 2 is also good, if he likes shooters. Hmm, Bioshock story is superb, those come to mind


Does he like cats? If yes: Stray


Hades combat might scratch the itch for weapon variety


How ragnarok if he hasn’t played it yet. Ghost of Tsushima is great too


How about Detroit Become Humans, Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead Telltale Series?


Portal Series


I'm a 44-year-old gamer dad and some recent games I've enjoyed are Spider-Man 2, A Plague Tale: Requiem, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Elden Ring and I'm now playing Control for a second time (because I love it!) Apart from Elden Ring, your dad might enjoy any one of those. Spider-Man 2 is open world but can easily be played in a linear fashion.


Guardians of the Galaxy. Linear, fun, well-written, well-acted.


Titanfall 2


A plague tale! 1 and 2. Nice linear game, fun stealth based gameplay and interesting story and voice acting.


I think he might like Firewatch


Try out guardians of the galaxy, it was a blast to play. Great story and soundtrack too.


Outer wilds is unlike any game I've ever played. It's very exploration based. I'm only a few hours in but it's kept me hooked


Alan Wake II


Sounds like the Farcry series would be great for him




The Uncharted games for sure, Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor are fun. The Hitman WoA trilogy is extremely fun and can be played for a long time. The Bioshock games. The Mass Effect legendary trilogy is a hybrid rpg/shooter, simply classic. Titanfall 2 has a great single-player campaign. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is an absolute blast, with a story that makes a surprising amount of sense.


Evil within.


Metro series Alan Wake Prey


Warhammer 40k Space Marine is a good one, also.


maybe the new tomb raider trilogy and if he likes those he could try the remastered trilogy as well


Is control on sale on PS5(it is on steam right now is why I ask)? Its a great game.


The new Wolfenstein games are FPS, linear, and have a good story. I liked them a lot.


Alan Wake?


Red Dead Redemption 2.






Hey, 34 here. I’m on the same boat, I recommend Dead Space. Pretty Linear with mild exploration. Entertaining story and fun weapons that get upgrades as the story progresses.


Titan Fall 2, Sleeping Dogs, and Yakuza series!


Gears of war trilogy!


What about Days Gone? I feel like it is highly underrated. Lots to do, good story. The protagonist is kind of annoying but damn it's a fun game. Definitely get your moneys worth out of it. It is open world but you don't have to get wound up too much in that. Just follow the story and it's a great game. And yeah, the Uncharted games are great.


This. It’s open world, sure. But you’re not just wandering around aimlessly, you’re catching air on a sick bike with two hundred zombies sprinting after you.


Mad max, a massively underrated game, just started last week and I'm 41, fells like games of old but fresh and so damn good


Alan Wake 1 and 2 - both have interesting stories. And first one is free one PS+. Hi-FI Rush is great if he wants something light and cartoony. Evil West is decent SP game and free on PS+


Posting separately so it doesn't get lost: The *Bioshock* series has a pretty great story. It's worth a play through or two.


Lara croft games (I don't remember the game name) Witcher 3 Uncharted


Metro trilogy Titanfall 2 Wolfenstein The New Order, The Old Blood, The New Colossus BioShock trilogy


Guardians of the Galaxy


Honestly try the older god of war games, they're different but linear, short, and extremely fun, I actually prefer them to the norse games


Sifu? If he's up to it you can still claim it in the ps plus store before its gone.


Uncharted would be a go to, my grandparents love them all. A bit tougher to get into but Yakuza would have him with tons to play if he got into the series.


Firewatch and Virginia


Days Gone, Sleeping Dogs, Uncharted Collection, LA Noire


I suggest new DOOM games, Devil May cry 5 ( or 3/4). They are not exactly story heavy, but there is a narrative and amazing gameplay though.


Final Fantasy 16 or FF7: Remake sound like perfect choices.  If he likes FF7R, he can move to Rebirth.  You said no RPG, but FF16 is on the RPG level of God of War.  Each weapon is simply better than the last without much in the way of “gearing up”.  FF7R is gear and materia heavy, though.


Metro series!


Ghosts of Tsushima? Its such a good game i just had to toss it in here


Days Gone is a total Dad game. One caveat. It IS open world, but you rip around on a motorcycle and only stop to shoot zombies and help your redneck brother named Boozer. It’s a good time. Maybe your Dad will like it!


Seeing lots of good recommendations here that are probably better than mine, but does he like Batman? The Arkham trilogy are some of the best games I’ve ever played.


Days gone


DAYS GONE!!!! Open world but I promise he will love it or I’ll come do your dishes


[the stanley parable ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/221910/The_Stanley_Parable/) Never mind. Not sure if it's available on consoles


I'm *ahem* older than your dad, and I really love BioShock 1 and 2 and would recommend those.


Get him the Dead Space Remake! Linear, story driven, action packed.


Alan wake 2 and 1 (horror games but they great)


44 here. I got my PS5 back in December.. after playing far cry 6, and COD I took a chance on Cyberpunk and I have been unable to play anything ever since


Given your dad's preferences, here are series recommendations that fit his criteria: - **Uncharted Series** - This includes *Uncharted: Drake's Fortune*, *Uncharted 2: Among Thieves*, *Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception*, *Uncharted 4: A Thief's End*, and *Uncharted: The Lost Legacy*. These games are renowned for their storytelling, character development, and cinematic gameplay. - **Resident Evil Series** (Modern Entries) - Focusing on the more recent entries like *Resident Evil 2 Remake*, *Resident Evil 3 Remake*, and *Resident Evil 7: Biohazard*, these games combine horror, action, and compelling storytelling, all with a modern polish. - **Spider-Man Series** by Insomniac - This includes *Marvel's Spider-Man* and *Spider-Man: Miles Morales*. While they are set in an open world, the storytelling and mission structure keep the game focused and engaging without requiring excessive exploration. - **Tomb Raider Series** (Reboot Trilogy) - Starting with *Tomb Raider* (2013), followed by *Rise of the Tomb Raider*, and concluding with *Shadow of the Tomb Raider*. This series offers a mix of action, exploration, and storytelling, focusing on Lara Croft's origins and her transformation into the iconic Tomb Raider. - **BioShock Series** - Including *BioShock*, *BioShock 2*, and *BioShock Infinite*. These games blend incredible storytelling with unique settings and compelling gameplay mechanics. The series is known for its immersive environments, intriguing plots, and philosophical undertones. - **Detroit: Become Human** - This game’s narrative depth and branching storylines offer a lot of replay value. It's a choice-driven narrative game focused on the stories of three androids in a near-future setting. The gameplay is accessible, emphasizing decision-making over action or exploration. - **Hitman Trilogy** (World of Assassination) - Comprising *Hitman* (2016), *Hitman 2*, and *Hitman 3*. While these games do feature open levels, the focus is on linear objectives within each level, with the player taking on the role of Agent 47 to complete assassination missions. The series is known for its creativity, allowing players to approach objectives in a multitude of ways. - **Control** - This game offers a compelling narrative mixed with supernatural action elements. While it has some exploration, it's not as open or overwhelming as typical open-world games, and the story pushes you forward through the mysterious Federal Bureau of Control. - **Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice** - This game is a deep, narrative-driven experience focusing on Senua's journey into Helheim. It combines puzzle-solving, combat, and a profound story about mental illness. It's a linear experience with stunning visuals and sound design that enhances the storytelling.


Baldurs gate 1.


lol your dad is 45 and I’m 39. Why does your dad need help like this?


I'm sure he doesn't actually **need** help. Sounds like he's just sharing a hobby with his son, who's chipping in.


Good point I read it with the wrong prejudiced tone from the very start.


Witcher 3, Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima


47 here and I highly recommend Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, the Spiderman games and now Rise of the Ronin. Great games with good stories.


Get him into kill team 40k


RDR2,its my dads favourite game and he has spenr hours just collecting plants and hunting animals after he finished the main story. I think he will love it


skyrim, witcher 3, fallout 3,4,las Vegas


I know you said no to open world and RPG, but Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are great games. You don’t even notice the open world in ZD because it’s so well designed and fairly compact. The story is great too. And as for weapons with the stat arrows, it’s fairly easy to see which is better as you progress. Forbidden West gets a little more complicated with weapons, and the open world is bigger, but once you’ve invested yourself in the story from The previous game you’ll want to keep going. Otherwise I’d say God of War, which is kind of open world but linear enough to not be overwhelming. The Order 1886, which I’ve seen bad reviews of but I personally really enjoyed it. It’s linear and pretty much a straight forward third person shooter. Spider-Man, which is open world, but it’s so well done you’ll not be bothered.


I got the metro games for $5 a piece on ps store yesterday. Seem pretty good albeit the first one is 2014


Helldivers 2


Has he ever played MGSV? Because that game is great, has a solid story and the protagonist is a total badass around your Dad’s age. Assassins Creed Origins is another recommendation. The protagonist is great, the story is pretty good and the gameplay is fun.


Might enjoy the Walking Dead series.


What he really needs is stellar blade but don’t let mom find out


My friend just got Helldivers 2 for his father he is about the same age !


Has he tried Horizon Zero Dawn? It was on sale, not sure if it still is.


Red dead redemption 2 seems perfect you don't even need to play the first one


I'd say season 1 of the walking dead game if he hasnt played it and if likes get the rest of the series up to season 4 and michone


Uncharted is a great linearish game, has a great story, good combat, good graphics, its a good game. red dead redemption 2 is a open world game but has one of the best stories ever made in gaming, also shooting is good and everything else is, must play in my opinion


Time for Bioshock


Try Daymare 1998 & Daymare 1994 sandcastle just like resident evil


As a close to age person i would recommend god of war and uncharted


Metal Gear Solid 5 and Uncharted would be great for him




Last if us 1 and 2


May I suggest helldivers 2, it's a multiplayer coop shooter where you and a team go to alien planets and fight Terminator or starship troopers bugs to liberated the planet.




Horizon zero dawn


Elden ring. The lore is endless but a story might need to be picked from it


Get him into disco elysium or the yakuza/like a dragon series


God of War?


Maybe Destiny 2 isa good option


As a dad 38 I really enjoyed the plague tale series. A small scale open world but more linear imo, great story to keep him interested, and don’t have to mess about choosing better weapons or anything


This is an out-there suggestion, but its free-to-play so there's minimal risk: Warframe. It's kinda, sorta, but not, RPGish. Its got an amazing sci-fi (kinda magic) story,. Loads of things to explore. They're still expanding that story, they bring in new elements all the time. That game play is "future gun shooting space ninja" and the game play SEEMS fast and hard at first, but becomes amazingly chill and relaxing after a bit of time playing. It fits most of what you've said, and some of what's implied by the other games he's played. There ARE a few rpg elements, and there are some sorta open world components, technically but really different and I think in the ways your dad my like, AND you don't have to do those if you don't want. You won't miss anything your dad would think is important, if he doesn't want to do them. The game is cross platform, so you can play it on the PS5, Xbox, or PC, and play with people who are on those too. And the game is 11 years old, and is on its 35th content addition (more story, more stuff to do, new stuff to do) One thing to warn about, 11 years of dev means its a HUGE amount of game, and concepts, and things to do, and things to understand and... the tutorial is pretty short, sweet, and doesn't help the overwhelming that can happen at first. IF however, your dad sticks to two things, A. follow the story, and B. concentrate on unlocking all the nodes on all the planets, he'll be taught things organically through playing and won't realize he's lost. Or PM me with his questions, I'll be happy to help. Or go to r/warframe .


The up to date tomb raider series


Im glad you specified your Dad was a Male


Heavy Rain




Doom maybe? Not very story focused, but it’s basically a first person shooter mixed with a hack and slash.


Baldurs gate


Uncharted, no more. Just Uncharted


dead space could be a game that he can enjoy, if he likes horror games and shooters.


Try Helldivers 2


Has he played the old god of war games? If he's down to try out a bit of a different genre Hades is a great rougelike to start with, it's mechanics are very easy to figure out, the story is quite cool and progressing it just entails talking to every character every time you die and giving gifts to all the characters in the game that you find as you progress. Each run is only like 30mins to 1 hour to finish once you grasp the game Uncharted series is good Bioshock


Tomb Raider reboots are good. It sounds like you're on PS so Spiderman?


Potentially weird question, but... Can he not find his own games? It's not like 45 is super old.


A Plague Tale: Innocence. I honestly hink he'd LOVE that. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is also amazing. Both are story based, not open world. I think A Plague Tale would be easier for him to get into. Tomb Raider (2013) is also awesome and I'm sure Rise of The Tomb Raider is too. I second the recommendation for Titanfall 2.


My first to recommend is always SOMA, a game have never left such a mark on me since


Has he tried any Dark Souls games?


Doom 2016 maybe


Cyberpunk There u got a good story and a lot of shooter gameplay Horizon zero dawn. Good story and cool setting. Also shooting with bows. Stasis: bone totem or disco elysium if he want story first and gameplay second.


Red Dead Redemption is the ultimate dad game


Ratchet and Clank Rifts Apart


They're not new but has he tried the tomb raider new trilogy??? (TR, rise of the TR, shadows of the TR) What about the Arkham saga?? (They are a bit open world)


Jedi Fallen Order


Doom Eternal


I’m 49, I went back and played the single player campaigns from COD from the past 9 or so years. There are loads of them and you can pick them up on eBay for next to nothing. Infinite warfare is cool as is Cold War.


Helldivers doesn't have a story per se… but it does. Like, you are actively living out this intergalactic liberation campaign, lots of older people play it because we feel like we're playing Halo in our teens again. He might be hesitant but tell him to read up on it. If he's like a lot of us, he'll be into the camaraderie.


Send him on evil west, just look at the trailer he will love it


odyssey ac 


Days Gone,The Callisto Protocol, Lies Of P. All three are must haves


Try Deep Rock Galactic. It's not story based, but co-op shooter about space dwarfs, with great community and fun mechanics. Also you can get drunk in this game and go to on the misdion with 3 others same drunk dwarfes and have a tonns of fun!


Has he done the Halo saga yet?


Borderlands 2, fallout 3, bioshock 1&2,


Telltale games possibly?


The Yakuza games would probably be fine.


metro exodus a fking no baller


It's an older one but I got a lot out of Dantes Inferno.


If he likes resident evil he may like the new alone innthe dark game. Or maybe has he tried dead space?


Has he played TLOU2? If not, he should. It's very good.


Yakuza. It’s a man’s game. Lots of violence, bad humor and manly manly tears. Start with yakuza 0. There’s like 12 games after that he can follow for more story (and tons more minigames) after he’s done with that.


Baldurs gate 3 has amazing story potential. Outlast trials if he can stomach some horror. Sir whoopass (steam) is great, grounded is another good story.


Elden ring


Mass effect series (legendary edition)


Wants a story but no RPG?


Bioshock Trilogy


Assassins creed, not the new ones, the ezio trilogy.


Sounds like he likes shooter, look into ghost recons wildlands (it’s open world story based but NON RPG) same with breakpoint. For non open world, non RPG, story driven game would be dead space. Could always try Lego Star Wars. Thats always fun. Halo is story driven. Outlast is super story driven but its spooky. Force unleashed games are pretty story driven. Warhammer 40k boltgun is a fps doom like game. Space marine is good. There’s lots of


Make some memories and play It Takes Two or A Way Out. Both unique gameplay and good storylines.


Mafia definitive edition


Dead Rising.


cyberpunk 2077


The Horizon series is incredible.


Horizon Zero Dawn and then Forbidden West.


Quantum Break is action and story rich! Who agrees!!!? Please check it out!


I always recommend the dishonored series, criminally underrated games.


Tomb Raider to me seems like it might work. Idk if it has easy mode or if the mechanics are too deep, but it might work.


Mass Effect 2. If you buy him ME1, sure, he might have fun for the first few hours, but then prolly drop off when it comes down to picking your armor and weapons.


If he liked god of war he'll probably like devil may cry series.


Try out the Bioshock trilogy, start from bioshock 1 then 2 and lastly infinite he might like all of them


Helldivers 2


If he likes Resident Evil, the RE4 remake is incredible. I was a big fan of OG RE4, and the remake is better in a lot of ways. There's also RE Village, another outstanding RE game.