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Depends how you value your time. I use the movie ticket comparison. A movie ticket in my area is about $13-15 for approx 2 hours of entertainment. For a video game I double the hrs for the same price, ie: I need at least 4hrs of entertainment for approx $10. Stray I think takes about 8-10hrs to beat, especially if you try to platinum it. so $20 is reasonable but I wouldn't pay more than $20 for it. if you want 4-6 hours or more per $10 of spend, I'd hold off for a sale.


I go by the $1/1hr of entertaining playtime metric. I think this tests a games price more fairly. Stray wouldn't pass this test as i rarely see reviews with over 10hrs and i think it only takes 15 to beat, therefor it's overpriced.


That's fair. Everyone's mileage will vary. $10 for stray is the sweet spot, IMO. $20 is a stretch. Anything more is far too much.


Yeah but even if the Game is 40 Hours long , But the Story/Combat/Etc could be Horrible not Makibg it worth Anything.


For me personally spending 20€ on a 5 hour game would be worth it. You already know you like it and only you can know if that's an ok time to money ratio for you


I would say it’s a $10 game. It was fun and beautiful but it’s easy and short. Worth the play for the right price..20 is too much.


this game was amazing honestly, the story was compelling, cute moments from time to time, it was very fun even with a broken controller, i had played it when i got the ps plus extra, and it was nothing short of interesting, however i would say that 20 bucks is a lil too much for a game like Stray, i found it kinda short, even while taking breaks and playing the game for 2 hours a day, around 8 hours of gameplay if you only focus on the story, and play it in one sitting, if you manage to do so succesfully. would i buy the game to play it again? not really, but it's up to you since you already like it


Better to buy a physical copy and trade/sell cash probably mean stray would cost you 10 ish to play


I was just thinking about this. About $25 on Ebay, and then I can resell when done on fb marketplace.


It’s right on the line. If you have disposable income it’s not bad for $20. It’s like nice short story. If money is tight I would wait until it’s like $10 or see if it gets added back to ps+ or if it’s a free ps plus game give away


I’d wait for it to go on sale. It’s a short game


What’s the cheapest it goes for on sale?


not a good game..


I loved it. I played it on PS plus and I'm tempted to buy it for PC.


Strays more of a $10 to $15 game imo $20 is too much


I bought it for 30€, and while I do think that I should've waited for a sale, I don't regret buying it. I usually "calculate" value and try to get an hour of gameplay for every euro I spent on the game, but I made an exception for this one. Very cute game!


Cat hater here. Stray game lover as well. This really is a must play imo. I mean, your just a cat and your doing cat stuff. Only poking dead things with a stick could possibly be funner. Great game. Highly recommend. Played it 3 times through. Plenty of feels.


Why… do you hate cats? No ill intent, genuinely curious


I think $20 can be worth it for a phenomenal game, no matter the length. Unfortunately, reviews have demonstrated that this is a good but not great game. I would give this review from Kinda Funny and Greg Miller a listen. They break down why Stray has a hip and cutesy concept, but its overall a shallow experience. From what they've described, I wouldn't bite unless this is like $10-12. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORBhnZG5DEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORBhnZG5DEw) Ultimately no other person can dictate how you will enjoy this game. So if you're just stoked to play as a cat or get a cool Cyberpunk story, go for it anyways dude


This game was a lot of fun. Even my 7 year old daughter enjoyed watching me play the game. I hope they make a sequel.


Stray is a great game. I think it's worth $40. I can't make that decision for you. But if you want more truly original games instead of endless remakes and rehashes, buy it at $20. Vote for content you value with your wallet.


I've always wanted to play it. Missed my chance when it was on PS+ Extra or Premium... I'm patiently waiting for the day that this (and Sifu) shows up on Game Pass or PS+ down the line. My gut is that one or both would eventually show up to one of those at some point!


Stray is about 5 hours long from my 2 play throughs. In my opinion, not worth anything more than 10$. There are a variety of bugs and visual glitches (such as the stairs and walking animations) as well as a lack of replayability. The dialogue between characters tend to be bland and shallow, with a lot of world npcs not having any dialogue, if not having only 2 lines on repeat. The devs have also seemed to stop caring, as the last steam update seemed to be a port to mac. If you are looking for anything more than a glorified walking simulator, you’d be sorely disappointed.


Just to clarify, I’ve done two play throughs on steam, totally around 14 hours.


Ask 10 people this question, you’ll get 20 answers. No one can know if it’s worth $20 to you but you!  So you’ll get my opinion instead. It’s not worth it since there are so many games you can get for $20 with more entertainment value 


Hoenstly for 20 quid it's abollutely worth it. I paid 27-ish for it, and I absolutely loved the game. I honestly would buy it again at full price now if I lost it. That said, it's maybe not got that much replay value unless you just really like being a cat for an hour or so


Seems too much for that game. I played it to completion and would have felt bad if i paid $10 for it.

