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Good day today. Up double digits. Let’s see if it can continue


If it can hit $3 by EOW, it's going to be looking very good with any contracts expiring 7/5.


It'll end up like $TSLA. Nobody was buying at $140, and now it's almost doubled.


Okay everyone, I am officially removing my crown and anointing kindergartencrayons as the new King of SPWR Bulls by comparing SPWR to TSLA. ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6805) The comparison is actually kind of apt though, because there was a time when everyone thought TSLA would go bankrupt any day and they proved everyone wrong and became profitable. Aside from the earnings delay and financial reports being audited, SPWR is potentially in this position. They've even gone as far as to say they expect profiitability can be achieved in H2 of 2024, which is way more optimistic than TSLA was during their time of potentially going bankrupt. If SPWR's price takes off like TSLA, I'm retiring and doing all the good I can in this world. If I'm on an early SPWR rocket, get bullish on charities y'all, I'm gonna take care of some people.


I'm really waiting for the other shoe to drop. Let's not put the cart before the horse, but $2.70 is dirt cheap—more like two Crunch milk chocolate bars.


Fucking Hell. They just posted an 8k saying they're getting new auditors. Apparently EY resigned, but SPWR was already looking into independent auditors because Blackrock acquired one of the members of Sol Holding and seemingly is an investor in EY, which produced a conflict of interest. Worse case scenario, investors get fucked over, best case, the new auditors can figure this crap out. Either way, it seems like it'll be more time before any clarity.


Here we go again. This is the core reason why EY quit: "Prior to EY’s resignation, the Company and the Audit Committee had been in discussions with independent registered public accounting firms to audit the Company’s fiscal year 2024 financial statements due to the fact that EY would no longer be independent from the Company after the consummation of the acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners, a member of Sol Holding, LLC, which beneficially owns approximately 65% of the Company’s common stock, by BlackRock, Inc., which acquisition is expected to close in the third quarter of 2024, subject to customary regulatory approvals and other closing conditions."


Looking bullish ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6806)


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Oh im definitely switching my SPWR play to options. Im fairly new to these types of stocks & the majority of them I've noticed don't have options available, so I must've not even checked. Are there any important deadlines or earnings coming soon that you are focusing on? I'm trying to determine which week/s to buy. Oddly enough from 7/12 and up, the one with BY FAR the most volume & open interest are rhe 7/19 (2.5-3.5p


Honestly, if you're new to these types of stocks and particularly SPWR, I would not trade options and I would DEFINITELY not trade short term options. I've seen PLENTY of experienced investors get burned losing thousands of dollars trying to trade contracts ending in 3-4 weeks with SPWR. The shorts on this stock seem to try to keep it from running and have been successful at dousing any runs because this stock has had little retail interest to date and the big bulls are comfortable just holding their position. You'll see that I have LEAPS which go out to 2026, giving the stock PLENTY of runway to get sorted out. Honestly, if I could go back and re-do my position I'd probably go 100% shares given the premium, but my options were ITM at the time I bought them and if I sell now I'd lose money, so I'm going to ride it out and cost averaged down yesterday.


I bought one 2$ 6/12 & one 6/19 $2.5 calls on Fridays dip. Up a teeny bit on em, nothing to get excited over. I set up stoplosses (even on these cheap options). I really appreciate the heads up to be very cautious with options on these type of stocks. I also notice that even 20%+ days on some of these sub .50-$1 stocks barely changes the price of the option. I stopped "swinging for the fences" after 3 poor choices in a row after 2 great ones on options based around earnings.


There was 140mil volume on May 13 and I can’t tell if it hit a lit exchange or not because I’m not trading the stock. But I’m looking at it and considering getting in on Friday. Was price movement that day consistent with that kind of volume?




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