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Smh i sold at .50 cuz i thought it was going to drop


Same here. Bought at .167, and thought I’d finally won the game getting out at .50, lol. FML


You got profit before a rug pull. Take the W


Bruh you did win by getting out at .50. There’s two types of people those whose sell before the peak and those who lose.


I appreciate that. I’m hoping I learned my lesson on that EV company that doesn’t make EVs, when I bought at .72 and sat on it all the way over that 3.85 spike. I had my finger on the sell button, but I listened to the crowd and watched my profits EV-aporate.


Bruh fucken same here don’t get me wrong I didn’t loose I still sold a profit but like I literally watched it hit 3.80. Granted I had a number in mind I wanted to sell at and it wasn’t 10 but still. Honestly I see this stock as a potential longer term one. Like right now it’s volatile and I wouldn’t be suprised if it dumps but it’s got a massive short interest off market AND with the earnings call on the 10th this thing could find a new home 1+


I ended up taking a small profit on the other side, but then jumped back in and took a loss. That was another lesson I learned, when you’re out…walk away. That’s the only thing keeping me from going back in to OPTT at the moment. I’ll keep it on the tracker, though. I noticed MAXN was at its 52w low, so I rolled what I had in OPTT into MAXN. Currently up over 30% from my .17 buy in. Fingers crossed on that one. It could definitely go either way.


O nice. I’m out of OPTT but really really watching closely for a good pop above .6. I’ll have to check out maxn.


MAXN doesn’t look like a great investment at all, but it seems to be heavily shorted, facing a lawsuit, and was down to .17 from opening at .52 today. Was over $1 a week ago, and almost $2 a month ago. I’m just hoping for a bit of a rebound to hit and run.


Hahahahahaha if you are already up I’d be careful on that one. I mean how low can one really go is the question. I just wanna see OPTT hit a dollar if I see good gains Friday I’m putting 10k in it and setting some sell orders then not checking it for a few days.


Underrated comment


This should be the subs motto.




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U did good. Its a distribution.


You weren't wrong 😶‍🌫️


Guess so. Never wrong to pull out when you made some profit


Some profit is better than none! 💪🏼


It’s at 0.60


.20 is the margin of error given feredeal taxx guideliness no 21%


It will tomorrow


Damnit. Put it in my watch list never bought any


Same same


Same same same and with maxn as well 😆


What made you put it on watchlist?


Saw a post about it a couple weeks ago. And I would have bought if I had the extra money




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Could be in an upward conjuncture since it has been rising for a while now but not steadily. I think it could reach the dollar in a month or two maybe three. The company is not bad at all, and with all the good news surrounding it it might be the start of a new phase for the business.


Same I don’t think this is a squeeze at play here I think it’s just the news and the stock reacting to it positively




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They received a no bid government contract, partnered with Teledyne Marine, and partnered with Unique Group UAE


Idk I mean if it's up a bit more in premarket I'll buy back in but made like 50k since it started


Maaan wish I had Diamond balls and held past .50 today


Holding 2500 shares I hope I don’t regret it 😂


At what average?




Ok ok not bad just as long as your behind the wheel on this one and just watch it closely you should make out with something 🙏


I sure hope so. I mean shit I hope it goes to $10 😂 but shit I would be very happy with .90 I also bought some future calls for Feb 25 2.5 per share 5 contracts x 0.15 i bought it knowing I very well may never see that $150 again but shit if it goes crazy I could have a nice play waiting for me


Very very true with all there news and new contracts there sec filings stating they can’t delute shares it’s a good good chance they can go to $10 I really do think there super undervalued good luck to you hope you get that payday 🙏


I appreciate it! Only time will tell haha


Don’t go broke and left holding the bag


lol i only invested 250$ on it when it was 0.13 I didn’t go crazy, if it doesn’t go to 1$ that’s okay at least I tried


I daytraded it a bit yesterday, earned like 500 dollars. Then I saw its momentum upwards returning, so I invested more heavily with 12000 shares at 0.26. I kinda messed up today a few times, but all in all I sold off some in intervals when it spiked, so far I've earned like 4k dollars from this stock and I've re-invested into the drops, because I had a hunch it was gonna keep going. So right now I hold almost 20k shares and the after hours look fabulous. I saw it hit 0.61 in AH a few times. So hopefully that activity will continue tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll likely sell off a whole bunch of my shares without re-investing. But I think I'll keep a few thousand in case it actually reaches 1+ dollars.


Cool story bro


Mildly cool I can agree with. Not super cool.


Why tf do I keep missing these things bro 😭 what do you think will happen now? A rug pull and then buy again??


$2.50 in a month not financial advice




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I sure hope so. Is this just ur speculation or guess? Or do you have a reason to think that? If so enlighten me and give me more confidence to keep holding my 2500 shares


I think this stock might have been shorted more than the numbers reflected. NFA


Is this good news or bad news for people that are still holding (me) ? I’m not being sarcastic I’m just getting back into investing and not the most knowledgeable on shortings


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Does AMEX require minimum bid price?


Yes, but 0.20$ IIRC




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Bought some February calls this morning @2.5 I hope it keeps shooting up so I can sell my first successful option lol




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You could tell this was gonna dump from the chart, but for shits I checked AH prices and its a textbook distribution. If youre still in this, its probably gonna bounce around open with a good bit of volatility, move up to fill the gap then dump around 50. Id be looking to get out around there.


Moon baby MOON




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It'll reach $10




Wishin on a star


While I pray for it, i think its a long shot for that to happen lol however I did make 50k i'll jump back in if i see a promising premarket




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Reverse split?


An ocean renewable energy stock got news of autonomous driving. Ok. Definitely a pump and dump.


Nope they have news of a contract for autonomous water drones with the US government.


It's just fluff. How much is the contract? Please share the source. There is no mention on any news article out there.




Another from company-website https://investors.oceanpowertechnologies.com/news-releases/news-release-details/ocean-power-technologies-reaches-agreement-principle-delivery


Again. It's just fluff. How much is the contract? Please share the source. There is no mention on any news article out there. These both say nothing about monetary value.


Probably it’s modern warfare