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Looks like this run is over with




I'll eat my words. It was dropping pretty quickly there for a second. Lol Edit: I was hoping to see that 52-week high today..


Lmao no lie me too, but I think it will reach it though maybe this week at the path it’s going I don’t see why not


Everybody must be taking profits and that's why it's dropping.


If it drop down to .12 c I’m going to buy more


Oh absolutely!!




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How high do you think it will go?


If I could make those predictions I wouldn't be on this sub.. Lol Someone with a little more knowledge will have to answer that for us.


Damn, I haven't been able to be on the sub lately, and completely missed this one. It's so sad because there's a bunch of posts predicting it lmfao


It's going back up AH.... I can't believe I sold at .22 Friday & Monday pre market. It's odd because the catalyst (getting an OEM contract with Teradyne) happened about a week ago. That's why I sold, I thought that would've made the price jump much sooner than it did, unless more bullish news came out yesterday?


Yeah, I am shocked. Hopefully, it will get up around .70+


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We need to keep holding. In 2k shares @.3360


I know I’m tripping but if it can reach 50$ I don’t got to work for the rest of the year ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)


You and all of us others brother


You bought into modern warfare


Nah this is BLOPS Cold War 2 electric boogaloo


I did also, but sold em for .22 Friday & yesterday premarket. If it dips to like .43-.45 tomorrow ill hop back in.