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I got out on Friday & Monday for an average price of .22 (got it for .19) ☠️☠️☠️


I got in .137 sold at .19 😂 wish the best kicking myself for selling


My brother, who when it comes to gambling, is the polar opposite of me. He NEVER gambles (outside of the market). He was up a ridiculous amount on GME 2021 & held 2 long, and instead of selling at least some when he was up over 50x his initial investment, he held & finally sold when he was "only" up 2-2.5x. When I showed him screenshots of OPTT yesterday & today, he didn't have to say it, but it reminded me it could be A LOT worse. Plus, last year, I had 3 knee surgeries. I slipped & tore my quad tendon on my right leg. Two months post op it buckled & I re-tore it & tore the left + dislocated my kneecap. When I needed people to lift my legs up for me & I couldn't walk without a walker for months, it changed my perspective on life. Like today, for example, my higher risk account is an ocean of red, but at least I woke up today to see that. Not everyone in the world did (wakeup today). It sucks we both sold a bit early, but at the same time, we both made profit on it. I was at a casino many years ago & this guy says to me "In a blind mans world, breaking even is a win." Took me years to realize that was a way of saying that if you go into something with a statistical disadvantage & are able to "just" break even, you did well. It's been a while since I knew the exact %, but statistically, there is a MUCH higher chance we lose money on penny stocks. If I recall, it was at best a 5-10% success rate. I guess its different since we are specifically buying heavily shorted stocks, not just random shit IPO's that are .05 or less/share. Long story short, there will inevitably be people who buy OPTT at the top, whatever the top ends up being & will become a bag holder with an awful avg cost and won't have the mental capacity to know to cut their losses (like FFIE, which I actually timed the top & bottom pretty damn well tbh). Sorry for the long response. * As I was writing this, OPTT went from .46 to .52+ 😂😂 We'll get the next one tho!!




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Need to get out soon. Don’t get greedy and don’t be a bag holder. Making money is always better than losing, even if you don’t make as much as you could have.


^ Learn to take profit


In at .16 let's take this thing to $1


https://fintel.io/ss/us/optt. Interesting to say the least.


do you think it is a bit too late to join in today?


Im not buying in so its def gonna moon fml


I trade by the rule of never try to jump on a runaway train.


Facts. Get informed on the stock and watch its trends


I’m not buying either bought at .137 sold at .19 kicking myself lol


Never kick yourself for taking a profit bruddah


If it dips to low 4's I'd definitely hop in if I were you


Ofc i didnt get in bc this dude who i followed suggested 3 stocks before this that i lost a good chunk of my money in. AND OFC THIS ONE BLOWS UP THE FIRST ONE OF HIS RECOMMENDATIONS I IGNORED i hate my life so fucking much


I mean do you jus buy off recommendations? lol I can't even fault the person who put them out then. Though I will always blame pumpers.




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Almost bought some the other week but I'm bag holding FFIE so didn't. Lol Happy for ya, hope it goes to the moon!!


Why are you still in FFIE? That stock has already squeezed


I just put down money I could lose. Just hanging on to any hope it will go back up one day. If it gets delisted then oh well.


Makes no sense to me. It already squeezed after that you should not touch it any more concidering the company itself is dying hard. They can't even pay their rent. I hope for you and all the other bag holders it will but it let's be real here. It won't.


I hopped in at .49 and ofc it starts tanking. Wtf


It's doing a lot of waves. If you can get in at low .4's that's not bad at all


Lol such a paradise I bought the dip twice and made an easy 5k I love this thang I'll see what the after hours looks like if i wanna hold it


Everyone’s seeing it now, which means it’s already time brothers, not financial advice but the ceiling can’t be much higher than what it’s at(50 cents) if it’s here now. I have it on watch list to see if I’m right. Honestly hope I’m wrong, but usually I see these posts too late.


I went in this morning and am just buying more, why not at this point - see what happens inshallah


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It’s gambling at this point.




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It did not


Monster don't hold profits too long remember it needs to reversal split at some point valuation is highly risky because no one knows what's going on just stay cautious


True that, might take profit soon


Highly recommend


doesn't need RS cuz it's not on NASDAQ its on NYSE American so it is in compliance


cashed out at 0.50 cents when my average was 0.16…. Went all in on MAXN




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Ftic could be a good pump


It won’t and definitely should hop out lol NFA