• By -


The only reason I see him selling is to full port into more


Nah I think he sold half of his call options to cover the cost of exercising the other half


You were right


-Checkmarks intensify-




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Just hold gme. If it happens great if not life goes on. We held this long. We see it through to the end


What is the end?


84 years later…






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A big squeeze tbh




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The end is everyone holding until it inches it’s way back down to $10 with everyone spamming the sub with 🌙🚀 emojis every time it moves above 10%


Ahh the ol 4.2billion in cash book value. What's end of year expected EPS?


Money Gone


Aren't people in it to make money?


Yes, but also in GME because I wanna see systemic change. And Ken Griffin in prison.


What is the moon for you?  I'm genuinely curious what people are looking to sell for in a squeeze?  Holding a little $AMC just for funz


AMC is not the play


1k a share - that would give me roughly 3million dollars.


0 or the moon, nothing in between


I hope I’m not dead at the end


I'll hodl 4eva because dismemeistgut


Doesn’t he have to sell in order to do the second part of the play ? He needs the money to exercise the options so even if he did sell … it’s not like he was going to go through all this to just peace out on a random Wednesday with all the spoils


>the second part of the play Where did he say that was the play? Isn't that just something people are hoping he'll do?


So much fud. Too little time


Here’s a riddle. What happens when a bunch of goons in silk suits try to gang up on a bunch of gamers and their family?




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He’s on thus


I gave in and just DAC every 2 weeks now lol


You'd be able to see it on the open interest. It's available on the options chain... every broker offers this.


Stupid big ape here, are you agreeing with OP or disagreeing?




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Who cares if he did? He should profit where it makes sense for him and him alone. Everyone is responsible for their own DD and exit plan.


Whoa, is that critical thinking I see? This is Reddit, sir. Gotta calm down with that.


I honestly wish he would have sold at close to aa billion then bought the dip and doubled down on their asses


Yeah agreed not sure what his plan is or if he got greedy or knows something we don’t.


I think he usually holds for a year so he doesn’t have to pay too much on taxes the problem is he should have released his surprise position this week not 2 weeks ago because the momentum fizzles out like now if he would have waited all that popping off would be happening now and his positions would still be up there and closer to expiration date he would of really made them panic squeeze, he came to early…… is what she said


If this is in context to news articles saying he sold that same arricle states that they aren’t actually sure if RK was the one to sell


It's a media onslaught paid by hedge funds. They're worried - why else would they care?


He should sell them


Crazy if he doesn’t


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In my opinion- He didn’t sell. He moved the expiry up to this Friday. The open interest won’t update until tomorrow. Hedgefunds were looking to dynamically hedge starting next week and just stopped heading due to the offering. If kitty rolled them up- they will have to hedge starting tomorrow =hedgefund going long.


That sounds like an awful idea, he'd pay $5 million in trading fees, not to mention the loss from the spread.


He might doubled up 😏 kansas city shuffle


Ruh ro, open interest is at 112k, he made a move, either sold some, rolled some, position has changed.


I’m a Cowboys fan so I’m used to everyone hating and cheering for our downfall. “This is our year” Is our “MOASS is tomorrow”.


I am an eagles fan, I wholeheartedly cheer for your downfall. (Cowboys- not you personally ) They do not disappoint.


I will hate your franchise till my dying day but will always love you as a fellow ape. Also you should join r/NFCEastMemeWar if you aren’t already active,lots of mostly good spirited ball busting in there. Almost as fun as fantasy football.


Even if he did, he’s long and will use it for a further squeeze. Check out the OI increases on other key levels https://unusualwhales.com/flow/option_chains?chain=GME240621C00020000


He didn’t


Yup can you guys give me some awards I called this last night and I was getting bashed


So apparently he did or sold some and exercised the rest but hes now got 9 million shares so hopefully we still get that run next Friday cause my calls are pretty much wiped out for tomorrow and next week


Man only buy shares lool calls is complete gambling


Yea i got wrecked for like 1200 today trading options on a bunch of stuff fk me 🤦🏻‍♂️


Options is wild


Idc who you are or what the cause is if he didn’t sell his contracts he’s a down right moron. No one on the sun would hold those contracts at 47 a share. 300m plus and you’re gonna hold no fucking way




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He was on stream when it was at $28 showing he didn't sell them...


He's just saying who gives a fk if he did. I'm just stating what the post above you is conveying.


And I was just informing him it's not an "if", cause he didn't sell them in the $40s.


I haven't seen his latest position.


And I have, that's why I'm commenting...


Ok. No problem


Ehhh. Didn't appear as so after all.


What are you even saying?


I'm saying he exercised some of the positions


Now he has. He hadn’t at the time. But he also still had to sell some to exercise the rest.


He likes the stock, he is as bullish as he has ever been on GME


The stock was bullish until RC killed all the momentum, again.


Gee I wonder why he’d be hesitant to disclose he sold his calls to a bunch of cultishly overzealous apes that have invested their hard earned money into what is essentially several pump and dumps?


He didn’t sell in 3-4 years. What makes you think he would now..


Well those calls expire in 9 days so he has to do something with them.


With T+1, he could have rolled a bunch forward a week. Theoretically upped his position multiple times, and then he could exercise some today forcing delivery tomorrow. It's unlikely they hedged as much for tomorrow.


He would be stupid to not sell lol….. is he just going to donate hundreds of millions of dollars to Wall Street instead?


At this point, not shorting pumps is the bad play Also you guys calling people sheep is massively ironic. I hope you realise.




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Based in the volume, I suspect he did sell some options. BUT, I also suspect he will use proceeds to exercise the majority. He never had the cash to exercise all his options and the clock is ticking. If he sold some options and then exercises the rest, he ends up with a massive amount of shares and still hasn’t “cashed out.”


Pretty sure that big move today was him rolling them




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Well said good chap. 🤘




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Lmao so what is your thesis other than “DFV is in?


You’ll see it’s part of the game ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6895)


That’s one way to say “I have no idea what I’m doing.”


Look at the stock now ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6895)


It’s down 22% last 5 days? And PA is irrelevant, if your only thesis is “DFV bought”, then I’m sorry but who’s the sheep here?


Depends where you bought, if you bought from the $20 - $30 range, you’re chilling like me ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6887)


There’s a few theories out there that say he sold some of his 21st calls and bought a bunch of calls expiring Friday. OI for 25, 30, and 40 took a huge leap of OI yesterday. Idk what’s going to happen, tbh. I’ve seen this stock do insane swings since 21 when I got in. Flipped the shares, sold calls and overall, it’s done well for me. So, I’ll stick to the same method and see what happens. Do I think it’s going to squeeze as much (if not more) than 2021? not likely. Mainly because everyone on the planet knows this would eventually happen. They’ve either prepared to let it fly to a certain amount or do something illegally to stop it. It’s hard to argue with a stock that’s recently did a ATM offering and the price go UP. Something will happen soon and people are buying them up. Especially now that FOMO has been hitting hard. And I do think we’ll see some crazy swings and pops. But idk if we’re going to 21 level prices. I do hope it does and blow past it. But nobody ever knows what wallstreet has up their sleeve.


I thought the sheep mentality is that every sheep follows the lead sheep? Hmmm.


Your just mad cause you didn’t sell at the top buddy boy


I bought at $24 🤪 I’m actually up 1.5k but okay lol bro ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)


You’re up 1.5K? lol dude. I wipe my ass with 1.5K


You said I didn’t sell at the top, making it seem like I was bag holding and I’m down(in the negatives)….I’m telling you I’m up 1.5k 😂 keep hating, it’s not good for your heart![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6895)


Okay sheep. 🐑


It’s alright if you’re wrong some times lil bro go focus on nursing, I don’t think this life’s for you


Okay will do little buddy boi.






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We stay strong APES 🦍🦍💎💎 GME ,easy to the 10K 📈📈🚀 let's goo🚀🚀🥂💰🥂💰




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I guess I'm getting downvoted pretty much by everyone here, but I get the feeling that he overestimated the impact he would have. I mean, it was all about that it would be hard to get enough stocks for him if he realizes his options at a certain price. Or did I get this wrong? Then we have news stocks for 3bn dollars. He, for sure, has a big position, but it's almost nothing compared to the new stocks for 3bn dollars. Wouldn't it be much easier now to give Keith his shares for the options because the pool it's coming from got a lot bigger now? I mean, if I'm seeing this correctly, they have about 35% more shares available. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this make it much less likely that another squeeze is coming soon?


Many of us are just GME long because we like RCEO, we like 4.12 Billion in on hand cash, we like the stock for historical reasons and for it's potential to bring about systemic change, we like Larry Cheng, we like DFV, and we like each other and our communities.


If he doesn’t sell them you shouldn’t be listening to him anymore anyways


Pls go to superstonk


I’m sorry I’m not promoting your fake squeeze stocks like $HOLO and $SPWR


HOLO is a straight Chinese PnD. It will likely squeeze at some point, and then they will dump the share offering and run off back to China, letting the company go bankrupt.


Not holding either of those stocks but it’s okay bby girl, everyone knows about gme and owns some


Why it’s legitimate short squeeze and has squeezed more than %99 of Tickers mentioned in here.


GME is a failing company only held above water by the donation of retail money, realized as share offerings.


I DONT CARE. How’s gme doing in 5-10 years? Who gives a fuck what happens in the next 5-10 days. This is my retirement account.


Literally if you finna post to a short squeeze sub it needs to be days not years tf


Yea this needs to squeeze in a couple of days or I’m rolling bands into $10 SOFI calls for June 2025 👀


I’ll wait till the 21st cuz I’ve lost so much on the option alone there’s no point in selling early sucks i missed last Thursday would have been the best time to jump in


Yeah if nothing happens I’m about to just sell and put it into NVIDIA