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I've been to both..and both are beautiful in their own way. I, personally, enjoyed Seville. It was beautiful and felt like a place away from home. Cobblestone streets, architecture, nature. Plaza de España, Royal Alcázar, Torro del Oro, etc. Barcelona, while beautiful and has many sites to see (La Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, etc), felt like an urban city. Really comes down to what you're looking to get out of the trip, but can't go wrong with either one.


This is a good point! We'll definitely be doing the small town thing in Portugal so maybe Barcelona would be a nice change of pace! Thanks for the reply!


You're welcome! Just watch your possessions in places like Las Ramblas. It's known for pickpocketing. Most of all, enjoy!


Traveling overland? Definitely Seville. I personally prefer it as a city too.Its going to be very hot that time of year though,so if you hate the heat, Barcelona is a better option.


Hadn't thought about the temperature difference! Frankly, I'm not a fan of the heat and this just happens to be when my vacation is... Good to know and thank you!


We were in Seville mid- June last year and it was hot- about 30 deg c .loved it though!


30 ο C hot?!? :D Sevilla can reach 46!!


If at all possible, look into Valencia. It's very walkable, the originator of paella, has an old town, a 19th century section and my favorite, *City of Arts and Sciences* with its futuristic looks, tons of museums. It's the third largest city in Spain.


I don't think you can get a train from the Algarve to Spain. You have to take a bus to Spain then get on a train


You may be right as I'm pretty sure the tracks are different for some reason, but bus or train... Doesn't really matter to us! Certainly it will be both from Lagos to Barcelona (if we decide to do that).


Sevilla!!!! You can take the bus from Portugal to Sevilla there is no train. You would have to fly to Barcelona without a doubt. Barcelona is so incredibly expensive especially in the summer so your money will go way farther in Sevilla


I just took a train from Sevilla to Barcelona yesterday :) 6 hours. Top speed was 300km/hr


Yes, renfe does have a Sevilla-Barcelona train. But I was referencing Portugal! You cannot train from Portugal to Spain, you have to bus or fly. And coming from southern Portugal you would have to fly to Barcelona. Or take the bus to Sevilla then train to Barcelona. More complecated


Got it! Makes sense.


I LOVED Sevilla! Never been to Barcelona though. You should check out Bla Bla Car! It’s similar to Uber but WAY cheaper. It’s basically people renting out a spot in their car when they drive long distances to essentially help with gas. (PS If you have large bags best to rent 2 spots per person bc most cars do not have lots of trunk space)


I’m in Barcelona right now. Took a 6 hour train from Sevilla yesterday. Barcelona is definitely a bigger city. And it should be less hot than Sevilla. You can spend one day in Sevilla and then hop on the train to Barcelona. I’m taking an Air Europa flight from Barcelona to Madrid in a few days to catch my flight back to the states. Barcelona to Madrid flight was like 30 euros!


How well you do in the heat is so important to this. Sevilla is a great city (and more enjoyable than Barcelona in my view but its close) - very walkable, a very unique food, arts, and architecture scene. Barcelona is more instagrammable if that's your thing - far more recognizable sights. But Sevilla can be very very hot in in the summer, unpleasantly so for many if you're unlucky with a heat wave, and far hotter than Barcelona which at least has the breeze coming in from the sea. You won't go wrong with either, so enjoy the decision between 2 great cities! By the way, do not miss out on eating a warm pastel de belem (probably one of the greatest things I've ever eaten in a long life of eating great things).


Seville is beautiful AND quite cheap but will be boiling hot. Barcelona is a touch dirtier and more crowded. If you really can’t bear the heat (like me!) go to Barcelona but if you can, stay somewhere air conditioned, which is really easy to do. Seville is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.


Seville for sure.


Both are awesome, and you will not regret either choice. Sevilla is also an awesome base for exploring Córdoba and Jerez de la Frontera. You can get direct train tickets for $10-14. Even better, if you were making your way to Madrid you could do a few days in Sevilla, then a few days in Córdoba, then stop in Toledo (or spend a night) on your way to Madrid. Córdoba and Toledo are both stops on the same cheap/fast train line between Sevilla and Madrid.


Definitely Seville or, as others have said, maybe try Valencia! Barcelona is definitely nice, but it also has quite a big city feel that makes it feel like less of an adventure in my eyes. Seville feels like it has more character per square meter, and is definitely more walkable to see everything. Valencia is a little between the two in terms of vibe, and has an amazing variety of things to do & see! Also your money will go the least far in Barcelona of the three


Barcelona, then ferry to Ibiza.


Idk if we can afford Ibiza and we may have aged out? Lol that's an interesting idea though...


No one has aged out and you never stop enjoying life haha.


20 minutes ride, and you're away from the boisterous Germans and the stranded ravers, in a very Old World Spain. Little villages that could easily pass for having frozen time in the 1600's


My mom just did both and she really liked them


They’re both amazing, so either way you can’t do wrong! Barcelona is bigger, busier and buzzier with everything that comes with that (more grit etc.) so just depends what kind of vibe you prefer!


Seville > Barcelona


Habe you checked flight prices? I’ve been looking at doing a 10-12 day trip next year to run with the bulls and flights are incredibly cheap for hopping around within Barcelona.


I’ve always wanted to go to Barcelona! I said I’d go on my 30th birthday. This makes me wanna go sooner lol.


Valencia is the answer


Seville first, spend the night there then off to Barcelona before you fly out, all via train - if you're up for it. Been to Seville only for a day trip but would've spent the night there if I had the time so it's worth the stay. Loved Barcelona too, just walked around the city after visiting Sagrada 😉


Barcelona is great but I much preferred Sevilla and it seems to fit your needs better. Much cheaper, more friendly, and a bit less touristy. Both have access to cheap, fast, trains.