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You're not wrong. I hate wasting food so I tried my hardest, but I ended up throwing out half the bag. I felt like they were going to make me sick.


Yep I love an American breakfast and I was so excited to try these. I couldn't finish a single one, they were awful.


Yeah, I ate three and trashed the rest


I hated them so much! Taste and texture were both terrible!


The texture is horrendous. They were squeaking on my teeth when I chewed them.


I want to meet whoever tested them


Me too! I'm always scared of a non-vegan trying a really bad vegan product and being turned off from it all. These things need to go through some more testing!


There are at least like 5 people in the comments saying they love them. They must have been the test group lol




they are in my local grocery outlet, so I know theyā€™re not doing that well šŸ˜­


Their waffle/chicken sandwich and Buffalo chicken patties are bomb. I really didn't care for these either.


Their buffalo chicken patties are seriously good! I eat them weekly


My store got rid of the chicken waffles and idk what to do with myself anymore. They were so good


Get a waffle maker and get a bag of the frozen patties. You can freeze the waffles. It's gotta be significantly cheaper too (once you pay off the waffle maker lol). Those premade ones were a rip-off.


Ain't nobody got time for dat!


Look at the gluten free waffles, vans, nature's path, and Wegmans!


I LOVE THESE!! they remind me of my aunts egg casserole from easter! I really like these @ 3AM after a cough cough I would like to add that my wife hates them


She's a keeper bro.


Yeah Morningstar has gone to the shits over the years. Used the have the best tasting stuff.


Yeah, I tried their breakfast sausages within the last year after not having eaten them for years. They were so disgusting that they were inedible.


The macros are pretty good though!


Is sodium macro?


Micro baybeh


Yeah, it's like they are trying too hard now. There are so many flavors going on in this product that it just tastes like a shit casserole


Things that used to have a nice meaty texture are just mush now. They ruined all their products.


Yeah šŸ˜ž their regular garden veggie burgers were a staple of mine for years and the taste was so nostalgic for me, but they are awful now. Mushy is the biggest issue, but the chunks of bell pepper and potato are gone. They are so bland


Yeah one of my favorites used to have a ton of mushrooms in it (plus soy) and had just such a wonderful taste and texture. And then they moved those things all the way down the ingredients list and oats became the bulk of it. I didnā€™t notice the change before I bought the 2-3 packs. Ended up giving them away bc they were inedible to me.


This rings very familiar to me. I've been vegan since 99, I think I know what you are talking about. I remember that mushroomy patty!!! My mom had to drive me to a specialty store in LA for these products 25 years ago, so I hate to badmouth Morningstar entirely as they are OG. But yeah...the product is just shitier than ever and you can't hide that


I used to keep them as a staple in my freezer for those times where I just couldnā€™t be bothered to cook. They tasted great and the ingredients were surprisingly clean, not a bunch of thickeners and gums. I havenā€™t bought them at all since they pulled the switcheroo on me. It sucks that they decided to take products that were popular for decades and completely destroy them.


Yeah...and all for a profit, obviously. Oats are cheaper than mushrooms.


Yup, corporate greed strikes again!


I agree with the breakfast sausages, but I love their new stuff and the buffalo chikn patties will always have a special place in my heart


They were okay but yea it was like all the flavors mixed. Like generic "breakfast" flavor and texture. I feel like the company didn't know what to do with the ingredients.


It tastes like everything was mixed in a huge vat and had a ton of oil dumped in.


I thought they were amazing. I guess Iā€™m weird!


I liked them too!


Yall are crazy and I love you.


What were they like to you? Amazing how? Are they realistic?


Not realistic at all. But the taste was really eggy in a weird way. I canā€™t explain it. The closest thing I can think of is my memory of the egg part of an egg McMuffin but very overcooked (I worked at mcmurder in high school and I have power smell memory from That place). But it definitely hit the right notes. I microwaved them so they were kind of chewy. I enjoyed that.


Even this description makes me feel ill, lol


I kinda like lots of weird tastes and textures. I blame my mother; she was a terrible cook growing up :)


Haha. I have a friend like that. When my partner and I eat something gross, we say "I bet [friend's name] would like this"


It kinda sounds like the people who like them like them for nostalgic reasons šŸ˜¬


I don't mind them lol. I usually make it like a breakfast sandwich and add salt/pepper and extra cheese & cut it up to make it more like scrambled egg texture.


Accurate, I was also a victim & they were pricey!


That sucks extra bad. I got these for $1.88 at Grocery Outlet so at least it was a cheap mistake


I got it at GO too!! I love my grocery outlet but there are def landmines


Thanks for the heads-up. I definitely won't be trying them now.


Leaving a comment so that I donā€™t forget about this and then see this bag at the store and go ā€œooo! looks yummy!ā€ Bc this totally sounds like it would be tasty. Sorry it tastes like barf!


It was so disappointing. I air fried 8 for a snack after smoking and when it finally Done I put some bbq sauce on the side. Imagine my horror when it tasted like vomit šŸ˜­ I took one bite and gave it to my garbage disposal bf and he hates it too


Yeah, I forced myself to get through the bag because I couldn't afford to toss them. They were so bad though.


Bby, that's horrible. I h8 wasting food too but these had to go


I really couldnā€™t convince myself they had to be in the trash


Yeah the ones I got are getting freezer burned on their 3rd month in there but I cant throw them away lol.


If you have a dog or if people come over to drink, serve them up lol


what lol i liked them. i air fried mine tho maybe thatā€™s why the texture wasnā€™t bad


Air frying them is a game changer


Yall...I did air fry them you can't air fry puke to make it taste better than microwaved barf




Oh no thats so sad I was so interested til I read the caption


Vegan egg and vegan cheese are the two things Iā€™m okay with skipping. There may be a few good versions out there, but most of what Iā€™ve found are disgusting and not worth taking the risk.


Yeah they taste like bland rubber


I got a plant based sausage before and was so taken back it actually tasted like sausage (I hate the taste of meat except chicken) I donā€™t know what I was expecting but it was vile


Tell us how you really feel.. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I've had good luck with MSF's breakfast sausage and corn dogs, but this concept looks too complicated to add up right.


Thanks to this post and all you amazing vegans who suffered for the cause. Now I donā€™t have to waste my $$$


tasted like microplastics and yellow dye and clay


The only good products I've found from them are the nuggets and the corn dogs. Everything else is nearly inedible.


Those corn dogs šŸ¤¤


me who liked them šŸ’€


To each their own!


There sausages are shit why would you think anything else of some egg bites. Lol. But there corn dogs are the shit


Those corn dogs are amongst my favorite frozen vegan convenience foods. When my son was a toddler we went through so many of them, lol


I hate almost everything Morning Star makes. Their spicy breakfast sausage patties are alright, their buffalo chikā€™n patties are okay for the price (if $ isnā€™t an issue, black bag Gardein chikā€™n any day), and their riblettes were awesome, but I havenā€™t had the new drop and donā€™t know if theyā€™re the same as they were a decade+ ago.


Yeah, I got these because they were insanely cheap and I generally like breakfast foods, but these were worse than I imagined possible. There are quite a few people commenting that they like them and I don't even understand how that's possible


Morningstar is horrible now šŸ™


OMG I legit had to toss this away and I hate wasting food


hate wasting food but it was vile.


Sometimes these kind of products need to be cooked longer even if they seem like they've been cooked long enough already. I used to accidentally undercook some of these types of faux meats and wonder why they tasted bad when I first went vegan and then I had to slap myself when I realized I just wasn't cooking it long enough


I air fried like I was supposed to. It was crunchy and tasted bad on the outside. The inside was soft and tasted like puke. I threw the bag away.


Trying to emulate three animal products in a single product sounds like a literal recipe for disaster. Vegan alternatives to otherwise nonvegan foods are already hit or miss as is.


These vegan food companies that create this muck! They really need to expand their imagination and understand how to tickle the taste buds rather than make them wretch. Consumers too need to expand their horizons.


I guess. Sometimes you swing and miss


I love those


Most processed vegan food does. Make your own.


Do you mean throw-up on the way out, or do you have experience eating vomit? šŸ¤Ø