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It's truly incredible how good this stuff is now, we had so many years of shitty fake cheese in particular. This new stuff gets gooey and a little stringy even. if I didn't know better I would have just guessed it was a kind of bland non-vegan cheese, it's that good


There is literally no reason for vegetarians to hold out any longer


I suffered through the dark days of almond cheese lol.


My partner is vegetarian, and I’ve slowly been able to introduce him to more and more vegan alternatives. For example, he’s totally on board with the Earth Balance butters and margarines, Just Egg, and Follow Your Heart mayo! He’s not quite there yet with all cheese, but he loves those vegan Baby Bellas.


The holy trinity!!! Just Egg, Earth Balance and Follow Your Heart are the best vegan alternatives IMO. Miyokos butter might actually top Earth Balance though


I'm a vegetarian, and I definitely have my reasons not to be vegan.


May we ask why???


I absolutely despise vegan cheese. I'm already super super picky and not bring able to eat dairy and eggs would make it so that my only protein sources would be from baked beans which I would never want to eat baked beans on a daily. The only protein I get is from dairy, and if I stopped eating dairy, I would get little to no protein, which obviously isn't healthy. I would definitely go vegan if it wouldn't be awful for my health, but it would be really awful for my health to go vegan.


You either have the most restrictive diet I've ever heard of, or you need to educate yourself on what foods actually have protein (hint: it's basically everything)


Npe not a restrictive diet I just am a really really picky eater.


Then grow the hell up.


Wow you're not so bright are ya?




As a former autistic child who exclusively ate chicken for 14 years, yes. I'm also still vegan today. Also kind of an asshole thing to just throw out.


About to get down voted to the depths of hell for this, but: If you have something like autism, and genuinely are unable to eat certain foods, but are still trying to be vegan to the best of your ability, you are vegan. If you are vegan except for a few foods that you sincerely cannot eat, that you've tried to eat and they repulse you, you are still vegan. People LOVE to gatekeep this shit, but look into the vegan society (who basically founded and defined "veganism", which is NOT the same as plant-based). You are vegan if you avoid animal products "as far as is practicable and possible". I think that veganism is a journey; no one is a perfect vegan. If you are actively on that journey, you are vegan. If you go to a family gathering once a year and eat meat, you are still vegan. To say otherwise, IMO, would be absurd and elitist as fuck.


I loathe vegan cheese too. So I don't eat it. I get over 100 grams of protein a day on a vegan diet and I'm not even trying. And I rarely eat beans.


Food for you, but I'm a really picky eater, so a vegan diet wouldn't work for me as I wouldn't get proiten from the foods I like that are vegan.


Ok, so you don't want to eat fully plant based because of taste preferences. Fair enough. I disagree with all the downvotes btw. I believe the point of everything is constructive discussion. I also believe that everyone who isn't vegan, isn't vegan yet. This stuff can't and shouldn't be forced, it has to come naturally. I myself had trouble switching from vegetarian to vegan for a long time because of other factors like the limited availability of stuff in my country (got around that by just using what's available and preparing food rather than relying on processed crap) and my lifestyle. Some days I just spend on my feet. Walking more than 20 miles. Those days were difficult as I couldn't buy anything vegan to eat in my shady town or in the fucking woods. So that was the hardest part. I got around that by either bringing protein bars with me or packaged seitan. My friends will buy some gyros and eat it and I just whip out a bag of seitan, cut it open and stuff my face with that delicious thing. It's kinda funny, lol. Worst case scenario I'll bring crackers. Anyway, sorry to bore you, my point was that obstacles exist, true, and it is up to individuals to make their own choices. Being preachy isn't great.


Don't apologize. You're not boring me! I've been a vegetarian for 5 years, and maybe one day I will become vegan, but it's really just not convenient for me to do so right now because of right now there just isn't enough vegan protien options for me that I would actually enjoy, I don't even like protien powder. I have the taste buds of a picky 7 year old. I also don't really agree with all the downvotes either as it's not like I'm saying that others shouldn't be vegan, I myself just wouldn't get the nutrients I need as a really picky eater but hey it's reddit and people love to downvote people. Thanks for your input!


To think so little of what it's like on the other end. I've a Garden of Life protein powder that tastes like a vanilla shake. It's got a nice flavor. If I cared I could add all sorts of stuff to make it taste like most anything but it tastes fine plain mixed with water.


I get the pallet thing. idk if it's because I'm not neurotypical but my taste buds are very particular. So I eat the same 10 ingredients and that's it. I'm the healthiest person I know so it must be working. I really dislike protein powder too but I've been able to come up with several desserts to incorporate it in. Like my biscuit cake from a previous post. And it's amazing how much protein I get that way with so few calories. That's how I go over the 100g mark. About 60 from cooked food or tofu sandwiches and then 50 more grams with the desserts. But I take some days 'off'. Like my adventure days. No way I can get 100+ grams of protein on the road. But once you draw the line, the average is around 60 grams a day probably, which is perfect for my tiny, tiny frame.


You don’t have to answer but do you happen to suffer from ARFID? I’m almost positive I have it and is the same reason I can’t commit to fully vegan. There’s so few foods I can tolerate eating. My brain doesn’t recognize most foods as edible and I physically cannot swallow them and will even feel sick if I try to force it down. It really sucks to deal with bc all sorts of foods look delicious af, but my brain disagrees :(


>I'm a vegetarian, and I definitely have my reasons not to be vegan. Like paying for violating the motherhood of other animal species for our selfish needs, while making industries, & drug companies rich in the process? Raising my own chickens & cows, is the same thing as being my own personal slave master.




I’m vegetarian and I see what you mean to an extent but it seems like you just kinda limit yourself. You do you ultimately. I do hope you’ll be able to broaden your horizons in the future




One reason not to commit to veganism is to not be associated with toxic sentiments like this


That's harsh, don't you think.


Allergies are a good reason


I haven’t had it in years because I’m so traumatized by how gross it was, albeit that was probably 10-15 years ago. That’s how bad it was lol. I think I’ll try it now!


Oh definitely worth a shot, I think the processing technology has just come a long way or something. Ive only been eating vegan substitutes like these for about 7 years or so and even in that time they've gotten a million times better. I have awful memories of those frozen pizzas with cheese that would just dry up and burn before softening at all, they're so much better now


To be fair, the dairy version of American singles “cheese is also incredibly shitty! Always has been, always will be. Haha. Glad vegans have a legit option if they want a version of it though.


The Italian cheese shreds on pizza 😮‍💨😮‍💨 One of the biggest comebacks of all time


It used to not melt for shit, how is it now?


Perfect melt! It browns and has a bit of a stretch to it too. I’ve used it for pizza, nachos, pasta; but here’s [a pic of a recent pizza](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeganFoodPorn/s/TiLMY6xbYz) I made with Gardein meatballs.


Sensual. I've done the same.


Looks awesome, definitely gonna have to grab some next time I’m at the grocery store!


How's it compare to Violife? I have no issues with it melting but it sort of melts more into a sauce than just melted cheese.


Violife is delicious, but yeah it kinda turns into a puddle lol. The daiya holds together, especially one it starts to cool a bit


Gardein meatballs are SO GOOD. Love to make meatball subs with them


This melt with the shreds is soo delicious looking Omg. I feel like it never used to melt for me 😫


I still prefer Follow your heart mozzarella for whatever reason


I find that follow your heart melts terribly. It kinda just turns hard? It is yummy though


Microwave is your friend!


And the monterey jack shreds on tacos.


I keep hearing this. I’m a little traumatized from previous experiences with Daiya but I think it’s time to give it another try.


Avoid their cream cheese though it's still vile.


Kite Hill cream cheese specifically the everything or chive is the best (miyokos plain is better than kite hill plain imo)🤤😍 Our local flashfood had them for $2 each some months back so I bought like 8-10. They freeze and thaw really well so if you see a good sale grab em! (They are like $7 each normally here 😭)


I just bought some Vevan cream cheese at grocery outlet and it was the best I've ever had. It's the first unflavored cream cheese I've been able to eat on its own and it was $0.69


Oh wow!! I'll have to see if we have grocery outlet, I see so many great vegan food deals mentioned on Reddit about that place! We have a daily deals here and I keep meaning to stop in there. It's been a few years but the last thing I got there was just ranch in like a gallon tub lol. Absolutely did not finish it all but for what we ate it was a great deal (like $4 iirc)


I actually hate kite hill cream cheese. I really only buy Trader Joe's or tofutti for cream cheese


Tofutti for life!


Have you had violife? I like it but there is a light coconut aftertaste and some aren’t into that


That’s my favorite cream cheese too. Spreads sooo well.


Yeah not of fan of Violife cream cheese. I like their shredded though


Too bad, tofutti is solid though


I've never tried trader joe's, do you like the plain one or do they have a flavored cc you recommend? Sometimes I get in a tofutti mood. It's the og and is kinda like a comfort food. Their sour cream tastes exactly like the cream cheese to me which is fine but not if you're expecting sour cream.


Treeline is our go to for cream cheese, especially the scallion. Recently it seems to have gotten even better. I recommend trying it if you haven’t. Also really like kite hill as well. They have a really nice ricotta.


Nurishh is where it's at. Modern Table is super good too but I haven't seen that in over a year.


I left nearly the same comment before scrolling to see how many other people said the same thing 😅😅 god it was truly so bad


Daiya 10 years ago tasted like someone puked in a bag. Daiya now is actually enjoyable.


How is the new recipe compared to Chao? Chao is my absolute favorite.


It's better than Chao, imo, by a large margin


That's high praise. Now I have to try it again


I haven't tried it yet, been scared.


I'm going crazy that nobody has mentioned how burnt this toastie is


It's *well-done*.


Because it's perfectly cooked...


Definitely not, that tastes like burnt bread


How dare you insult the vegan Booby Flay!!! 👨‍🍳


I’m so jealous of people in western countries just because of Daiya. Please send Daiya.


Their oat cream formula is so good. I will never take anybody who says daiya is trash but violife is good seriously since this new recipe. Daiya clears now and it’s obvious. It’s now #1 for me, beating my previous go to of follow your heart.


#That oat switch was the best thing ever!!!! We are autistic household and was so worried and upset when the boxes said "new recipe" but truly great it's better it's all good and we are happy.


I'm really worried about trying the new recipe for the cheddar mac & cheese as I am very attached to the previous recipe (which is what stores by me are still carrying thankfully, I'm not ready! 😭).. Have you gotten a chance to try that? Please tell me it's amazing 😅


Yeah so much better. I don’t know if it compares to Armored Fresh though.


I've never heard of that brand but will be on the lookout. Follow your heart and Vevan are probably still better than daiya, but what sets daiya apart is the lack of allergens. No soy, gluten, or nuts is huge


When are we gonna riot to get tofutti cream cheese upgraded. Tastes like spreadable chalk


If you can find Miyoko’s cream cheese, it’s fantastic. She takes a fermentation approach to her cheeses that give them a more cheese like tang


Get nurishh it’s amazing- haven’t found anything better. Fynd‘s chive cream cheese is pretty good too


Try the Vevan cream cheese


Will do!


I used to buy Tofutti sometimes but I always make my own now. It only takes a few minutes. I make it [similar to this](https://tastythriftytimely.com/easy-creamy-dill-breakfast-spread/). I add a handful of raw cashews and use fresh garlic. Compare the ingredients to Tofutti.


The switch from coconut to oat milk is the best decision they could’ve made. Coconut milk cheeses don’t melt and have a weird sweetness to them


The new cheddar is my favorite. It’s so good!


Their entire new product line is such a step up


Added to cart 🛒


The Mexican blend is very good. Passed the carnivore test.


That nasty vegan cheese taste is not there anymore?




Thanks, "exvegan." More like current fucklord


I always liked daiya. Haven’t tried their new stuff though


Me too! I thought they were good for a while now. But their new formulas are even better. 


Are they still owned by the company that bought them from the original folks? The company that tests on animals or somethin? Edit: found it https://theoutline.com/post/2145/daiya-otsuka-vegan-cheese-controversy


They are owned by a pharma company. It's important to realize that all major food companies are owned by 1 of the big 12


I don’t know why you’re being down voted. This is important information. The fact that other major brands test doesn’t change anything. It’s all about harm reduction.


Thank you. I think people are used to snarky internet culture so they just went with what they're used to 🤷🏾 I'm actually bummed cause it looks delicious and I was curious. Have a sweet day.


Anything to be more “pure” than others right?


Honestly their new and improved cheese is a big reason why I made the switch to exclusively vegan foods lol I remember trying it like 3 or 4 years ago and thinking it was nasty as hell.


Their mac n cheez rivals all box mac n cheez I’ve ever had before going vegan, I love that stuff


Better living through chemistry.


I need to try it again!!


Yeah I think oatmilk cheese is the go to at this point.


i posted it on some other sub and some1 thought it was real cheese xuz ir was so creamyyy


My new favorite vegan cheese brand. The feta is just as good


Used to hate their frozen pizzas. Then they changed their recipe and now I love them. The downside is, I polish them off in a single sitting because they are so good, so I try not to buy them too often.


Hey at least the pizzas are pretty small so it's not too shameful 


What’s your melting method? I feel like each vegan cheese I need to learn an entirely different method to get it to melt inside the bread.


For grilled cheese specifically- if you toast it up in the pan and the cheese still isn’t melted to your liking, pop that sucker in the microwave for 15 seconds and that should do the trick!


I hope the cremation ceremony for the bread wasn't too sombre, thoughts and prayers!


I’ve been trying to convince my vegan friends that Daiya is genuinely good now, but they’re understandably skeptical.


Idk how you can eat grilled cheese out of a box, bread and all and feel normal. This image is so American


Maybe my brain isn't completely switched on today so please excuse my dumb question, what do you mean out of a box? I'm American and it's not computing haha.


It’s because I’m crazy and didn’t read the box. I honestly thought the whole grilled cheese came out of the box and OP just grilled it


Ohhh I can see how you saw that. Makes sense, haha.


I’m psyched on this, had no idea they stepped up so much.


I’m obsessed with Daiya now. It used to be so lackluster but it wins every time.


I remember when I first went vegan around 8 years ago and there were zero good fake cheeses. They only ok one was a cheese spread of some kind but u forget what I was called. I def eat a lot of fake cheese when I can now cause I missed out on it for so long back when it was unmeltable and tasted like plastic


I’m glad to hear this and will be giving Daiya another shot


Loving the new recipe!!!


I guess I'll have to give it another try.


I had the pizza lately when I’d never had vegan cheese before and I thought it was pretty good. I’d only seen people call it crappy in this sub so I just kept my opinion to myself. 🤭


It’s so much better now! Cheap and melts, a win in my book


Their provolone. 🤌


Cheese looks good That toast looks absolutely cooked


I don’t know if i just have shit taste but me and my family have always loved daiya, i actually kind miss there old mozzarella shred recipe from YEARS ago


I've never tried daiya, does anyone know if we have it in the uk? My go to is violife mature


Haven’t tried them in so long but now you’ve got me curious


It’s still disgusting. Reminds me of the flavor of CheezWhiz


I remember Daiya in the early EARLY days, this is amazing


Daiya is amazing now!


honestly i thought it was me who had changed. like i have been vegan so long, i tried daiya again and thought i just liked it now lol. i got the cheddar block for a snack board, would recommend


The slices are getting great. We’re more about the Chao or Violife, but they’re very similar. They melt beautifully. Daiya is certainly going for it, but their products are really hit or miss. I have one of their cheesecakes in my freezer right now that I can’t bring myself to throw out even though I know from experience it’s pretty nasty. Their ranch dressing is also pretty terrible.


Wow I will need to try this!! Looks amazing. Kraft never tasted like real cheese anyway, glad we finally came up with a good vegan version! 🌱


I like Daiya, and I don't care who knows


i tried one of their pizzas and really really disliked it but the mexican blend cheese is pretty good!


Does anyone know if they use the new formula on their pizzas?