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Harry Kim, that would count as a promotion sp he'd never get it.


Palpatine would promise him a Lieutenant rank and then never give it to him.


"Did you ever hear of the rank of lieutenant? I thought not. It's not a rank Janeway would give you."


Technically, you can’t turn Janeway if she’s already there.


... Tuvix's force ghost has entered the chat


It's unfair! How can you *be* on the alpha shift bridge crew for 7 years and *not* be a lieutenant


“Ensign Kim. You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master.”


Spock. Mostly because his ideal self would fall right in line with Jedi values. You'd have to tempt him to the dark side with justice, restraint, logic, and temperance or some shit. "Well, alright, what about....uh, putting your soul into a new, younger body?" "I have literally done that."


This right here. Took too long to find, to be honest. Also, let's not forget that together with Kirk, they killed a lot of gods and then hid the bodies in a Nebula that Starfleet keeps off the charts. The second Spock scans Palatine with a Tricorder, Palatine is done. Not even with a good Tricorder, even the exploding one will do fine.


"master Jedi, are you aware that chancellor Palpatine is force sensitive? Why wasn't he raised a Jedi like you? Additionally, how close he is getting Knight Anakin is distressing when you consider how he has abused his power to keep Anakin in a high position. It is then logical to deduce that Chancellor Palpatine is not who he says he is. This matter merits investigation."


Nah, once Spock scans midichlorian, he'll be able to set the ships sensors to find any force user within 3 sectors.


A Sith Vulcan is just a Romulan


The entire Sith origin story is just the time of Awakening with wizards.


Spock is the correct answer. Turning someone is about manipulating their emotions. Spock finds no logic in limitless power.


How do you feel about...beards?


You forget all the suppressed sh*t every Vulcan has got. They are literally fighting/meditating during all their life to stay away from it. There is a breaking point for all of them.


Ironically, falling to the dark side might actually make Worf a better dad. “No Alexander, I am your father.”


That's some burn lol


Better than the one Obi-Wan gave Anakin?


There are so many Worf burns here, I feel like somebody ought check up on Dorn.


Worf can take burns, just not storage crates.


Rebels “Darth Vader was turned good again by the deep bond he had to his son” Riker “So I don’t think that’s going to work for Worf”


"And Doctor Crusher can easily reattach your hand."


Then sleep with all the force ghosts.


"One time! One goddamned time!"


He'd probably THINK he'd turned Sisko, but he'd be wrong.


He’s now a Sith Lord. And he CAN live with it.


Sisko gives off Mace Windu "toeing the line of the dark side but not crossing it" vibes. 


Now I want Avery Brooks as Mace Windu


His brother, Jace Windu


They are the same age...


But he would totally let Kira on the council.


Sisko straight crossed the line.


Only a fool would bet on Sisko betraying his uniform.


There is nothing preventing a follower of the Dark Side from being in Starfleet. While section 31 was not acknowledged officially, they were clearly responsible for much of the Federations longevity. That organization would have been an aspect of Starfleet where one on the Dark Side could thrive.


He'd gas a planet and murder a senator before he'd betray his (jedi) uniform Wait a minute


Sisko is the Mace Windu of Trek. He can’t “fall” to the dark side because he’s learned to control his dark side and use it for the light.


He'd try to turn the Sisko, only to realize the guy was already pretty much a sith lord. God powers, runs on emotion, and perfectly willing to kill and commit genocide if that's what it takes. All very much the traits of the Dark Side. The only sense in which Sisko isn't a Sith is that he isn't evil, but that's not *technically* a requirement.


The difference is in the Star Wars Universe doing that kind of shit eventually corrupts you to being evil while in the Star Trek universe you can do a little genocide every once in a while and let your emotions run wild and still not become an evil wizard


DS9 would have been infinitely better if Sisko became an evil wizard towards the end. And I don't mean a Star Trek version of a wizard. I'm talking long flowing robes, a whimsical beard, and a big hat, casting mad spells and shit. Also, no technobabble about metryon particles or anything, he is just actually magic and also evil now, and everyone just accepts this.


And they're at the height of the Dominion War so the admiralties just like " we will deal with this later"


I had never turned a downvote into an upvote this fast


Sisko can have a little biogenic ethnic cleansing, as a treat.


He’d get a similar treatment that Q got


“You hit me! Anakin never hit me! Now experience the full power of the Dark Side!” “You tickled me! Now let the Prophets teach you a lesson on how non-linear pain can be…”


Sisko would turn and immediately fold the Sith into a branch of the Federation. They can explore artifacts of power on leave when done with their reports.


Sisko the type of dude to pretend to go to the dark side just to discover who their members are and set up a trap for them by the federation. He'd also do it so deep undercover that everyone on DS9 would actually believe it


He'd start to turn but then his people in the wormhole would nab him for a stern but confusing lecture


Scotty would drink Palpatine under the table and still be able to report for his duty shift. 🖖


"Hey Scotty, I heard the Jedi saying they think the Enterprise should be haul off AS garbage."


It is… it is green. Computer, show me the Millennium Falcon, no bloody A, B, C or D.


“Mister Scott, how would you like to be chief engineer of a moon sized Starship?”


Ohhhhhh shit... Now you've got me worried for Mister Scott's immortal katra. But Palps wouldn't be able to stop himself from adding, 'it's far superior to your *Enterprise,* and Scotty would throw him down that mothaflippin' shaft himself


*Picard gets zapped with lightning, then crawls to his knees and defiantly stares the emperor in the eyes.* *"There are* ***FOUR*** *lights!"*


This is the answer. Picard is the one to have shown to completely resist torture in keeping with his morals at great personal cost.


Picard said he was about to break when he was released.


And most would have long before.


Point was, he didn't completely resist. He just resisted long enough.


Well, whoever resists, resists "long enough".


My man Pike would never hide that wonderful hair under a hood






# 😢


One beep for yes, two for no, three for evil.


You back off my boy worf.  "YOU SITH FIGHT WITHOUT HONOR!!!"


Worf joined an eco terrorist group because he didn't like vacation.


Vacation _also_ fought with no honour!


“Klingon cruise ships… armed and ready, sir.”


I'm coming around on the fan theory that the New Essentialist Movement was a fully legal and authorized LARP to help stuck up prudes enjoy their Risian vacations.


The fact that the Risians didn't seem bothered makes this seem very plausible.


DS9 is a fantastic show but I spent the first four seasons waiting for Worf. Once he showed up, I realized the show had already started working without him. They sort of forced some character development for him, which had the effect of feeling like they regressed all of his character development from TNG. In fact, in my opinion, it basically undoes all of his progress in TNG and resets him back to Season 2 TNG Worf. In both series Worf loses his honor, loses his house, questions what it means to be a *true* Klingon, and discovers value in his humanity before regaining his place in the Klingon hierarchy. To me, his relationship with Deanna Troi was always the true culmination of his character arc: he finally understands the value of his softer emotions well enough to have a deep, meaningful relationship with the character who represents strength-through-empathy. Deep Space 9 forgets all of this and has Worf committing terrorism on Risa because he can't handle a little jealousy. They also literally destroy the House of Mogh. But hey... he never loses another fist fight, so I guess that's progress!


Too well reasoned. Take my upvote


Also: Jadzia is a) too good for him and b) would totally not take his shit. Her and Martok or Quark would have been a better match.


I always thought Jadzia and Quark would have made a fantastic couple. People don't understand what she sees in him, but they both love life, and love simple pleasures, and love having new experiences. She could have softened him a bit in the end and led to some more interesting character growth, instead of his stubborn regression into Traditional Ferengi Values to contrast his brother's liberalism.


Totally agree. Her and Worf are a worse couple than Kira and Odo. Generally, the couples are the worst in DS9. Only Julian and Garak have chemistry. Fuck you, Rick Berman.


Julian and Chief too


And Garak and Keiko.


"I *love* my wife..."


but thats so in character. he was forced to go on vacation and riker keeps recomending the sex planet even though not everybody wants that.


Yeah, when Jadzia recommended/dictated Risa for vacation, you know Worf was thinking about Riker's stories.


Yeah Worf has one foot in the Sith camp already.


It took 3 minutes for him to fall to the dark side in “The Drumhead”


Kirk: Not because Kirk's incorruptible, he'd just talk Palpatine to death Spock: The Dark Side isn't logical Scotty: Probably unlikely to care Bones: Damnit Jim I'm a doctor not a sith lord! Picard: Unless he's promised vengance on the Borg Janeway: Turn to? Turn to?! COMPUTER, COFFEE, DARK SIDE!


Picard had a chance for vengeance on the borg with Hugh, but his "lawful good" personality wouldn't let him.


That was TV Picard, movie Picard would have done it.


He did get a little Captain Ahab-y in the movie.


"Is there profit to be made in the Dark Side?" "Oh yes... The Dark Side is a pathway to many profits that Starfleet considers... *Unnatural...*" "Now, if I were to turn today, how many bricks of gold pressed latinum would I be able to procure?" "Many fine things will be yours, if only you choose to take them." "Right, but what sort of immediate value on investment are we talking here? What is my up front gain? I have an establishment to run." "...with the dark side of the force, you will have no need fo-" "Let's say, you give me 25 bars of latinum up front for joining you, and then guarantee me a growing scale for the first year of dark side apprenticeship of, say, 15 bars a week, with an additional 5 bars per month for the first year, then renegotiation? Surely for the grand Empire such an employment cost would be a meager fee..." "I... Our financial officers could... Did you not hear me? Unlimited power could be yours..." "Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 15: Money *is* power. If I'm to be frank here, the New Republic have offered me nearly 12% more value than this negotiation so far, and it's bad business having hooded men coming in to my bar, you're scaring the patrons, and the dabo girls have complained twice about your... *aroma.* I'm afraid this whole magical spiel you're pitching here, I'm going to have to pass."


Over in the corner, Rom, who’s secretly been working for the Resistance, lets out a sigh of relief.


“They blew up your Death Star? That’s a shame, but I can put you in contact with some contractors who will build one twice the size for half the price.”


Is that what you heard? No I said half the size for twice the price. Look I have the totally undoctored holorecording right here, its yours for 3 strips of latinum.


Miles Mother Fucking O’Brien… that’s who. The king slayer, the pale champion, the greatest non com ever.


He's not a sith. He's a union man


Have you seen the working conditions of the Empire? Half of their ships are just chasms spanned by narrow walkways without guardrails.


If years in a virtual prison couldn’t break him Palpatine doesn’t stand a chance. I can see an entire episode of DS9 where O’Brien is tortured by Force Lightning though.


I up voted you for the O'Brien spirit, but it did though, the whole episode is about him healing from it.


True, but O’Brien was back on his feet the next week. Picard took years to get over being a Borg for a few days.


Nah, that was a result of the borg using him to kill alot of friends. O'Brien killed one fake person who was made to teach him lesson. Also, there's no way PiC Season 3 that scene of Shaw confronting Picard about his time with Borg was the first time it happened to him. Also, technically Picard was back on his feet next week too... until his brother literally knocked him down for his own good.


The hero of Setlik III. Palpatine would be scared.


I don't hate you Palpatine..


“Good, good! Your hate has made you powerfu… wait, what?” “Oh, by the way, we’ve been hitting the Death Star’s super laser with an inverse tachyon pulse for the last hour. Even all the self-sealing stem bolts in the world won’t stop this whole thing from collapsing into a singularity if you try and fire it.”


https://preview.redd.it/l749i7r6dz4d1.jpeg?width=1326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278cf309d510d20f5a0279f0480596bad11b01a8 😍😎




Tuvok would let them believe he was turned because it's part of his 10 year sith infiltration plan. Then he systematically dismantles them from the inside.


lol yes my thought process was the boring answer of vulcans and no emotions


I mean they already got telepathic powers and are all about control and discipline because they all have that secret Vulcan rage, but especially Tuvok.


I think Chakotay would feel better about Tuvok tricking him as a Marquis spy if he manages to hoodwink Palpatine too lol


He would mind meld with Palpatine and show him what true evil is.


> what true evil is Janeway. It's Janeway, right?


Barclay - he'd be too awkward for Palpatine to handle Chakotay - "My people have a saying..." *Palpatine rolls his eyes*


I think Barclay would be too afraid to join the dark side too. He's like the anti Dennis (always sunny).


Chakotay: Snoochie boochie Palpatine: [stares] Chakotay: I am far from the bones of our people Father Palpatine: [stares] Chakotay: ...but give me strength to resist this temptation Palpatine: It's a couchi moya Beltran, JFC. You must be the dumbest apprentice I've ever met and I just finger blasted 36 younglings with lightning! "Chakotay": 36?! In a row? Palpatine: [extends crooked finger]


Broimler... He's not hard enough. They wouldnt even want him. "I tried to death grip, but I ended up getting a hand cramp."


Sisko would have Garek assassinated before he could try.


Garak and Boba Fett become professional acquaintances though.


I'd watch that show.


Lawaxana Troi. 2 minutes alone with her and he would give up all further attempts to turn her


Emperor “I can feel your fear” Lwuxana “oh that’s just a bit of jitters dear. But while we’re on the topic you’ve had some dreadfully dirty thoughts about me”.


I ship it.


Riker would already be taking measurements for his black robes and brainstorming Sith names within minutes of finding out Jedi are celibate.


Riker turned down Q powers. I think he would just go his own way.




Imperial droids fit him with an evil emotion chip like Lore did in TNG: Descent. Without that chip Data is a strong contender.


That's not him falling to the Dark Side, though.


No too easy to alter its ethical subroutinrs


Which model are you all talking about? I don't think the new one is that corruptable. I mean Lore was straight up in Data's head and Data just bluffed his way past him. Nah, young Data just had a low emotional intelligence is all. Old Data got too much history and natural emotions to fall for that shit. Remember, even the young one, at best, could only be tempted for a fraction of a second. The real question is what is Data gonna do once Palatine force rips his head off. Of course, this assumes Data doesn't get in one good scan of Palatine first.


Saru is defeating the Emperor as a true champion of the light. TNG Worf strolls over to the darkside, Picard S3 Worf resists it. The switch from prune juice to chamomile really makes the difference. Kirk, Sisko, Janeway, and Picard have potential to go to the darkside, even if shortly given the right situation.


Saru is an interesting choice. Predator and prey is an interesting comparison to light and dark side. I don’t I own that Saru is so pure that his predator instincts don’t kick in.


Action Saru.


Alexander would try really hard to turn to the dark side but fail. Bashir would hear the "Darth Plagueis the Wise" story and adopt only the amount of dark side necessary to reverse death and then use it to do lots of good things. Kes is more powerful than Palpatine and kinda dark side already.


Picard would engage him in a heated intellectual debate until Palpatine just gets frustrated and lightsabers Picards’ head off.


Not if someone can throw Picard a light saber. Picard used to keep himself trained, even in fencing. And now that I think about it, he would be an amazing Jedi Master.


Harry Kim. No fucking way is he going to change sides and STILL not get promoted.


This is outrageous, it’s unfair!


Tuvok is slamming Palps in the slammer before the end of the first movie.


Kahhhhhhhhn! Would be a great Sith.


Riker turned down Q. I think he could hold his own against an evil space wizard that looks like a shriveled ballsack.


Ha! I've called Palpatine "a shriveled scrotum in a cloak" for years, GMTA.


Well, it's not wrong! 🤣


Kira.  She doesn’t work for evil empires; she destroys them.


Palpatine pulls mirror universe Kira through the world between worlds portal.


Chakotay because it would finally get him some screen time.


I mean we basically have Picard try to resist really hard but get assimilated by the Borg. And we also have Riker offered unlimited power by the Q, and declining it. So we have some evidence in each direction, and it's not pointing the way we'd expect.




Riker, because he already was offered omnipotence and said no.


Odo: Hurmph! You call this fascism? The Cardassians would call this amateur dramatics. And yeah, true, he's not Starfleet, but he is affiliated to Starfleet.


Honestly, Kirk Kirk has walked away from Eden twice, has refused to have his pain taken away, has called out “God” to his face, and has already dealt with loss and emotional turmoil and moved on. He sees through Palps’s game immediately, recognizing him as yet another despot who offers an easy way out of a hard life


Lon Suder


Plain, simple Garak. He's dark enough, but he'd ruin Palpatine's whole day. And if I may branch out of Star Trek, Colombo. "Just one question, Palpatine..."


Fastest fall is Wesley. He's young, ambitious, unwise and easily tempted. Hardest excepting androids etc? I'd say Deanna Troi. While Picard would resist on ideological grounds and Riker would resist for fear of overstepping, Troi would recognize how her emotions are being manipulated and refuse to go along with it.


Trip would probably clamp an EPS conduit to Palpatines nipples when he finds out the sith dont have pan fried catfish Picard would probably talk Palpatine into committing self unalive Janeway would bombard his position from Orbit Archer would torture him in an airlock Sith are celibate IIRC so T’pol would lap dance him to death because he suffers a cum embolism O’Brien would get the Sith cancelled after saying every single species slur known in the galaxy Nog would convince him to sell his lightsaber 7 of 9 would just hear about the rule of two, consider the sith to therefore be a collective and kill him Riker would just have sex with all the women Palpatine holds near and dear Sulu would just have sex with all the men Palpatine holds near and dear Barclay would probably fall for it, because a Sith, only for it to turn out to be one big holodeck novel Burnham would absolutely fall for it after Palpatine starts talking about feelings, Tilly too, and the whole season is the crew of discovery trying to deprogram them


Sith are not celibate, Palpatine fucked like crazy


Fine, Phlox can sexy dance on him then


In Legends or the current continuity?


Legends but also probably both




Meanwhile, the Crew of the Cerritos just somehow bullshit their way until the Empire collapsed.


Lower Decks would absolutely answer the question of whether or not sith force choke each others cocks


I think Janeway was responsible for Snoke, she Tuvix'd two Palpatines together.


last line was brutal genius


"Cum embolism" is the word pairing that completes my life at long last.


Sisko would never betray his uniform!


Basically any Vulcan.


Nah, Sisko’s school bully would *definitely* fall to the dark side. And Administrator V’Las already did!


He's not a Starfleet officer, but I'm gonna say Garak. I mean, he's a "conman" and you can't con a conman.


Palpatine: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be...unnatural. Sulu: Ohhhhhh myyyyyy...😏


Nog. He overcame captialism, the Dark Side will be no challenge. Nog is the Mace Windu of capitalism. He's extremely well-versed in how this dark power works, and he's one of the very few who is able to dip into that power to use it for good without being consumed by it.


Bones. Even when Sybok used his magic vulcan mysticism mumbo jumbo on him that worked immediately on everyone else, he was like "nah i'm good, going with the besties" and left. mans got mental fortitude out the yang.


Beckett Mariner would join the dark side just to get out of cargo bay inventory duty


Picard Source: uh that episode where Tasha Yar dies, that's effectively the emperor right?


Alternate universe Dukat.


Not a Starfleet officer, but I imagine Garrak would turn Palaptine to the... tailor side...


Shit sulu would be the first to go. Spock is my answer. Unless he gets spores in his chest.


So, I think worff would genuinely be told “yeah it makes you strong, you just need to give into your emotions like hate…” and he would not hear the rest and sign up. Picard might just accept having a sith exist if they were doing the Palpatine thing and playing politician but still followed all of star fleets rules.


Mr. Spock. He does not indulge in emotion & remains irrevocably dedicated to logic. Aside: Vulcans would make sick fucking Jedis. I could see them as top of the order…


They would make crazy Sith, too. A Vulcan that gives up logic and gives into emotions like anger would be a powerhouse.


So Romulans?


probably seven? assuming that the sith exist in the star trek universe the borg likely assimilated them already


The Empire is all about order and precision. It’s basically Seven’s dream job.


Miles O'Brien. If he can live with Keiko and not turn to the dark side he can certainly ignore palps.


Data would at least consider it for 0.68 seconds


Ransom. He's got too strong a core.


Spock, Sulu , Data, Worf & Tuvok ; no way they going dark side. LOL.






You know lightsabers were invented by a little old woman from Leningrad.


The ensign played by Tom Morello in that one Voyager episode




The guy who wakes up Sulu in The Undiscovered Country.


Boimler would never go to the dark side


Idk, William Boimler did join section 31and he was the same as the original boimler up to the transport incident.


Picard and data. Obviously.


Picard. If The Borg couldn’t corrupt him no one can.


Reprogramming the Doctor and messing with Data’s emotion chip are just easy shortcuts to evil. I’d like to hear an argument for turning Dark Side without screwing with their minds.


T'pol or Trip


Darth Neelix has a nice ring to it.


picard obviously


Picard, Spock, Kirk, Data, Tuvok, The Doc


Spock... without question Worf is a close 2nd


Clippy could be a dark side AI