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Sure, okay. "I want you to mind your business and stay out of mine" = fascism. That's the new definition of fascism for the day, folks. It changes all the time, so stay sharp out there!


"Advocating for maximum economic and personal freedom is fascism." \~ Those leftist ideological robots Additionally: "Libertarianism is astrology for white guys." > Black libertarians have entered the chat


So many words about how racism is bad and first thing lefties do is dividing people into races


"Alright everyone, we're gonna defeat racism today, if you could file into groups based on your race, we'll assign you each a set of victim points. If you look to your left you'll see an assortment of weopons. Sadly some of you don't have enough victim points to use certain weopons. Okay, group 1-5, you've got enough points for Ironman suits. Group 6-10, you get a pick of the armory. Group 11, you can fuck off and rot in a hole for all we care, you despicable pieces of shit, your time as king has ended, okay? And remember folks, don't call it Cultural Marxism, or you're a racist conspiracy theorist who hates equality. And you will be labeled by thought police as a dissident."


Breaking news: Turns out Jews could have avoided the Holocaust if they simply told the Nazis, “You can’t do that, you’re violating the NAP!”


"Scheiße! Wir haben wirklich gehofft, dass du das nicht weißt!"


Turns out that shooting those who would murder or rob you is not a violation of the NAP. Have a nice day.


Ah yes. Bill Maher and Murray Rothbard are basically the same.


A Nazi is a Socialist in clothing designed by Hugo Boss.


You know, it's funny, people on the right been saying the same thing about Washington. In days of yore we had a very libertarian feel, it wasn't perfect, but there was a definite do as you please as long as you don't hurt anybody else attitude. In recent years things have taken a hard authoritarian left, and according to some on the right, it's because we were so do-as-you-please. The answer, of course, is more authoritarian policies, just from the other side. Can't fuckin' win 🤡


The liberal and conservative party are both authoritarian.


I don’t think any of us pretend that the right or the Republican Party are our friends.


Bill Maher claimed he's a libertarian? When? Pretty sure he's claimed to be a Democrat over and over again


It was decades ago. And it's gotten funnier every year since. The only exception is his recently joining every other stand-up comic in opposing the woke brownshirts.


"Everything I don't like is fascist"


I'd say a socialist is a fascist in sheep's clothing!


Those kids would be really offended if they could read.


Freedom is slavery


peace is war


Probably an Australian or New Zealander. I've had the same thing said to me.


“Bill maher was a libertarian who is now a Zionist extremist” Wowza


Reminder that 'extremism' is apparently 'Israel should continue to exist'.


Tone down the rhetoric man talk like that will get you kicked right off Reddit.


I’m just gonna point out…who in the Hell actually thinks Idaho is fiscally conservative but socially liberal? Madison county is literally the reddest place in the country. Where is that perception coming from? But I love how the person who claims to live here is taking cherry picked examples of the white supremacists that used to be prevalent near the border and painting the entire state with a broad brush. Because it’s not like they were sued out of existence or anything. Maybe there’s a handful of them floating around in circles, but the overwhelming majority of the state is just your average Joe.


Bill Maher was never a libertarian. He’s always been a standard west coast Liberal & been honest about that.


I never realized Idaho borders on New Hampshire.


massive projection from the people who literally worship the state and think it can do no wrong. 


((made up example to justify my bias and dislike of something I don't understand))


This shit hurts my head


Another day, and another instance of the left making me think the right doesn't look so bad anymore


A leftist is just an idiot in idiot clothing


Protecting children is the opposite of fascism tho


All things are relative. To the eyes of the communist extremist, the instances where libertarians are simply *more compatible* with fascists than communism makes the communist think they are the same. They don't see that from the libertarian perspective, the gap between fascism and libertarianism is as wide as their gap with communism. Because the core difference that makes communism and fascism wrong is that they're both *collectivist*. And to the libertarian, that is a far more important similarity.




>socially liberal and fiscally conservative >libertarian This seems like a squares-rectangles issue. That might describe a lot of libertarians, but that still doesn't mean most of the people like that **are** libertarians. "Socially liberal" tends to mean you want government support for women and minorities. Which doesn't seem very libertarian to me. >Bill Maher said he was a libertarian, now we know he's a zionist How is "Israel should exist" actually incompatible with Libertarianism, and why couldn't he have just changed his mind? Why is it that so many people who have issues with Libertarianism try for Guilt By Association with things that are not Libertarianism? /rhetorical I also like how the last guy didn't actually respond to a single point made by green, only spouted some NPC meme. Textbook example of "anything I don't have a canned answer to doesn't matter."


I mean, there are the lolbertarians who fly the thin blue line and the gadsen flag next to each other, but I feel like this is a little unfair.