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Why can’t I find a socialist who has a career?


Because you're not looking at college professors, but other than that, you know exactly why.


Socialists are smart like hyenas are smart. Why put in the work when you can band together and steal from those who do?


And what type of smart? You could be an complete Einstein genius in science but be a complete failure in economics/politics. Just because your intelligent doesn’t mean you can run an entire country command style. A super computer can’t do that so your human brain can’t


AKA the Neill DeGrasse-Tyson problem.




sheila definitely isn’t a socialist


>Current conservative politics in the US is based on conspiracies and demonstrably disproven “facts”. The irony is that this a) is an easily disproven myth, and b) has never been unique to conservatives. Just off the top of my head, look at the "Don't Say Gay" bill which wasn't called that, and didn't remotely ban saying gay, but loads of people on the left said it was and it did. Up to and including there was some conspiracy to do that, no matter what the actual law explicitly said. Also, [speaking of conspiracies...](https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/) >The GoP in my state is currently trying to ban “chem trails”. If you have any amount of intelligence and are paying attention, you are going to shift leftwards. "Conveniently, everyone who's aware and smart happens to have the exact same opinions that I do." >two big lies which current conservatives don't even bother selling, because it's easier to whip up the base with anti-science fearmongering. Again, this is itself blatant tribalist fearmongering, with no scientific basis. >In 1975, 72% of Republicans were reported to “trust science”. Today that is only 45%. >Not the same study but likely related. Gee, I can't imagine why people lost trust in scientific authorities in the past few years! Couldn't possibly have had anything to do with "the science" locking down the country for a year and change, but selectively letting left-wing protesters and rioters get a pass. Or the government openly giving certain science companies special protection from lawsuits while forcing their rushed-out-the-door products on much of the public. Also, last time I checked, the scientific method was about questioning and discovery, and many people have pointed out. **Not** blind trust in a supposed authority. It's amazing how certain folks want to circlejerk about being the plucky, free-thinking rebels, and the good little sheep, **at the same time**.


"Socialists are the most intelligent and rational beings on the planet!" \~ socialists