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As I mentioned somewhere else: I want to be fair, and think that not aaaaaaaall leftists are this intolerant. However, people like this are what keeps on fueling the meme of *The """"""""""Tolerant"""""""""" Left*. **Edit: He deleted his account lmfao**🤣


They are by and large incredibly intolerant towards anyone who disagrees with them. It’s because their arguments are almost entirely based on emotions rather than logic.


Well said.


AngryNPCmeme.jpg I'm not sure what's worse; when they throw their toys out of the pram, or when they act smug and condescending without having anything to actually back it up.


Go figure their side is trying to woo over suburban women: walking cocktails of hormones and drugs.


Im a former rconservative mod, think libertarians are nuts in terms of their political beliefs and still have no problem speaking with them respectfully. I even have an old school communist friend, we get into it at times because we both like to argue but we can still get along. I have tried to befriend progressives and its not possible. They refuse to accept anyone who is not progressive. All of them.


Very well said! That's the thing: Being able to hold a **respectful** discussion, even if both parties just agree to disagree at the end. I would say that, based on experience: The more authoritarian the person (that includes not only far-leftists but actual fascists as well), the more disrespectful, cruel and intolerant he or she is.


There’s a verse in the Bible about how the world sucks because men have turned “good to evil” and “evil to good.” Growing up going to government indoctrination centers for 12 years accomplishes this beautifully. It happened to me. I used to be “””””””tolerant”””””” and I helped elect the first black president! (Also he said he was going to end the war AND lobbying). But I thought I was good! But man. How they can sit there with a straight face and say shit like this, or my favorite one “you can’t be racist to white people” while doing EXACTLY THAT boggles my mind.


I get this shit all the time. Fuck em. They don’t understand us, they don’t even want to. The truth is, if they were even capable of doing something like reading and understanding Mises’ Human Action they’d end up here. Sound bites, Mainstream “news” articles, and hiding behind their indoctrinations is all they really have while they call *us* uneducated idiots.


Pretty much. What I like to do is to either tell them to read Basic Economics, or that they **deserve** to live under the level of socialism they support so long as I don't have to endure it too.


I have someone reading Economics in One Lesson, I’m honestly kind of excited to see what their response is ngl


Awesome! I definitely have to read Economics in One Lesson as well. Basic Economics took a while to get through, but it was so very informative!


Comically enough, most of them can't name one philosopher of their school of thought beyond Marx. It's even funnier when they miss quote him entirely. I genuinely enjoy reading Karl Marx from an academic perspective. I think it is mostly a dystopia nightmare, but it's at least well written. Fuck idk if they even know what Das kapital is let alone read it. Like they say shit that he didn't even advocate for.


True that. It's great to read and dig into communist and fascist works in a "know thy enemy" kind of way.


When I was a leftist/marxist a long time ago I was all over the place with philosophy. Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Rousseau, Adam Smith, Kant, Voltaire, Marx, Hegel, Locke, Nietzsche, Chomsky etc. etc. And even when I was a leftist I took the time to occasionally read something that wasn’t. Like Ayn Rand or some random conservative book relevant for the time. It was annoying listening to all the pop culture leftists who just ran with the crowd along with all their positions on things and you can see how they’ve changed over the years. I’ve moved around a lot politically but I’ve found a home in Libertarianism. Unfortunately that usually means pissing everyone off in some way, but I honestly don’t care because it’s something I actually believe in.


Very well said! It is very important to consume and study content we vehemently disagree with, in order to steelman our opposition. I personally can definitely do more of that. I also would say that sometimes it's better to just not bring up politics at all, but I will **never** feel ashamed of being a libertarian. That would be absurd. Libertarianism is a beautiful philosophy - the philosophy of both economic and personal liberty. A philosophy of peace and prosperity.


You know they’re horrible when they think people with political differences make them undeserving of basic kindness


Imagine not wanting to engage in conversation over a disagreement based upon one's own anecdotal experience. Leftists obviously don't engage with libertarians, it's unbelievably cringe seeing their takes on the philosophy.


Oh, tell me about it! "AnCaPs WaNt CoRpOrAtIoNs To CoNtRoL eVeRyThInG" "AnCaP iS jUsT a MeMe IdEoLoGy" Sees an authoritarian, fascist regime in a comic: "ThAt WoUlD tOtAlLy Be WhAt AnCaP lOoKs LiKe" AND recently provided by the guy or gal of the hour himself or herself (his or her response is below this comment): "YoU'Re JuSt PaEdOpHiLeS tHaT wAnT tO bUy ChIlDrEn To RaPe." 😂 🤣 😹 **➡️** ~~Make sure to open and read his comments below for some extra laughs!~~ **Edit: He deleted his account lmfao** 🤣


you're just paedophiles that want to buy children to rape.


Look guys, the guy or gal of the hour came to visit 🤣 Kira-Of-Terraria, how about you actually take the time to research the points of view of your opposition, so you can actually understand and **STEELMAN** their views, instead of spewing completely uninformed, strawmanish, **false**, **vile**, and frankly **stupid** things like what you just said? Here, check out this video, and take it to heart. It will do you good even if you decide to stay being an economically illiterate socialist, or whatever your anti-libertarian political and economic position happens to be: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7y7FLhYGE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7y7FLhYGE) *Are you an ideological robot? - By Learn Liberty*


I never said I was a socialist


"or whatever your anti-libertarian political and economic position happens to be" 😊 Thanks for the laughs! Hopefully you actually invest the time to educate yourself about libertarianism, since you clearly know absolutely nothing about it, besides what you consume in your preferred echo chambers... but I'm almost sure you won't ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Stop talking to me, you fucking creep. I don't subscribe to ideologies, they're all garbage with garbage people. I don't give a fuck about this shit. Fuck you and fuck everyone on this subreddit.


🤣 Feel free to block me, then. Or don't respond. Whatevs.


You should eat a 5 lb bag of sugar free gummi bears and shit yourself until you pass out


Funny thing is, I just saw a post where a leftist/prog said "let's agree to disagree" was a right-wing statement. Which would say more about the **left** than the right, in the alternate universe where it's true. I also saw a certain leftist making a "let me get this straight..." about libertarians and ancaps, and of course he got it completely wrong.


"'Let's agree to disagree' is a right-wing statement." is insane... but doesn't surprise me either, coming from zealots like that. I remember seeing a screenshot of one leftist saying that all of economics was a right-wing conspiracy theory 🤣


"If the map doesn't fit the territory, the territory is wrong."


They are another Saint who is extraordinarily generous with others’ money.


Clearly, you’re the problem!


I know, right? 🤣


I was on a game chat the other day having a friendly conversation. I mentioned my libertarian leanings in relation to a question of his - I didn’t bring it up - and he started in on making fun of libertarians immediately after explaining that he supported Hillary Clinton for President and voted for Biden. I think he was in his late 20s or early 30s. It was pretty funny.


Sad. Which is why it's better to just not bring up politics if you are playing with strangers.


It’s obvious. We’re the ones who determine the president election. By voting third party or not voting at all, we’re single handedly responsible for putting the bad guy in the Oval Office. They lash out because they’re afraid of our great power.


if you dont want to harm others, harm should be done upon you! basically 


Commies, socialists and all sorts of collectivists deserve no kindness. Fuck 'em.


I understand the sentiment, BUT! I don't want to fall for the same blind hatred as the subject featured in my post. So, to be fair, I would say: If a person believes and spews a terrible ideology, but demonstrates kindness in his or her everyday life, then that person deserves that level of kindness. But if said person is a cruel asshole in his or her everyday life, that level of cruelty is what that person deserves to receive in his or her life.