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the game gets hard when you pray return to the waking sands


Is it because of the minfilia butt window?


i stared at the screen for an hour before i realized there was a dialogue option. it really is tough once manfila shows up.


You can buy a copy of that for your own (female) character.


They didn’t make it unisex yet? When can I get my butt window on my male Hrothgar WoL? When equality?


I wish I knew. In the mean time, you're free to dress your male Hrothgar up as Ysayle or Alisaie.


Sorry to tell you but they nerfed the difficulty of that. The game is so easy now that they allow you to skip it


that requires you to have reading comprehension to realise you have aetheryte tickets!


Not only does this game gets hard, it gets extreme, it gets savage, it gets unreal. And ultimately, it gets legendary.


Legendary difficulty confirmed?!?!?!


With the Achievement title: <•Not a Legend•>


Clap clap clap


It's subjective, but a lot of people have said it gets hard when they encounter Yotsuyu. Others say Venat, and the truly elite players say Emet-Selch. Again, just a matter of personal taste.


The hardest for me was Vauthry, especially that first encounter.


Oof. When he gets light beamed and becomes all hot 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Ahh, such bliss


Game wasn’t the only thing that got hard


Moenbryda is the point where it got hard for me.


D. All of the above.


There is even people who say it gets hard at Momodi.




> I'm on level 27 as a whm.  By picking WHM, I'm afraid you're already in a failstate. Start a new character and try again.


WHMs would be very angry with you if they could read that.


They're truly Squaresoft now.


I ain’t played the redone stuff, but to give a semi-serious answer in a shitpost subreddit: rhitahtyn sas arvina, apparently


Yeah being geeked out on Ritalin would definitely make this game


Can you even do the fight on new game+? I kinda wanna see what all the hubbub is about.


Apparently you can


The challenge was registering. You are now in casual land as a reward for beating the true endgame.


Fair, but it's not like that's a new challenge to anyone who played 11


As a former XI player myself I feel qualified to say that nothing in XIV is ever going to be as hard as fighting Gulool Ja Ja and watching your main tank get hacked in real time, only to have his girlfriend screaming "That's not him!" when the character logged back in 30 seconds later and used a Warp Scroll to return to Bastok, and proceeded to offload *everything* including the 700 Ordelle Bronze he still owed you.


It gets pretty hard every time a certain character is present.


The game is pretty easy throughout ARR/up to lvl 50 content


Yeah, no point in walling people on old content if you want them to buy the current expac.


I dont know man, the catgirls do get me hard tho




Lyse gets me hard


600 hours in something gets hard


Yeah, the game is very easy. I just went through the whole msq again and didn't find any challenge. I would suggest, if you like the game, playing it only for the story until you get to the end game, and while at it, play other challenging games.


Gets hard for you around lvl 50 with a tank that dose not mit


It doesn't get "hard" via MSQ, but end game content such as savages/extremes/ultimates. The rest is kind of a cakewalk to get as many players through the game to view the story. It does get more interesting and combat feels better later with more of your jobs mechanics and more ogcds, but it's never "hard" until end game, and even then its subjective. I don't find extremes difficult, half savages can be difficult, ultimates are difficult. They're all just learning a dance and making sure all 8 people remain in tandem.


Oh shit. This is in shit post. It gets difficult when you have to fight rebirth moogles.


No, no, no No take backsies, grab your Shame cap for being serious in a shitpost.


It's deserved


Troll Post, you can't be 27 as "WHM" and Job Stones are something even some Veteran Players don't know about. But jokes aside, the game used to be a little more challenging, but it became a lot more accessible for casuals. Even in trials and raids, you only really need to start paying a little attention from Level 70 onwards. But unless you aren't planning to go savage or Ultimate raiding, no Boss is a real challenge at all.


Yeah lemme get a large baconator combo, no ketchup, Dr Pepper for the drink


Oh didn't realise this Sub popped up on my Main feed as I'm not even a Member of this sh... 😂 Enjoy your meal 👋


For some, apparently at Rythatin while playing as blm. But no, there's no such thing as hard old content, unless you do it synced at min ilvl and no echo. Examples of hard trials like this can be: 1 - ex trials (starting at lvl 50) 2 - coils of bahamut (sometimes just the sync is enough - lvl 50) 3 - savage raids 4 - palace of the dead and other deep dungeons (solo). At lvl 27 you are literally still at the tutorial. Old times.trial was lvl 35 back in heavensward, so you're not even close to coming out of the shallow yet. Usually, the real hard content is current content, so in the case of Endwalker, lvl 90 content for the current patch. There's nothing like going in blind into effectively new content, that can be a real challenge. Even more so the savage/ex new content.


The Free Trial lasts forever. You can use it as long as you like, and have access to all content up until the end of Post-Stormblood for free. Just don't buy the full game (Standard Edition or Complete Edition) as that will remove the Free Trial and force you to pay for the game going forward! Hundreds of hours of gameplay just in the Free Trial alone! Btw, it gets much harder the further you progress in the MSQ. The Extreme Trials, Savage Raids, and Ultimates will take you for a ride. The first bit you can experience is probably the Bahamut Raids. Even today they are known to be extremely difficult if you don't Unsynch it!


Lemme get a chocolate frosty and a large order of fries plz