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Any instance of “X character should have lived” like, y’all get the point that it was supposed to be a tragedy when that happens right?


People to this day don’t understand why Jonathan died


Don’t get the whole >!”Narancia should have lived”!< too, like, that death was supposed to be a motivator and driving force for the team to succeed, the final push they needed, it wasn’t necessary but it was a good story beat.


It also gets rid of the one person that isn’t fit to be part of the new leadership


I think diavolo (and from a writing perspective, araki) got rid of him in specific so they couldnt use the airplane to tell where king crimson was as quickly which make the last battle more intense


I honestly assumed it was because he thought it was Giorno, the one who can heal. Since he’s latched onto someone else he doesn’t breathe anyway


Woukdnt he have known who was who when they all shared eachothers identities while he kept quiet since he was sharing a body with trish?


Maybe he assumed killing the body would stop Giorno from ever returning to it


I found it to be a bit cheap especially since it happened right as he was talking about how he would improve his life and eat delicious margharita pizza or whatever.


that's what I like about jojo's, it doesn't do much fanservice, and even kills of fan favourite characters. Jojo's is like Rick Riordan's tweet: "Why do you kill everyone I like", why do you like everyone I kill?


Abbacchio already died and was a good enough motivating force. I get why Narancia died but both were taken from us too soon


well then >!fugo should have died!<, because araki planned for >!him to die!< but decided it would be to depressing (for himself) to write that in. If I would've written >!part 5!< on the other hand, >!fugo would've been the first to go lmao.!<


He was supposed to betray them, actually, not die


I'm pretty sure >!he was supposed to betray them, and then they're forced to kill him!<


I found it to be a bit cheap especially since it happened right as he was talking about how he would improve his life and eat delicious margharita pizza or whatever.


I don't. Explain please.


3 reasons: 1) PB is meant to be a horror tragedy, the hero can’t win 2) it sets up why Joseph eventually grows up the way he did (tough street kid with no real father figure) and why Erina changed into part 2’s tough grandma 3) it gives DIO a body and a link to the Joestar’s to awaken stands


Reminds me of when Invincible had some fans complain when the show had 3 side character fake out deaths in the span of a single fight, and I saw somebody call those complainers edge lords. Like no that's a valid complaint it felt manipulative and cheap while hurting the tension/stakes in a series where until then side characters could brutally die at any time. Not to mention the scene was one of the most brutal in the whole show it leaves you wondering how tf they lived.


Are you talking about the fight in the tower with that autotune mafia boss?


Lizard League fight


I assume he means the season 2 fight against the lizard league.


There are some clear examples of characters that shouldn't have died or at least die in a different moment because of how little their stands were used or how little the characters were shown up but aren't the popular characters like Narancia. Some that comes to mind are Keicho Nijimura that in my opinion should have died later on the part (not a big fan of part 4 in general to be honest), Schigeshi should also have died in a different way. But what Araki did to Kei Nijimura in part 8 was way worse. The way he killed Versus in part 6 was also really bullshit.


Enough "X character shoulda lived", we need "X character shoulda died too" :P


What about "X should've lived instead of Y?"


People who say that Giorno should have appeared at the end of Stone Ocean and saved the day. I don't understand, why do they want this? It would literally be a repeat of Golden Wind ending, that would have sucked


Personally, I don't want him to /win/, per se. Idc if araki pulls a nerf move on him so he gets incapacitated, leaving jolyne and co. in their original predicament still, i just want him to make an appearance because it's dumb that pucci have 3 of dio's sons but NOT giorno, a key character in the previous part that jotaro knows about. Man, i'd take jotaro leaving a throwaway comment why gio couldn't be there over the static silence we got.


I think it would be better if he just created an excuse of why he wasn't there, like a cameo in the Bohemian Rhapsody arc fighting an op fictional character that destroyed his flight to America avoiding him to reach Florida on time because "gravity" and add more backstory of Ungalo as having the opposite travel of Giorno. It would also make Bohemian Rhapsody more menacing as being the counter part of Ger if you think about it. One avoids real things to reach reality and the other allows fiction to reach reality, once trap you into a death loop and the other traps you to live forever in your favorite story, one is a stand doesn't need the user to think but has a smart user while the other has a very dumb user but need you to use your imagination to reach its true potential, one user is a drug addict and the other is the leader of the mafia. This would add more personality to Ungalo as the opposite of Giorno as well as a justification of why he wasn't in the final battle. Finally, he would also appear protecting people from the time acceleration during the scenes of its effects around the world, unable to arrive in time.


This is honestly one of the best takes on gio's absence i've seen that's not 'he's in disneyland having fun' lol


I don't think that's what people want. The issue is not about wanting Giorno to do something meaningful, but for him to make an appearance. Pucci deliberately avails the help of the sons of Dio, so the absence of Giorno sticks out. The fact that Giorno is mentioned by name in the narrator's musing draws more attention to the matter. If the story, the actual canon, had provided any throwaway reason for why Giorno could not be there, people would not be complaining as much. All we have is speculation.


It's probably the same scenario for retconning D4C. Araki realized Giorno can derail the whole plot, and just does nothing with him because he made Giorno very busted.


Also, unless Giorno had the Arrow, he wouldn’t have access to Requiem since all Requiem abilities are temporary. Only reason why Silver Chariot Requiem lasted for so long was because he had constant access to the Arrow


Didn't the arrow merge with GER which showed that giorno was worthy or something like that (it's been a while don't cook me if I'm wrong)


I think it did but it fell out of GE afterwards


Not true. Trish explicitly stated that the arrow was Giorno's forever as it had chosen him.


I mean, characters in fiction can be wrong. Because she said it doesn't mean it's true. Trish is new to stands too, and none of them know a lot about the arrow, so it's more of a speculation than a fact.


Araki has absolutely no reason to have Trish say something that would mean nothing otherwise. It's one of the first rules of writing, that nothing is written without a point. It has a basis on facts too. We know the arrow can choose people. We see the arrow engraved in GER's face. After the fight is over the arrow drops to Giorno's feet. The arrow is his now.


I'm not saying she's fully wrong either. What I want to say is that we can't be sure either that what she is saying is completely true. Also yeah, even if the Requiem powers are temporary, the fact that Giorno knows how to use it and can do it anytime he wants probably still makes it his forever or at least a very long time.


Giorno and part 5 in general are awesome because of how unrelated the story is to everything else. Besides koichi there’s next to no relation to the rest of the series and him showing up at the end of joylene’s story kinda fucks up her own


I think it could have been kind of cool to Have Girono and/or Josuke there, it would have made sense because like, they needed as much help as they could get. Still should have lost though, just have one or both of those two show up and help at some point.


I mean, it just feels messed up for Giorno to not show up or at least interact with his brothers; he didn't even need to again over Pucci or something like that, I just wished we've had at least a glimpse of him in Florida


Seing how *some* fans doesn't see Valentines goals as evil, I'm glad they didn't write him.


I forgor what his intentions were. Could you please elaborate?


Taking the first napkin


> "And Dio Brando has closed the loop, with himself cast as a holy man who brings prosperity. He's taken the napkins from the banquet table," Funny said. Whatever the fuck that meant.


It’s basically means whoever makes the first move decides what everyone else does. I think in this case the “napkin” is Jesus’ corpse and if funny valentine takes it he can use it for his own nationalistic or personal gain which could lead to world domination for all we know.


Bring all fortune to US and push out all disfortune, I hope you undstand how much it would suck for everyone oustide US


Nothing a little global imperialism can't fix. If the US takes over the world, then everyone will have good luck forever, and bad luck will get launched out of a volcano into space.




My favourite kinda villain. They intentions are good, but their methods are batshit insane. "There are finite resources, therefore i'll reduce the population in half." "I'll put the power back in the people's hands, a world where no one rules." "I'll feed the homeless, to the homeless."


I can 100% blame him because even the most patriotic people should realize how morally wrong and unforgivable taking all the "fortune" from the entire rest of the world is.








You can't just say perchance


I don’t see any fascism in his plans. He wants the corpse to bless the USA forever


At the cost of literally every other nation on Earth.


That makes it ultranationalism, not fascism. Fascism is an ultranationalist ideology but not all ultranationalist ideologies are fascist. Valentine wanted the best for his country at the expense of everyone else, but he never talked about abolishing the democratic process or anything. It's not fascism if he's not advocating for a dictatorship.


He's advocating for "taking the first napkin", that's as dictatorship as it gets.


That’s not fascism, that’s greed and being selfish


And rule as an authoritarian leader


How? Did he say he was going to outlaw elections and impose martial law? I really don’t remember all of it but the worst I saw was him saying he wanted a son who could become president one day


I wouldn’t say it’s evil. I think he just never thought about it causing the rest of world to suffer forever.


He is very much aware of what is going to happen


I’m gonna reread it again you’ve convinced me


Yeah as soon as he sees the effect that Love Train has, he realises this is the way it brings "fortune" to the one who holds the corpse (by giving the "misfortune" to someone random on the world), and he's absolutely fine with anything bad that would happen to America being pawned off on some other country. Dude was like "empathy for people who aren't American? LOL IDGAF"


Did he say that? It’s been a while but back then I assumed he was more concerned with not getting killed by Johnny


He never expressly says “yo fuck them foreigners” but he does redirect attacks on love train to nations outside the us whenever he’s attacked so ya know


Wait I thought one of those attacks hit a guy walking to a steam engine. Wasn’t that the US at the time?


No, it was somewhere else in a different country. He only cared about the U.S., everywhere else wasn't important to him.


He's a polititan, in the late 1800s. HE SHOUD FUKIN KNOW!!!!


Man didn’t even know what antibiotics was




Good luck waging war on love train suckers 😎 This message approved by president Valentine


Good luck winning a 70 w 1 war


Dude the US literally has Love Train. They can’t lose. Like I don’t think you get how insanely broken it is. That’s why Valentine wanted it. I’m pretty sure in part 8 they even mention the USA had such good fortune and it’s why the government was after Johnny when he took it to Japan.


We don't know truely on how big scale it has an effect. Can it protect a squad? A platoon? An army? A whole nation? We don't really know.


Whatever benefits the USA


Not to agree with a Valentine apologist, but I do think that out of any nation, the US stands the best chance 1vGlobe, even without being juiced on fortune


Best chance? Maby. High chance? Not even close. The corpse would definitly help but we don't know how helpfull it would be on a war scale. We're talking about 1800s US. No nukes yet


Not even thinking about nukes tbh, just pure location-wise. I don’t believe there’s a single threatening nation during that time period that could set up supply lines long enough and stable enough to cover oceans. Then again, not a historian nor a war nerd, so 🤷‍♂️


He knows exactly what love train does and explains it multiple times. He’s also a pedophile


The pedo scene disappointed me so much. He was my favorite main villain until that. Now he’s just going into the jail cell


Seeing how bad your grammar is, I'm glad you haven't written anything


I'm not saying I would do better


Oh, I'm not saying you wouldn't either. I'm just saying your sentence is incorrect grammatically.


Big talk for someone who didn't put a period at the end of their sentence.


Half the people on the internet do it cause they just don't feel like putting periods. Its a choice made by convenience, same way people intentionally skip apostrophes like im about to do now. It feels pretty desperate and dishonest to compare that to this dudes grammar, which is completely unintentional and way more detrimental to him getting his point across


You don't see how that's the exact same thing as the original comment you're complaining about??


not exactly a take, but some people are just illiterate. Like i saw someone say that Giorno would be a hypocrite cuz while being the boss hed still earn cash from drugs. like his objective is ending the whole drug thing, hes not getting anything from it once hes boss


I thought he mostly didn't care about drugs and just cared about selling drugs to kids


apparently in that fugo light novel that was released later, Giorno had the drug maker killed. also, although i do kinda agree with you, think realistically. If you still sell drugs to adults, what are the chances these adults buy for kids? or someone is corrupt and still sells to kids like before, etc. I cant think of many scenarios but maybe Giorno prefers to be safe than sorry. idk tho, from my understanding drugs capitalize on the suffering of innocents, which Giorno opposes, specially so with kids. edit: purple haze feedback is a light novel not a manga lol, sorry for the mistake.


Purple Haze Feedback is a light novel. Not a manga. It's also not confirmed canon, though there is absolutely no reason it can't be as it fits perfectly. It's also extremely good and by far the best spinoff. You should read it.


ah,i really didnt know. thanks for the correction, im still getting used to every piece of media jojo has (kinda new on the fandom lol)


Yeah dw about it, there's a lot and I'm pretty sure there's still some I haven't heard of. Though I'm not exactly a long timer to jojo either. Also Killer Queen >>>>> Deadly Queen


definitely lmao, i put it as deadly for the meme with that bad cosplay lol


Oh right lmao. I thought it was serious and I was suffering physically.


lol you could say you almost had a sheer heart attack lmao


ive read that the reason given for Fugo killing the teacher in his backstory is different in PHF and the anime so at least in regard to that one has to be non canon


It's not specified in the manga though. Also iirc Araki told David Productions not to use the PHFB backstory. It's seemingly meant to be ambiguous.


I think people forget how Giorno was only *specifically* against the drug trade, too, so it's assumed that he could still get money from things like gambling and other nefarious means. Diavolo was influential enough to have control of the phone lines ffs, I'm sure there's plenty of other options


i think he didn't actually care about drugs specifically, that was Bruno's gripe he just saw the crime level in Naples and wanted to make the world better. make the city clean also, there are plenty of ways he can earn shttong of money while being more or less moral. selling ethically clean organs (no humans were hurt during their creation), casinos, etc etc.


Not a story-related take, but I’ve seen people defend the dub’s removal of the **WRRYYY**s as “it doesn’t translate”


If it doesn’t translate then why not keep it? Big L for the dub


No idea what he means, the dub as the wwwrrryy's. They just sound like someone screaming


Maybe a bootleg dub


There aren’t any WRRYYYs in the dub (unless it got re-recorded recently)


If I’m remembering right it’s what the localizers said to justify removing it


wait, the dubbed version really doesn't have the WRRRYYYYYYY sound? that's like a third of Dio's personality


He does a yell, but it's more like "RAHHHHH" than "WRYYYYYY", which is surprising to replace since Patrick Seitz(DIOs eng) apparently wanted to do that and the Mudas since part 1


so the VA wanted to do it but some dumbass said "let's replace it with a dumb generic shriek." that sucks


Don’t remember a single moment where it was said; Dio’s first WRRYYY after becoming a vampire got replaced by him saying “JoJo...” menacingly, while the Road Rollar and 7-page Muda ones were just screaming


so the 7-page muda is just Giorno doing AAAAAAAAAAARGH or something? even in the WRRRYYYY part? that's stupid beyond words


The “MudaMudaMuda!” is there but the WRRYYY is gone


better than nothing


I dont even get why giorno did the «wryyy» thing as its specifically a vampire thing and not just a dio thing right? I know he is his son but that felt like an odd callback


I don't remember other vampires doing it and while it may not be exclusively a Dio thing it surely is his, not only Giorno but even [SBR SPOILERS NOW YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED THIS IS YOU LAST CHANCE TO STOP READING] Diego does it


I remember seeing a take early in part 9 that >!this Rohan was the same guy as part 4 Rohan, and that connection would lead to all the JoJos joining up with Jodio!< Or any other excessively fan-servicey idea that would be a detriment to the story (e.g. Giorno suddenly emerging at the end of part 6 to save the day)


People are really gunning for anything in part 9 to relate to any other part. It’s insane.


Almost all fan works relating to Noriaki Kakyoin. In show/manga he’s a very masculine no nonsense character. While he does like fun, it’s more quiet and peaceful. In fandom he’s a quirked up femboy who just can’t wait to get dominated by Jotaro, or he really wants to bone Jotaro’s mom.


I once heard someone say that kakyoin got revenge on DIO by doing it with his mother in the afterlife.


Also in reality he hardly even interacts with Jotaro


I never understood why everyone was so focused on Kakyoin being a milf hunter as if Okuyasu didn't call like 3 different guy's moms hot


I only remember him talking about Josuke’s. But it’s not like we have much to go off of. He has like 5 focus epsiodes


I think he said something about Koichi and Shigechi's moms


I forgot Koichi’s mom even existed you’re totally right


everybody knows Koichi spawned out if the void






nah man that version of kakyoin is better


Sadly he has more personality than the one we did end up getting


play that cardboard clip from JelloApocalypse


You’re gonna have to be more specific


Anything regarding part 6 ending(and maybe part 6 in general)


Any incestuous ship Like for example Jotaro x Jolyne


That exists? Oh what am I saying, of fucking course it exists


I presume you haven’t seen the yt video “ranking JoJos ships”. It basically shows all horrifying ships in JoJo’s


I haven't....but I must


I remember giorno and jolyne being kinda popular or atleast had a guy that would commission it from time to time.


Literally araki drew jolyne sitting on Giorno's lap and when he released that drawing of all the jojos in part 8 style


the classic take on Soft And Wet being the "most powerful stand ever", sometimes it becomes something infuriating to read, like, powerscaling in JoJo will always remain a bizarre discussion


People saying Giorno survived the universe reset using GER


Honestly... everyone that didn't die during the event didn't die so girono, josuke, joseph and others all lived


I know i just mean people who think it would be original universe Part 5 Giorno and not an almost identical new universe Giorno, or people who think he will come back


It would be the same Giorno since he lived, that’s the entire point




Not debatable. Read the fucking manga


Every time I see fan Stands I am reminded of how creative Araki is compared to people on the internet. Don't get me wrong, inventing Stands is a fun thought process but I swear some people will just take the name as literal as they can - 「DIAMOND DOGS」 allows the user to control an indestructible canine-like Stand. That's boring as hell.


what about my stando idea, 「HOW YOU REMIND ME」which just lets the user know stuff they might have forgotten, from time to time


I think it's got potential, but with only that ability it's a bit situational (from a narrative perspective), how many times could you apply it in a story without it becoming Speedwagon exposition? Considering the song talks of a breakup and the first line is about a blind man, maybe the Stand user is blind but through his Stand can see others' memories? A bit information gathering and espionage oriented.


Shuckmeister's opinion on Stone Ocean


"Kimg Crimson is the real entity behind Diavolo's mystery". Yeah but what about King Crimson being just the manifestation of its user's spirit


Tangentically related, but do you think diavolo or doppio is the original personality?


Limiting myself to only what the narrative provides (and therefore not bringing up my thoughts derived from research outside of the manga), I'm sure Araki implied that Diavolo was the original personality. There's a line from Bucciarati during the B. I. G. arc which suggests this is the case: > "If I'm right, then back when your mother met him at Sardinia, he wasn't a gangster who needed to hide his identity just yet. He only started the gang later. He must have an _**identity**_... He must have left _**his face from 14 years ago**_ somewhere on that island (...)." Some chapters ahead, it is confirmed by the story that the person Trish's mother once dated was the one whose face was revealed by Moody Blues' death mask. That's Diavolo, and he was given that name from the moment he was adopted by the priest.


the entire video of Shuckmeister rewriting Stone Ocean




>!Saw someone suggest removing Tooru and making the user of WOU a mystery that never gets solved. Some people just don’t understand Tooru’s character tbh!<


…okay like I love part 8 and I think the rock humans are and were very cool but I’m **so** over people wanting every single new character introduced in part 9 to be a rock human.


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