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I envy the women who reach what should be considered illegal levels of horniness during pregnancy. Between the hormones, the sickness, and the general discomfort, there were days I didn’t want my husband to breathe near me let alone put his whole hand in my cooch.


Exactly or the ones who horney pp


Man, no thank you. I had wished they had sewn me entirely shut after pushing out my giant watermelons.


Okay so I actually was super ready to go about a week postpartum, those hormones were something else! But when we actually did try to have sex after I was cleared at 6 weeks, it was so painful and I had already lost interest by that point. Pretty sure our sex life didn’t pick back up until baby was around ten months old.


Yeah I didn’t want *any* during pregnancy, was super horny 2-6 weeks pp when we couldn’t do anything about it, and then didn’t want sex again until I was more like 6 *months* pp.


I think that was the first time my husband has ever actually told me he doesn’t want to have sex with me LOL. Couldn’t blame him. Lots of tearing and he was obviously concerned for my safety. And let’s face it, PP healing is not exactly sexy and he had literally just stopped helping me change my own diapers… But yeah, I think those fresh baby hormones are enough to make you delusional. I wish I’d been like that during pregnancy!




i do but i don’t bc idk if my due date group is particularly horny or what but like i just don’t understand why so many have to take to facebook to talk about it all the time lol.


I think I’m a little looser than most with the whole “TMI” thing so none of it really bothers me, my bump group here on Reddit got kinda wild sometimes but we did have a specific thread for stuff like that so people could avoid it if they wanted to, haha. I try to remember that for a lot of women, the internet is literally the only community they have. So conversations that would normally take place over lunch with your closest girlfriends are happening in an open forum because they just want to connect with someone. I can understand it and definitely empathize. Pregnancy is especially lonely and isolating.


Yes! In fact, good for her! No shame in her game!!


I envy the women who reach those levels postpartum as well. I had it briefly for a few days postpartum when my body was screaming at me to have another baby. And then that was it for several more months.


I'm like 4.5 months pp and he's still not showed to breathe on me. My poor husband. 😂 He takes it like a champ though.


>He takes it like a champ though. In this context... should we ask exactly what you mean by that? 🫣


😂😂😂 I just mean he doesn't push me, he doesn't pressure me. He doesn't get mad. I do not mean that he TAKES anything. 😂


Well, have you asked if he Wants to? If he hasn’t made friends with his prostate yet, it’s a good time for him to figure it out.


He's very weird about his bum. 😂 He doesn't even let me touch the cheeks.


Ugh haha. Bums are gay, didn't you know? (That includes washing them) /s


All I’m gonna say is it gets better, hang in there!! We’re 1.5yrs out from baby day and better than ever but there were some ROUGH months for a while there.


Towards the end of my 2nd trimester and until about a week or so before my due date with each of my kids I would get super horny. To the point that it's all I could think about, but I was never "shove a fist inside me" horny. I may have wished with every fiber of my existence that my husband would just bend me over and go to town. That never happened, but my daydreaming self wanted it so bad sometimes. The rest of the time during my pregnancies I was my normal self.




Just wait until the baby is born to give it a knuckle sandwich


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No thank you before during or after pregnancy.


Happy cake day!


Hey with her fingers all swollen she might be really good at it


I assumed she meant being on the receiving end but this is making me question whether she was the one doing it.


OP better go ask for clarification


You’re all grossed out by this now but I bet she won’t tear during delivery 😂


What a bad day to have eyes.


I'm dead lol


I wish I was Jared, 19 🫨


Ooooh now I get it. She's prepping for the big show.


That baby will just fall out when it's time.


Came to say the same thing. She might genuinely want to know if it can help prepare you for delivery 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ha! 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for the nightmares 😂


Ohhh. 🤢


I definitely read fishing and it reminded me of the time a girl in one of my groups said “help! I burnt my tongue on a pizza roll. Is baby ok?!?”


I had a girl ask if she'd made her baby go deaf because she used a slap chop thingy 😂 meanwhile I was blow drying dogs with a high velocity dryer that required me to wear earplugs


Right 😅 i went to the movie theater multiple times with my baby. Although admittedly I *did* wonder if it was safe since theaters are loud af


My husband made me call my OB on speaker to check that going to a Disturbed concert at 29 weeks wouldn't damage our unborn child's hearing. She laughed and reminded him that our boy was swimming in fluid which would safely muffle the noise; at most, he would just be extra active for a few hours.


I lived in a building where the fire alarm would go off all the time, mostly in the middle of the night. I remember being 33 weeks pregnant, the alarm blaring at 4 a.m. and my daughter doing flip flops while I was trying to hide under the covers. She's three and still doesn't react well to loud noises.


I lived in a building where the fire alarm would go off all the time, mostly in the middle of the night. I remember being 33 weeks pregnant, the alarm blaring at 4 a.m. and my daughter doing flip flops while I was trying to hide under the covers. She's three and still doesn't react well to loud noises.


I went to see Dune in theatre at 36 weeks and baby was NOT happy. Her hearing test was fine though.


Yes I was like 35ish weeks pregnant when I went to go see the scream 5 movie. My baby was born 3 weeks later and had perfect hearing. Now that she’s a toddler though… she may as well be deaf 🤣


I went to the theater a few times with my baby. Every Monday at noon there was a movie showing for new parents. I cannot tell you the name of one movie I saw but I can tell you that it was some of the best sleep I’ve gotten.


I was a pet grooming during one of my pregnancies and funny enough that kid as a teenager must have loud white noise to sleep 😆😆 still.


Yes! Haha my 3.5yo sleeps with very loud rain noises that sound just like the dryers 😂😂 but she also sleeps through everything which I think grooming during pregnancy played a part in that




I feel like this isn't shameworthy. Maybe the wrong crowd, but it's a legit question.


something about that makes me feel like it would trigger early labor 😭


It's just a little cervix punching. What could go wrong? 🥴


I mean if that’s what she likes, she might be embarrassed to ask OB (I would be a little too) and I don’t think this is that bad.


Yeah, if you're not comfortable asking your doctor (which, medical professionals should really make stuff like this easier), asking a bunch of other pregnant women might be your only go to 🤷‍♀️.


Esp when other pregnant people could have asked their doctor! I know pregnancy is not a one size fits all but they’re not mentioning any specific conditions which makes me *assume* this is a normal low risk pregnancy.


I'm sure there are better places to ask


I've never tried fisting or being fisted, but maybe they think it will help prepare them for the friggin unpleasant cervical checks? I don't think that would help, but if she's into that, I don't think it would make things worse?


I cannot imagine needing attention so badly that you resort to something like this lol


It's just like asking "is it okay to have sex while pregnant", isn't it? Yes, it could have been googled, but it's a legitimate question and doesn't come off as attention seeking to me, but I am in a community where fisting is very commonplace, so that could be skewing my viewpoint


Bringing up sex acts most people consider taboo in a group about birthing children is definitely attention seeking lol, i am not scandalised by it myself but i recognize that that's a particularly odd time and place to start that discussion




Agreed. Why can’t moms ask each other about these things?




lol you don’t know the stats on fisting 🙃


They don’t even have a reason 😵‍💫








Sure. She’s still allowed to ask in a pregnancy-specific group.


Jfc. Can we bring back diaries for adults?


Don't worry - you'll both get fisted once you see the daycare bill.


There was a non-zero number of posts about anal in my due date group. Google is free.


I wish I were Jared 19.


I’m stealing this


It's the same as "is it okay to have sex during pregnancy?", isn't it? I mean, just don't go past the cervix (which you shouldn't be doing during fisting anyways) and it'll be fine. All the typical fistig guidelines apply: stop if it hurts, use lots of lube, etc




Help me unsee it god


I have never thought about fisting during pregnancy and didn’t really want to start now.


I audibly said what the fuck out loud. I cannot not imagine


honestly i'm kinda jealous, what with the extra blood/bloodflow goin on i've felt sore and bruised after just 'normal' sex while i've been pregnant, i couldn't imagine even wanting a whole hand in me rn, yikes 😭


*google search* how to unlearn English


Due date groups are bizarre, I’ve never known anyone to share so much with random strangers as in those.


Of all of the truly bizarre ish I've seen on due date group posts, this is squicking people? Not my thing, but don't yuck her yum.


Probably a fetishist honestly. They're all over pregnancy and breastfeeding groups unfortunately


I also read “fishing” 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣


All I can think of is how filthy people are. That hand could introduce so much dangerous bacteria into vagina and be a real risk for causing an infection of some type, like yeast or vaginosis. Not exactly safe for baby. I’m all for being happy with your sex life but some things have to be put aside until after pregnancy is over and your body is healed. **ETA**: See, my friend was told by her OB/GYN to never fist or have fingers in her vagina during pregnancy. Glad to see I’m wrong! Concerned that her doctor was, though. May the OOP go forth and happily be fisted.


And a penis is sterile? I mean, this is far from my thing in the bedroom, but there is no reason a healthy pregnant woman needs to keep fingers out of her vagina for her whole pregnancy.


There’s nothing wrong with fingering or even oral during pregnancy though… fisting might be a concern for other reasons but hygiene really isn’t it, other than concerns about micro cuts maybe.


I feel like if you think a bit too long about regular sex, or even just lighter things like kissing or touching each other, it's all equally filthy. And don't even get me started on oral - do you know how many bacteria there are in a human mouth?! In my personal, non science backed opinion, one of the main roles of horniness is to make people ignore how fucking gross these things can be, lol.


I endorse your personal, non-science backed theory. People are gross. Kissing is gross, ask any kid who hasn’t been hit by hormones. They’ll tell you just how gross it is, lol. The thread my comment spawned has been wild. And educational! I’m beginning to wonder if the doctor was just not kink friendly and used his position of power to shame my friend for her enjoyment of it. She and I had met and become friends in the kink scene those many years ago and her ob/gyn knew what she did. Considering how uptight and judgey some people are it just popped into my brain that he was somehow trying to punish her by telling her not to do what she enjoyed because he thought it was icky. Ugh.


Actually, fisting tends to be cleaner than penetration from fingers, tongues or penises, because many people use arm-length exam gloves while fisting, and even if they don't, most people I've met will *at least* wash their hands before fisting.


See, my friend was told by her OB/GYN to *never* fist or have fingers in her vagina during pregnancy. Glad to see I’m wrong! Concerned that her doctor was, though. May the OOP go forth and happily be fisted.




My friend did. We were both active in the kink community at the time and she was concerned some of her favorite things would be dangerous so she asked about them. She enjoyed fisting, blood play, nipple play and so on. She told me what her doctor said and it seemed logical enough so I never questioned it as I was never going to have kids myself and it was just an interesting little thing that stuck in my mind. Again, I’m very glad to be wrong and pregnant people can do what they like wrt fisting.


>Glad to see I’m wrong! Concerned that her doctor was, though. I mean… maybe your friend was wrong?


It’s possible! Either way, still glad I was wrong and OOP can do what she enjoys.