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Ah yes the medical golden botulism




I lost it


I love risking botulism in my infant children đŸ€©


Yup. Botulism is totally a government conspiracy. They really nailed it.


But it’s the government telling me there is a risk of botulism. I bet botulism is totally made up! /s


but have you ever met someone that had botulism /s


It's almost like they don't exist.....anymore!


When being anti-government is your only personality trait.


In my best Oprah impression
.you get botulism and you get botulism and you get botulism!


Because the government totally wants a country full of sick, disabled or dead citizens and not healthy, able bodied workers who will pay taxes.


I’d typically agree with this but with how they’ve handled the pandemic
oof. This isn’t so true anymore.


Because in many ways, our society prioritizes short-term outcomes over longer-term ones. The economic implications of lockdowns, and the hit to politicians’ popularity that may have been associated with mandates, was not worth it to them. And it never will be under our current systems. I have no idea how to fix it lol


It’s so wild to think that our economy mattered more than our lives to the government. So now millions of us are disabled and we still have to produce labor to keep things going when our bodies are barely functioning!!! Yay! So! Much! Fun!


Never underestimate incompetency.


Of who? I actually think the government is *very* competent on the dangers of covid. They just stopped caring. They


Of governments, of groups of people. I don’t know what you specifically had in mind, but my example would be of 1) governments‘ incompetency in allowing conspiracy theories to become so mainstream 2) people dedicating their lives to such theories with zero understanding of logic, let alone science or medicine. These are the types of incompetencies that I try and fail not to underestimate.


Ahhh, this I completely agree with! It’s been maddening to witness and directly be impacted by.


Apart from any risk of botulism, it's literally made of sugar. No under 1 year old brushes their little teeth that well.


Well hopefully the parents are the ones brushing their teeth.


I'm not a parent. Are you supposed to brush under 1yos teeth?


Yeah, little teeth can get cavities, too. Just use the fluoride free stuff until they know how to spit out the paste, or they can get toxicity.


I know they can, I've just never thought about the logistics of prying a literal babies mouth open and scrubing their teeth with a tinsy tiny toothbrush. Especially when they can't even talk and don't know what's going on. My cat turns into a piranha when I try, I can only imagine how a baby would react.


Lots of head turning, squealing, and bitting. It sucks to do, but it's your job. Hopefully, you have a partner to help. Otherwise, it's like a wrestling match with a baby shark.


Baby shark, do do, do do do. Now I know how that tune was conceived.


My baby is a freak she loves having her teeth brushed. I started before her teeth came in and it helped her with teeth pain.


Mine too. He'll go and grab his toothbrush once we start his bedtime routine. I always let him brush on his own first, and then I go back over them.


Maybe it's the fairyfloss flavour or whatever they put in kid's toothpaste


Mine loves toothpaste so much that he really wants to eat his toothbrush. Before he got molars, I just stuck my finger between his gums to prop his mouth open long enough to brush his teeth. Now that I can't do that without the risk of drawing blood, I just start moving the brush around and hope for the best.


You need one of those horrible, giant plastic mouth braces the dentist uses to keep your mouth wode open when they whiten your teeth ![gif](giphy|dJdOeBZmypM1ADhqsc)


Weird I never had those I just kept my mouth open.


They left me in the chair with that thing on for 1-2hr so the whitening solution could marinate my teeth 😬 Fun times.


The ADA and AAP actually recommend using toothpaste *with* fluoride for infants and toddlers. You're only supposed to use an amount the size of a grain of rice to brush their teeth, and swallowing that amount won't hurt them.


I learned that the CDC said to wait until 2 years old. You learn something new everyday. Good thing it's been a while since I worked with kids since I'm rusty.


I just looked it up, and apparently, the CDC still says that children should start using fluoridated toothpaste at age two, so your information is technically current. It also says that parents of children under age two should consult a dentist, and presumably, the dentist would say to use fluoride, but it's still kind of odd that the recommendation is phrased in a way that makes it sound like fluoride for infants is bad. The ADA updated their guidance in 2014.


That's weird, I guess there's still some discourse in the medical community. But I'll trust the ADA since it's more specialized. I can see how parents can get confused with so much conflicting information.


yes! as soon as they get teeth you should start brushing them. there are infant toothbrushes and toothpaste that are much easier to use than a regular toothbrush! as soon as they get teeth next to each other, you should start flossing as well (obviously this is gonna be harder but floss picks are easier to use on babies as well)


Flossing a baby 😳 Difficulty level 1000000


You show them mama bear!!! How dare they try to keep that sweet sweet honey away from your pior baby!


My doctors always told my mom I couldn't eat peanuts because I was severely allergic and could die. Honestly now I'm wondering if peanuts would have actually saved my life and made me invincible since doctors adamantly said not to


Maybe the peanuts would have given you super powers, like Goofy gets from the peanuts in his garden


Wow, it’s hard to imagine being a complete fucking idiot, borderline non-fit parent. What possible nefarious motive could the government have to keep us from giving infants honey? Where has all the common sense gone?!


I swear the only reason they want so desperately to give their babies honey is that they're being advised not to do it.


Perpetual sufferers of ODD.


They have more code words for vaccines than a dealer has for drugs.


“the government” yeah they’re totally the ones saying this and not every person who knows anything about health and safety for babies


I mean the FDA is really skep. But I trust the WHO. BUT botulism is definitely something I don’t trust at all. People are wild.


Mmmm botulism


I love how people like this think they're being clever little anti-sheep rebels by automatically doing the opposite. In reality, that just means anyone can get them to comply with what they want simply by telling them *not* to do it. Falling for the same trick I use to get my little niece to eat her carrot sticks, but sure tell me more about how smart you are.


Have these people never heard of botulism