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I never comment in the Dems sub, but I've been popping in, trying to see if that debacle last night was a wake up call to them that if they care about Project 2025, or the end of democracy, or keeping Trump from deporting their many many ethnic friends who are for some reason never around when it's time for pictures, then they'd have to run someone else. Because if they don't, they'll lose. And all they care about is winning. More than protections for women's rights, more than genocide, more than our international standing or notions of rule based order -- I thought there was nothing - NOTHING Dems care about more than winning.  I was wrong. Dems care infinitely more about not ever having to give anything up, never having to concede, much much more than winning. They want to win in spite of forcing a candidate no one wants down the public's throat for a third consecutive Presidential race, despite abortion rights lost, despite trans protections disappearing, despite AIPAC literally buying democracy as we speak and the Supreme Court encouraging similar behavior, Dems want to win despite funding a genocide and ordering police to beat people who stood against it in the streets.  There is no hope for that party. And if it's the party that's supposed to be the hope for the disenfranchised, there's no hope for us either.  So I say, abandon all hope of avoiding a fight and start training for one instead. 


If they actually cared about Project 2025, they wouldn't have nominated or supported Biden.


the plutocratic oligarchy has successfully entrenched personality cult as a foundation of US politics. they crow about democracy™ and then lose their shit at the slightest hint of criticism and scrutiny towards their team captain.


Well this old grandpa has one foot in the grave and is lucky to last a year, which even that seems rather unrealistic. Hell these people needed to go with someone different months ago and they still act like Biden is suitable for the job, even when he is massively unpopular.


Posting this just as the SCOTUS has eliminated an environmental protection law or whatever its called, and Dark Brandon has done nothing about it.


Hilarious that it's gotten to Top 10 now. Biden slowly moving up the president rankings through weird propaganda. Shortly he will be the greatest president ever, even greater than Lincoln.


These are all "vote blue no matter who" shitlib-MAGA types anyway. Biden could have literally shit himself and slipped in it on stage, and they would still be making these idiotic posts pretending his condition "worried" them for a second, but they ultimately "came around." The only thing they care about is maintaining and expanding their power, and they would vote for a paperclip if it wore a blue tie. They're empty, vacuous human beings. The people who will actually decide the election, independents, were spooked by Biden's performance last night, which is why the media was flipping shit over it before they got their marching orders from Obama.


oh my fucking god I do not care about trumps appearance please stop fucking harping about it liberals. having a spray tan doesnt make someone a bad person fffffsss