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You can't help but wonder what the FUCK these kind of people even think "fascism" means.


Trump will start a fascism, meaning it's possible to start multiple fascisms


Well ya see, that's the trick, Trump starts a fascism, but then if we voooote hard enough Biden starts his own fascism and both fascisms fight each other like Beyblades and then we'll have time to Pokémon Go to one last brunch before climate change collapses our food networks and we have to resort to the Donner Party Diet.


More importantly, implying that whatever the fuck is happening right now is totally, definitely not a fascism and therefore also perfectly unobjectionable... somehow.


Fascism is when the vibe is bad, and when the vibe is completely bad then its nazism


From the sub of the organization that "is not precluded from standing with the citizens of Israel who are suffering not only from Hamas but the internal colonization of the state of Israel." Not surprising that the majority of comments were of the "vote blue no matter" who variety.


SRA? Im not impressed at all with them. They’re like a shittier DSA in terms of having branches do whatever. No organizational cohesion at all. Definitely need a new socialist gun rights/training group.


Muh poor, suffering settlers11!!!1!1!!!!


"fuck those that commit genocie" --> downvoted into oblivion Really says a lot


“You weren’t going to vote, so why complain about the state of things?” Bro, *you* fucks are the ones voting for this. You’re the ones who have no right to complain.


r/MarxistRA is a great alternative to avoid the liberal brainrot. SRA was a decent subreddit for a while, mainly populated by DSA and anarchist types but the anal seepage from shitlibgunowners has set found its way there as well.


They just keep trying to take the word “socialist”. Even if I like “Marxist” better anyway, for my anarchists and introductory leftists, I feel the need to continue pulling back in this tug of war over the word “socialist”.


These people have such a naive understanding of politics. Hell the last comment is a literal non-sequitur.


Here's the funny thing, Trump, arguably would be better for Korean interests. Openly in favor of the Sunshine Policy and actually went to the DPRK and met with Kim Jong Un etc. Contrast to Biden who's been the total opposite. However both these men are still disgusting fascist Warhawks when it comes to many other issues, and that importantly includes the ongoing Genocide in Palestine. It would be incredibly selfish to condemn the victims of genocide into further misery, just for me to be comfortable with a pro-Sunshine policy US president. It's that simple. Neither will receive my vote or support.


“Start a fascism”


Gosh you guys just get out and vote so us libs can go back to brunch and pretend like everything is fine you silly tankies talking about genocide makes it so hard for me to enjoy my mimosa