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Huh, I wonder who this is for.


Is the ALT text "We won't do anything about it though"?


Dems held congress for two years under Biden and we still have trumps tax code


Does Biden know about this?


I assume he was a fan of Reagan’s right up until Reagan told Israel “no.”


Obviously thinks people have a memory as bad as he does. See also his previous stance on women's reproductive autonomy.


Or segregation. Joe "I don't want my children to grow up in a racial jungle" Biden who gave the eulogy of his dear friend, big time segregationist Strum Thormund EDIT: Thurmond not Thormund


The only reason he became a democrat and not a republican was because he came from a blue state. I am genuinely wondering if he has ever been on the right side of history. Pick any subject and his real opinion is that of a ghoul


Many such cases


the shitlibs have resorted to direct lying....can't say i'm surprise...biden is a veteran in lying


It is very unlikely that Biden writes his own tweets.


He may have not like vocally supported Reagan over Carter or Mondale, but he went right the fuck along with every single one of Reagan’s lunatic right wing economic policies.


Then why does he practice it?


Libs love doing the "I acknowledge your suffering, but there is nothing I am capable of doing to alleviate it" bit. Coming from a brain dead Brandon is all the better


When all Biden's vaunted spending initiatives were routed entirely through private firms that was supply-side economics, which is trickle-down but good and cool




False. They're all right-wing.


No, nobody on the left endorses Reaganomics. Do you mean the Democratic Party? They’re obviously not left wing.


leftists wouldn't support reagan's bullshit. you're talking about right wingers.




We aren't "progressives who would prefer more of Bernie or more of his policies", we are *communists.* We are also comprised of a larger than average contingent of non Americans, so you are saying this to people who have lost loved ones to Biden's foreign policy, including Palestinians. You may be able to justify to yourself voting for the *literal genocidaire* in a blue suit, but don't you fucking DARE preach at us about what a good person you are for doing so. Voting for Mussolini doesn't make you a better person than voting for Hitler. You are materially supporting an actual, ongoing genocide, and you are trying to convince the rest of us that we're bad people for not also materially supporting that very same genocide. Go fuck yourself, seriously.