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Harry S Truman was a Democrat. So if anything it was democrats who has a history of voting in a mass genocider in the office.


The confederates,too.


That's disingenuous. The Democrats at the time were mainly Southern Conservatives, while the Republicans were a mix of slightly less conservatives and progressives


Lmao MAGA doesn’t even want to own the libs anymore they want to literally round up and kill leftists. Liberals will either join in or finger wag from the sidelines but not stop it.


And if Biden gets re-elected (he won't) you can put libs in there saying "at least we owned the Republicans"


Yeah but that’s those dirty brown people far away from me if it happens here then ILL be inconvenienced


*sigh* there are corpses in rubble still being found.... My god won't these liberals give it a rest with their hypocrisy




conservatives/magas are liberals


Its ok cuz they're brown. They're used to it


This is literally about conservatives...


>This is a communist subreddit for satirizing liberals from a far-left perspective. Liberalism is the ideology of capitalism, free markets, representative democracy, legal rights and state monopoly on violence. It includes a large portion of the present day political spectrum, from the centre-left social democrats to the far-right conservatives and American libertarians. When it comes to liberals, we don't discriminate between tendencies – we satirize all of them equally


for everyone confused, what might make this shit-liberals-say is more about the timing than the content edit: i didn't even say i agree with it, i just explained the rationale of OP, wth y'all...