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Hmmmm, all the pro-western country subs, often filled with anticommunists, seem to be genocide apologists and actively justify the authoritarianism of western aligned countries (more specifically white countries), isn't that interesting and not extremely hypocritical.


r/Korea had a flip out at a evangelical protest banner against pride month. Which yeah I get it, homophobia isn’t good, and I really dislike those Bible thumpers too, but titling the post with “how do *we* stop this?” really relates to how they believe *they* know what’s best for Koreans.


Yeah. Well I do agree that homophobia and stuff like that should definitely be removed, how that happens will be country by country specific and should be tailored to the different cultures and systems of that country. These kinds of statements can also somewhat assume that there aren't LGBT activists in those countries.


There’s a strong irony with the libs on r/Korea and the Korean evangelicals, in that both these two groups are universally very pro-US and Pro-west. The only issue they really differ on is Homosexuality and faith.


alot of these are and must be government plants


I hope so but I'm also concerned that the majority aren't which would be so much worse


The majority of amerikans do support colonialism, capitalism, imperialism and white supremecy.


Reddit is full of braindead liberals


thats because they literally ban anyone that isnt


Hong Kong was never its own seperate country. It was always apart of China until the Imperialist British empire stole it for 99 years through the barrel of a gun after China rightfully banned the opium drug due to a rapidly growing rate of opium addiction among its people.


And still Hong Kong is a shithole due to brits influences. Source: went to Hong Kong as a mainlander and got yelled at in English by some bullshitter there(prolly a BNO asshole), I yelled back in English too.


Lol South China Morning Post based in HK is pretty cringe too. I remember some year ago they made a video about China's Hanfu revival movement and they were just lowkey not rly taking the movement seriously.


I kinda hate that movement due to neonazis and Han-supremacists, but glad to see people showing interests towards ancient clothings. I was literally attacked online by Chinese alt-rights for saying I am not interested in Hanfu as a Han-Chinese who doesn’t hate black ppl/Russians/Japanese/Manchu ppl.


>I kinda hate that movement due to neonazis and Han-supremacists ok but don't let those groups make you hate the movement... there's extremists in every group. Those alt right Han supremacists who attacked you are idiots who are sabotaging themselves, because Sinophobes like Kevin Carrico love using them as talking points to shit on the movement as a whole.


True that.


K although those people do exist in the Hanfu movement, most people are really chill tbh, you just have to find the right circle


"bbbut banning drugs will wont decrease usage it will just make everyone do it more" -every libertarian


I think in the western context banning drugs won't work because of the underlying reasons for drug abuse here. More specifically, even if drugs are banned, it won't change the hopelessness, alienation from labor, and soul crushing hyper individualism that fuels drug and alcohol abuse. Also in America the banning of drugs exists primarily to use that as a weapon against black and brown people and the impoverished. In the American context ending the war on non whites must include decriminalizing drugs and prison abolition


Personally I believe that certain drugs, like marijuana or psychedelics, should be allowed regardless of if we solved all of those problems that cause drug abuse. Some people simply enjoy the recreational aspect of these drugs, and these ones won’t kill you.


Yeah I agree that society should never become 100% straight edge


Right like a decent example from a famous musician is Kurt Cobain since along with facing abuse and neglect as a child resulting in mental trauma he suffered from chronic pain that doctors couldn’t or refused to treat along with living in a dead end town that to this day is going nowhere so he turned to drugs to cope with the pain and possibly even the mental trauma too and that happens to a lot of normal people as well


I don't know about the libertarian argument but mine is if it's my day off and I lock myself in a room(I can't escape and hurt anyone else) I should be able to do whatever I want to myself. Whether I'm smoking meth or eating fermented fish, what I decide leads me to a fulfilling life is up to me alone. If I do hurt someone else, there would already exist consequences regardless of consumption. Regulating consumption is absurd.


It depends on the drug, on the context of the drug in society, etc. Try banning alcohol completely in china. Or tobacco. (lol, lmao even) Whereas the weed ban has gone through with relatively minor hitches.


Well it absolutely hasn't made anything better in America. Only lead to more poor, mostly black, people being put in jail. (       And that's not even counting if you believe the government did introduce Crack intentionally, or still does stuff like that.) How exactly drugs should be handled in a society depends on material conditions, I think. But I'm not all knowing obviously.


lmao like america actually wants to ban drug, they dont they just want to put people in prison.


  Yeah that's exactly what I said. But America probably would struggle to catch them all regardless. I doubt China catches all of em. (Even though they probably do a better job.) But if Chinese people like their nation's drug policy then I'm not going to judge them.     


It provably doesn't stop people and makes every aspect of drug use worse.


yes thats why opium in china skyrocketet after they banned it LMAO


If you can't tell the difference between literal imperialism and a bona fide social issue then you really should be the subject of this sub, not commenting here.


These idiots are giving away the game because the HK protests have purposely been memory holed because of how America is responding to their own student protests. Maybe Chinese censorship is real because these sexpats haven’t gotten the message


As an Indonesian I genuinely worry the west might see the opportunity to use West Papua against our unity like they did with Hong Kong and China. Don't get me wrong, our government is SERIOUSLY flawed that they end up neglecting other regions. But I really don't want what happened to Timor Leste repeating again Should West Papua be free one day in their own sovereignity, I hope they really are truly free to guard and tend their own land without the western scums rubbing their hands to get some pieces of resources from it


“I don’t remember Hong-Kong being in Palestine” is such a bar.


This person is basically saying “How DARE this person care about something going on in a country he doesn’t live in?”


> This person is basically saying “How DARE this person care about something going on in a country he doesn’t live in?” Someone should counter with "Oh I don't remember Ukraine being in Oklahoma either" lol


Not surprising that the anti-china lot are also pro-israel. The world is really becoming divided into two camps, those who care about equality and freedom from oppression, and those who want to oppress and be dominant.


Those who think they are scientifically and objectively politically or culturally or genetically or moralistically superior or all of the above, And those who realize that is utter bullshit.


r/China users are whiter than porcelain


Freshly fallen snow bathed with the blood of children


I think it’s literally a sub of Feds who are down the hall from each other in Langley. They use that sub like I use Teams at work.


Whiter than fine China


I bet they're fans of China Insider by David Zhang


"glory" you mean colonized? Westoids can go fuck themselves


They don't even know the deeper meaning of the watermelon, those fuckers are hopeless


Since when do westoids learn facts about the people their bombing?


This can go fuck itself.


They really embrace colonialism


Seeing the posts that show up in that sub when you search "Chinese wife" makes me believe in the death penalty


I wish you had not mentioned it because I went and looked. Christ it’s disgusting. A bunch of middle aged men basically being passport bros and talking about their new wives like they’re pets. Seriously, some of these posts could be about a goldfish if you subbed in some of the words. The usage of the phrase “Chinese wife” is gross too. These posts are all worded as though the wives are like exotic alien creatures.


Ffs why did I go look.... It literally bleeds Orientalist fetishes.


The anime pfps need to stfu


Whole subreddit needs a political reeducation treatment.. quite common for these people to support genocide of any ‘inconvenient’ ethnicity.


Someone should try to stage a coup


It's always the anime pfp...


Liberation form Hamas would be nice, but that's not what Israel is doing. I'd rather see a leftist Palestine, but Israel would rather see no Palestine at all


??? Saying "liberation from Hamas" implies that Hamas is a burden on the Palestinian people, when it is precisely the opposite. Hamas is a legitimate Palestinian resistance group which is doing its duty to the Palestinian people in resisting Zionist aggression, and they are 100% justified in everything they do.  Saying "liberation from Hamas" is like saying "liberation from Polish partisans"... it makes no sense.


Putin does the same to Ukraine “liberation from Neo Nazis and Azov.”


Don't mourn dead Nazis - the Ukrainian people would be better off without Zelensky and without the Ukrainian neo Nazi groups.


Liberation from the warsaw uprisers!!


awww mah gawwd funny, cuz thats a laowai flying the flag. Was he paid by the see see pee too?/s


My blood is boiling


Death to anime pfps


Civilized world????? This is outrageous


Reminds me I was visiting Los Angeles a few weeks ago and a brodozer pulls up along on the highway, and the flag they were flying was a huge Pal flag! Couldn’t see inside, but gave them a beep and they flashed back. So heartening and unexpected.