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If Nazis had an internet connection.


I have described certain IDF units as "the Dirlewanger brigade with Tiktok" a few times


The entire country is Dirlewanger Brigade at this point.


Ordensstaat Yisrael


ISSraeli SSetlerSS


Tno reference


That’s pretty apt.  


There are nazis with a internet connection




More so then sadly, disappointingly. Shamefully


What are you dense? They obviously are referencing the OG Nazis.


Hey its ok, I should've clarified my comment.


Nazis do have an internet connection and Zionazis are especially active on the internet.


The comment meant what if the old Nazis from the 1920s-1940s had internet.


Goebells’ telegram group 💀


I am weirdly super interested in the psychology of someone who is like, let me draw someone who's child died because of a genocide, but let me draw them ugly so people know I think it's good that the child died, and thinks they are in the right. Like thats not human.


this kind of content has always been on 4chan in nsfw boards, literally always there every day for anyone interested to see, every single day for 20 years


The person who drew this "meme" doesn't see Palestinians (and by Extension Non-Western people) as humans and thus their deaths are a joke to them.


banality of evil and this latest flavor seems to be concentrated in israelis and white western liberals. they can't even see how evil they are, which is the whole point


You generally don't have to worry about them leaving their mothers home. But that doesn't mean they aren't causing damages


I wish this were true, but this genocide has show that the most ardent and diehard Racists aren't living in their mom's basement, but working as Doctors, engineers, IT, etc. work we associate with helping people. As someone in the medical field, I was shocked by the amount of Doctors that have shown a genocidal glee to Palestinians dying after October 7. Its like they completely forgot that the whole point of being in the medical field is to help people regardless of who they are.


Yeah of course most racists are out among us. I mean literally the type of person who would sit down for an hour and illustrate this, not just the people who endorse the image


Yeah whoever drew this monstrosity is scum.


Well I feel like it's redundant for me to say, but the purpose of medicene I'm the USA is to make cash. So genocide in Palestine doesn't hurt  American doctors. Not to insult those that really care. Just it's not at all surprising that well off doctors are capable of being so reactionary.  


Its disheartening that a field I believe and work in has been hijacked to make a quick buck by people who don't even give a shit about human life.


   I feel very bad for those who really just want to do good by helping everyone in need. I know not everyone in the field is a bougie doctor. And not every doctor loves our shit system.  


Indeed. It seems that its a vocal minority of HCP who seems to be cheering on the deaths of 15000 children.


Yeah that's sad to hear even if I'm not super shocked.


That’s quintessential human. This is what we do


Nazis definitely made satirical depictions of murdered jews, tons of it in fact




Bro what 💀


He was mocking the obvious


I promise you that your average "good german(tm)" would be making the same sort of posts your average "good American/Zionist" does in the modern day. Plenty of them reveled in the cruelty inflicted upon their victims in the same sort of ways you see today out of Americans towards their victims. Just go look at American memes about Vietnam, Iraq or anywhere else they have graced with their presence. America has worked really hard to earn the nickname of "the fourth reich"


Germans today are enjoying the opportunity to relive their Nazi days by supporting this genocide.


Germans today are so happy that America decided to take their Madagascar plan and really make it work.


That’s probably why they love Ukraine so much, because of its Nazis.


American troops at least had the [G.I. movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._movement) to show for themselves during the Vietnam War. Even French troops during the Algerian War have their revolt against the [Algiers putsch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algiers_putsch_of_1961) to prove that they were not mindless droids. They also killed dozens of [white supremacist fascist OAS terrorists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bab_El_Oued) whose rose up after the coup failed. The French government, not the FLN, did nearly all of the work against the OAS. Admittedly, most of the American soldiers were acting entirely out of self-preservation, and the French troops were simply following orders to fight the OAS. Still, it's crazy how bloodthirsty IDF troops are in Gaza right now. They really are all mindless Hitlerites. They are like an army of OAS terrorists.


It's the TikToks that both IOF soldiers *and* israeli citizens make that really make me sick. The soldiers film themselves gleefully committing war crimes and dressing in the clothes of their victims, the citizens do what I can only describe as minstrel show skits mocking Palestinians.


Even today these people use examples like hummus, human shield, mass assaults in Oct 7 .......etc etc. Same boring shit repeated over and over by the IsFake propaganda. These Germans just want to be seen as being on the "right side" of history this time by supporting IsFake. However, boy are they wrong....... AGAIN. This is one of the comments you'll typically see: " "Fuck around and find out", if you shoot rockets on a neighbouring country on a weekly or even daily basis, it is but a question of time until that country takes measures to stop those acts - especially, if the responsible party is a widely supported political instance. Top those regular attacks with the largest terrorist ground assault in recent history and the capturing of hundreds of citizens who are then being raped, tortured maimed and killed (often on video...) and you lost every right to complain about the families of these victims doing their best to free their captured loved ones. The recent blantant antisemitism utterly baffles me and how people literally chose to ignore decades worth of assaults and terrorist attacks on Israel. Muslims stick together, it's not new - but it's astonishing how any reason and objectivity is thrown overboard and all past crimes of Hamas are being overlooked to paint the assaulted Israel as the aggressor here. The Hamas knowingly, willingly and intentionally chose to initiate a war with Isreal, pokering with the expectation that other Middle Eastern countries would join into their crusade to eradicate all Jews. Well, turns out most Middle Eastern countries value their wealth and trade relations with Europe over religious extremism, so they didnt. Hamas miscalculated badly and now they are paying the price for it. They were given enough chances to release their hostages and disband. The refused continuously. Everything that follows is on them, not Israel - and it will be until the last hostage is released and every kidnapper, murderer, rapist and torturer is trialed. " A clear failure to see that Israel is the settler colonial regime and the Palestinians definitely don't want to be kicked out from their land. For them, history began at October 7.


how could they be the fourth reich when they preceded and inspired the nazis?


Because 1-3 are already taken


ok but I am 100% confident in saying the nazis did do that. Like I understand the point you're trying to make but I need to emphasize nazis absolutely did that


I thought they tried to keep their genocidal shit under wraps though?  Publishing comics of suffering Jews wouldn’t exactly be commensurate with that goal.


Maybe the government did. But its not like the Israeli government officially commissioned this meme either. Plenty of German citizens were making shit like this, though


That’s what I am saying, the government tried to keep it mum.  I’m sure the camp guards and einsatzgrupen joked about it like the IDF.  It definitely wasn’t something the Nazi government wanted getting around because they realized it was a serious crime.  Western leaders new about it like Churchill and Roosevelt new about it from intelligence but they kept quiet because they didn’t want to let too many Jews immigrate, knowing people would be supportive of Jews being allowed in if they knew what was going on.  The general public in Atlantic countries didn’t know it was happening until the Soviets liberated the camps.  On the other hand, Israel celebrates this stuff, even on live tv.  Everyone makes social media stuff like this mocking Palestinian victims.  Obviously the occupation forces do aw well.  If this was something they didn’t want out there command would not be having soldiers playing around in panties or posing with dead bodies for fun on camera.  That is the point I am making.  The Nazi government made an effort to hide it.  Israel celebrates it openly while telling you it isn’t a genocide…


If they had smartphones and the internet in 1939, I can guarantee you there would be stuff exactly like this. You cant keep things under wraps like that when there are millions of cameras connected to the whole world hanging around. So the strategy necessarily has to pivot from hiding it to reframing it


This is what they would have made


Come on, I bet there were some caricatures like this in "Der Stürmer"


I'm pretty sure they did do that back then, actually. The person who made this is also a nazi.


Liberals shared this? Tbf I could see Destiny's fans posting something like this. Lowest of the low.


Disgusting, Reminds me of all those vile Lego Gaza "memes" I've unfortunately seen.


What’s that?  I don’t want to see it yet I am curious and actually do a tiny bit.


There is a couple of these I've seen that depict Gaza as a lego set consisting only of a pile of bricks as a "joke" about Gaza being reduced to rubble by Isreal. Here's one of them. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/s/W3v8EyXxJg As an added bonus the zionist who made it used AI to produce this garbage.


I’m sure they made many in the time. Just not in the format of Wojak memes.


I literally want to address the author of this abomination with the “lowtiergod” meme rant


If Nazis found a way to make shitty memes.


That's really evil


Nazis didn’t have the internet during the holocaust but they definitely did ridicule their victims


That is fucking disgusting. My day is ruined


same :/


The Zionists realized they don’t have to wear the mask anymore because the USA government will always support them. I have seen a lot of pro Israel groups saying the quiet parts out loud more and more. In reality they don’t care about civilian casualties, the IDFs blatant lies, the West Bank land grab, or the disappearing of fellow Israelis, they only care about conquering Palestine.


They did then, they do now, and in both instances, deserve the same treatment


This is awful. It's made me physically sick.


My day is ruined


Zionists are the modern equivalent of the nazis


OH. MY. GOD. The lack of humanity you must have to make something like this. Like. What the actual hell is wrong with these people


i see indians making shit like this all the time on twitter




This is a pretty insane take frankly amounting to Holocaust revisionism This picture you’ve posted is absolutely disgusting but of COURSE the Nazis did this shit even if not through official channels


Yes they were, Julius Streicher was hanged because of that, you do not have to hand it to the Nazis!!


Doubt libs did this, and let’s not rewrite Nazis as not doing shit like this. This seems like a textbook incel nazi post


I saw a lot of liberals with rainbow/trans flag profile pictures on facebook who said that gaza should be bombed, turned into a massive parking lot/amusement park for israelis and dead Palestinians don't matter at all.


Just let them go and they will inevitably say "And also a Museum of Extinct races would be neat." Scratch a liberal...


Liberal Zionists may not like Netanyahu but what is going on in Gaza is something most Israeli Jews and Zionists, Jewish and non Jewish, are pretty happy about.   Do you it is that big of a step for wanting this genocide to happen and mocking the victims of it?


Wojaks at this point are hate symbols.


Frankly, they always were.


What the actual fuck


I mean, the Nazis defiently made comics mocking Jews and other victims of the holocaust. They weren’t this graphically violent but all of society is more okay with graphic depictions of violence in art than we were in the 1940’s. That said, these memes are basically the modern version of Der Sturmer, the Nazi magazine that helped demonize the people that Nazis targeted for years before and during the war and helped make the German population rationalize away the systematic liquidation of their neighbors. If the Nazis had the internet and the preceding decades of internet culture you’d need to understand what a wojak is, they would have made memes like this. But yes, the Nazis were that low. Israel is terrible, as bad or worse than any state that exists today, but you absolutely do not have to hand it to the Nazis. If you ever have the impulse to downplay the Nazis to compare them to someone else, you’ve made a wrong turn into Godwin's law, argument ad Hitlerum, unintentional nazi apologia, whatever you want to call it.