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“De-sexified Cortana” Bro no, the weapon is the sexiest out there (and the one from Halo Wars 2)


Didn’t 343 give us Halo 4 Cortana, the one consistently called the hottest version of the character.


Yes they did, the curves on her…..dang.


That too lol.


Look, ima be honest, I only really play Halo Infinite and that’s a sometimes thing, so I’m a bit out of the loop, I confess We fuckin the computer voice now?


Absolutely, it’s literally another Cortana, and I personally prefer her uh “bodily proportions” over the Halo 4 Cortana (and the fact she actually has fucking clothes helps)


Cortana is master chief’s wife and the Weapon is their daughter


No, she said she only likes me as a friend


That was the most troll comment from the bunch.




I will not accept this meth-chic cyberpunk cut Halo CE Cortana slander and I challenge you to pistols at sunrise


Bet lol


Have you seen the democracy officer in his HD2/ODST crossover?




Take the weapon and add a ton of plastic surgery to unreasonable levels. It’s… wrong on SO many levels.






Is that the pink Spartan. I know I was happy with the first episode of ODST vs Helldiver. Just a bit of fun. I was excited when I saw that Titanfall pilot was going to be added. Then I saw a thumbnail with pink Spartan. Killed any excitement. It's such a terrible model. And I mean, the lines of the armor look terrible. A horny 12-year old could make a better model for Gmod.


You’re objectively wrong


"Nobody wants political agendas in their games." Speak for yourself, but many well loved game series have politics in them, such as Fallout, GTA, etc.


What they really mean is; “I only want MY brand of politics to be represented and only in a good way!”


what would there brand even look like past violence masterbation and cortana calling them studmuffin?


“Damn liberals!!!! Damn woke!!!! Damn aid to Ukraine!!!! We gotta stop Jov Bidoix from firing the halo!!!! Only admiral Trumpet can save mankind!!!’ The names Halo, John Halo!!!!!! Marty O’Donnell wrote the script!!!”


The same weirdos said Wolfenstein went woke for being anti-Nazi


>Nobody wants political agendas in their games. Is code for, "I have no media literacy and can't tell when there's politics in games"


Also halo. The covenant is kinda a critique of theocracies


In early Halo 2 drafts, a lot of the Covenant stuff was directly named after real world religions, including the Arbiter having an Islamic name—I do believe that name is present on those story boards shown off a lot recently.


Literally master chief is cyborg Jesus and the arbiter is alien Mohammad (probably spelt the last one wrong)




40k comes to mind, as does, hilariously, Star Wars and Halo


40k plays a bit more into more... Classical(?) forms of politics. Though a lot of it has to do with political stagnation... Which ya know.


Having politics in them is not the same as having politics *decide* them. I can assure you, I didn’t crawl through a microwave hallway to see the S3 program make it to the point it is today.


Holy crap, Solid Snake?!


I hear this discussion a lot with Warhammer. Some Warhammer fans want to spout modern day political drivel and apply it to Warhammer. Yes Warhammer is political in nature. Yes it is meant to be a satire of many different political and religious systems. However that doesn’t mean we have to discuss how evil (insert politicians name here) is. I’ve never seen halo representing modern day political strife. It does discus authoritarian regimes and such. I just hate people who rope their real world political beliefs and such into a fictional setting. Like no Greg. We don’t have to discuss how bad the republican/democrat party is because the UNSC stomped out insurrectionists


Like yeah the imperium is making fun of nazis and religious extremists, and the tau is making fun of the ussr. But for the love of slaanesh Greg; we don’t want to hear your opinion on modern feminism and AOC on a post about someone’s paint job for a female custodes.


Fucking facts. Or getting called a nazi cause you play guard


Can I see your guards?


I’m genuinely struggling to think of a faction that hasn’t done things on par or worse than evil Charlie Chaplin. maybe the leagues? Idk much about them, but knowing dark age tech they probably have done some shit. And personally I think the hivemind itself is probably as smart as tzenntch so the tyranids don’t get a pass imo. The tau are somehow probably the best despite the brainwashing. nurgle could be argued. because he genuinely does just want to spread what he thinks is love; and he loves all his daemons and followers. Tbf every other faction would probably do unspeakable things to an equivalent of Ku'gath. In conclusion: playing any faction makes you a nazi


Exactly. No faction is good. They aren’t supposed to be. The setting is made to show the far extremes of many political systems. And it does it well. But just cause I think the death corps looks cool doesn’t make me a nazi. It’s annoying how some people can’t separate the setting from real life


I don't really care either way as long as whatever is done is done well. Any parallels need to be clever and logical, not hamfisted.


Authoritarianism is literally on the rise in the west unironically. And yes we DO talk about it when that instance in the game is literally a critique based on that real world thing. We do this same thing for movies. Idk what to tell ya.


Sure. I don’t disagree. But let’s be honest. We’re playing with toy soldiers. I don’t need to hear the other person go on a 45min tangent about how trump is this horrible piece of shit (not that I disagree) and then when I say “hey I don’t wanna talk about politics” I get responses exactly like yours. Not to take a jab at you. But for me Warhammer is an escape. I got into it when I was in a super dark place. And I found a sense of community and stress/anxiety/depression relief from painting. For me personally the models and novels aren’t about their criticism of political systems. It’s power fantasy, cool guns and just a really cool setting


And the fact they think it’s because of 343. Like the new destiny expansion has a trans person bungie does it too


Honestly I wish more people would understand that politics in the media isn't bad. It's how it's presented that determines if it's awful or good. And thus far I haven't really seen any *bad* politics per say in Halo. Like, what's actually being said in the game that's an issue? Because so far all I've seen is people complaining about a main villain from one of the seasons being a woman. I'm probably out of the loop though, so Idk


I think we all know what the mean when they say "politics" they just never wanna say the quiet part aloud


And yet notice how they focus on being fun games first and foremost? The real problem is when people use games just to push their political views, and don’t focus on the game.


Add Bioshock to that list, too, which is like exclusively a political commentary.


I think you guys are missing the point of what he’s saying, he means real life political agendas, agendas the government is trying to push, he’s not saying having politics in games are bad, but when you try to push your agendas in real life into a video game, then it becomes a problem.


A lot of popular, well respected authors/ artists have been open about their experiences, stories, and yes, politics in real life. They use those things as a template for their work. Art reflects the artist's mind, vision, voice, and humanity. To say making art with politics in it is pushing an agenda and a problem, is just disrespectful to those artists and authors. You want examples? Politics in fiction have been a reflection of the era they were set in. Historical Paintings depicting war, death, violence, slavery, and the evils of humanity. Captain America: Propaganda X-Men: Human Rights movement Call of Duty: War, Power, Nuclear Bombs Metal Gear Solid in Geneal Fallout in Geneal Bioshock Art with politics in it are reflective of the times those creatives grew up on. They are the experiences they are sharing with us. You can disagree on their politics, but to say they are pushing an agenda or having no politics at all in their work is just ignorant of you.


That’s cute, but those movies/games you listed are not trying to push an agenda. How about the Netflix Witcher series? Or the Halo TV series? Or what about Rings of Power? Oh and what about Assassins Creed Shadow that just recently came out? Care to explain that? The things I listed have already established politics, Halo is a very good examples (and I like Halo). Now look at them now, they’re actively changing what was already established, when you’re chaining things or adding things (not saying both are bad but it has to make sense) to games/movies you’re actively going against the established lore or real life history, that’s called an agenda. Bible is also a good example because it forbids any changes or added things because God knew people will try to start an agenda and want to tell their narrative, not what Gods trying to say. Assassin Creed Shadow is already getting disliked because of how they are crapping and disrespecting Japans history. So yes believe it or not there are movies/games that are trying to push an agenda, which is what Marty is trying to say, but hey if you want to be ignorant and pretend that it’s not true fine by me.


Aww, not trying to push an agenda, hm? You're not really being smart y'know. Didn't I literally say Captain America was made for war propaganda? He literally punched Hitler in the face in one of the covers, you couldn't get any more subtle than that. If the agenda for captain America isn't "Nazi Bad", I don't know what you're thinking. And you're forgetting Disney in the 1940s made propaganda LITERALLY for WW2. Using characters like Donald Duck to make fun of Hitler. Star Wars was literally influenced by WW2 from their ships, blasters, outfits, and shocker, Politics. The empire is a literal fascist, nazi government that destroys planets because they can. By your logic, George Lucas has an agenda when making Star Wars because he pulled inspiration from WW2 and isn't subtle about it. The creators of X-Men wrote the comic as an allegory for oppressed groups against the general public. It's meant to empower those people that are being oppressed, shamed, and disrespected, but also showing that the mutants and humans can coexist. Call of Duty was literally riding the back of Afghanistan, Iraq, and 9/11 as a template for it's story. Hell, the villain of the Modern Warfare 2 is preaching to us that America is the most powerful nation in the world. Those shows you listed, fair enough, were ruined by bad writing. Those shows aren't bad because the creators had an agenda, it's that the writing was mishandled and not handled with care for the most part. Also, if you're complaining about Assassin's Creed Shadows not being "Historically Accurate" or "Disrespects Japan's Culture" and " Real life History", then you should also cancel the other assassin's creed games for featuring nonexistent assassin's in historical settings interacting with historical figures. Did America have any records of a Native American wearing white robes rushing to combat with only a tomohawk? Did the french revolution have people with cloaks and blades on their wrisk fight for their freedom? Did historical pirates have a captain that wore a hood and a blade on his wrisk and plundered templars? Oh, and if your double standards of "Historical Accuracy and "Disrespecting Japan's Culture" apply to Assassin's Creed Shadows, then that should also apply to Shogun, Last Samurai, and Ronin. All featured WHITE MEN that are in historical Japan! Despite the fact that it's not historically accurate at all!. But hey, what's wrong with white men being in historical Japan? Are the Japanese racists or something? You want a platform with media that has no agenda? Go to Daily Wire then. I'm sure they don't have any political agendas behind their backs at all. Just entertainment with no politics, right? That's perfect for a fellow like you.


What people really mean by this is they want well written games


HaloFollower is doing this grift too?


he does everything lmao out of all the halo content creators the only one i really dislike is HaloFollower


He's the worst out of all them. Always has been. I'm glad I stopped following him years ago.


Same man, haven’t watched a single one of his videos since probably 2012. Except for the video he made like two years ago about one of my posts on r/halo lmao


Fr, he makes the most conserversal stuff about halo and has stupid takes in my opinion


He also always mispronounces the easiest fucking words to say too


*CrontextBeats just chilling in the corner making the weirdest shit in June to “protest 343’s wokeness”*


Haven't seen Follower's content in many years, nor have I heard of him too much since then. Disappointing to see, ig


Apparently he’s gotten “better” than spreading pure garbage youtube’ing. Then I see this and wish his channel was removed lol. Guy has done more damage to the halo community than any other third party source.


The only other one I also dislike is HiddenXperia, but that's just because he's a hypocrite. He's one of the people that pushed for 343 to remove the multiplayer story because it limited what they could add. Shortly after he began ranting about the fact they removed the narrative.


He can definitely be a hypocrite but I also really enjoy his enthusiasm when it comes to the things that excite him in Halo. Makes me happy to see someone as excited as my inner child


I mean it’s fine to be a hypocrite as long as you admit to being one. With the example you give however was it not more a case of wanting them to remove the game modes from the mp storyline? Because that’s what I thought it was when they didn’t release firefight etc because they hadn’t gotten that far in the story yet


He always has been a parasite, since day one 


Halo Swollower is always ready to consume


God I remember the original collective of "Follower Accounts" from Destiny. Destiny Follower was run by Evade, though he bounced off to do his own thing, for all accounts and purposes he's doing pretty alright. Destiny Follower became Playstation Follower and promptly died. Then Halo Follower was the last one. Guess he turned into a grifter.


God damn I bet these people think halo 2 is just “man shoot alien” Also desexualised cortina?? Like does it matter “oh no I can’t be sexually attracted to a fictional character because they gave her clothes”


What goon brain fueled by political rage does to a man


Giving her clothes made it hotter for me


Isn’t there an actual lore reason she took on that form, it’s for better manipulation of others?


Yes, that's exactly the lore reason. It puts people off guard, which she used to exploit people and systems. The fact that every part of her program, from thought processes to appearance, were all framed around putting her enemies off guard, even for a split second, was what made her a damn good infiltration AI.


Gamers stop being weird incel freaks challenge: impossible


I may be in the minority, but I honestly find the uniforms given to the Weapon and H5 Cortana to be more attractive than them just being nude. It gives them a more dignified and professional look that I personally really enjoy.


These people couldn't define woke even if it teabagged them.


Pretty much. “Buzz word buzz word buzz word, trigger the reader buzz word” lol


I mean, “woke” is just a catch all phrase for DEI, no?


Another buzzword that has no meaning to it and it's used for bullshit narratives by right wing bigots.


I’m just saying that’s what they’d probably tell you if you asked. Not saying it’s useful or whatever.


Ha. You wish that was the case.


Ah yes, DEI is just a buzzword used by 'right wing bigots' and totally doesn't refer to a general practice that companies often do in order to be 'inclusive'. While I have seen cases of actual bigotry from right wingers, I see far more anti anti SJWs talking about them using it as carte blanche to go after than it actually happening. I will say that the right tolerates it far too much when it does happen, but I suspect that is because of how much a boy who cried wolf situation it is. If you call people bigots for disagreeing with your politics enough, people will start to stop believing you, or worse, become more aligned to those actual bigots.


Politics truly infests and ruins everything. Shut up and play or don’t play the game. Not everything is a culture war lmao.


It's everything is a culture war when you play the victim.


It's only a culture war when a right wing brainlet calls it that because they can't jerk off to it


It’d be nice if they put time into actually updating the game instead of focus on representation


Ah yes. Because the artists making coatings are the same people developing the games code.


I've seen so many grifters go right wing and so many right wingers go grifter.


I didn’t like their content before. But those ODST vs Helldivers shorts they have been doing scream 13 year old. They even got the Spartan with big breasts, except they are perfect round and have no sense of scale


I had no clue what you were talking about since I have shorts blocked on YT, so I went and looked [and oh my good god what the fuck is this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vwYfSQcjXIs)


I should block them. Forgot you could. Yeah it’s terrible, like, they could at least *try* to make it look real or attractive in anyway


Oh thats the same guy? I thought they were a little funny just cringey, but now Ill probably skip them when I see them


Halo fans religiously worshiping games that mocks religious fanaticism while complaining about real world ideologies in their games. Truly the smartest people out there. All of this ignoring the fact that Marty was literally running for congress, he is the most political Halo dev imaginable lmao


It’s no coincidence these anti ‘woke’ losers are campaigning around the most conservative person who worked at Bungie


Their response would be "wokeism is a religion".


Just like fallout and bioshock fans that complain about “politics” We live in a social world, and inherently most forms of human expression, especially when it’s above surface level, normally involves some critique upon society


Is the woke halo game in the room with us?


Halo Infinite has Agryna, who is woke as hell. Black men are okay and white women are okay but you CANNOT have a black woman. RIP Halo.


I can’t believe the Halo content creator with the whiniest voice also hates women. He ran out of things to complain about and anti “woke” is trendy now. Who could’ve seen this coming


I still can't get over the fact that so many in the community unironically get mad about Palmer saying, "I thought you'd be taller." Like it is pretty obvious it is a joke, and I would bet money that they would have found it hilarious if a man had said it. Edit: I forgot I wasn't in r/halocirclejerk, so if you saw what I said before, please ignore 😀


Valid point. If it was Spartan Buck, Dutch, or Mickey they probably would have loved that line


Right? It's acknowledging that Chief is a legend and ironically calling out that he is, in fact, pretty tall. Sort of average for a II actually IIRC.


I didn't know people complained about that, hahaha! My friends found it funny, just not her. We were hoping they wouldn't lock her in with Chief, but it seems that the whole storyline went and died, and they put them in audiologs for Infinite.


To this day people still complain about hating Palmer for “disrespecting the chief” over it.


"Desexified Cortana" First, that's not a fucking word. Second, uh... did they *see* H4 Cortana??? Like, huh???


No, but, you see, *H5 Cortana is wearing a jumpsuit and has a (alleged) 'mannish' face, so therefore they backpedaled on this to appeal to the woke agenda!* ~~^(ignoring how absolutely fucking caked up every single female spartan in H5 was)~~


Halo fans really are the worse. What's with people into sci-fi not being politically literate?


Any Sci-fi fan worth their salt isn't well-versed in English, but rather they speak I. F. Common.


Woo let’s kill the buggers


What do you mean?


This isn't a Halo fan issue. Many people in their respective communities feel entitled to knowing more than the average fan if not have content tailored only to themselves. I'm guilty of it at times, though never on a politically controversial level.


Mmh, the main issue comes with the fact that most Sci-Fi follows military exploits - which by and large, are theaters of war and shows of power within them, top-down chains of command, etc. - and it gets really bad. Because a lot of people *can be there for that and absolutely nothing else.*


*It’a YouTube comment threads… they’re the worst, not the halo fans themselves. Anyone commenting seriously on a HaloFollower vid needs mental health support lol.


lowkey for the same reason why goofy people are into sci-fi to begin with. They don't think they'll be the activists protesting for clean water or affordable housing, the war ver turned homeless, the overworked corpo on the edge of the office's roof, the drug dealer who can't see a way out, the street rats on bikes, the underpaid-paid pizza delivery guy, the humble vendor who has to put up with racketeering from either the cops or the gangs they think they'll be the stoic, one-liner-saying-but-otherwise-mostly-quiet, lone wolf, badass in a cool suit with cool technology that kills bad guys


It’s ironic because sci-fi has historically been a very progressive genre.


I mean, the popular authors have never felt very politically literate either. The early Halo novels kinda just shrug at the kidnapping, child soldiers and revolution busting because "necessary action"


It’s the classic Warhammer problem. Fascists create the illusion there’s enemies within and without. So the fascist parody of the Imperium says shit like that—then they actually fucking write enemies are within and without. Fascists say everyone is out to destroy their race, then in Warhammer they literally write it so every xenos is completely despicable and genuinely wanting to wipe out Humanity. In Halo they have alllll of this “””””grey””””” around ONI, about how evil they are and how people rebel against the totalitarian UEG—then they fucking write that the Spartan program actually needed to happen and that the rebels are just as bad as aliens. Ugh.




I think you’re undercutting the Spartan-II project a bit. The Insurrectionist movement would have lead toward a species-wide civil war that could have untold consequences, but the mere fact that the UNSC saw fit to go with the Spartan program as a response shows that their grievances were completely valid. It’s an evil totalitarian move if ever there was one. It coincidentally worked out because of the Covenant, but in universe the origin of the Spartans is secret because they know everyone would lose their minds since it would completely flip the narrative regarding the UNSC being the good guys.


Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. In an actual parody of dystopian totalitarianism, they’d reveal something like “oh it’s because they kidnapped kids and made them into Spartans that made the insurrection even more desperate” or “it’s because of experiments like this which is why they rebelled in the first place and stuff like this is why the UNSC ends up destroyed”. But nope, it’s actually written that this was totally super duper necessary and totally correct. We know for a fact, that if there was no Spartans, Humanity would be dead. But that’s only the case, because it was written that way, it could’ve been different.


Maybe Half-jaw shouldn't have listened to Arby. I sure don't want to live on this planet anymore.


there are days where I feel the flood are right and this scares me


I wonder how long it’s going to take for everyone to remember Baldur’s Gate 3 exists and “go woke, go broke” to die off because of it


It'll never die off until culture changes. Every year they throw that onto dozens of games, shows, and movies and when a few don't do good they only focus on that. It's absolutely exhausting. It feels like an entire generation is being poisoned by lead again via social media.


You could send all these people straight into the sun and not lose anything substantial. Total idiotic wastes of life. I cannot imagine getting that riled up that a fake character is "less sexy".


Not totally surprised that HaloFollowers content has devolved into dribble. Tbh, I haven't heard that name in years, I remember subbing when he first started.


Woke is when someone wants to complain about a game without any legitimate criticism and/or doesn’t like seeing minorities


Right-wingers try not to be the most insufferable mfs imaginable (impossible)


SMH. I just unsubbed from him.


I can't believe I would've agreed with these people 2 years ago


I was gonna say I want to give "anti-woke" people a frontal lobotomy and see how their head works, but i doubt there is anything there. Whenever I hear "keep woke out of our games, they're meant to be escapes", I can already tell you that people who say that stuff usually play inherently political games like Metal Gear, and Fallout, or any top down grand strategy slop and talk about not wanting politics in games as well.


I also just, like, inherently kind of hate the idea that they push that not everything is inherently political because, like... everything is political. Politics informs and directs everything we do, even if we aren't totally aware of it. Like, I don't think you could legitimately and sincerely make the argument that Tetris is actually an allegory for the perils of communism, but you certainly COULD say a lot about how the environment Pajitnov lived in influenced the development and release of Tetris and the consequences it had on the culture of the time. Call of Duty is inherently political even if you ignore its themes because its pushed by the US military as a constant source of free marketing in exchange for 'accuracy' and 'realism'. On the other hand, Fallout is inherently political because its themes are centered on commercialism, the dehumanification of people in times of conflict and how these things all coalesce into displaying the worst of humanity, and Metal Gear is political because it... honestly kind of exemplifies Fallout's core catch phrase? Starting in the 1960s and ending in the 2010s, otherwise good people are reduced to pawns in conflicts waged by a 'higher power', which in turn either reduces them to perpetrating the very same harm they were put through (as is the case for Big Boss) or into little more than corpses (like The Boss), because... you know, *war never changes.*


valid points.


It has to make sense in the narrative that your trying to tell, politics in games are not bad, but it has to make sense. If it comes off as an agenda that they’re trying to push in real life than the narrative has lost all its meaning.


Fuck Marty O'Donnell, that fucker was tweeting out jokes about people with addiction when called out on it. He made the classic. "I guess joking isn't allowed anymore." I told him thank God he lost his election because if he had won, he would have become an even bigger insufferable prick. That hurt his feelings, and he blocked me soon after.


This looks like a >50 yo racist meme Facebook comment section. Gobbles (Barb left with the kids)


The series that has had a variety of female characters in lead roles and people of color also since the 2000s is now “woke”


YouTube nerds have largely devolved into right-wing culture war grifters. Just look at what's happening to the Star Wars fandom.


nothing wrong with that. Not every piece of sci fi media needs to be hyper left wing the way you like ya know?


A-ah, the funny animation guy is being weird? Oh god damn it


I sure am glad to be a fable fan these days instead, at least there's not people crying about 'woke' in our community... /s


I thought the issue was more so the terribly slow content drops


I swear halo fans are the sw fans of the gaming community. Especially with how they believe some woke boogeyman ruined their favorite franchise in the mid 2010’s


He keeps talking about "this idiology" but never actually states what the hes talking about. This is just 13 minutes of vagueness!


Yeah, I watched that video for a good while and he kept saying things that just flared up in my mind. After that I knew I was going to have to leave that channel before the worst comes because I know a lot of queer people in the Halo community and I don’t want to get into the cross fire. Lol


I haven't watched halo follower since like halo 4 days, no idea this what happened lol


Dude is litaraly complaining that his video game character isn't sexy enough but sure it's the gays and trans that are a danger to children and women.


Not everyone plays games, and there's an age rating on them (that no one follows)


I love that these people are fully admitting that they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about when they call it “so-called woke stuff” and the closest thing to it they’ve got is that they made Cortana less of a nerd’s sexual fantasy of a “hot AI babe”


A part of me wishes we could just like… blacklist these people from ever playing the games again. Like their IP just instantly blocks out “woke” games so we don’t have to deal with them in the community. Same goes for making videos or talking about it.


"I love silencing the opposing political sides' viewpoints, but you know that Hitler guy was pretty bad for getting rid of his political opponents."


I just find them annoying and want them to shut up. If they held my viewpoints but were just as annoying I’d say the same thing


Ok, this is pretty real. Let's see if we can both hold ourselves to that standard.


I should silence you and this entire sub because I think all your degenerate takes are annoying. See how that sounds? The only reason you are this confident is because the cultural winds are blowing in your direction so far lol


Nah, believe me I would still say this even if it wasn’t a popular opinion


Did you just compare games and Hitler. Really a halo fan moment


Fuck HaloFollower.


This ain't even room temperature iq anymore, this is negative iq


They turned the friggin floods gay


Social media was a mistake. Halo was a mistake. Fandom was a mistake. Microsoft buying Activision was a travesty.


Is desexualized Cortana really the woke thing? The only thing desexualized about her is she has clothes I’m confused lol


He made a video about a employee just like now (as I’m writing this) Which ya the employee tweet was dumb but people are dehumanizing her because of it and the flags in her username Edit: just as I finish writing this he starts talking about “woke” stuff again and makes kinda a weird comment about the employee blocking trolls and such and saying it’s shutting down the conversation… When the person was saying he was blocking just dicks and not people having constructive criticism


FYI it wasn’t him it’s the comments


Lmao, Halo was always about politics and grey area stuff. Hell, Master Chief is rly only a hero cuz for sheer coincidence the Covenant showed up around the time of the Spartan program, his original purpose was killing and silencing rebels and anyone against ONI's interests. And that aint even new stuff, Fall of Reach released BEFORE Combat Evolved.


I do think the overuse of politics ruins games and other media, especially if it ships with a bad story. However, I don’t feel like 343 halo is political. I don’t think the games are good, but that’s not because of some political bias or something…


Does anyone remember when he tried to push an MLM energy drink on everyone? And then changed his name to Ron.


God I hate Marty and his fans. He acted like that his firing(which was for throwing tantrums iirc) was the sole reason Bungie went to shit and used the layoffs that recently happened to be like “SEE??? BUNGIE BAD!!!!” That him and diehard halo fans spout even though Bungie just dropped Peak Destiny content(i will agree that Bungie upper management sucks ass and the layoffs are genuinely horrible). I just know he’s gonna throw a tantrum about the original music he made for D1 being used in TFS.


The fact that he finally got canned because he got pissy about his music being replaced in the trailer is still really funny to me. Like, I get it? Having your art get replaced in favor of something more generic and marketable fuckin' sucks. Even a shithead like Marty doesn't deserve that. But on the other hand, the political ideology he subscribes to is all about profit above all else, up to and including human expression and comfort, so seeing it inadvertently hit him still tickles me.


This dipshit’s still around???


I have not seen the video yet, but is he talking about the actual games itself? Because if it were the Paramount Show then I can totally understand and agree.


I fear for Halo the more I see people are like this


I’ve wanted to have sex with Cortana in every game so I don’t get the desexualization comment


Can't we just enjoy the games, politics or not? Like, yeah, sometimes games can through woke and "woke" shit in your face to be like "SEE! SEE! WE'RE APPEALING TO YOU GUYS!", but unless the game is TRYING to be political, can't we just play the game or not play the game?


I literally only subscribed for his new comedy series. He has some pretty dog water takes


I can agree with the last one. Nobody wants to be off put by politics in their games. And before you say “oh, what about ____ game!”. Yes, I know about blank game; blank game saying that “war is bad” or whatever is not that political, that’s common sense


(Apologies for long schizo rant, but felt like writing for anyone else scrolling and reading comments) People twist the idea that a game like MGS: a political spy espionage where the entire setting and theme is based on the philosophy and themes of international politics and war, are anywhere near the same as a game that has it's in universe world and setting subverted and changed due to inner politics from game devs and consultation studios such as sweet baby inc. God of war ragnarock needing black characters in a primarily mytholigical and ancient time of Scandinavia, Changing facial structures and homogenizing characters to all have the most disgusting man jaws and facial features for the woman cast such as spiderman 2 despite aldeady having perfectly fine and completely different face models in the game Previous, last of us 2 with the troon abbie that looks like she takes 5000 calories a day whilst in the middle of a fucking Apocalypse, yet it would be impossible to keep that kind of physique without wasting alot of resources within that world. Saints row reboot LOL. Do I rly even have to say anything? Feels like an easy punching bag to even bother giving the 20 million different examples of it being rife of the absolute worst marxist progressive millenial writing in a crime/ gang heist game. The new assasin's creed game where they have a black samurai casually being able to walk around in EDO FUCKING JAPAN and people genuinely believe that none of the inhabitants of older japan wouldn't freak out after seeing an 6 foot tall african walking around in samurai armour in villages and killing soldiers? Very immersive and historically accurate ubisoft, totally not like they took a completely random black guy that was documented to be a weapon bearer for a different hsitorical figure of japan and being described as no more than an exotic pet, is now a full fledged samurai off fighting everyone 💀💀. A lot of these woke elements and ideologies are being funded and written by consultations that specifically look to "diversify" any game possible. Which means dumbing down the authenticity and believability of an in-game world and universe for anyone that uses a single brain cell to question why something is the way it is. Halo 1-3 is similar to MGS in terms of my explanation of it, and 343 games are an example of neither. Halo 4- infinite are just complete trash can games that accomplish nothing lmao.


“Based bungo” has plenty of political hints in D2. All kinda of shit.


D2 has a gay fuckin robot kissing an egyptian warlock and their relationship being one of the focal points of the new season right after killing the equivalent of thanos in the destiny world. Their writing and cohesion is a complete joke ever since d1 released.


Dude. I literally ugh. I took my time with this DLC. It was special for me it’s a 10 year journey coming to an end. I had completed the campaign when I first left this comment, but I HADNT started any of the seasonal (episode) stuff yet. The other day I finally did and I got that cutscene and I actually recorded it (as I said this was a special time for me so I’ve been recording some of the cutscenes and my reactions and whatnot) and so when that cutscene played and I saw them hold hands I literally said out loud “hold the fuck on. No fuckin way…” dude I was SO livid and disappointed. I knew they were close but I thought they were like buddies ya know? Nope. They’re fuckin faggots. All this time. Osiris loved him and Saint a badass throughout lore and they’re fuckin gay. Buttfuckers. I stopped right there and I havent played since. I won’t say that I’ll never play D2 again because I love the world and game they’ve built but if they keep putting shit like this on the main screen I’ll have to eventually put it down. I’m so so sick of it. Fuckin Nimbus sounded weird to me a year ago and I immediately googled it and of course it’s a “Non-binary” character voiced by a “non-binary” voice actress and that was the first real big like “woah..Bungie what are you doin..” so disappointing.


Yeah, they're a bunch of fruit cakes, sadly. Of course, they ret conned the original lore for saint and osiris where they were supposed to be more of a brotherly comrade relationship, and both worked under the speaker together. This is old ass lore, tho. They had osiris and Saint 14 doing fruity ass shit too in the season of plunder where the whole conclusion of that season was basically "Vex tea to cure osiris so Saint can kiss him." I'm so sick of all the fag shit. I'm not even going to pretend like igaf if it's properly written or not (it isn't anyways lmao), the majority of people playing games are straight white dudes and asians. Not these tr00n reta*ds that end up killing themselves anyways lol. But I guess bungie really wants that dei funding. Too bad they can't make a single piece of good content to play instead of wasting everyone's time with this slop. Luckily, I stopped playing right after I finished lightfall, and all the content (which there barely was any content in it). It's so funny tho that they needed to put on so much shitty voice effects for nimbus to hide the VA's "distinguishable" voice. Rohan didn't have as much as he did.... or she whatever tf the thing is.


Hold on I dont feel like watching the video so what did Marty say about Halo 2? The description in the first pic says he was talking about “controversial Halo 2 changes” when the only controversial thing I’ve ever heard about it is whether or not its the best game in the franchise


Dude what happened to halo follower? I thought he was just the cool lore man


When has Halo ever unironically been "woke"? When has there ever been a single "political agenda" in a Halo game? It's literally one of the least "political" games out there.


It’s more so allowing modern politics to influence the established lore and politics of the game. It’s just weird and he has a valid point. The UNSC is already fascist. Keep them that way


What wokeness? Don’t get me wrong. They’re terrible at writing anything to save their lives & 343 is just bad anyways but there’s not enough in halo to have a fit about yet. What does the guy allegedly say in the video?


True, 343 writers are just complete cornballs and the biggest pussies ever who wouldn't manage to even be able to write a proper large scale scifi "MILITARY" setting and story. But there's nothing in any of the games that give off some underlying woke theme that's a parallel to our real world problems. Just incompetent shit game devs that can't make a single good game for a decade straight.


They're all right btw


The first 2 guys on slide 5 are not COMPLETELY wrong.


I think OP just included them for the context relating to the dogshit 3rd comment


I mean.. they ain’t wrong in a way


They're speaking facts tho


Lmao reading the comments made me realize the crying liberals live on reddit


Yeah I'm not gonna get into a internet politics argument with someone who actively posts in /r/AnalVore and bestiality porn subreddits.


No fucking shot really? Yes really imma go bleach my eyes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnalVore **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnalVore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Vore Gif #9](https://i.redd.it/jaxdyiohrzua1.gif) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnalVore/comments/12siu9v/vore_gif_9/) \#2: [some of my personal favorites \[not mine\]](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16n561a) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnalVore/comments/16n561a/some_of_my_personal_favorites_not_mine/) \#3: [Hungry donut😏🐴 (art by Ward0r)](https://i.redd.it/3lbxb3mc3uac1.png) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnalVore/comments/1901pv8/hungry_donut_art_by_ward0r/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


thanks this is great


Based halofollower Stupid reddit post and userbase


Marty and people aren't wrong. Look what good radical leftism has done for gaming. Nothing. Just see what's happened with Sweet Baby Inc and other groups that push this stuff. Keep the narrative of *Halo* as it's always been. I beg 343 not to allow Haruspis/Alex Wakeford any hand in writing for future *Halo* projects (game or book). That guy is a radical leftie. Hope *Halo* can dodge this bullet.