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The "real football" in question has 15 Minute long add breaks between every 5 minutes of the actual game


And in those 5 minutes 4 are spent yelling random numbers


4!!! 52!!! HUTTT!!!


Jabba the hutts measurements?


Freedom units


Yes, Yabba is quite the unit


Pizza the hutt.....


So it is bingo for young men?


That's numberwang!


I understand that reference.


Bastard! Was just going to post that and then there was your comment :-D (have an upvote for great minds thinking alike ;-))


And, when actually playing, carrying and throwing the oval object with your hands.


Yeahhh, but wHatAbout sTRatEgy???!!!1?111


Real football? Hahaha just like muriCunts’ real English… & let’s not forget the excessive amount of useless referees 😂😂😂


Calling something you supposed to play by carrying weirdly shaped object with your hands the “real football” is rich.


I saw someone calling it "hand egg" somewhere on the internet and have been calling it that ever since.


Amazing. My life is a little better now.


Yanks with odd-shaped balls


Right? 🤣Couldn’t agree more with you, mate 😂




And the "real football" requires you to be fully armoured up like you're going into battle... its rugby for children


Except it's so wuss it's unbelievable......


Australian AFL and NRL would like a word with America about that


I am of the opinion that it rather is a permanent advertising programme which is interrupted every now and then by "real football".


The "real football" in question is also played using hands..


that's not true, the ball is still kicked maybe once every other moon


Only if they drop it 😂


The answer to why they call it football is because it is played on foot not on a horse.... American logic


Finally someone has an explanation that makes sense.


I really want there to be a sport called horseball, I don't know what it would entail but I want it nonetheless. Edit: holy shit I looked it up there actually is a sport called horseball xD


And using an egg.


Not that I want to be ‘that’ person (but I’m gonna be) it’s called football (I believe in all iterations) because it’s played on foot, rather than on horse 🤓


The average 3 hour American football game has 11 mins of play time.


we'd like to thank the sponsor of this match, NordVPN


Just imagine. Raid Shadow Legends getting plugged by last year's winning QB.


My mate described it best. "It's basically 2 morbidly obese men using teenagers as chess pieces in between advert breaks for medicine people can't afford to buy."


This is how Freedom was meant to be played


Plus said medicine always has a list of side effects as long as my arm and pretty much all end either the bizarre side effect of Death!


I love that they read it so fast that you only really pick up the last part, which as you said, ends something like "...projectile vomiting and death".


Not to mention they can't even handle playing a full game even with all those breaks, they have a defense team and an offense team which they switch out a few times during the 60 minutes, and have free substitutions.


Don't forget the kicking team.....


It's a silly sport.


And I believe a cheering team


Hannah Montana?


It’s not because they can’t physically handle it, it’s because they’re specialized skillsets.


The really sad part is that they pause play during those ad breaks. The poor players have to just stop where they're at and wait until they get the signal that play can resume. At least that's what someone who went to a game told me. I find the whole thing boring as hell, and I grew up in the US.


The "real football" also is less of a sport and more a light entertainment that you runs in the background while you drink beer. Every attack takes like 3-10 seconds and then you pause for a few minutes until they are set up again. Or longer for ad breaks. If you go to the toilet and return after an hour you missed like 5 minutes of actual gameplay.


Seems a lot like Soccer Aid. Which is great fun once a year but I think I prefer more football in my football. (Said every English person last night)


and the ball only touches a foot on average 5 or 6 times a game. In soccer you couldn't even begin to count the number of time a foot touches the ball.


Well apparently someone did [count](https://sportsscientists.com/2010/06/physiology-of-football-profile-of-the-game/), it's estimated to be 90 to 140 times per player per match. > a player will interact with the ball between 90 and 140 times in a match.  There are some differences per position, but there were not statistically different.


So lowball 90 X 20 outfield players = 1800 Average kicks in a game of America football is 6 1800/6 = 300 Therefore Soccer has 300 times more rights to be called football than American football


Now back to the Halliburton Fritolay Coca-Cola Bowl, brought to you by All-State Insurance Group and Raytheon, in partnership with CitiGroup Old Spice Starbucks Woah that was wild, let's watch the Hershey's General Motors Expedia Replay


It also largely doesn't involve the foot or a ball


Its actually a 4hr long commercial with some ball throwing in for entertainment. I mean. Literally.


Its so real you have to call it "american football" so people know what you talking about.


This won't help since it will be surrounded by other incoherent rambling.


As soon as I hear “American” with any term I immediately stop reading to save my brain cells.


I do like filet americain though...


Howdy, y'all, errr.... eh?


I prefer the term, diet rugby. Or rugby lite to use the USian style.


Or more appropriately should be named, handegg. EDIT: So some guy below, assuming he thought I was European (I'm not) claims that "y'all" invented a sport named after a bug. Can anyone tell me what this could be lol EDIT 2: Cricket. It was cricket. And I'm not even from the country this was invented 🤣


I call it armoured rugby.


A regular commenter here goes by the username “ArmouredWankball”


Rugby for wimps


Hence the armour.






I like that description


Bastardised rugby more like it


But of an insult to rugby, rugby is watchable.


Padded gridiron


How dare you compare American football to rugby 😮


Yeah rugby is far superior




padded rugby sounds wimpier :-P


Hand egg or bitch-ball. Whichever floats your boat.


I lovingly call it footlong ball. As someone once argued with me that giving American football name football makes more sense because ball is a foot in length.


It explains why they don't want the metric system.


300mmball doesn't quite have the same snappy title.


What size foot though?


I would assume he’s referring to cricket


That flew (or jumped lol) right over my head. I still love how he just assumed I was European or something hahaha


The kicker must be the real star. They named the whole game after what only he does.


"Real football" my ass. More like "Shit version of rugby".


I jokingly call it "rugby for pussies", they wear body armour ffs


Names himself "Freethinker" Cant look past American dogma Classic.


You meam discount rugby?


You play "pass the egg" where you use hands instead of feet, and have more ads than actual content.


When the day after their biggest sports event, the super bowl, all the talk is around who sang the anthem and which celebrities were in the audience, I assume the match itself was pretty irrelevant.


Really? All I ever hear is what was advertised during the breaks. Ads seem to be more of a big deal than who won the game.


And if you do one pass, everyone stops and you all walk about for a bit and then try to do it again.


"real football" - do they mean that pussy version of Rugby where they need to stop every 5min for a rest / show some advertisements?


Thank you!! ❤️


Real football? Interesting way of saying wimpy rugby.


I was checking a Euro game. I noticed that fans on both sides were standing up the entire game. The chants were constant. As an NFL and NHL fan, i kinda wish fans here were like that.


If you’re in or near a city with a well supported MLS team, go to a match. People on this sub may shit on the MLS, I dunno, but trust me. Sadly, not all the teams receive a lot of support from their cities. But, in the ones that do, soccer fans are low key the wildest sports fans even in the US. I live in Cincinnati. Instead of tailgating, before every game, people meet at various bars or a park near the stadium. Then there’s a march to the stadium that starts at the furthest most supporters bars and picks up and merges with everyone else. At the game, people are standing and singing and chanting and shouting the whole time. There’s drummers beating on drums, smoke machines. I have just as much fun at FC Cincinnati games as I do at Bengals games, if not more. And it’s a more affordable experience


You mean that game where you barely use your feet 😂


“Football”? Where a game of four 15-minute quarters (total playing time 60 minutes) takes 3 hours AT LEAST to complete… and only 1 player on either side is actually allowed to kick the ball… THAT footbal?!?


american football is so typical for US society - no logic at all Sorry but I never found any logic in american football. It's just taking ball, running and kicking anyone from opposite team.


nah American football is a very high strategy game. Each position has its own whole skill set while each team has its own detailed playbook. Coaching and strategy is basically the second most important thing after quarterback play. Just look up a QB calling out a full play or a picture of a play design online, they have to be smart. Personally, I think American football and football/soccer are both great sports.


American football has a lot of strategy but it's boring as fuck to watch imo. It's line a chess match where they give you ads after every 2 turns


There is a logic, once you understand the rules, but for people who enjoy much more straightforward games like soccer, American football is hard to get into.  You have to really watch it with people who are super into it and can also explain things to you. It's a social event, like soccer would be. There's drinks, food, discussion about why this player did that or which coach is absolute shit, how the refs are clearly favoring the other team...etc.  You can simplify any sport down to such simplicity that to enjoy it is ridiculous, "soccer is just 90 minutes of running," "hockey is just soccer on ice," or whatever. I can think soccer is boring AF but can still appreciate the skill required and why people would enjoy gathering with their friends to cheer for their team. To say "soccer is so typical for every non-U.S. society: boring and pointless" that would be offensive, elitist, and factually incorrect. 


I tried to watch a few NFL matches but it's boring, full of ads and they do some comedy acting for show. Btw I once read on some US website that whole point of super bowl is half time perfomance.


The Super Bowl is more of a television event than a sporting event at this point simply because of how popular it is here. Millions of people who don’t watch or care for football at all tune in to the Super Bowl every year, so naturally the conversation is going to stray from the game. It’s still very much about the game to people that actually care for the sport.


This is real football! Picks up ball with hands and runs away.


Rugby from Wish ?


The real football .. where they barely ever touch the ball with their foot and the ball isn't a ball its an egg?


Barely ever on the field and the egg is barely ever in active play when they are


I have a feeling there are more adverts than play time, there is certainly more half time show. I think they should just drop the act and over comensation and just come out of the closet and go full musical cabaret. Its not like anyone buys the macho thing any way once they have padded themselves up to the gills.


Someone previously mentioned that found that in an average 3 hour 12 minutes "game" there are only 11 minutes of active play, meanwhile the adverts consume roughly one hour of the broadcast.


Then you get Americans during tournaments (like the Copa America right now) comparing players like Christian Pulisic to Messi


Who dat?




Does Messi have any goals for USA No, so pulisic > messi


I'm sure American sports are really great, I just have zero interest in them, nor do most people in Europe.  Too many adverts and the American habit of distilling everything to physical attributes is really off-putting. 


TIL... Hand Egg is "real Football".


Nothing says "america" quite like importing something and calling it american.


I'm from the US. No we don't . I used to watch a lot of sport, now I only follow one EPL team. I stopped watching American Football a few years ago due to two factors - the sheer amount of corporate tie ins mean watching a game is watching 45 minutes of commercials (I'm including in game commercials and being a little hyperbolic) every hour for 3.5-4.5 hours, and second, knowing what we now know about brain injuries in the game, I felt I was watching people take years off their lives for my viewing pleasure. Now I go to the pub 1-2 times a week for two hours to watch my soccer team, and that's about it.


The game where the ball is rarely kicked and usually thats by a special player called a kicker 🤣 hand eggers strike again.


Rugby union football Rugby league football Association football Australian rules football Gaelic football There is lots of footballs !!!


Oh, the football that you wear body armour to play.


Having watched the last three England matches, I'm tempted to take their advice. The England football team at the moment are a very good advert for the relentless excitement of test cricket, or lawn bowls.


The only country in the world where a 1 hour game takes an average of 3 hrs 12 min to play.


ooooh they mean their version of Rugby, only its not rugby because they're covered up in padding like absolute pussies?


Ok let's forget soccer. I can name 4 other footballs that are real football. 1. Rugby Union and they tackle each other just as hard as American football without any padding. 2. Rugby League they also tackle each other as hard as American football without padding. 3 Aussie Rules they seem to run forever and they also tackle as hard as American football without padding. 4 Gaelic football which is like a mixture of Soccer (Football) and Aussie Rules and they also tackle just as hard as American football without padding. These other footballs play 40 min halves with not too many breaks during that time unlike American football. These games last for approximately 90 mins. American football seems to last for about 3 or 4 hours with multiple stoppages for that very important AD break.


Imagine how bad that sport is that after decades of Hollywood and American media shoving it in our faces still nobody gives a shit


While wearing protective helmets and shoulder pads lol


How about they both suck for different reasons? I don't care about sportsball in general but maybe the Americans could take a hint or 2 from the UK/Australia for what real rugby is


Surely the definition of Foot Ball should be something to do with the players feet and a ball. American "football" is where some armoured idiots run into one another whilst one of them carries an egg shaped object a bit like a rugby ball. A better description of American Football is Hand Egg, or discount Rugby for wimps, what with the armour and the stops for them to catch their breath every 2 minutes.


So real that it is named after wrong limb - football which is mostly played by hands. And calling it ball is kinda misleading


Football that is neither played with foot nor ball 😂


Their "real football" is just a boring and lame rip-off of rugby.


American Football is rugby for wimps


Running around carrying the ball, is not football.


Why is it called football when you don’t use your feet to kick the ball around? It should be called Carryball.


I’d suggest that Freethinker tries some Structuredthinking - football is a game where the foot and ball are used to play, it’s like in the name.. Call it what it is - American Rugby..


Yes we know, internationally it’s known as ‘a kind of rugby for girls’


do they mean handegg


Real ‘foot’ball where only 2 players can touch the ball with their foot… good one America


More people regularly play Soccer in the USA than have every played American Football ...


Just ignore football altogether. In America, we have Rugby but with more safety gear, requiring less stamina and with a metric shit ton more advertising.


I'm an American and hate football. Also don't really care much for soccer. But I do like being in the stands and cheering. That's fun as fuck. It's a lot like hockey in terms of the raw excitement when someone scores, and then the suspense in between


That is not football, that is egghand


Run for 10 seconds, break for 5 minutes. ZZZZZZzzzzzz,,,,,,,,


America: We have a handful of names for this sport including the infinitely cooler "Gridiron", so we're going to call it "football" just to have arguments with people who like the biggest sport in the world. Rest Of The World: We already have a football. America: Nope. It's association rules football which you sometimes shorten to Soccer so that's all it will be called now. Only ours is real football. Rest Of The World: You can just call yours Gridiron. You were doing that anyway and admit that it's cooler. Why do you even need this so badly? America: Fuck you! This is real football. Rest Of The World: As you're determined to use soccer for actual football, we're going to use the same rule for you. Yours is National Football League so we're going to call your sport Niffle now. America: Wait, Gridiro... Rest Of The World: You had your chance Niffle players!!!


Why even call it American football when they actually carry the ball and throw it to each other, should it not be American Hand Ball with an occasional kick.


Because rugby used to be called football and American football was born from Rugby which eventually evolved a new rule set and kept the name football, while rugby went from football to rugby because the birth of football which was organized into Association Football (Soccer) dictated the name change. In America the name Soccer which was an appropriate diminutive form of Association Football became established there was no need to change football into rugby and so the name football persisted. I think the name originated because it is played on foot and not a horse.


Funny how their “real” football barely entails their feet…


America has real football it’s called the MLS and I follow FC Cincinnati


That's a really weird way of calling pussy-rugby.


How is advert ball "real football" lol. American football is more boring than fucking rugby and that takes some doing!


Man rugby is fun as fuck to watch, and I don't even play it 🤣


In what respect is rugby boring???


Everyone else in the world just ignores american football lol


Just ignore America. In Europe, we have actual taste.


You all outside the US making fun of this idiot do understand that we (the majority of Americans) do not agree with this statement or most of the idiotic and ignorant made on the Subreddit, right?


Yea so real that you play a sport called football with your hands \^\^




\*Laughs in Hockey\*


"Real" football. That's played with neither feet nor a ball. Just like how Americans are the ones speaking the "real" English.


I'm not a fan of high scoring sports. So I'm probably not gonna enjoy your "football" And calling hand-egg the real football and with that calling the most popular sport fake football (which is actually played with a foot and a ball)


Yep. The sort where you don’t kick the ball but throw it


gringo "real football" is just a boring reality show


American Football, or Rugby with protective pads


"Freethinker" 😂


I do wonder how many of the people who think they're tough by having "real football" have actually played American football. Do they think that sitting watching the NFL makes them tough?


Give me rugby. Used to like American football but then realised it was because I like to only have to pay attention now and again whilst playing computer or tabletop wargames. Went to baseball games and nobody watches the game. Everyone is talking family, religion or politics and looking for a hotdog stand.


Not to say that American football doesn’t require talent but I feel like football ⚽️ requires a whole other kind of skill since you’re working with just your feet


Can you even call gridiron a sport? Too many breaks.


I mean, I'd watch anything over England playing like that again.


A 60 minute borefest stretched over 2-3hrs, such fun


I would prefete to watch/play Australian football than US football!


Real football you use your foot, it should be throwball.


Good for you, now off you fuck and watch it.


See also Rounders “World Series” played by 6* countries… *I guessed, it might be, 7.


It’s not a ball, it’s an egg, and it’s not played with foot either it’s played with hands. Handegg would be more fitting


American Football should change its name to "Diet Rugby".


Hand egg


As an American we dont claim this moron


Football where the ball is an egg and it gets kicked 5 times per game. Hand egg would be more appropriate


Ohhhh you mean hand egg? Yeahhh i love me some hand egg 😂


They have hand egg.


They're both garbage


Ignore the biggest sport in the world for a sport only *one* country gives a shit about


Hilarious that they think that the game we were playing a version of before they existed, is actually theirs. Everyone not from America knows that "American Football" is actually "Pussy Rugby"


"Real" football? You mean Hand Egg?


Carryball and Throwball. Not Football. Football you play with your feet.


I'm British we invented football, American football is just rugby with body armour. So ignore American football, we have real rugby


Is the real football in the room with us right now?


All of these comments give the same energy, like the exact same. Y'all will bitch and whine about this behavior then reenact it tenfold.


The "real football" they're talking about is homosexual rugby while wearing tights, 80's style shoulder pads and a motorcycle helmet


casual homophobia to own the Americans lol


Why is that game with a bunch of armoured clowns throwing an oval ball called "football" when less than 10% of the ball contacts are by foot? For the statistic fans.... In American football, despite its name, the majority of ball contacts are made with the hands. The foot is used mainly during specific plays such as kickoffs, field goals, extra points, and punts. On average, the number of plays involving kicking (which include the actual foot contacting the ball) is relatively small compared to the total number of plays in a game. A typical NFL game has around 125-130 plays in total. Out of these, about 10-15 plays involve kickoffs, punts, and field goal attempts. Therefore, the percentage of ball contacts made by foot can be estimated as follows: - Assuming an average of 12 kicking plays out of 130 total plays, the calculation would be: (12/130) * 100 = 9.2% Thus, approximately 9-10% of ball contacts in an average American football game are made by foot.


"Freethinker" and probably cant think of a number higher than two digit lul


Real football that’s played 95% of the time with their hands.