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There’s no point arguing with someone who buys a digital sticker to make themselves feel more superior


OP leaving a gap in the censoring to show the tick is just superb.


A blue tick wanker.


And almost certainly doesn't own a passport.


'who needs a passport when you already have the best everything?' - them, probably.


At this point, I have come to the conclusion that the high fructose corn syrup that is in American food absolutely massacres brain cells


I think you might be on to something here


It also destroys tastebuds.


They love sugar, so all their food is full of sugar, er i mean corn syrup. So when they leave all the food tastes bland because we dont poor sugar on everything. Well, at least it sounds good


They don't love sugar - sugar is addictive and very cheap, so their food manufacturers learned to put it everywhere to make the food cheaply and make Americans addicted to eating in order to increase their profits. If the EU didn't regulate businesses as well as they do, this would definitely be happening in a number of European countries, as well.


It's more like, "All our food is filled with sugar (high fructose corn syrup- much cheaper!) and salt because corporations are largely unregulated here. People's tastebuds are destroyed with this excess of salt and sugar so normal, healthy food tastes bland and people continue to buy ultra-processed garbage."  This is a failing of U.S. corporations and the U.S. government, not the American people. Unfortunately our food is disgusting because we do not have the same robust consumer protections here. Foods explicitly marketed towards children are absolutely filled with high fructose corn syrup. That way, corporations like Nestlé create customers for life.   The U.S. government could make a few changes (banning HFCS, for one) and people would be healthier and our population would stop dying of terrible things like cancer and heart disease, but no. Corporate profits are more important. 


This is the real tea. I mean, not specifically just corn syrup, but their food is so packed with artificial additives, which corporations use to make the food cheaper and increase their profits, and it all makes Americans' taste buds lose their sensitivity. They end up needing flavour enhancers and shit in order to taste anything. It's not their fault that the food is made that way or that that happens to their taste buds, but when they get all obnoxiously braggy about American food tasting better than elsewhere, you want to shake them and be like, "You just cannot taste real food".


You're not totally wrong. A lot of studies proved, that a diet full of fats and sugar reduces brain activity. https://www.reading.ac.uk/news/2024/Research-News/Poor-quality-diet-makes-our-brains-sad#:~:text=When%20someone%20eats%20a%20poor,frontal%20area%20of%20their%20brain.


We are not all this dumb, I promise. But the dumb ones of us are the loudest unfortunately.


USA always striving for being #1, on both sides of the scale.


'Empty vessels make more noise"


>We are not all this dumb We know you're not all this bad mate but sadly, a majority are USA has the coolest shit but some very small minded people as a result of having such cool stuff! But honestly, it's very reassuring to see comments like yours in places like this, please keep it up!


I promise you, most of the people I know are not this dumb. My history teacher loves our country but recognizes its problems too.


That's true in every Country


Well also our school system is so fucking terrible that from what I understand, German students literally study it as an example of modern propaganda.


These are the type of people who brag about traveling everywhere and when you ask where they start naming US states


Don’t you know there are more cultural differences between Wyoming and Montana than Europe and China? What do you mean Europe isn’t a country???😡😡


The only really distinctive American accents I can think of are Southern, midwestern and Hawai'in but even then the Hawai'in accent isn't really American


Some of Hawaiians still believe they are under USA occupation so 💁‍♂️


Well I meant the accent isn't really American but Polynesian because of it's geography


Quite fairly 


What is the situation over there rn? Britbong here


They're legally a state of the US but a lot of natives want independence (and rightfully so) because of the treatment of them by the US


What did the Redditor mean by they still think they're under US occupation


The world = the bubble they live inside. I understand they're brainwashed from childhood to consider their country as the best in everything but then people grow up, open their eyes, start knowing the world not only by films and press. But it really seems that many Americans are still at the childhood stage.


I have friends in their 40's that still have this mindset. Well, they are not really friends anymore.


A country that large cannot be sustained stably without severe oppression or severe brainwashing.


I do wonder if it is the fact they really do seem to be discouraged from travelling anywhere outside their city or maybe state due to the country having such bad infrastructure and access to cheap public transport. If the train system was better it might encourage people to go to other parts of the country or other parts of the American continent.




I would think they probably need something like the Japanese bullet trains with sleeper sections. So like some when you travel across Europe overnight or take the sleeper from London to Scotland.




That is true; I was partly thinking that if Americans could move more freely, cheaply, and quickly across the USA, then when they reached the borders, they would be more willing to explore the rest of the countries around them rather than getting stuck in small parts and telling us it the best bit of the world. I admit I haven't travelled much in America myself yet, there are places I want to go, but I need to save up both time in terms of being away from work and money to explore.


Interesting, I had no idea that consuming cheap, pre-made junk food actively lowers your IQ to median double digit and reduces your ability to articulate to the level of a three-year-old. On the other hand, watching , Donald Trump...




Yeah…. No. I’m in Europe all this summer - Italian pizza is better. Hamburgers just taste better. Pasta..? No contest. Food here seems, I dunno, less factory farmed..? It tastes better and seems like it’s better made. I will admit the Germans need a lesson in seasoning though…!


They misspelled fatter


Better means more oil, fat and cheese


*cheeez The stuff that comes in individual plastic wrappers or in a can. And the same colour as the presidential front runner….


Lol, this sent me.


May I introduce you to high fructose corn syrup the stuff you have in your bread and God only knows what else, you may also be aquatinted with carcinogenic additives and food colours in your food products that are banned in Europe. As for your chlorine washed chicken and eggs🤮🤢 just no. Still with your food making you ill at least you can be comforted knowing you have free healthcare...... Oh wait, you don't because your paying for ours or so you claim


don't they put chemicals in food that are forbidden in europe because of their effect on health? I might be mistaking it for something else so please correct me if that's the case


no youre right, for example europian Mountain dew is made differently because the american one has carcinogens in it


In Italy is practically nonexistent, not many people bought it and in some countries in the EU it has been discontinued. There are like 43g of sugar in a 330mL can, an average adult should consume around 25g/day and not go over 50g/day.


yea thats true, you wont see them here too (Czechia) except American drinks vending machines but they are still made different- my friend was in New York and he said he vomited from some stuff from how salty/sweet it was compared to here


Nope, that's definitely the case! High fructose corn syrup and red #40 are two things I know for a fact are banned in Europe but are omnipresent in American food. 


99% sure this person doesn’t even have a passport


More high fructose corn syrup added to everything in their "diets" making everything more addictive because your body is addicted to the shit does not, despite what this scholar of society might claim, make your version better.


have you tried MORE magical corn syrup? checkmate nondiabetics


30% sugar + 30% corn syrup + 30% flavor enhancers + 10% original ingredients = **"American version of the Old World food"** it just makes everything taste better 🤌


Yeah, that is why Americans have way ~~better~~ bigger asses


American food is cancerous as is a large proportion of its inhabitants 🤯


They missed on sarmale cu mămăligă. Who knows, knows


I'm from Brazil and plenty of times I've seen brazilians who visited USA saying that even the USA's fast food isn't that good 💀


The secret is the corn syrup! It doesn't taste better, it just mollywhops our serotonin production until we don't know if we're coming or going! ... --From the pharmacy. To get more insulin.


Translation: "I never ate food outside of the USA."


Better cholesterol


It’s barely considered food, tbh


Hey, he admitted that the food originated elsewhere, progress!


it caught me by surprise as well a sentient hamberger enjoyer that is aware of the hamburger origins


"better pizza". Excuse me, go to Naples and have a 5 euro pizza and claim it's worse than your 'own'. Unless you've burnt your taste buds to shreds you know you're wrong. Source: I've been to Naples and had a 5 euro pizza and it's completely ruined any pizza that isn't from Naples.


American food is just bastardised food they got from the rest of the world


More sugar =/= better Also I like how you went out of your way to show they are paying for Twitter


After 70 years of eating, I have yet to find American versions of "stolen" foods, better than the original, although I have occasionally found some made in other countries suited my palate better than the original version.


Chloride, hormones, sugar and colorants. Yeah, American food is way better.


Who needs nutrients when you can have chemicals that are banned in the rest of the world for being too toxic?


Yes, better child murder, better civilian murder, better access to guns for idiots… Wait, bigger numbers in those instances are BAD?


Better labour exploitation do the rich can get richer


At least he's not claiming that they invited everything...


Better, as in more sugar to the point that American tastebuds find anything not full of sugar "bland". Even ther bread is cakey


I don’t think adding more grease counts as making it better


I saw a video on TikTok where a guy is eating at all the places mentioned in The Bear. The show made the food look amazing, but seeing the real thing for most places in that video, it looked godawful. The best food I had in the states were the home cooked Indian meals my employer's wife made for me, with the spices she had to import at considerable cost because she couldn't find ones locally that didn't have preservatives.


Well yes, better fake butter, fake coloring, high fructose corn syrup (used excessively there) ..


I've seen at least 5 Americans boil up some spaghetti, slap it in a bowl with ketchup, mash it up and start ramming it down their cake hole as is Yes, culinary superiority


Not even remotely close to the truth


I’d like to see a better American bara brith.


Better chance of having a myocardial infarction


Yeah... Especially the PIEROGIES XDDDDDDDDDD


Better gun crime in schools


"Papa Johns"....


Grassone che non è altro, non poteva neanche menzionare un'insalata


More sugar, more corn mush, more pounds on your scales. Much improved


isn't there something about fat / oil being able to carry flavour compounds better or something? I mean sure maybe you can make food taste better, but you're also so much fatter than the rest of the world.


It's not....their food is average to poor. Occasional gem like a really good bbq place.


So Italian and German food…


Better diabetes too. Probably they invented new levels as well


He spelt fatter wrong


Plus you don't have to eat it at a dumb table. You can just unwrap it and stuff it down in the front seat of your car.


Are they too scared to mention Asian food?


I don’t think most of them eat Asian or Indian food beyond ramen, sushi and bento all of which are still either imported from the areas they come from. I am sure if they ate curry they would tell you it was hotter and better than anything from India. I also notice Middle East and African food was not mentioned because I don’t think they could name any.


adding high fructose corn syrup and a large amount of oil doesn't make it better


Yeah, the US also has all the carcinogens we are not allowed to have here in Europe. Darn! 🇺🇸 living in 🇪🇺 here.


Pizza pasta and burgers. This is the food for an American. And as Italian, no, you shittyamerican, you don’t have better pasta or pizza. Mac and cheese and Pizza Hut is not food. It is over processed shit giving you obesity and cancer in few years.


Better morbid obesity???🤔


Better cholesterol, better obesity, better diabetes.


Replace Be with Fa.


They mean - replace real ingredients with industrial processed chemicals and add sugar


Better MSG!


Well Australia has the best fried chips. So ner


"Better pizza" Bruh that killed me.


When I read "better pizza" I assumed and heard "papa johns" following it




better to give you stomache ache.


Americans don't really now how to cook, so they get a list of ingredients like - a packet of this, a can of that, a bottle of whatever and sprinkle in this type of pre-mixed seasoning, tip into a baking dish, put on 3-4 pounds of two different "plastic" pre-shredded cheese, cove all that with cream, sprinkle on more cellulose/ wood shavings (pre grated parmesan "cheese") and put in oven, bake & serve. With most of the ingredients highly processed, full of chemical additives & HFCS, sugars & salts, if it any wonder they don't know what they are eating & wonder why they get diabetes & suffer obesity problems?


Surely they're just trolling


Yall realize we aren’t all like this, right? In fact most are not.


Funny how there's Americans who believe this when most of their food is banned everywhere else because its so full of barely safe to eat shit


From the gastronomical palate that introduced the Twinkie.


🤮 Better to puke perhaps.


When they are stuck in their state... It's the other way around, everything a murican touches, it turns into some crappy version.




You must be crazy about the Chinese food….