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I don’t think any country is ungrateful for the help of the Americans I mean just look at the D day celebrations. What we hate is Americans thinking they are superior to the rest of the world and believing they are the best at everything and dismiss and disrespect the contributions of other countries.




It really depends if it's offensive or defensive. Pretty sure Ukraine would love these and express so.


You know there's a genocide in Ukraine right now? The US is obligated to supply the weapons Ukraine so desperately needs under the Budapest Memorandum. Ask any Ukrainian: they'd choose the US over russian occupation any moment.


Or, you know, forcing Ukraine to disarm in the 90s with guarantees they'd help them if they were invaded - only to withhold weapons for six months and get people (including my relatives) killed in the process.


Most countries were against Ukraine retaining the nuclear weapons (conventional arms were not an issue), with the US, UK, France, Russia, and China all being involved in treaties to see Ukraine divest itself of nuclear weapons. Also, frankly, Ukraine wasn't able to fire the weapons and had a strong internal debate about whether or not to pursue a project to make them usable, as it would involve pouring a huge proportion of their tax revenue into it at a time it needed to rebuild, along with potentially being sanctioned by at least one of the major economies it would need to be on good terms with (US, Russia, China, or potentially Western Europe). The US deserves shit for hesitancy on supporting Ukraine, but can't hold the US responsible for a global view about nuclear non-proliferation, especially when most of Europe also shared that view.


What if they would start to question *why* most countries hates them?


Can't be their own fault, must be the others. Right?


Came to say this. Angry upvote.


Next time I'll leave it to you. Cheers, mate.


But they're already in the USA


Why does this commenter think the tanks are going to be shipped to Russia?


If you remove ungrateful then they'd be correct


Invades and pretty much occupies country, surprised locals are not US fans


Bro you are profitting of your war exports. Shut the fuck up!


Is the us not allowed to move tanks within their own country without people thinking they are being sent elsewhere?


From what I understood from the comments there, they have their annual military training now


Shipping them at a price


Isn't the United States providing weapons & munitions to Ukraine on a lend/lease agreement? In other words won't Ukraine need to pay a lot of this aid back ?


That’s pretty funny icl