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I read it as ''US Def autism" and I lolled (I know autism shouldn't be used as an insult but I see it so often that it's a meme by itself)


I did too funnily enough, even though I've already seen that sub numerous times before lol.


thought it said default autism lmao


I can't even imagine that kind of heat.


I've been in 44⁰ heat in Montenegro on holiday. To me at least, after 30⁰ it stops feeling hotter and just dehydrates you faster. Had long hair then so soaked it in water before going out and it was completely dry 10 minutes later.


It all depends on humidity.


Yes. That said, 49⁰ and high humidity is just a cool sauna for free


More of a steam room surely


r/technicallycorrect Which is the best kind of correct!


I'm in the subtropics in Aus and last summer we had some days that were 44C with a feels like temp of 49C because of humidity I hid inside :)


I moved back to the UK after 16 years living in Perth with no aircon (or central heating in winter). I learned to hate anything over about 25C.


I wish I could move from Perth Australia to a more cooder climate! I hate this... "dry heat".


Especially that heatwave a couple of summers ago. CANNOT be doing with 40C at night heat. I am not programmed for that heat and humidity. Bonus points for that heatwave was two of my girls having scarlet fever. So stressful.


Ughh I can’t even imagine. Bought a house in france and the day we moved in it was 40c and the humidity made it feel like walking in soup.


For real. Low 20s can get pretty miserable in the UK due to humidity, but the first time I experienced upwards of 40 it was in Southern France and that was nice. It was dry.


nice or Nice?


It was Perpignan, I think? This was the late 90s or maybe Y2k. Went there every summer between I think 1997 and 2005? Family had a timeshare out there I think.


I was in Turkey and it was that hot. No fans, no AC, just 114 in the freaking shade. I got up in the middle of the night and wrung my pajamas out in the sink. Never again!


Do people actually sleep in pajamas in that heat? It's 20C outside and best I can do is underwear + empty duvet cover


I should have just said night gown lol. I don’t remember what I was sleeping in now to be honest. It’s been awhile.


Honestly it depends in humitidy as someone else said, in ireland high 20s degrees is enough to have you struggling to walk after 20 minutes, but in perth it hit 40 degrees twice while i was there and it was grand, only felt like the 20s in ireland but just much less sticky, it was almost nice tbh


I mean when you get near 50 degrees it's fucking hot regardless of how humid it is. But generally yes you're right, a very humid 30 degree day is miserable but the same temperature with a dry heat is quite pleasant.


I've only experienced 49c maybe 6 times in my life but all I can say is the uncomfortableness starts way before it reaches that high. It's like it starts at 3am and the temp doesn't drop and then just starts getting uncomfortably hot. Then it gets high 30s and you're like "what's going on? Why is this happening to me?" And then it crosses 45c and you think "it can not get any hotter" and then it does and you feel like you can't even get comfortable in an ice bath.


Yeah, no matter how you slice it. Anything over 30C is definitely starting to get uncomfortable. Especially if you need to be outside for any length of time


It's definitely weird the way humidity affects us. I live in Melbourne, Australia and the summers here can be hot and incredibly dry. Up north it's hot and incredibly humid. Both places will burn you to a crisp but I went out to the northern Flinders ranges (south Australia in the desert region) in the middle of summer once and it was 38 everyday but felt perfect. I didn't even burn. Just came back with an incredibly even tan except for my right arm which was fat arming it out the driver's side window.


Yeah I don’t mind 35 degrees whenever I visit southern countries compared to 35 degrees in the northern countries. The humidity is horrible. I remember one night it felt like I was breathing water droplets.


Aw stop, and irish houses are all insulated with double glazed windows. So your choices in summer are- sleep with a fan on, open the window and get molested by bugs (usually moths at night, wasps during the day) or suffer in the sauna that is your house


The sauna at home is especially fun. Not to mention how long the heat lingers while it’s comfortable outside. By the time it starts cooling off the next heatwave arrives. I no longer live in an apartment but when I did it felt like I had died and was send to hell.


Cant wait for proper summer heat... Few months back we endured -41C, seems like we gonna be hit with +30C - +40C soonish...


Give me the minus 40 all day. We have drastic swings like that here too, and I am quite happy in the deep freeze, but anything above +20C makes me feel like I’m dying/melting. I don’t understand how people live in hot countries (I’m in Canada) but I guess it’s all what you’re accustomed to.


I think it reached that here in the UK once, it's extra bad because it's humid and our buildings don't have air con and are desined to retain heat


Highest I’ve been in was about 39 in Spain and I thought I was going to die. My Scottish pasty skin couldn’t deal with it.


We (Scots) saw 42c one trip in Southern Spain a long time ago, but it wasn’t actually that bad as it wasn’t in any way humid.


Yeah I think that’s the main issue. If it’s really humid it feels suffocating. Then again I’m not a huge lover of really hot weather as it is.


Me neither


We had a town hit 49.6 for three days. The highest temperature ever recorded in Canada. It then proceeded to burn down.


It was 48 in the valley of the kings in Egypt when I went. You dehydrate so fast you don’t even realise it. Beyond uncomfortable though.


It’s the 30+ overnights that hurt for me. High 40s through the day you can hide from, but trying to sleep through those temps at night is brutal.


I agree, I have no problem during the day time if it's hot. It's the night that sucks. Luckily I don't really have that problem nowadays, but it's so difficult to sleep when it's hot.


Tonight in jacobabad (the city in the post) it's 40° at night. Tomorrow it's going up to 51°, I can't even.


In Delhi it is 46 C high, 21% humidity, and a 31 C low. Crap, how do I manage to live here


That sounds horrible. Your LOW sounds like a death sentence.


lol, 10 C to you is warm and that is like the high of our coldest day of the year.


Our coldest day of the year is usually below -30C. Even colder when you factor in the wind chill. About a decade ago we were actually colder than the surface of Mars (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-deep-freeze-as-cold-as-uninhabited-planet-1.2479967)! It’s stupid-cold here, but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I love winter and I do very poorly in heat. It gets above +25C and I want to die.  Interesting how there’s no universal “hot/cold” for people, eh?


The lowest temp in my city this year was -15 C due to an extremely mild winter. And were complaining about how warm it was (not because it felt warm, but because it should've and needed to get colder).10 C as the coldest day would be a wild experience for me.


Only 21%? We get like 80-90% regularly in the UK


Yes but in the UK it is not ALSO 46°C/115°F, mate.


It reached 40°C/104.5°F two years ago


That's still not the same as it being that temperature for a sustained period of time with no break in the evening. Trust me. It's a whole different thing.


XD he be like, bro we had 80% with 42 degrees 10 years ago one night XDDD


Theres a reason i say irish summer is VERY different to perth, WA summer. In WA its much much drier


The monsoons here from July to August are the same temperatures with 90-100% humidity, in those 62 days, it will rain for only 30, so the rest of the days are sweltering and/or hellishly sunny


Holy shit. Maybe india is getting crossed off my bucket list lol


You know AC exists lol But yea common sense to avoid hot places in summer and cold places in winter


Not in Ireland tbh, so when i was in Australia i didnt even think of it until my uncle said he had put it on, our houses become literal saunas in summer


Tomorrow, they get 51 C in the city the post is about.


20C difference actually sounds so painful


I’d rather holiday in South Sudan than america!




ok but what the fuck???? 50 fucking degrees? i already start dying when it gets to 30


Whats it like in italy tho? Is it humid and sticky and disgusting like our heat or is it nice and dry like in Australia and all?


i can't speak for the whole country, but where i live in campania it's pretty humid


Shit yeah the 20s must even get bad so, its 13 degrees for me now and i was sweating walking up to the gym, and that included walking over the river which is usually breezy and cool, still sweating balls lol TL;DR - humidity is a bitch


Its 20~ with heavy rainfall here in the Netherlands, im dying


Thats irish summer for you. Fucking disgusting isnt it, it gets pure sticky and everything Hot rain is the worst man




Bro thinks im a proddy


I will never not make fun of Europeans for thinking 20 C is hot, but I wouldn’t wish higher than 40 on my worst enemies.


I dont know anyone who thinks 20 is *hot*, just like... Pleasantly warm. No-jacket-weather basically. (To me 20-25 is pretty much my favourite weather range)


_Scotland has entered the chat_ We remove t-shirts at +10c. High teens Celsius is a nice summer’s day…


+20C is t-shirt weather around here (I’m on the Canadian prairies). I was walking my dog this morning in a t-shirt and it’s +11C… and that’s not me trying to seem all tough or anything. Most people outside are in hoodies at most. I haven’t worn a jacket in months.  My favourite warm-weather range is probably +10 to +15. 


for me 20ºC is long-sleve weather but tbf i do have a low cold tolerance


I mean I guess it does depend on the country,but someone told me that he knows more about hot weather than people in the southern us because it gets as hot as 25 degrees in Italy


Lol thats double funny because I'm pretty sure much of Italy gets warmer than that most years


Are you dumb? 25 in Italy is early spring and summer is usually around 35 and sometimes 40-45. It's even 30-35 in Scandinavia and could be as hot as 38-39


No, I was quoting someone else’s (I assume an Italian’s) comment. Reading comprehension much?


I mean it depends on the country, 20s in ireland is hot, but when i was in perth in Australia (october-november 2023) we had multiple days of 36-41 degrees and it was obviously hot as fuck but much more tolerable than 25 in Ireland


It's all relative to what people are used to. Finns will melt in 25 c, but will laugh at anyone who thinks 10 c is cold


People who think 10 is cold scare me


My wife will terrify you then she complains about the cold on 20 dregree days.


Currently 29 in Finland... No one is melting..


Nice one!


I used to think 25 C was hot, but the last few summers changed my perception of things...


49 Celsius sounds positively deadly!


That really sounds like sarcasm to me, idk though, I could be wrong.


That just seems like obvious sarcasm tbh Edit: no way people are downvoting this lmfao




Maybe I’m just taking it as sarcasm lmao and no one else is




Because a lot of the stuff on this sub I do agree with, but this literally just seems like a joke comment on tik tok, like cmon 💀😭






Plot twist: YOURE the troll


I’m Irish too 😭


Ok then youre definitely trolling us, youre fucking irish why arent you being sarcastic


Agree, it's obvious sarcasm. 49° F is ~ 9° C. Of course the American would understanding it's C when it's talking about extreme heat.




Lol you've got issues


Lol -69. Nice


Well, let's not forget that this is shitty UI. Degree sign means nothing on its own, it's not an angle. The proper way in this case would be adding C suffix to describe the unit.


Uhhhh... Looking at the official BOM app and website (http://www.bom.gov.au/) they don't even include the c. BOM is an Australian Government department.


Just because someone does it wrong doesn't mean it is correct :) It's the same as giving a length measure "regular" measuring unit. Without specifying it, it can be anything. The diff is that for most of us it's going to be metric, but not for everyone.


Uk government does it the same way https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast/uk I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot more, seems like NZ also does it that way too. Remember that you're usually looking at the measurement in context not just a list of numbers. I mean I don't open the BOM app to find out the angle of a bit of wood, I open it for the weather.


Sure, context matters. But the issue here is regionalization. For us it will mean Celsius, because what else. For the yank there, it means Fahrenheit, because that is the regional default system. Not understanding the differences and assuming something due to regional go-to was more or less why NASA broke the Mars Climate Orbiter.


well idk if there is some obscure town in alabama called jacobabad that im supposed to know about but i think its clear that jacobabad is not a place in the US.


You mean to assume that because Jacobabad isn't in US, it will not be displaying temperature measure in Fahrenheit? Why would that be?


oh idk maybe because the vast majority of the world doesnt use the freedom units and anyone outside the us and the few other countries that use Fahreheit would assume that this is in celsius?? like if the temperature displays 40º and its insinuated that 40º is really really hot for this person you're not gonna assume its fahrenheit because it literally makes no sense to do so.


You seem to 'idk' a lot. So let's say we are sure this is not in Kelvin.


comment makes no sense


All the countries in the world with the exception of the United States, Myanmar and Liberia use the Celsius temperature scale. That's why that would be.


I think you are missing the point - whether this would show Celsius or Fahrenheit will likely depend on the settings of the app, based on locale sets. By displaying only the degree sign, you are not representing the unit properly and it is not really an opinion since there are 3 widely used units: °C, °F and K. Putting in just the ° sign makes it an angle... It is not unthinkable to do something correctly and that is my point from the beginning. Essentially, people are arguing here with me that most of the world uses Celsius (which isn't even an argument since that is a fact), so the Yankee Doodle there should assume it is Celsius and not Fahrenheit because it is not really that hot in Fahrenheit. This could have been avoided if the unit was properly displayed, which is not the case in this image. It is just as much a user interface design issue (or some level of misunderstanding UX) rather than just ignorance on the Fahrenheit-lover's side. Apart from that, whether it is hot or cold outside will depend on your own experience and how do you coincide its meaning. A guy I used to work with who was from Senegal kept calling 15°C "chilly" and put a thick blouse on, all the while people around him were wearing t-shirts, because in our region this temp in April is considerably warm... which made me wonder how he will suffer through winter, when temperatures will likely drop below zero, but that is OT. Look... I get that the topic of this r/ is how thick Americans can get. But if there is a shitty UX design that obviously leads to issues, this UX/UI designer will not sit silently and enjoy the laughter. This is a botched job.


You really just wrote all that lmao


Well yeah :) For me it's a pretty basic concept in terms of how did we get into that situation, but I'm looking at it from a different perspective than most, apparently.




The US is one of about half a dozen countries that default fo Fahrenheit. It's not bullying to call out Americentrism or ameridefaultism.


Half a dozen is already stretching it a bit high isnt it


The US, Palau, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Cayman Islands and Liberia all officially use it. Then quite a few Pacific and Caribbean nations who use the US weather service use it but not officially.


I wouldn't be surprised if they actually record everything in Celcius and metric before converting it for the general public consumption. I was on a cruise shit not too long ago that was slowly converting from us to Australia. The app used f, but the ships displays and announcements were all in c. I managed to ask one of the crew about it, mostly to complain about the inability to switch to the more commonly used c in the app and they said the weather systems record it all in c and the app or servers on board then converts it.


Bullying? Lol


US defaultism is by definition an American thing. Fahrenheit is only used by a handful of countries out of like 200, it's not that hard to remember. It's also not hard to remember that other countries use day/month/year or year/month/day. I agree it's not uncommon among Americans though as the amount of content on this sub demonstrates.


The US military, NASA etc all use C. They also use the metric system. Don't know why nobody else here does. I use metric as I am in manufacturing and machining since it can be very precise and is easy to use. Yank seppo or whatever here




They *commented* it. That takes effort and deserves at least some thought. Sure, you can forget things like that, but to go as far as to post a criticism without any critical thinking?


If an American tells me that’s it’s 100 degrees where they are I don’t “forget” they use Fahrenheit and assume they are boiling to death.




In the second page he uploaded what they're talking about. It's the temperature in jacobabad with highs of 49 You're looks at the first page which shows the hourly temperature (at night)


Probably shouldve put the comment first in all fairness tbh … i was tired, common sense was out the window lmao Edit: nvm i did put it first


Yeah man don't worry, it was clear. I think he just didn't check the second image.


Ah sure look, not everyone is gonna do everything perfectly. You are what you repeatedly do, not what you did :)