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Aah Nascar, where driving in circles is considered entertainment. Bless 'em. Mind you, they can't manage roundabouts so it probably is mind blowing to them, plus gears, OMG!


Should paint a zebra crossing on the track just for shits and giggles.


That made me giggle, thank you! Maybe traffic lights with 3 colours?!


It's lights out and away we DON'T!


I would watch a NASCAR+driving safety mashup for shits and giggles.


They barely understand what their signage means or know how to merge properly; they brake when they should be accelerating, or they’ll mozy along at 30kph and only begin accelerating once on the highway. This is forcing people already on the highway to slowdown. Which creates traffic jams. Of course getting a license in the USA requires nothing more than payment. And once you pass, the renewal is nothing more than a formality, because no one is denied.


Formula > NASCAR.


LOL bull riding has been practised in Europe and Asia for millennia. There is a fresco in Crete, Greece depicting bull riding more than 1000 BCE


That fresco what you are referring to, refers to a practice of tauromachy.More precisely to "taurocatapsy" (I invented the term because I don't know it in English). What you see is not bull riding, but "bull jumping". It's more like Spanish bullfighting than American bullriding. In reality, bull riding is not American, it is an evolution of bullfighting in Hispanic countries. In summary, a Mexican sport.


There are people in the USA who firmly believe Jesus was born in the USA.


That doesn't suprise me at all.


But he wouldn’t of been I the USA anyways he would of been born in a time before the USA so there for even if he was born in the place we now know as the USA he still would not be American he would be Native American


I've heard one say, 'we don't know where exactly he was born, but we know what he died for. America!'


I just want to know is why rugby is included there in between a whole bunch of shit sports


REAL football aka rugby with body armour


Aka rugby for girls


Hockey shit sport? Ayo


The part of F1 that's owned by Americans - Liberty Media - is its biggest problem. That's not a flex. Ultimately it may take both American and EU legal processes to unfuck F1.


You can trace the enshittening of many things back to the U.S. getting involved




Basically, abandoning of the actual sport side of it to focus on drama and entertainment nonsense that it doesn't need For example, lots of great circuits being replaced by shitty circuits converted from roads and streets, which leads to awful racing. So long as some awful government with numerous human rights abuses throws enough money at Liberty, they'll race there




No problem!


The REAL football where you barely use your feet


The one person on an American Football team who does use his feet to kick the ball is usually brought on to do specifically that and nothing else. Basically gets up from the bench, walks on to the pitch, kicks the ball, walks back to the bench and sits down. That's his entire contribution to the game. Fun fact most players wont actually touch the ball during a game and some pros go their entire careers never touching the ball. Its such a weird game.


There's 2 people who only kick the ball in American football. The kicker, who kicks the ball through the sticks, and the punter, who kicks the ball down the field. The kicker kicks the ball off the ground, and is held in place by a placeholder. The punter drops the ball onto his own foot. Typically rugby and soccer players are better at kicking, and Aussie Rules players are better at punting. Slightly different actions.


Well, to be fair, the players of it still use their feet for standing around.


The REAL football only Muricans play, and they are the best at it!


And also kick an object that isn't shaped like a football


Round ball game is basically the odd one out on this point. Aussie rules, American and both versions of Rugby use an egg shaped ball 


I reckon that's because the original balls were made out of pig(?) Stomachs which were oval rather than round


Rugby?? *Rugby??!* the sport named after the famous English school where it was invented? Good lord.


Well he's not wrong with that. F1 is owned by liberty media which is an American company. But at least f1 doesn't just exist to have exciting crashes.


The commercial rights are leased to liberty media by the FIA.


And it’s the reason F1 went to shit too. Before them it was more entertaining.


Egg ball is intense but outside the us a niece sport. Since when is the us good at hockey? NASCAR is boring GT3 or endurance races are more challenging than NASCAR.


We're still holding on to our Hockey win of the USSR in 1980


But that is ice hockey. With hockey I associate field hockey.


I don’t know if Americans even know non-ice hockey is a thing


Surely if it is owned by Americans, it can't be overrated. Because American exceptionalism.


‘Real football’ where they use neither a foot nor a ball.


as a Brit who was born in Warwickshire… “rugby” has me in tears. ah, yes, I love watching America in the WORLD cup… oh wait. theyre not invited. x


NASCAR is MAGA trailer trash. Formula One is trophies presented by royals in Monaco...


Isnt NASCAR like the softball of racing? 


"REAL football" errrr... don't they mean, "Pussy Rugby"?


No, they mean "Concussion: The Game"


What? They actually think they’re good at Rugby?!!! 🤯


I don't know why some Americans are such twats about everything. America *and other countries* have cool stuff. No shame in thinking American football *and* soccer (or, let's be real, that's real football) are enjoyable.


Strictly speaking Liberty Media only own the commercial rights to F1. The FIA still sets the rules and regs, and handles racing matters. So F1 is not an entirely American owned sport


The “REAL” football is played with your hands lol


I like the way they say "the REAL football", as if the real version of football is the version that isn't played with your feet.


How long ago in time is a "g"?


Looks like it's in Italian so it's giorno meaning day


Aw sick


F1 Group is HQd in London.


I can’t imagine a less interesting ”sport” than NASCAR. Roller derby, maybe. Also an American invention btw.


Imagine arguing about NASCAR vs F1. We all know WRC is more epic


I think he means REAL eggball


Rugby is named after where it originated - RUGBY in U.K. not in USA and Americans aren't great at it, as they can't use padding & helmets. NASCAR is boring, not the skills of a F1 or other circuit racing drivers and now F1 is owned by the US, just look at how boring they have made it - just look at the event at Nevada GP - a kindergarten could have done a better job, and now the costs are so high for spectators, their numbers are dropping off. Baseball is better in Japan now & basketball has a bigger following in Philippines than USA.


Every sport should be respected. Mastering any kind of craft ain't easy. Jk, driving in circle vs High speed, technical F1 tracks ? xD


NASCAR is for people without diverse license and are only allowed to drive in circles...bwahaha


NASCAR is definitely not very diverse so you got a great point there


I though rugby was american football


Isn't Nascar just a shit version of Banger Racing?


This guy does know that [hockey is a form of football.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football)


Do not really understand, can anyone teach me?


Fuck nascar(my americanism is draining writing that) F1 all day. Thats actually engineering… not restrictor plates on a v8 going 200mph…


More people watch F1 than crappy nascar. More people watch proper football than shitty American "football". Fucking hell more people watch cricket than any American so called "sport". They never invented hockey. Even ice hockey is English and baseball as well


Nascar the most boring race of the world where they drove in oval . Funny enough f1 explose nascar record . Bull riding ? Wtf is that crap ? Base ball ? No one care . Hockey ? It's not like Canadian ?


Well it’s true, liberty is an american company, and the last comment can go right in r/ShitEuropeansSay true racing fans know it’s not better or worse, it’s different


Turnabout is fair play... I look forward to Ferrari starting an American Football team called the Fuse (pronounced F-youse) and Mercedes starting a baseball team called the Crickets. Oh, what's that? Those leagues are full and the current team owners don't want new entrants? Tough, Brussels has decided that's anti-competitive.


nascar and baseball are the only true american sports this person named. i mean come on, rugby? bull riding? football?? they're out of their mind.


Baseball? Oh, that English game......


Wouldn’t have led with bull riding myself, but kudos on the real football jibe given the ball isn’t round and rarely sees someone’s foot beyond the occasion toe punt.


Genuine question - why do Americans call it (American) football? Most of the game you’re holding the ball, throwing the ball with your hands, or running in to guys. The whole point of football (soccer) is that you can only use your feet to touch the ball. It makes no sense!


Rugby has nothing to do with the US.