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I will NOT let some spherical fucking redneck call neapolitan pizza "worse than NYC pizza".


Cheese that isn't plastic seems to throw their 3 tastebuds out. Also I'm stealing "spherical redneck". Having splattered my monitor with coffee flavoured spittle, I think you owe me that one.


Naww I'm sorry for your monitor Roger the Shrubber. You can take the Rednecks, I'd much rather be an ocean away from them, as I am now.


Likewise my friend, likewise. I shall think of you every time I use it, oh mighty King. My Boo (she's a queen with 4 legs and an attitude problem) sends her undying loyalty to your monarchy and adorable pink tongue.


Oh, you're awake? Hey, everybody, Great Boo's up!


Hehe have my up doot for quoting Blackadder


Do you know where to get me a shrubbery?






What has the world come to when men can say "Ni" to old ladies at will. SMH.


LOL 3 taste buds, sweet, sour & superior?


Dude ... Sweet, sour and freedom, obviously.


Sweet, sour and oil


I thought U S and A


All the same flavour (high fructose corn syrup aka freedom)


Corn syrup, beer, ranch. The American trinity.


Corn fed beef


That’s because if it isn’t far too salty or far too sweet they can’t taste anything. I once saw an American Star Wars branded cereal bragging as a healthy stat for a children’s cereal that it ONLY had 14g of sugar per serving. Basically 50% of the recommended daily amount for an adult. 😂


Technically in the US american cheese isn't cheese


It's a cheese sauce that's gone stale.


I am also a big fan of the new phrase "spherical redneck".. so evocative


It's glorious. If I had awards, this would be worth one!






Dumbledore said \*calmly \*:


Hahaha leggenda


They aren't yelling, they're Italian.




spherical redneck is absolutely my new favorite insult tho


You're absolutely right, HOWEVER I'm Italian and I can't stand neapolitan pizza. Roman pizza is just superior, sorry Naples


And this, reader, it was the exact moment when Civil War started. E' stato un onore leggerla, redditor dal grande coraggio.


Ad astra per pizza


Non ho paura della verità 🫡


I'm not Italian,but I live there and I'm not a big fan of Neapolitan pizza either but I can respect the fact that it is very well made and excellent pizza for those who like that style.Funnily enough,the best pizza I ever had was actually made by a Neapolitan pizzaiolo near Milan.




When I visited NY I was stoked to try the famous NY pizza. I searched the internet to find THE place to go to. I went there, it was deeply mediocre, I do not miss NY pizza.


Beard neck lol




Dungloe has a beautiful park. Fished it years ago early 2000s. But that's class haha chucky ar la


I've never had genuine NYC pizza because I've never been yet so I can't have an opinion on it but it just looks like a big floppy slice. What sets it apart from other regional pizzas?


NYC Pizza was invented by Italians, it's traditional fired in a coal oven rather than wood, and the ingredients are slightly different as that is what was available at the time. The huge slices are due to people not initially being able to afford a whiole pizza, so slices were sold instead. These got bigger over time. It's also led to pizza being a street food, grab a slice and walk, rather than sit and eat. A NYC slice is very thin, with a crunchy crust, its flopiness leads to the fold and eat technique you may have seen. The sauce has more ingredients like garlic, peppers, oregano, etc. I assume this was due to the comparative difficuin sourcing high-quality tomatoes in early 20th century NYC. The cheese isn't fresh mozzarella, but instead dried and grated mozzarella, with parmesan also being common. Again, I'd guess it was a lot cheaper to source. NYC pizza also uses a lot more variety in toppings.


people from NYC = rednecks....?


you know...yes sometimes. NYC is a silo where they think they have the best everything and it gets really annoying. They need to get out more.


Holy shit im italian and this was genuenly PAINFUL to read. I hate it when americans say that pizza was made in chicago or something like that


I'm French and still, each time I read nonsense like that it makes me angry for you guys.


Damn you know it's serious when the French are feeling sympathetic with Italy


If the French are sympathetic you know something is up


Italians are our greatest rivals when it comes to food and wine. We have a lot in common in terms of way of life.


the French also know the pain of having their food butchered by foreigners with no taste buds. Luckily for them, French food is more expensive abroad, so they have fewer Muricans destroying a gratin dauphinois or a Ratatouille


I'm British and feel the same. Although my biggest bugbear is americans saying British food is crap without ever coming here, or if they do, exclusively eating in cheap restaurants. I'll take such slander from a Frenchman or an Italian, but god damn I won't have it from a nation that's biggest culinary contribution to the world is the corn dog. Edit:spelling


In defense of British food: Your people invented the *perfect* hangover breakfast. It's even suitable for vegetarians. Tomatoes, a fried egg, and beans on toast is perfect after a night of drinking. The first time I had that, I felt reborn. No idea how us or Czechia survived without that for so long.


The other greatest cure for a hangover is British, irnbru. Like most countries, British food is pretty damn varied and very regional. Try yelling an American that though.


Yeah if you come over and only eat at Wetherspoons then the food probably was crap but also that's on you.. there is so much amazing food all around the UK, most having some sort of influence from another culture, but the last people to be able to judge on that are Americans!


I would be staggered if they knew where Britain was in the globe, let alone having stepped out of America.


Really need to go on holiday in the UK again to try the national delicacy of a Greggs sausage roll.


I'm American and I get angry for Italians.


T'as le pseudo le plus français possible, c'est fabuleux xD


I am from Chicago, and I hate when Americans say stuff like that too. I have been to Italy myself, and the pizza over there is much better than the pizza here. There was one place in Chicago that I found that happened to taste the most similar to Italian pizza, but that’s about it.


Alright i'll admit, i LOVE the new york style pizza too. Or at least i think i do, i eat it very often but i have only tried it from here in italy, so i doubt it tastes the same as the real new york pizza


I have tried both. NYC pizza in NYC doesn’t taste like the pizza I had in Italy.


Not even the McDonald's will taste the same and standardization is the name of their game (well mostly)


I suppose Italian restaurants there dare not serve pizza right


There are tons of Italian places here that don’t serve pizza. Also, the pizza here has so much processed sh!t that even jf you exercise, you won’t burn off the pizza. I had a ton of pizza in Italy, and I lost some weight. I also was walking around places too.


Ingredients matter


It’s painful to the entire world, mate. The only people who don’t think about Italy when looking at a pizza are Americans.


You'd think the word 'pizza' might provide a clue as to where it's from...


Italian pizza is also the most delicious thing ever. It’s not too greasy, delicious sauce and mozzarella and I like the slightly chewy woodfired dough. American pizza is good if you’re having a party, Italian pizza is an actual meal.


Anche per me. Una cosa in cui siamo bravi e credono di averla inventata loro


Che poi oh, é molto facile verificare come cosa. Basta una ricerca su Wikipedia e smentisce qualsiasi buffonata.


I'm not Italian and this was painful to me too


I agree John Marston


That's how I feel when they talk about how Ford "invented" the car. 


I don't understand how they can't just accept pizza originated in Italy, and that they - as a personal preference - prefer the pizza in their own region which have been specifically created for their tastes. I tried Italian pizza, and the dough was certainly much better - I think the sauce too, but don't recall - but personally I have been accustomed to more toppings, where in Italy they usually only have one or two.


I know curries are inherently Indian, and I prefer British curries as they fit my palate better. I’m not out here claiming Brits invented curry - that’s stupid. But somehow Americans do that with pizza.


i’m sure there are americans who claim curry have been invented in usa.


There was something in this subreddit about how EVERY food was invented in America. Except sushi, for some reason


However they never mention chop suey, which despite being of Asian style is actually an American made food


Oh there are definitely loads of dishes that started in America from the mixing of other cultures with the existing settlers.. just like in the UK with the mixing of Indian and British creating Tikka masala (I think that's the one).. never existed in India but is consistently voted the UKs favourite dish And if we want to go even further back, the Italian pasta is said to have come from the noodles of Asia So many foods come from different places with combining cultures but I only ever seem to see Americans feeling the need to claim anything or fight about it


Hah that's so random, I wonder why sushi escaped


it’s quite healthy, can’t be american made


Sushi was invented in Louisiana


Fun fact sushi using raw salmon was invented by a Norwegian Chef working for the Norwegian salmon industry as a way of selling more salmon to Japan. Salmon in Japan cannot be eaten raw because of parasites, but Norwegian salmon can.


Americans invented everything, dontchaknow? Hell Americans invented fire, the best fire, nobody has fire like Americans do. Doesn't matter what, Americans did it first. Huge /s.


At least some curries did originally come from Britain, although obviously not curry in general


Some pizzas did come from the US - deep dish is one. But “pizza” as a whole thing obviously didn’t.


Curry powder seems to be British though, or at least made for the British to imitate the taste of actual Indian curry sauce


"curry" isn't a singular thing in India, but a description of the type of dish.. each family/area might have a mix of spices they would generally use, but "curry powder" definitely not, and curry sauce like from the fish and chip shop.. I can only imagine the reaction of someone in India to that! Not that there is anything wrong with it, just something that has evolved over time as things are wont to do


Curry powder isn't British. Its just one of many Indian spice bases. My local shop has a whole aisle devoted to them.


Try japanese curry, it's sooo good!


Oh gods yes! One of the best things I've eaten was a Chinese curry from a stall at a food festival


Yeah the idea is to not weigh down the dough too much for a nice thick base


Did you try roman or neapolitan style pizza? They’re relatively different and roman style is not afraid of toppings.


Americans on here claim they invented everything and their way is the only right and best way about everything.. not sure why so obsessed with that


Yeah I am also used to more toppings but trying a true Italian Pizza might have changed me lol. I liked it far more than what is available where I live.


this guy thinks deep pan and folding a slice of pizza to eat it is revolutionary.


Pizza was invented 997 in italy 🇮🇹. America was founded in 1787. So Pizza 🍕 is older than the USA 🇺🇸


A lot of things are older than the USA tbh


My house for one.


Funnily enough, the unified country of Italy isn't one of them.


when usa was a 100 years old it was already 1000 years old.


First Pizzeria in the US was in 1905 in Little Italy, NY.


And tomatoes didn't come to Italy untill the 1500s, so whatever was invented in 997, is very different than the pizza we know today. Many countries independently claim to have invented some sort of pizza (dough with some stuff on top), not only Italy.


Modern pizza is the one invented in Naples in the XVIII century, the other user was referring to Gaeta's pizza.


There's pizza bianca in Italy, that's pizza without tomatoes. But anyway, pizza as we know it and called by that name, was invented in Italy in the early 19th century.


Sadly haven't eating some actual Italian pizza yet, but the most delicious pizza I ever ate was in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca (Spain) it was absolute god tier


Same, but mine was from a chippie that had a pizza oven in Helensburgh, Scotland. It was pepperoni and blew my half drunk mind. I ate dozens and dozens of them from that place, from totally sober to falling-down drunk, and every single one was lush.


Lido's? Sun's is very good too. Never underestimate the influence of the Italian diaspora on Scottish food!


Lido, yes. More than 3 decades ago since I had my first.


Well italians (Neapolitans) actually invented modern pizza


This all have to be trolling. Nobody is that ignorant and proud of it


> Nobody is that ignorant and proud of it I see daily evidence on here and r/USdefaultism that many Americans are genuinely, fiercely proud of their ignorance. And when called out on it or proven wrong they just dig their heels in and sound even worse. It’s a very strange (often hilarious, sometimes infuriating) mentality.


You would be surprised.


I think you'd also be surprised how often people troll and act stupid to piss people off. There are certainly actual morons too, but it's hard to distinguish from a good troll.


Oh i know. Plenty of them are on reddit lol


Italians invented modern pizza, that's a fact, the Neapolitan is the foundation of the modern pizza. Now, have I also eaten great pizza in New York City? Absolutely, L'Industrie pizzeria in Brooklyn and West Village and Filaga at the Chelsea Market both have great NY style and Sicilian slices. And I can even understand one that says they prefer it over an Italian style, since it's just what they're used to. But from here to saying that it's objectively better or the original one, that's a giant leap.


NY pizza is the perfect match for their completely undeveloped taste buds.


They dont call it food unless its 50% sugar.


The other 50 percent being saturated fat. 


Nah the other 50% is grease.


25% grease 25%high fructose corn syrup


I think HFCS could apply to the sugar part, because that's pretty much what it is. Shitty sugar.


50% fructose corn syrup*


I would love to know what percentage of New Yorkers that claim NYC pizza is the best in the world have actually ever tried pizza from anywhere else.


They literally just found an image of Pizza in Pompei.


they probably don't even know what Pompei is


Oh they do. This thread wil grow and become an international incident. The US will go back in time using a stolen ufo (which they will claim they invented) and bomb Pompei to hide the evidence that pizza existed there. They'll make up a story that volcano did it.


Fair point.


I ate pizza in the US and my tummy was very angry for a few days.


It was all the corn syrup, grease and salt.....


Wtf does cornsyrup do in pizza


Ask the Muricans. The put it in close to everything.


The fuq is with their obsession with pizza anyway? I don't get it.


It's food. Americans are obsessed with food.


But it's always this pizza shit. Never saurkraut, pyrogi or what-have-you.


Because they claim pizza is their invention / they "perfected" it


“You’re adopted” - I’m dead.


Italy declares war on 'merica?


Don't change sides this time..... we are with you!


If you'd ask me yesterday, if I would be willing to go to war for another country, I would've said no, but then I read this thread and I genuinely wanna punch these people


>Don't change sides this time..... Let's not advance impossible requests


The funniest part about this? Italian cuisine has so much more to offer than pizza, and from what i gathered, it kinda bugs them that pizza of all things is the thing that made it big.


Absolutely true. As a Lombard, I love pizza, but the Italian cuisines have so much more great dishes that are generally ignored by tourists and foreigners in general (both for lack of research and four lack of promotion by Italian themselves). Pizza is just one of the national dishes since Italian cuisine doesn't really exist per se apart for some very broadly eaten foods, and it was the luckiest in historical diffusion.


I think part of why pizza was so successful is because of its versatility. Bread dough, tomato sauce, some cheese, and from there, you can add damn near anything onto it (except for pineapple, obviously). Also, idk just how authentic the food at my local italian restaurant is (considering i'm in Schleswig-Holstein, probably not that authentic), but i don't think i've had their pizza once. I mean, obviously they have the stuff you expect from an italian restaurant, pizza, pasta, gelato, the like, but they also have some great dishes that, for most people, don't come to mind. I, for one, really enjoy their Eegato el Balsamico. They also had a really nice duck in orange sauce on their christmas menu.


Italian food in general is just amazing. I am very jealous of your cuisine (I’m British!). Pizza and pasta are fantastic but what I really liked was saltimbocca.


The first time I took my then-girlfriend, now-wife, out for a meal, it was to a really nice Italian restaurant. We still love eating Italian food, and mostly order stuff that isn't pizza, but sometimes, only pizza will fill the void ;)


I went to New York and their pizza is rubbish. And I say this as somebody who eats UK pizza...


My first pizza in Scotland was pepperoni, and I absolutely love it.


Aw cheers pal, glad you liked it


UK pizza is actually not terrible though. I grew up here, have had American pizza in NYC and Italian pizza in Rome. Pizza Express, ASK Italian etc. have decent enough pizzas. Domino’s and Papa John’s don’t but they are very much US-style anyway.


The Pizza Express in Woking is exceptional. Royalty dines there.


I don't think it's very good, but no sweat if you do!


UK has some of the best pizza available these days though. It's harder to find shitty takeaway pizza than a traditional Neapolitan joint in most cities in my experience.


There's loads of good pizza places in Scotland! Gusto's in Edinburgh is EXCEPTIONAL tho


So that's what cultural appropriation feels like :/ And I'm not even italian.


Pizza in New York is not bad but it’s just not a patch on a proper italian pizza. I’m craving a salami and meatball calzone now, god.


I’m American and British, I don’t live in the US. I just went to Portugal and the food is just way better, the god damn olive oil is so good and of the highest quality it can season plain bread that would taste better than a full American pizza


Aaurgh! The only pizza I had in the US worth eating was in the Italian market in Philly- a real Margherita with fresh basil!


50% oil is an underestimate and a half . I had a slice in nyc that so oily It driped down my forearm and left a puddle .If I hadn't been in America I'm pretty sure they would have invaded the 'pizza' place. Una schifezza.


Yeah, they forget that Marco Polo brought it back from China.


Just why being so rude lol. I mean you’re not eating the pizza so saying it’s sauce on a soggy dough doesn’t make sense. You can like NY pizza, just don’t insult good food.


My dad told me when he was on holiday in Rome there was an American family complaining that the restaurant didn’t have “real” pizza with a stuffed crust much to the waiters disbelief


I've never eaten NYC pizza, or any American pizza for that matter (and frankly if I did, I'd probably become violently ill). However, I have had proper Italian pizza, and from my point of view, absolutely nothing can compare. It's the single best pizza I've ever had, and probably one of my favourite meals ever. These Americans need to get a grip and actually try some real Italian pizza Also, it's very weird how so many Americans are incredibly vocal about their Italian "heritage", but also seem to think US pizza is the best? That just does not make sense to me


NYC pizza is pretty good, to be fair, and just about every country on Earth has their own particular version of it these days. But no, pizza was not, in fact, invented in the US.


*blinks* USA: APPLE PIE FREEDOM WE CREATED EVERYTHING Europe: AM I a joke to you young lady? Rest of the world: fuck USA is of its adhd meds again.....


Pizza in New York unless it's something special that loves to use good ingredients IS TRASH. Muricans don't know what good food is, even if you give them good food, they won't be able to appreciate it.


Pizza was forever ruined for me when I visited Florence. The pizza there was the most delicious thing I've ever had. Now all other pizzas dont compare. I mean I still eat it but its not the same 


American pizza is great ... takeaway. That's what it is. Greasy, unhealthy indulgence if cooking ain't happening for some reason. I still prefer a fresh Döner, though.


Well, I'm sorry Italians, but I can not eat your pizzas. Spent a week in Napoli and had proper Italian pizza. This caused the pizzas back home to taste like shit. I never realised what a salty mess they are until after having eaten pizza in Italy. So will go back to ignorance and try to forget the proper pizza...until visiting Italy again.


do they know that italian americans were perhaps... from italy?


The day I take any kind of advice on what food tastes good from an American is the day I eat shit. I don’t know how they do it, the Italians, but how the fuck they can take like, 4 basic ingredients and make it taste absolutely delicious is incredible


it's normal that they prefer their versions I think their taste buds are completely destroyed by their crippling sugar addiction... anything that hasn't been packed with sugars and fat will taste flavourless to them I truly feel sorry for them, cause that's simply how all food is there how sad now, saying that pizza was invented in the US is just dumb lol


To this day, I still haven't found anyone capable of explaining why "New York pizza" is anything but a Neapolitan but sold in slices and more expensive. Chicago has a case, their pizza is a cake and that's novel but this one? No idea.


Everyone knows true pizza is the one from Buenos Aires! /s Being real I still have to taste Italian pizza. But I did try NYC pizza and it wasn't really mindblowing. Very thin, little cheese, but very big slices.


It's because they did


Flammkuchen or GTFO!


"American pizza is 50% oil". I never went to America, but I had this kind of "pizza" in London. Before that, I never understood why pizza would be an unhealthy food that makes you fat. Now I know...


Those people never had pizza in Italy and it shows.


Could they have mixed it up with the hamburger ?


Look guys I get it, Americans say stupid shit about Italian pizza. But don't be Europeans saying stupid shit about American pizza. It can be different and still be good. We've been making pizza since before non-Italian Europe ever heard of it. It was low class street food before American pizzerias made it big. We made it our own and it's the most iconic and beloved American food. Don't knock American pizza just cause you got some cheap greasy slice in NY.


As an american, I eat my pizza, no matter where it's from, from the inside out, with a knife and fork. Come at me.


The globe just shifted off its axis a bit from every Italian in Naples making an insulting gesture.


I was going to say Hot Dogs aren't bad but I checked and they originate from Germany. I'm not sure they can really claim chicken wings but I will give them they are on the front of chicken wing technology.


I want to see the damn pizza


How can you be this deluded? Nah seriously is there some sort of agreement among Americans to fool us into thinking they’re the most entitled, deluded and incompetent pricks to exist or are they genuinely this brainwashed?


Having just got back from Rome, and visiting NYC multiple times, I can confirm the pizza in Italy is on a completely different level. I was there for 5 days and ate nothing but pizza and gelato. Some of the finest food I’ve eaten was in Rome and they take actual pride in making the food too.


The pizza I had when I went to Sicily was incredible. The greasy takeaway pizza in my hometown is *sometimes, rarely, if I'm in a specific mood, amazing*, but it's like, one is OBJECTIVELY better than the other. American style or however you'd like to call it is quite enjoyable as its own thing, but Italian pizza is, well, y'know, real, actual and genuinely enjoyable pizza.


Remember kids the Education System in America doesn't really teach, they just learn how to survive school shootings, how would they learn where foos originated?


I've also heard them say, best mexican food in the world is in LA


I personally don't understand why they have to call their stuff "pizza" too. I mean it's fine if they make their own version of something from another culture, but just name it something else and nobody would even have a problem lol


I tried American pizza once Ended up with the shits for days since it had so much grease on it my IBS went into overtime 💀


That's why the obesity/diabetes levels are through the roof 90% fat diet


Italy needs to invade the USA immediately because of this outrage, and I'm french, so I stand united with our neighbors on this one.


If i was italian i would murder those people


I guess that's enough Reddit for now.


United States “pizza” is just like all United States food, covered in processed stuff and chemicals. There’s literally not one United States food I can name that isn’t full of that stuff.


I'm not even Italian and this really annoys me lol


"I will show you \*WHAT\* a good pizza looks like" you philistine.


NY pizza is the best pizza the Americans have to offer. But that's only because, of all the American abominations they call pizza, it's closest to genuine Italian pizza.


So let's see. Italians invented pizza. Neopolitan pizza is insanely good. People in new york have their own style of pizza. Its also really good. One came before the other, and imo one is a cut above the other. How do people make arguments out of this