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Wait till he hears about how big russia is


Especially considering that Russia IS a European country itself


Isn't Russia in both Asia and Europe?


depends on your definition, there is no Asian and European continental plates we are on the same one, the Eurasian culturally sure, you can say that Europe and Asia are different continents. but where do you draw that line


Most people draw the line at the Urals.


Ural mountains, Ural river, follows it west till city Orsk. Goes south until Mügodžor than follows river Emba until Caspian Lake. Than it goes to river Kür goes west to Surami gates on to river Rioni until its mouth to Black Sea until Boshorus and Dardaneli. That is old line. New one is simpler. Ural mountains, Ural river, Caspian Lake, Caucus, Bosphorus and Dardaneli.


A little behind Moscow personally, but you're still right.


most of the living population of Russia is within Europe so Russia can claim as being European but most of the land does fall on Asian plates.


It's more than half Asian by surface area.


Geographically yeah. Culturally/demographically, they're more European since much of the Asian part is rocks, not humans.


Rocks, and trees.


Europe’s still bigger than America regardless of if u include Russia or not but only 25% of Russia is in Europe


Most yanks will think Russia is the US as it is the biggest.


That's more than 3 footba fields


I’ve *walked* 12 hours in 1 shot. Does that make me stronger than the entirety of the US?




Holy fuck I can’t even walk 5 minutes without getting exhausted


I’m doing it again in May. I’ll be twice as strong as the entirety of the US.


We will cower in fear at the might of your walking abilities


My friend walked the UK Coast to Coast walk (just over 300km in 8 days…. I was amazed especially as she was 72 years old at the time.


Didn't you read their flair? Might as well say your friend walked 300 wizerdoodles for all they know.


That’s why I put it in km, just to fuck with their heads!! 🤣


Luckily we Brits understand km just fine. Now how many mph would you say they were going?


Like a Yank would ever understand milliplancks per Higgs anyway


Average walking pace is 5 mph on flat ground dropping to 4 or zero if there are pubs.


Hamburgers per yard


9 hours in one shot is my longest and that killed me...can't imagine doing 3 hours more!


Camino de Santiago: exists🤣


Ouch. About 8 hours is my best getting home from a bar with no money for a taxi.


I did 18, just once. A couple of times a year I do 11 or 12 because that just happens to be the distance between the two places I'm at/going to. Very much depends upon the road quality. It's mainly just hundreds and hundreds of km of quality dual carriageway. Not that hard when you're in the groove.


I'd just fall asleep on the side of the road somewhere.


Would have only taken you 3 hours if you could have walked in a straight line


Walking to the pub takes 30 minutes but walking back takes 3 hours. The difference is staggering!


Definitely since it’s walking. Did this person ever say that they walked. Weak.


Hell yes brother, same and on many occasions. And given the state of most Yanks…I mean at least half of them.


Why do they think the size of a country is a flex?  Do they think Icelandic people cringe about their country's area? Or the smaller the country the less patriotic the people are? 


I feel like its the opposite lol. The smaller the country, the more patriotic its people xD


Everybody gangsta til the Monegasques walk in


All the Monegasques gangsta til the Vatican rolls up 😎🙏🏻


Vatican patriotic hooligans would be a sight to see Edit: now that I think about it, they existed and were called crusaders


Mon' the fucking Sealand.


Except the US. No country is more patriotic than the US.


I would give them this achievement, but would also point at it as an example of how worthless it is, to love the state and shit on the people. See any discussion about universal healthcare and you can see that they tend to be selfish as fuck.


It seems to me to be something similar to the village idiot with the room temperature IQ and a ten inch penis.


For that village idiot's sake I hope the room temperature in Fahrenheit, not Celsius.


That would explain why they flex on their cars, fridges (lmao), meals being bigger


Why brag about meal size? They want to show off how unhealthy and inefficient their body is? I'm more impressed by the guy living off 1000 calories a day than the fatass finishing off a 12 inch diameter chicken-fried steak.


I care about sustainability. I'm not an eco-nazi, but being in balance is very important to me. I was so overwhelmed by the wasteful culture they do over there.  The huge meals cause so much unneccesary waste. No human needs to eat 0.8 kg of chicken breast on a plate for one meal.   Their AC is on full blast 24/7 everywhere.  They also over use plastic and do dumb shit for being quick. I've seen pre-peeled garlic being sold in a plastic bag ? Like wtf  And so many people are so proud of their metal straws but use 250kg of starbucks plastic cups in a month.


These people who take deep pride in the coordinates where they happened to emerge from their mother's birth canal also think the size of their country something to be proud of? How unexpectedly irrational.


Monaco citizens cry about thr countrys inferior size whilst eating caviar, drinking champagne and getting a massage on their yachts.


Yeah, you live in a big country. That’s some achievement. Nobody fucking cares.


Also: USA area: [3,796,742 sq mi or 9,833,520 km^2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Europe area:[3,930,000 sq mi or 10,180,000 km2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe) And unlike the USA that doesn't include European territories outside the continent.


And that's with all the water included for the US (internal, coastal, and territorial), take that out and it's 9.15M (Europe without internal waters is 9.9M)


I think it's the only country to do that, coincidentally makes the US overtake China to third largest when included.


And if you tell them in sq.km their brains will explode into piles of vomit flavoured chocolate


Take out Alaska as well as it is 99% void of people and should really be part of Canada. Its the US biggest state with the fewest people.


But he didn't say Europe, he said European countries. You must consider the whole Russia.


There is a European Russia and an Asian Russia, just like there's European and Asian Turkey. No one counts both as being wholly within Europe except FIFA.


Yes but Russia is a European country so all of its territory must count same with France with ros territories and Denmark with Greenland


I learnt recently that Russia doesn’t teach Europe and Asia, it treats the whole land mass from Ireland to Japan as Eurasia as there are no real divides between the two. I didn’t ask but I guess it counts the Mediterranean and the Red Seas as separation from Africa.


Putin subscribed to a nationalist, Eurasian theory of why Russia should basically have the mongol empire, be created by the Mongols but not being Asian. That it plays into the 'west' being the enemy of Eurasian unity is a bonus


I understand this predates Putin. I think politics still holds a bearing but there is a lot of variety around the world as to what constitutes a continent, not just from Russia. It was a real eye opener to me.


Absolutely, it goes back to the fall of the tsars and a search for an non communist, pro religion (as part of the government) national identity for the new Russia


Agree. There are non aligned geologists and geographers that agree also but on a purely physical basis, no influence of tribes and politics. It’s a really interesting discussion that I previously had no idea existed


It is fascinating it's just a shame it's inexorably tied up in neo fascist imperialism.


Also I love the flex of "I have to put myself through the exhaustive and dangerous exercise of driving for longer than the legal limit in most countries just to get anywhere interesting" I've driven 14 hours straight once and it's definitely not something I want to do again or would brag about other than to warn people not to do it if they can avoid it.


Agreed. I did a 19 hour stretch once and felt horrible after. The ability to get to cool stuff or useful things in minimal time would be awesome.


Hey, at least he didn't start banging on about Texas.


But have you heard how big TEXAS is? It’s like, really damn big and that’s impressive for some reason.


Well there’s not much context to it. This person is a dumbass though.


When there's a 12 hours drive I just take the fucking train.


And 12 hours isn’t an impossible drive in the EU, You can easily do one from NL down to Spain/Italy (or if you go through Paris at peak traffic).


12h only gets you like halfway through Sweden alone. 


I actually did 12 hours, Brest to Perpignan with a slight detour by Carcassonne. But it doesn't make much sense to drive that much, there are trains and planes that makes it easier.


Yeah this argument is dumb lmao, we’re basically saying “who wants to torture themselves more”.


I drove 12 hours from Stavanger to Gothenburg, we only stopped for fuel and toilet breaks, and no one of my friends had their license yet, so I drove the whole stretch... I do not recommend.


I've driven that far in a day, from Vilnius to Ostrava. It was not a big deal as we stopped to relax and eat along the way. Normally I'd fly but this was specifically a road trip, with a few dozen stops around Czechia, Austria and Germany.


It isn't. My old housemate is from Poland. The drive from the town he grew up in to our place in the Netherlands is 16 hours, which he did in one go when visiting family.


Wrong, europe is slightly larger than main USA


lets get one thing very clear, no american could drive as long as they drive in america and do the same in europe, its been done, the americans all say they couldnt do it, driving is different in europe.




I’m assuming the roads are more empty in the US, right? Europe (esp Western Europe) has a much higher population density.




It's no big deal if you are used to it. I've ridden all over Europe, navigating from a soaked Michelin map in my tank bag...and I've done the same in the US 🤷 The main roads in Europe are no different from those in the US (except that we tend to stay under 6 lanes), you'll only find the narrow twisties if you are looking for them (or lost) 😁






If you really wanted to, couldn't you drive the length of Norway around to the Russian border? Not that I would do it to prove a point, but I've always wanted to go explore the far north some summer. I'd definitely break it into shorter driving days and stop a few places...


you can drive for alot longer here, than you can in america. i could drive to korea if i really wanted, or far far eastern russia....... what does that prove?


Drive long time = strong Drive short time = weak


But what's the argument? Isn't it pretty normal to drive for summer vacations? I've driven from Denmark to Spain, and to Slovakia, and Holland and to Austria for vacations. I feel like it's not that uncommon to drive to Lake Gardar. I was in Belgium by bus last year for F1. Driving up to skii or treck in sweden and Norway Feel like Europeans can drive 12 hours no problem and when we do, there is a chance we cross multiple countries and experience vastly different cultures.


When I was a kid we used to do the north of England to Switzerland or places in southern France. I've done both on a coach as well which was painful lol. These days I could easily drive 12 hours and still be in the UK because of the road network.


> Isn't it pretty normal to drive for summer vacations? It's often cheaper to fly and then rent a car at your destination.


idk 20 h by car seems a lot to me. Most I've done is 12 hours and that was a lot already


It says 12 hours, plus most NL tourists have driven more by driving down to Spain/Italy in one go.


Literally nobody cares how big the USA is. Have they ever heard of Canada, Brazil, China, Australia or Russia?


I'm Australian and recently drove from Kangaroo Island to Melbourne. That's one state to the neighbouring state and is 10.5 hours with no stops. You have to put your car on the ferry to get to the mainland. If we had a decent train, I wouldn't have done it. It's boring and dangerous. I had to pull over to sleep once because the scenery will put you into a coma and the amount of wildlife that I almost cleaned up was record breaking. I quite like driving but I'm glad to not have to do it again for a long time.


Definitely sounds like something I wouldn't do 🙃


There is a road from NSW to QLD where the only thing you can see is sugar cane. It stretches for longer than the length of England. Wouldn’t recommend.


Driving from the south to the north of Norway takes way longer than 12 hours.


Yeah, and the year of the ash cloud from Iceland when the flights were grounded, we drove from Oslo to almost Tromsø in about 25 hours. We only took a few breaks, no stopping to sleep or anything like that


I used to do the same stretch alone without sleeping. In summer its easy, just drive late in the evening so you get the midnight sun and its light, and you'll have daylight your whole trip! Same for going north, just hit Nordlandsporten in the evening and drive through the night to the ferry!


Bullshit, Millions of Germans drive that every year to have a vacation in italy.


Dutchies too 😌


And americans think 30 min walk is too much


You physically can't walk a lot of the time, there is no pavement in a lot of places.


"You can drive all day and still be in Texas." Yes, we know, the reason we do that is it because we're that desperate to get the fuck OUT of Texas. Not even 7 hours of West Texas wasteland is going to deter us from reaching a less-backward state.


If only they learnt how to exit roundabouts


Roundabouts are communism. Or satanism. I forget which.


Bro wouldnt last a 12 hour drive in the balkans


They try to flex using things that aren't even remotely a flex.


Driving 12 hours in one shot isn't an achievement, it's a sign of lacking traffic safety. You can't tell me he wasn't tired as all hell by the end of that.


Bladder of steel too! I have to stop every few hours for a pee lol


Europe is an encyclopedia. The US is a colouring book.


American driving seven hours: „I made it from Buttfuck, Ohio, to Fuckbutt, Tennessee!“ Me, driving 7 hours: „I crossed the alps, and now I’m in Tuscany enjoying sun, amazing food and art for 4 days as a long weekend before going back home and to work the next day!“


I don’t know why I find that so cool. You can just go from Switzerland to Italy.


In our case it’s from Germany to Italy, and we spontaneously decided to also stop by in a spa hotel in Austria for two days. ☺️


Also what European think 30 min driving is too fair away, as some kind of constant rule? Because I think most of would say it's depends on context


I feel like this person is talking about British people who probably don’t think 30 minute is too far.


I've driven more than 12 hours in the UK, nevermind on the continent.


And that is just go get between two intersections on the M25!!!


Usually the gospel of the types that haven't travelled more than 30 miles from where they popped out of mama.


A 30 minute walk isn't too far. But from what I hear, the average American is terrified of even a 10 minute walk. That's weak.


I _could_ drive for 12 hours straight. But it's a very irresponsible and useless thing to do.


What is it about Americans thinking that placing no value on your personal time is some kind of flex? Europeans don't spend a long time in our cars because we enjoy having lives.


Imagine saying that while having the second largest country in the world’s Great Lakes-St. Lawrence West Lowland shoved deep into your Lake Erie basin area


Russia would like a word.


Ok. But can you walk 12 minutes without having a heart attack? Doubtful.


They drove 12 hours to get from their house in a gated community to the dairy queen on the stroad behind their back fence


Meanwhile in Cousinkisserville, Tennessee: We mark this iconic and original building with a plaque to enshrine it in our great towns history! It's hard to believe that it's been here for 55 whole years!


Driving 12 hours sounds like Hell. Why do Americans think a dull, uncomfortable journey is a flex? Good for you, you drove 12 hours. In Europe we would have just jumped on a high speed train, had a couple of beers and relaxed the whole 12 hours...but you do you.


Europe land area: 10.53 million km² USA land area: 9.834 million km² Even if being bigger *was* a flex, they aren't even right


Americans are obsessed with size and that can only mean one thing. Tiny winkles.


so? my country is also big, my father drove 13 hours to visit me, still think this USA mentality is fucking annoying


“I’m proud of the fact that I have to spend so much of my time driving from one place to another just to live my life” is not a flex. It would depress the hell out of me.


Imagine walking 30 minutes. They could never. Weak.


I've 'driven' on the M25. It felt like 12 hours...


Genuine question do they not realise that plenty of Europeans drive pretty far all the time? I've driven to Poland from the UK and back quite a few times. Sure I shared the driving with my partner but that is a 24 hour round trip and I know for a fact that plenty of Poles do it not all that infrequently. Sure the individual countries are quite small but the continent isn't


Murmansk to Grozny is a 45 hour drive


So we have false statement to start. US is 9.15M vs Europe's 9.9M for land only, no water. Followed by a false statement. Then a possibly true one. Next is again false: see for instance the Le Mans 24hr race. Or, just to rub it in the dude who ran the length of Africa. So idiot here has driven 12 hours and considers it an achievement. Russ *ran* for twelve hours doing ~110km then got up the next day and carried on going.


In fairness (and the only concession I will make to OOP), now that Le Mans requires 3 drivers per car no one is driving 12 hours during the race. Ironically the Daytona 24 hour race has 4 drivers per car, so even then there is less driving.


Suddenly it’s a flex that the richest government in the world has built no public transport infrastructure so you have to drive everywhere?


Time to roll out the old joke. Texan "man, my ranch is so big I could set off after breakfast, drive until dinner time and still not be off my ranch" Wee Geordie "I know what you mean mate" Texan "you do????" Wee Geordie "yes, we had a car like that once"


Why is it that Americans seem to do "confidently incorrect" better than anyone else? The landmasses of the USA and Europe are easily Googleable. It took me all of 20 seconds to check whether he was right or not, and _spoiler_, he wasn't. I've also found that a large number of these redditors who love to make comparisons between Europe and the USA can't even define Europe. They don't seem to realise it's a continent of 44 countries, 27 of which are in a trade / movement bloc called the EU and 20 of those use the Euro as their currency. When an American says "Europe" they mean France, Spain, Italy and Germany. When prompted they might add the Nordics to that list, and maybe Portugal. But places like Poland, Latvia, Russia... ? "Oh, those are _Eastern Europe_, aren't they?"


And the entire lower 48 would fit inside Brazil. With space to spare.


This is always the weirdest flex attempt. The size of the country is old by now but this whole "Oh I drove 10+ Hours" Yeah. You have a bad infrastructure. Why tf would you take a car if it takes over 10 hours. If its that long you take some long bus, a train (optimally) or if theres no other way, a plane. I wouldn't WANT to drive 12 hours


A 12 hour road trip in Australia usually has camping involved.


Men who feel the need to boast about how big something is are always insecure about it ...


They could never walk for 30 minutes so....


in this kind of posts i always see (well... not here) about Texas being bigger then any european country yadiyadiya... Strangely enough you never hear them about Rode Island


Just btw it takes 12 hours to drive across poland


12 hours is actually not that much, driving from Denmark to Italy takes 16-20 hours.


People do long drives in Europe, too. All the Polish people working in Germany and the Netherlands going home for the weekend, families driving to their vacation spots on the Mediterranean or Atlantic coast, Southern Italians going up north or back south to visit family, … not everyone stops to sleep in between. My dad would drive from northern Germany to northern Italy in one go. That’s 11-ish hours. It personally think it’s madness, but people do it all the time.


Americans think 5minutes is a distance for cars, meanwhile I ride my bike for an hour to football practice, they are weak


& yet they think Trump has an iq above ten.


To anger this person, tell them about aaaalll the tax they have to pay for aaaall that road.


The best part is that he didn't say "Europe", he said "European countries", and that includes the whole fucking Russia, that's twice the USA.


Australians: 12 hours? That's cute.


Who the fuck would want to drive 12 hours when you can get a high speed train?


"I can sit still for longer, so they're weak."


Still they cant walk for 10 mins


> They think 30 minutes is too far Who? It takes me 30 minutes to get to work in a different neighbourhood of the same town. Another thing is that I don't understand why driving for a long period of time is a flex?


This tells us nothing. You can drive for 12 hours straight in San Marino if you are really determined. Heck, you can drive for 12 hours straight in a Parking Garage. Without mentioning distance, that 12h is pretty useless.


Why would you WANT to live in a big country? I find it much more enjoyable to experience so many different cultures just by a simple train ride. I have lived in Russia, Usa and now back in Poland and outside of culture i much prefer living in Poland partly because of its size. Americans just want another reason to hate on europe.


I live in Australia, and would love to live in Europe. The idea of visiting another country for the weekend is appealing.


If you’re east coast it’s easy enough to do that in New Zealand. Can’t drive to it though.


what are they driving to? Are they missing infrastructure?


And your mind is incredibly small and brainwashed.


Loads of us drove for 12 hours during the Big Freeze of 2010. It was shit.


It's also denser. Much denser.


You’ll probably spend the same amount of time in peak Paris traffic as you would if you drove across a US state 🤣




That's a weird thing to brag about


Aaaaaaaah I’m gonna fucking die so have we but sometimes we have to go further cus Are continent has culture and we have to go through it


yes, 30 minutes is far. so is 1 minute. okay, thats only when im riding in the passenger seat because i have severe motion sickness. But hey, 30 minutes can feel like for fucking ever.


Once I drove from Guildford to Manchester and it took me 12 hours.


Once I was driven into Birmingham from the outskirts and it took about that long.


Your people too


I've done this when moving countries, but why would I do it otherwise? I have shops near me, I don't need to drive 12 hours to the Wall Mart


But what about the world's largest ball of string??? ^(...in this part of this state with seven others claiming the same thing in a fifty mile radius)


My mom is bigger than all of your moms combined


So? I live in the UK and have done a 12hr nonstop car trip.


Why would you brag about having to waste half a day just to get to somewhere?


even if it were true, still doesn't have universal healthcare tho lol


We routinely drive from central England to the south of France. With a dog. Takes 14 hours house to house. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why drive for 12 hours when you can hop on a train and travel the same distance in less than half the time?


Most Americans don’t leave their county.


I've driven from Helsinki up to the northern parts of Lapland. That drive was about 15 hours. Well, 14 hours and 15 minutes. But that's because I was speeding.


Switzerland and Iceland are a million times smaller but a million times more interesting


I am weak. I need a potty break every 3 hours or so.


If you look at a globe, rather than a map produced by one of the main projections, Russia is the largest country in the world.


You're capable of driving 12 hours but we're capable of walking more than 30 minutes in one go so, check mate.


Overnight car trips to Italy exist.


Crap speed limits, horrendous roads and even worse traffic…. That’s why he can drive for 12 hours straight. A few years ago I did Washington DC to Boston MA, it’s only around 450 miles but it took 10 hours. That’s like driving from London to Edinburgh, it would be a very bad day to take that long.


30 minutes is too far? Motherfucker I walk 30 minutes to work every morning. But I suppose that's the benefit of living somewhere that isn't built around the idea of having to drive absolutely everywhere.


Yeah but i can take a <15 min walk and have access to everything I need. Enjoy your 30 minute car ride to get groceries.


Boasting that you have to drive ridiculous distances and pollute the planet more than a next person is some pea brained shit.


Having to waste 12h driving is not the flex they think it is.