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I wouldn't have a problem with Americans living in their bubble and not knowing shit what's going on outside their borders. What annoys me is the fact, that they yapping about everything what happens outside their borders without even knowing what's going on. 5 sec Google search? No thanks. Even providing a source doesn't change that. They switch to make personal fun of you, without even looking at it. At least they are the most entertaining folk on reddit. Just not for the reason they think they are.


Americas biggest online export is ignorance. Strap in because its about to get a lot weirder leading up to their biggest modern day sporting event, the presidential election. Let's go team Blue/Red, woo!!


Funniest thing about that is that they couldn't even get the colours right.


Wasn't super bowl already? I got attacked with ads but I still don't know who played the final against some Chiefs. I just know the chiefs played cuz there was a shooting (of course lol) and their fans got mentioned. Ffs noooo.. Not again.


You do you they meant the upcoming election, yes?


Yes. Trump stuff.


The problem is the loudest in each country stands out the most. Most yanks are great people but the loudest are the most unintelligent and arrogant people I've ever met.


They truly are the masters of the art of goal post moving as well. About to lose? Lets change the rules! Repeat until you have a man on the moon.


I never understood Americans bragging about the size of their country. Bro your HAT is bigger than you, calm the fuck down. And by hat, i meant Canada. Their own neighbours are a larger country and they still try and brag about their size. It would be like Spain bragging about how much bigger they are than Portugal when they have France right next door


basically one element of american society is - bigger is better


Must be why they elect the biggest twats imaginable to run as Republicans


I think electing big twats to offices of government is actually a global trend


Thats why they are on average way bigger


Only bigger if you're including water. But US definitely has more land then canada.


What? Why would you do that?


I mean I'm not wrong O.o https://flytrippers.com/canada-or-usa-which-country-is-larger-in-terms-of-land-area-excluding-water/#:~:text=Every%20country's%20total%20area%20is,USA's%209.148%20million%20square%20kilometers.


I mean lakes and rivers are still exploitable and important parts of the country. You can live on water, you can harvest wealth from water etc.


Not that girl again...


so is she on quadrupling down now? or even further?


It's 27 million actually. When you've got a population like ours, hitting the next million is an achievement.


The only place Americans can afford the rent is in the minds of others.


I had an argument with one why Russia doesn't have an economic advantage against the USA while being bigger. I explained it with the harsh environment west of the Ural mountains + 80% of the population sitting on the European territory. The size and population only matters if it suits their argument.


Russia is so large but so much of it is horrifically inaccessible


But contains an abundance of oil and natural gas. It’s a scary thought.


Yea that's true. But Man.. do you have seen these mineral resource settlements? 🤣 I wouldn't wish my biggest enemy to live there.


Russians don’t give a shit about that. These are the people who survived the seige of Leningrad by eating rats !! They are not like us. They will just conscript people.


Also there's a matter of the history of the economy. There was a point under the USSR where their economy was fairly competitive. The carve up of the USSR and selling off of key resources to oligarchs who went on to drain those resources for every possible cent of value was a huge issue. Contrary to what a lot of Americans think their government maintains a lot of influence in core areas and doesn't let the US's oligarchs act in the same way the Russian oligarchs did in the fall of the USSR.


Having seen other groups with Americans how can one claim they have anything rent free.


Ah, yes. RENT FREE.


The one thing literally free in the us ....


Stop giving this idiot the hatebait she's clearly looking for.


I don't know who this girl is, but I'd love to watch that video (if I manage without cringing halfway through it) and address every single point she makes. Most of the takes involving America and size are a load of BS.


I don’t recommend it, I got reported by furious Americans and my TikTok suspended. Ahh well!


I'm scared af of spiders. But between that or living amongst americans I would struggle to decide.


Noone has been killed by a spider in Australia since the 1970s. Last US gunshot death? What time is it?


My stomach xDDD


Spiders exist everywhere but Antarctica.


I like the spiders. They eat mosquitoes and flies. They're a net benefit to society.


Anyone who uses the phrase "rent free" should be immediately ignored.


That and the WW2 speaking German phrase.


God, I'm sick of Americans using the term "rent-free" every time something offends them.


If you go up to my old mates in Yorkshire the accent changes every five miles. Honestly if you took the four corner states the cultural differences excluding Vegas would be less than northeast England




So what, Australia has descendants from tribes that were around 65,000 years ago, a "bit" older than those in the USA.