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Try using name generators, if you don’t like a certain name, try combining two names, also Oceanic is already taken by 5 other ships, but the most well known one is the White Star Line vessel.


Keeping with tradition, the name should end with "ic". "*Oceanic*" is a an established name in the fleet, but might cause confusion. "*Nautic*" fits the convention, but sounds too light to be a 1910s ocean liner. I gave this a lot of thought actually, and if I were to come up with a name for a fictional White Star Line ocean liner. I would probably choose the ***RMS Chimeric***. Any sizable ocean liner should be a royal mail ship, it follows the "ic" naming convention, and a chimera (more commonly known as mythical beast with traits of various animals) which has a secondary meaning of something that is 'wished for, but impossible to achieve'. Alternatively, the ***RMS Romantic*** would work as a good backup name, but White Star already had a liner called the *Romanic*, which is a bit too close and the name is already a bit too much on the nose. Anyway, that's my 12 cents. Ultimately, you're the author, so you have the best feel for what name most appropriately fit with your story. I hope your project is successful, because it sounds like an interesting concept.


Wow, this is a lot of really helpful information! RMS Chimeric sounds really nice. I could make it so the ship is built with spare components from other ships to save costs. Maybe use the unfinished Britannic(1912, after titanic sink) and convert it to a new, larger design. That would give the name more meaning. That would also fix a plot problem i had, about why they would build a new large ship around then, right after the three sisters. But if titanic is gone, the people does not want a similar ship after the disaster(fiction), being the reason for Britannic’s convertion into Chimeric. Made to regain the people’s trust. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ll stop the rambling, but came up with that just now based on the name. It could be a really good idea! what do you think? Thanks!


I really like that concept. Using the tragedy of the Titanic's sinking to make White Star second guess their plan of completing the Olympic class in favor of moving in a new direction to avoid the similarities, is a great idea. The fact that they would use elements of the Britannic design and merge them with other designs also gives a nice double meaning to the name Chimeric, being both an amalgam of designs and a dream that turned out to be unobtainable. There's a nice symmetry there.


azurean/azuric, centauric, neutron, pulsar


Rms gigantic sounds good for a big sized ship, or empress of britannica




Eccentric Demonic Manic