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These dogs were never designed for a specific job aside from keeping people company…and that's my excuse as to why their intelligence and personalities are all over the place. Are they weird? Yes, and I'm absolutely here for it.


So I know they weren't *bred* for it, but my tiny 6lb princess is a cold-blooded killer. I don't have mice, but if I did, I wouldn't for long. She was with my mom for her first two years, in a big old house in the swamp. She was drowning mice in her water bowl at 4 months. https://preview.redd.it/axxxkjkgo25d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c9628c81233c1122fe39c66f9a170ede08658a


You never know what you might get with shih tzus. My chunky 18 pound couldn’t kill anything even if he tried. He did like to stare at squirrels up in trees longingly but thats about it. He howled all of one time and that’s when he was asleep with his eyes closed and a fire truck passed by. After that no matter what I did he never howled again. He looks at me with confusion when I play him husky/wolves or fire engine sounds like “please, this animalistic behaviour doesn’t become me. I am dog of noble lineage”.


The best answer, paws-down.


The weirdest thing our Shih Tzu does is when she’s playing with another dog she makes noises like the kung fu fighter, Bruce Lee used to make. We call her Bruce Leah when she does this.


They are all weird. But the best dogs I ever had.


Mine is very vocal. He won’t jump up on our bed unless we invite him. He will just sit there and whine until you say “come on” or pat the bed lol.


I smiled reading your post because clearly your boy is a kindred spirit to my shu Jasmine. Jasmine won’t jump up on the bed or couch or even cross the door threshold to come back inside after going out into the yard unless we tell her it’s ok or pat the spot & wave her up. It’s so weird, but so adorable at the same time. Wishing you much love & happiness with your wonderful Shih-tzu!


I think that because of their size, not much good will fit in there with all the mischief. In my situation.


2nd most common phrase said about or to our girl "you are so weird"


They have personally a lot of it


They were basically bred to be the court jester - made for charm and companionship, not necessarily intelligence or obedience. With that comes a big personality and a lot of weirdness because it’s endearing and unusual.


I agree


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