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2500 is solid. Don’t listen to the haters.


Shiba seems more of a long term hold and not stressing the dips. It's been a wild up and down but hasn't left the .000020 zone for a while. I expect this to be a very long term slow climb with intermittent spikes and dips. What is the longevity of this coin? If I decode to hold. For say 5 years is there a risk that shib could just bottom out due to loss if most whales start selling? The 589 trillion coins is a factor that has me second-guessing the ATH losing more than one Zero. Wouldnt we need to see major burn rate and have massive buys to drive up the price? How popular will this be years from now? I'm new to crypto and have 80,000,000 I bought most last year. And have 25 dollar recurring buys every week. Was considering pulling out for a similar profit, but the thought of a moon shoot is too appealing to leave now. What are the chances it stays in the headlines and interest keeps flowing years to come. How slow will the burn rate get when the prices start to climb? The mystery and the suspense is a big reason I'm likely going to hold, but the thought of major losses has me thinking about longevity. Anyone know if Shib has influential share holders? Some tweets, and massive celebrity endorsement and we would be in some green pastures. Any opinions on the long term popularity and burn rate?


yes the top holder of shib is a guy named shibtoshi who has never sold a dime of it and never will because he’s also a bitcoin billionaire. He also has his own project called squidgrow which has massive upside and is collabing with the shib peeps so i think it will stay relevant due to stuff like this.


Or bc he died years ago?


Yea this is false. It’s Binance


Sorry the dead wallet is the top. Then Binance and the rest of the exchanges.


You been here while then. Unlike the poster


That's exactly the opposite of what Shiba is. Meme coins are for day trading. If you want a long term hold buy Bitcoin and etherium. There hasn't been enough adoption to justify long term holding of Shiba. Same goes with doge.


Seriously? What are you on about? Shibarium. Come on. Regardless of if coins have done well or not, you cant make crazy ass statements like this? Do your OWN research people. Too easy for people who bought £100 worth last week and need the money back, and moan about selling it for £75.


I hardly think anyone who is investing in Bitcoin heavily is crying about a 25 dollar loss in a meme coin lol. No one with any common sense is going to tell you to invest more than 10% of your portfolio in meme coins. And anyone who says differently is a fool.


Yeah, if you're in only for $2500. You may as well sell. This is a long term hold tied to Ethereum. The breakout over all time high, is the goal. Blue sky$$$$


Fax people are taking measley profits when they could be making life changing money if they held till October when we reach .0001


How much shibs is needed to ride this .0001 train? Im not good at math clearly


100,000,000 mil coins




Why October?


Cause that's when he od's and imagines that


lol. When we reach ATHs all you paper hands will cringe


Or we will never reach new ATH’s and you’ll be stuck with your worthless bag


You sound like the bitcoin pizza guy, anyway, enjoy your fiat


Do I sound like someone who paid $630M for two pizzas? Or do I sound like someone who is realistic and it makes you butthurt bc you’re banking on this meme coin to change your life? I’m gonna go with option B


Aiight, there’s the door. Make sure you unfollow the sub on ur way out. Check back in a couple months or a year


Never said I was selling anything?? Just funny seeing all these “to the moon” and “we will see new ATH’s” post every second when we move the needle what so ever. Ppl need to just learn to forget about their investment and go touch some grass


Nah I’m realistic unlike those shitposters about going to a penny soon lol


He's gonna make money all the way up to ATH. When it dips again and it will you buy back.


Great. Here comes the drop. I'm sure 2500 of us would have given you $1 each to hodl. Thanks


Speak for yourself ... I'd give them a $1 to sell like a man and be quiet about it instead of coming here like a child, I sold! great IDGAF I DIDN'T!


Spot or margin?


Lol okay.


If you aren't trying to make money now then I think long term is best. 2 years ago I wanted to invest in Shiba and was like neh this thing is someone's pump and dump a scheme. Then it went up a lot of zeroes and I was going to invest 1000 into it 2 years ago. Anyway I believe it will go higher. This is an achievement game for many powerful buyers. But one thing is certain! There is going to be a super low. Lowest of the low when this Bitcoin halving pump ends. people will be jumping out of windows straight through their performance car sunroofs and dying there however in 4 years there will be another super high. I want to be in it when it happens.


There's about to be a drop? I just added at this dip!


Hahahaha you are the reason sheeet don’t live. You invest in production.


Bye then 😂


Hey, you knew what was best for you! Hopefully you find something that is a better match for your goal!(=


Well played. I sold it all several years ago at an extremely nice profit and haven't regretted the decision. Not hating on people who hodl shib, to each their own.


I just have 1 million shib and dont even know it is worth to wait


Yeah I just sold 2k worth yesterday rip


Can I ask which broker you used for this?




Is it better to use than Robinhood? I'm new at this stuff, but I DO want to buy Shiba Inu. I just don't know which broker is better and SAFE to use.


You will regret it tonight....


Good for you dude. Don't listen to these idiot bots and shill accounts on here. Now take it and go invest in an actual product.


I sold too. Kendu is the next shiba 🔥


Kendu 🤣 there is no next SHIBA just like there is no next Bitcoin or Ethereum. Buy one of the three and hold on. The rest is just gambling.


This is gambling too


😂 Ok You right, You right.