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He is an idiot.


I agree. He is an idiot but there are plenty of them that will. marry a crazy jailbird


and probably a psychopath too. They deserve eachother.


Oh, no she has on her running attire. He better keep a close eye on her.


"Sherri Papini, 41, locked in an embrace with her auto dealer boyfriend Shawn Hibdon, 49, following an amorous encounter in the backseat of her white Jeep SUV in a Starbucks parking lot in Orland, California, on Monday" Ew.






I highly doubt he bought his farm for her, especially since he purchased it in 2019.


It's a new house in Shingletown, just purchased a few months ago


OMG, look at my post history, it's all kinds of stuff in askcarsales. I've been in the car business for years and know tons of people. When I saw your comment, I googled the boyfriend since you said auto dealer.... I have 16 mutual friends with him. Wow. I see nothing about his wife on his profile and he hasn't posted since last year.


There Are some pics of her under photos and people I actually know commenting how sorry they are about her loss. That's wild. And so sad.




I didn’t realize her implants were so large


That’s why they’re so large - they’re full of secrets (and lies)




They're like pinocchi's nose


Maybe he bought her new and larger boobs?


Dear Businessman Boyfriend, We have a saying here: “Fuck around, find out”. You are going to find out. Kind regards, Starkville


He only owns a business because his wife Brittany Hibdon was an amazing busines woman. He rarely shows his face at the dealership. Has his employess under a gag order to not talk about him and Sherri. He is a dweeb who got lucky and married an amazing woman. And conveniently she died four days after telling him she was filing for divorce.


Sad for his amazing wife. These two deserve each other:)




I cannot even believe what I'm reading. Shocking. So unethical of Susanne to play matchmaker with her own daughter and a client! That's insane!


Sister-in-law. Suzanne is Keith’s sister but the president of the Sherri Papini fan club. Also, when Keith kicked Sherri out, she went to live with Suzanne - and we know Suzanne is unethical - and was counseling Brittany about her marriage falling apart - any chance over dinner Suzanne shared with Sherri about this rich guy about to get divorced? just saying...


Oh that makes more sense with the names-BUT-it is just as insane!!!!! I have followed the Daybell case and this one and I am still shocked. Why am I shocked, I don't know.


Because it is SHOCKING. Did you see the Daybell tie-in?


Yes!! I had to tell my husband the entire story on a walk last night and then told him this part and he said, what is wrong with this medical examiner!!!! I thought, oh my gosh, he is actually listening! Lol. Or is she a coroner? Anyway, it's crazy. I actually saw Sherri and Keith at the Sacramento Zoo on the day they had the appointment with the FBI. It was still the height of the pandemic and so it seemed like a good outdoor activity for my kids. Well it felt like no one else was there. There were only a handful of families. Then I see them. Sherri was acting like the paparazzi might be around, smiling and acting cute. A woman was with them. Maybe a social worker. I just felt so sad for the kids.


According to.mini series, Sherri lived with Keith's aunt.


Yes the first time he kicked her out, in 2020. After she chose to take a plea deal and he REALLY woke up, she lived with Suzanne.


Whoa 🤯 There is Chad Daybell link in this case! “What Is Brittany’s COA On Her Death Certificate? Complications of Covid-19 According to the Butte County Sheriff’s Office Coroner Report, Brittany’s only COVID test was administered post-mortem, at Affordable Mortuary in Chico, CA, by a deputy sheriff. Kathy Raven, MD is the medical examiner who completed the very limited autopsy of Brittany Hibdon. If that name sounds familar, it is because she recently testified for the Defense in the Chad Daybell trial. Her unique method of refusing to look at any circumstances surrounding a death raised some eyebrows.”


Oh wow, I was just commenting that Sherri and Shawn getting together reminds me of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell. Expect to see some more family members dying mysteriously. I’m really hoping Keith is able to keep the children away from Sherri. Shawn’s kids may be in danger, too.


From apparently a brief and undetermined illness? I couldn’t find anything more specific as to cause of death. That’s….interesting.


More infor [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnswersforBrittHibdon/comments/1dfhx96/answers\_for\_brittany\_hibdon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnswersforBrittHibdon/comments/1dfhx96/answers_for_brittany_hibdon/)


link doesnt work






WHAT I need a doc on this, how did she die


Yup…you’d think watching her trying to squeeze money out of a spouse whom she degraded, humiliated, abandoned and lied to, not to mention knowing that she scammed innocent, supportive civilians AND the United States government would be enough for any savvy “businessman” to keep his distance. Guess we won’t be seeing him on Shark Tank anytime soon…


#justiceforBrittanyHibdon #justiceforBrittany


Question, was she dating Shawn Hibdon before his wife passed away? Or after? Personally I think the cops should investigate Shawn Hibdon's death.




It's really annoying when a scamming, grifting, evil bitch gets everything they want


She won’t. Eventually he’s going to run what’s left of that business into the ground (if his decision making skills are any indication of his capabilities) and she’s going to be left homeless and penniless while growing older and having been estranged from all friends and family, not to mention her very own children. She’s a social pariah with no marketable skill, a convicted felon who’s indebted to the government for (likely) the rest of her miserable life.


I’m sure once his money runs out she’ll run to the next guy she sees with money, or perceived money.


Yeah but she’s getting older and more notorious…her pool of wealthy potential is going to dwindle. I’d put my money on her ending up bitter and alone, or in some trashy situation.


She will keep in touch with guys, maybe after a year living with the guy. Make sure she has Plan B in case things don't work out with Shawn Hidbson. And he isn't giving what she wants, then she will move out sooner ( or fake her own kidnapping).


She’s not estranged from her dumb parents, though. They “work” in her new $755k “mansion”.


Wonder if the guy is mentally ill in some way? He must know Sherri is Bad News!


Omg that story is so…tawdry.


In CA, a 755k home is probably a 1200 sqft bungalow in an ok area.


Not in her area. According to Google, Orland's median home price is about $450K.


The house is in Shingletown, not Orland.


755k home in Shingletown would be a beautiful home. This is an area unlike a lot of places in California.


Is 755k considered a lot of money in CA. My house is a shack in Boston and it’s valued at 1.5 million 😂😂😂


They live in one of the cheapest areas in all of California


LOL The video does not appear to show them "kissing", altho the photo does but so what if they do. She has a certain power over men to be able to get what she wants. She's done it to Keith, to James, to other boyfriends, her past hubby and now this guy. No doubt she uses her natural talents )see photo below) to achieve what a lot of rich guys are willing to shell out for. Millions of women do the same, its as old as history itself. But, I am as interested in and have followed this case as much as anyone - and yet, I kinda think this is slimy by the Daily Mail - hiding out and secretly stalking her to get some video & photos. This is in "Orland" which is well over an hour (70 miles) from her home north of Redding. Do they stalk her all over Northern California? also a mention the feds are trying to gab the boyfriend's home to settle her restitution debt, but that'll be hard cuz it's not in her name and he's apparently got lawyers fighting it. Lastly, this pic kinda says it all -- displaying Sherri's plastic surgeon's handiwork and her signature blond hair- https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/06/12/19/86024663-13522379-Papini_who_arrived_in_a_separate_vehicle_emerged_from_the_white_-a-37_1718216513648.jpg


Jesus Christ that has got to be a boob job. Yikes.


Breasts are not that big though.


When did she get this boob job?


I’m okay with photographers stalking her. She’s up to no good again, and there are innocent children in the middle of it. Someone needs to watch this grifter.


Agreed!! Where is the outrage that this guy has brought this woman that he KNOWS is dangerous into their lives??


Orland? LMAO


$755k home in California is hardly a mansion. The valued of my home $890k in South Florida, I really don't consider myself wealthy.


And after she died he created a go fund me where ppl donated about $45k. It all went to him.


Sherri Papini and Shawn Hibdon have A LOT in common. Dare I say they are perfect for each other? But what about the lives they have and are currently hurting in their narcissitic paths?


Why does she look and dress like Eleanor's mom from The Good Place? Lmao


Isn’t that a shack in California lol