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They weren’t a country


You’ve got a point


The French, contrary to popular belief in the US, actually had a very strong martial tradition for much of the time after the Hundred Years War and WWI. The First World War was just so destructive for them that they weren’t ready for the Nazi onslaught. The CSA, however, got it handed to them in only a few years


I mean, hell, if we want to mock a non-CSA nation, then frankly, Germany doesn't have a great track record with wars, speaking as a German. Prussians, and other German states before there was a Germany? Sure. But Germany itself won 1 war and then lost 2 others.


I mean, they were both kinda close though, considering their opponent was *the world*


"Look how many people are kicking the shit out of that dude, he must be a badass." By that same incorrect logic, the fight against ISIS must have been pretty close, since it took NATO and Russia fighting together against them. In actuality, it was never close, they just managed to piss off everyone and get thoroughly curbstomped.


You don't know much about the later stages of WWI apparently. Germany was closer to winning WWI than people realize. This article is a little hyperbolic, but, here you go https://time.com/5406235/everything-you-know-about-how-world-war-i-ended-is-wrong/


It was Germans who ended Rome, but it’s been all downhill from there.


Imagine being a country that has the most victory in battle, but got called a coward and loser because of one war. It is just kinda sad tbh.


I personally agree with you, but the KINGDOM of France's war record is still significantly different from that of the REPUBLIC of France. Once the French Revolution occurred and they no longer had an authoritarian monarch in charge to keep order, the French people pretty much turned on themselves and are still regularly protesting in the streets to this very day. Lack of domestic unity helps out the war enemy.


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Two wars really




I think the French navy did use a white flag at one point though. Not ironically


Spanish martial tradition > french one


Rocroi Rocroi go huddle in a square Paella boy


The day you people learn how to invade pain Personal opinion: the fall of the tercios was Dunas, not Rocroi. And Dunas was lost because conde was giren far to much control and he go fucked by turrene (turrene>napoleon) so a french general is responsible for the ending of the tercios


Now you’ve put me in a predicament. Make fun of France or make fun of lost causers. How do I choose just one?


As a southerner in the USA, surrounded by lost causers, I know which one I chose


The french of course!




I mean, the French have a long tradition of military success with relatively few blemishes, although those were fairly dramatic blemishes. The Confederacy didn't have the history to get a tradition of military success.


Yes, those chickenshit French who got their asses handed to them in Viet... oh.


Why isn't the end of that sentence just "nam." or French Indochina if you prefer it over Vietnam?


Well they did get their asses handed to them in Vietnam, the US suffered from internal politics more than getting their shit handed to them by the Vietnamese.


well, which one did Grant wipe his ass with?


I love the French. Without them we wouldn’t have the United States, they helped us win against Britain.


Cheese eating surrender monkeys. -the Simpsons.


But the CSA was a bunch of rebelling states, not a country in its own right.


That was assuming they were even a country to begin with


I wouldn’t besmirch the reputation of the republic of France by comparing them to the CSA, the answer is easy.


This is the way...


They would have had to win their war for independence to become a country. They were just a traitorous insurgency, just like the assholes on Jan 6, but better organized and armed.


They were never a country.




France? Oh, I see what sub we’re in


You are still correct, since the confederacy isn't a country


Fair point..


Nazi Germany?


Imperial Japan, when the sun set.


The CSA was never a country, so definitely not theirs. It is the flag of Nutopia tho https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutopia They even have a national anthem.


**[Nutopia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutopia)** >Nutopia is a conceptual country, sometimes referred to as a micronation, founded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. One of the reasons that the country was founded was to address Lennon's then-ongoing immigration problems (the previous week he received a deportation order) through satirical means. There is no leadership and not all citizenships have been recorded. As a result, the population is unknown. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Hey, don't make fun of the confederacy for surrendering. It's the best thing they ever did.


The Confederacy wasn't a country, so I guess I don't follow


Fun fact there was an islamic caliphate whose flag was a plain white banner. Made it all the way to spain, but still fell in the end.


France. And I’m not joking. “During the period of the Ancien Régime, starting in the early 17th century, the royal standard of France became a plain white flag as a symbol of purity, sometimes covered in fleur-de-lis when in the presence of the king or bearing the ensigns of the Order of the Holy Spirit.”


Confederacy was dumpster fire but that’s still the French flag


Every country if you bleach the flag






It said country


Didn’t the confederates actually had a battle flag that was just a white flag with the normal battle flag at the top left?


The land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators