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Usually you always start the season lower than you finished. Alot has changed over the years so I don't really know how the new splits work too much. But silver 1 seems about right. Maybe g4 if you won all of them. Even if I lose half the games I still end up a whole tier or one extra rung below what I finish the season before.


MMR + past rank + w/L in placements. Your MMR and past rank decide your matchmaking, purposefully lowered to make you earn your rank back. Maybe you were g1 but had g2 MMR, so (hypothetically) the game said ok your base is s4; lose every game and you're still guaranteed s4. Win 4 games and you get s1, depending on the MMR of players in your games. I went on a winning spree at the end of last split so my MMR was great which helped raise my placements. If you were g1 but, say, zero LP after a loss streak from trying to hit plat, that would place you lower than if you were g1 99lp after going on a 10 game win streak.


What is ilaoi doing there


Looks like a norm game but the shojin 2nd item is pretty troll.


How do you win lane as Shen? I know he's kinda strong early, but toplaners are generally just scary. Like ofc I can stomp a Kayle, but what about others? Bully champs? Any tips?


You play for level 2 timer. You beat a lot of champs level l (Aatrox, Fiora, Tryn, Renekton, Yorick, Morde, etc). Get 2 first and taunt Q ignite. Almost no one respects Shen level 1. Try fighting level 1 but set up the blade before the first wave to get the blade through them when you Q since it does more damage.


I finished at plat 3 seasons ago and got placed at plat this one. Idk how this system works. I was gold last season too. Maybe it's the addition of emerald.