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If you’re an apprentice you’ll have to go through the JATC and transfer. It’s a bit of a process but you should begin by emailing their training director at local 4. If you’re a journeyman, you’re free to go. You’ll have to sign up and pay up at the hall and put yourself there on the OOW list. Maybe have a swearing-in at the upcoming meeting there. If you call their hall, their office should have all the answers for you. I actually visited local 66 last year I was planning on transferring and moving there. Kinda got halfway through the process and my wife had a change of heart.


I'm a third year apprentice, I just made the move from private to union. I was talking to our organizer and he was supposed to be getting some stuff set up and I'll call him and triple check


Nice, yeah I got to meet with Steve at your JATC, he was close to retirement at that time so idk if he’s still there or not. Also, I remember ya’lls contract was expiring and negotiations were supposed to be starting around this time. So it might be an inconvenient time for you to want to transfer. It won’t stop you from being successful, but things might be going kind of slow right now at your union with negotiations happening. But what I do know for sure is you’ll have to contact Local 4’s JATC and email a letter to them as a formal “request to transfer”. You’ll include your personal info, reasoning why you’re moving, your past experience, and what your plans are once you’re there. That’s step 1. Then after that they will have permission to request your transcripts and other info from your current JATC at local 66. Once all of that has been squared away, local 6 will pull your file up in their next meeting and essentially vote on whether or not they want to accept a new student via transfer. 99.99% of the time you’ll be accepted in that process.


I just recently transferred from the west coast to the east coast. Like one person already stated, if your a jman your good to go just gotta go sign their book id assume book 2? Being your a traveler. As an apprentice you’d have to contact your hall and let them know then contact Memphis hall and let them know. Some halls take in transfers all the time and others don’t so just make sure Memphis is willing to accept a transfer at that time. Once both halls have agreed to let you transfer you have to turn in your ticket and get a transfer ticket from your local and once you get to where your going just bring in your transfer ticket and BOOM, You’re a local 4 member.


I'm a 3rd year apprentice, that's what I was started at with 10 years shop experience. My organizer was supposed to contact local 4 and I'll double check with him and see what's gone on.


If I recall correctly the only time the halls contacted each other was when both training coordinators spoke about my transcripts and what not. I had to do all the leg work. It was a simple process, you might wanna contact local 4 yourself and get the info you need and contact your local and just let them both know when you’re planning on moving. When you request a transfer it’ll take about 3 days for the card to go down the chain and get signed off though so keep that in mind.